History Decoded: Sealed Cases, Pardoned Turkeys, and a Penny

It surprised me just how much this bizarre tradition hides.

Let’s start with the newest and quickest to explain.

11/24/2020 Corn bests Cobb: Trump pardons Corn Over Cobb at the Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning Ceremony.

So in this video note how there are Police Sirens playing from 45 seconds for a minute or so afterwards. Why is that relevant? Also note how he pronounces “Cobb” – the auto-generated subtitles even pick it up.

“Cop” “Just in case we needed him”

I’m sure it’s more than this now, just the quickest one i could find.

Meaning this is a comm about the movie that’s unfolding. That we have chosen popCORN, but we have COP if that doesn’t work out.

So if they play along with the movie things go fine, but if not…

I go into it in this post in depth – https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/23/100-days-countdown/ that the plan revolved around letting Biden get in. I decoded it from comms before the election even happened. We are still in the middle of the movie that leads to the great awakening.

Note Trump also talks about a Dark Winter, same as Biden has.

As Q said in his last big post It had to be this way – have to walk through the darkness.

One of the big parts of that 1776 decode is about educating people, and if Trump had won many things wouldn’t work. Not the least of which is waking people up after they’ve been handed a win.

But it’s much deeper than that, for one Trump talks about educating people about “the farm” in that speech – a word used for the CIA training ops – and he also talks about the stock market record numbers.

The economy may just crash soon https://gab.com/Symbols/posts/105806876750147588 https://gab.com/Symbols/posts/105806984278645188 so as to remove the USD as the world’s reserve currency (many reasons that needs to happen) Trump couldn’t be in office for that, all would abandon him. Biden is in, partly to absorb things like that šŸ˜‰

Trump also talks about the origins of the Thanksgiving Pardon ceremony, that it began with Lincoln…. and this is where the rabbit hole gets deep.

How did this symbolic ceremony get started? The official story is as follows.


Note it’s connected to a White House reporter – that an 1863 spared Christmas Turkey was recorded in 1865 news Dispatch by a WH Reporter Noah Brooks.

Why this disparity between 1863 and 1865? Probably because like so much else, this is fake history made to send comms. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/04/decoding-truth-from-historical-lies/ And what comm did this send?

1863 is when the Southern slaves became free due to Lincoln. Sounds like a “pardon” – and 1865 is when he was murdered. Most likely this was sent after he was killed as the MSM of the day sent a comm explanation on why it had to happen. Because powerful people were upset that he freed the slaves.

Close personal observation, in other words he would be able to keep tabs on Lincoln’s movements.

Now I wish I could say the story ends there with this one, because I have a lot more Turkey Pardon comms to get to, but in digging into this one, I found something disturbing.

So, did you know the Lincoln family is extinct?

3/4 children died young with only the eldest outliving the mother. Note this includes “Tad” who barely outlived his father and was the supposed origin of the myth. No bloodline exists today. Notice the mother is called “Mary Todd” today despite her never using that name after marriage. Why did “History” and pop culture (controlled by who?) force the word “Todd” into her name? Consider that her family was large and wealthy at the time. “Follow the Wives” as Q said. So when someone becomes powerful, it’s usually a result of the families working in the background. Meaning the “Todd” family was likely just as much to blame as Lincoln was. (in some eyes)

Ever heard of Sweeney Todd?

1865, the same year Lincoln was murdered – we get the first appearance of a story about a murderer named “Sweeney Todd” – now it does date back to before this, but note they don’t use the name “Sweeney Todd” in the title until 1865 and given it was known before then only through “word of mouth” the actual names are probably nothing like what we know now. It was simply a comm about real murders through stage actors (and a famous actor killed Lincoln)

note “founded on fact”

Note also that it was commonly called a “Penny” series,

I decoded a string of murders (Presidents and VP killed) which allowed the 666 took the white house in 1901 with the first Roosevelt https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/10/owl-comms-bohemian-owl-d-c-owl-cia-owl-superb-owl/ I had always wondered why clowns back then of all people, would honor the patriot Lincoln by putting him on the penny.

I highlighted “In god we trust” because if you dig into who took over 1901 until WW2 ended, well, it’ll make sense. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/10/owl-comms-bohemian-owl-d-c-owl-cia-owl-superb-owl/ more decodes on this in the near future

And now you know why he was put on the wheat penny. It wasn’t honoring him at all, It was a comm about not messing with the powerful people who took over the country. Wheat harvest.

And that’s the true origin of the Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon.

What they did to the Lincoln family is disturbing to think about. Even after – the Democrat congress of back then tried to bankrupt his wife and humiliate her.

Of course there’s many more Turkey comms to go through. But after Lincoln the prevalent reporting on it stops for quite a few Presidents until just after the second Roosevelt President died (same month as Hitler)

Officially the POTUS “Turkey Presentation Ceremony” starts with Truman in 1947.

Note the timeline.

Get it? starts the same month as the CIA does – and it begins the the Government and MSM pushing citizens to go without meat. Which then gave Truman a chance to advertise that he’s for meat. Hence the first photo op and the beginning of Turkey Ceremony.

