MK Ultra

One of the first ventures of the CIA highlighted by Q was in rescuing Nazi’s from punishment (with the help of the Vatican) and then setting these notorious figures up in positions around the world to run drugs and guerilla army’s to overthrow countries.

With this massive influx of Nazi’s in the CIA, MKUltra was started right alongside it– something the paper above claimed was the backbone of CIA’s intel operations.

Considering the Nazi’s brings us an interesting context when we reconcile MK-Ultra – so, if they were helping with brainwash, what do you suppose MKUltra means? Ultra of course means “Extreme” but we can’t know what is extreme without knowing what MK stands for…. why was it necessary to not say or mention its real name?

Let’s go through it logically, we know that MKUltra involved brainwash, we know in the years leading up to WW2 the German people were largely brainwashed into prejudice and agreeability to war.

Was there something with the initials “MK” that was synonymous with brainwashing people? To get them to become innocent killing monsters that obeyed without asking questions?

Why yes there was, ever heard of Mein Kampf?

It makes perfect sense. The people behind Hitler and the brainwash wanted to do what they did there – i.e. trick masses using propaganda, of which Mein Kampf was the largest success… therefore “MK” “ULTRA” implies doing that, but pushing it to extremes.

So they decided to do what they did in Germany, but better. And how is that even possible? Their first idea seemed to be drugs. In this PDF Q asked us to read. It says that all the people involved in MKUltra’s drugging of unaware people received no punishment whatsoever.

It was posted in the aftermath of a mass shooting.

02/14/2019 Broward County Former Student Nikolas Cruz Opens Fire at Parkland Florida High School, Killing 17

Obviously part of that post was Q implying that MKUltra was not shut down as officially stated, but still going and creating tragedies greater than in the past.

How can it be shut down but still going? The answer comes in the form of other Q posts.

They made it so there was zero affiliation with the CIA. This way no matter what happened it wouldn’t stick – this was accomplished by moving the development part offshore. Obviously many victims are still in the U.S. but how could that work logistically?

The answer to that is in more Q posts, note that the Parkland shooting was in Broward County – not just school shootings with police looking the other way, Seth Rich (Schlutz) Debbie Wasserman Schultz Shuts Down Seth Rich Murder Case, also voter fraud.

Ballot Shenanigans: Broward County Dead Democrat Voters Edition!

The implication is that places where MKUltra takes place are the same were clowns control local government, police, etc and therefore have nests of families peppering the cities. Even having their own kids in the same school systems. So killers are molded right alongside the next generation of plants.

In part due to therapist spook, and with that it can be inferred they give bad advice and medication that will exacerbate the situation. However we also get the details that potential victims are “scouted” and “arranged” therapy.

So who “arranges” therapy? Before I answer that consider these Q posts relating MKUltra to the film the Bourne Identity.

Can’t easily end it because of the structure of MKUltra. Every MKUltra is a tiny cell kept as secret as possible. Now consider the character “Bourne” Here are some sections from the script I dug through that I believe highlight the point.

Bourne was the one who chose when, where, and how to kill the targets. This is due to him being programmed like “behavioral software” a victim of CONDITIONING. But keep in mind MKUltra victims don’t act like secret agents, that’s the point. They are traceable, but not traceable to the ones that want the murders done. They “don’t exist” in the sense that they aren’t tied to the ones that want them to kill.

The name symbolism btw of “Jason Bourne” is a simple one. Just break up the name.

Bourne = Born

Jason Movie = First name that comes up with “Jason” = abused child driven to murder in a series of films.

So yea, this helps highlight the distinction between the symbolism of what Jason Bourne is versus the literal representation. The Bourne films present him as the perfect killer who is so good he doesn’t get caught. But MKUltra victims ALWAYS Get caught. And that’s why they are untraceable. The film presents the situation of MKUltra from a results only perspective. This might be why he doesn’t remember the crimes. His personality reflects the programming that went into the creation. People who are so messed up they shoot up an elementary school are not going to act like James Bond as they do it.

Symbolism can be easy to misjudge when you think too literally.

Now let’s return to that question of “who arranges therapy”

The logical answer would be the family of the victim. Dissociative states are easier to create in children through trauma than adults (creates a suggestive state) the only way you could standardize creating monsters would be using a cooperative family.

This I believe is the true nature of a “Sacrifice”

Consider the following: A clown has two kids. One is smart, one is far less so. Parent decides to bring the smart one into the circus, but what to do with the other one? That’s what MKUltra is for.

A way to sell a kid into an abuse system for profit. All the family has to do is the easiest thing, neglect. They allow outside forces into manipulate them into making the worst decisions possible.

Those outside forces include teachers, neighbors and aspiring clown classmates. Clowns hoping to score a few points with the 666 by abusing the target. Manipulating crowds of people into abusing the target at school (good MSM practice) Some pretend to be friends and try to get the kid hooked on drugs and into ever worse habits. And then the cooperating family will then blame the child for instead of getting to the bottom of who is to blame. All forces against them, Traumatize the child from every direction all by people who they are taught to trust.

And within years they are ready for “Therapy” which will be were it accelerates into mass murder. All that’s left is for the circus tent full of clowns around the target to cash the check from a successful op.

Consider the celebrity hoisted up on MSM from the Parkland tragedy.

DECLAS goes through DNI – thus as soon as Coats was out, they had to remove 8chan just in case of a surprise data dump. Note that this also demonstrates just how much control they have over when they can make it happen. Tho it’s not hard to imagine how that works, after an entire lifetime of preparing a human bomb, they surely crafted a sequence of triggers and suggestions to make them embrace it.

The kid would have no idea about any of it as they grow, as I cover in many threads clowns communicate via symbolism. Even being in the same family as them, a