But notice, no pardons. All Turkeys were eaten from 1947-1962 as that was exactly the scenario that made Truman the hero then. Due to all the Turkeyless panic the CIA had created with mothers fearing they wouldn’t be able to cook a traditional meal for their children.

Note also it wasn’t just Turkey’s but eggs early on.

Eggs symbolize new beginnings and growth. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/10/owl-comms-bohemian-owl-d-c-owl-cia-owl-superb-owl/ and so the coinciding CIA with gifts of Turkey and Eggs from likely newly CIA controlled industries did not symbolize death here, but instead CIA gifts.

And this is why JFK deciding to reject the 55 (Clear Signal comm) pound CIA bird likely correlates with him being murdered 3 days later.

Note again how MSM puts words in his mouth for comms – calling it a “pardon” may well have connected it to the prior Lincoln comms. Given JFK promised to tear the CIA up and scatter it into the winds? Yes, rejecting the CIA’s gift makes sense. His last chance (hence the 55 Clear Signal comm on the Turkey) accept the CIA, or not.

JFK also refused to kiss the Pope’s Ring

Anyway, after JFK the next set of presidents eat the CIA gifts, until Nixon who towards the end of his presidency donated it to a children’s zoo (Impeached the next year due to CIA media)

So yea, amazing how important this little ceremony is eh? Returning to the original Trump Turkey pardon that started this post after bringing up Lincoln he brings up George H.W. Bush and how he was the one who began the always pardon the Turkey in the form we know it today.

There’s a few levels to that reference, and I talk about the Bush connections in this one. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/the-secret-history-connecting-trump-flynn-u1-and-9-11/ the short version is, much like Nixon and JFK they wanted to get rid of him, and they did, again, using the media.

it’s customary for presidents to leave a note for successors, and when Ronald Reagan left, he left this note for H.W. Bush.

Read the letters outgoing Presidents left for their successors in the Oval Office

6 CIA Turkeys trying to hold down an elephant, don’t let them Reagan says.

Note Reagan was infected with Alzheimer’s after Clinton won (within 5 years of leaving office) – quite a disturbing set of patterns with people who go against the CIA isn’t it?

Perhaps now it’s easier to see just how amazing the time we live in now is. Where someone found a way to beat them, albeit it certainly doesn’t look that way outwardly, but unless I’m much worse at seeing the comms then I can vouch for it being very different now.

So in spite of the clear comms where eating = accepting CIA – the Pardons continued in the H.W. style even after he was run out of office. Why, well…they now had a new meaning. e.g. Clinton put WH Press badges around the Pardoned turkeys. Implying allies would all be getting pardons (and they did) – even after the chosen successor lost the next election.

There’s a ton more Turkey Pardons and they all seem to have comms.

A list of names – note “Pumpkin” almost winning but instead picking stars and stripes- scare ops in 2003- likely used as leverage. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/19/the-cov-op-counter/ (talked about Pumpkin comms at top)

https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/60305/all-presidents-pardoned-turkeys https://pop-culture.net/thanksgiving-tradition-presidential-pardoning-of-the-turkeys

Note how short the lifespan on Obama’s turkey’s were – as well as circumstances of death. Comms.


The 2016 one and the 2017 one has an interesting relationship with media reporting. Wiki talks about conflicting reporting, and I’ve seen even more than that. For some reason the last Obama turkey’s were reported as being killed in 2017 in some outlets – and I noticed that when Trump did his speech on them he talked about them going to the same places as Obama’s turkey’s went.

Ok, it’s clear I could spend a hundred hours or more digging into each of these and dig up more secret history, but I have many other decodes to get to. One day other people will join me in these digs šŸ˜‰ I can’t do it all myself.

Tho odds are I’ll continue decoding these sporadically, and give updates. – Taking a look at a few, seems the 2015 one where “Abe” won over “Honest”

the way Obama talks of it, makes me think it’s some kind of pressure on releasing material on the longtime Japanese PM. (who was one of many who resigned in 2020) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinzo_Abe – a comm of giving Abe a pass, but things would be released if necessary. (I need to dig much deeper to confirm or reject this theory)

And of course all the other Trump ones.

Where a rabbit food loses the election but rejects it? This was right after we won the Senate in the Mid-terms, “Senate was everything” – Tho again, I’d need to dig much deeper to ascertain if that’s the comm most likely being used.

Ok, I’ll stop here for now. If I were going after views I’d have ended it with the most interesting decodes to hook people in, but that’s not what I do here. Most posts end not when I’m done with the subject, but when I realize I’m exhausted and it’s time to sleep lol. I’m very aware that’s not conducive to readership growth, heck I don’t even proof read any of this. All first draft, no checks for errors.

My point being there’s a ton of room for other people to do what I do, and many could do it better. At the very least the presentation parts. They just don’t know comms, I didn’t know them either until a few years ago and that’s why I’m teaching them. I’m going to be doing this for as long as I can. I don’t anticipate stopping, but hopefully at some point readers here will reach a level of fluency where they realize how to take it from there.

I appreciate leads people send, but at some point I’d love to see others absorb it the way I have. I know my autism gives me a few advantages that allowed me to figure this stuff out quicker than most, but you know if senior citizens in Congress can understand and communicate using comms? Anyone can.

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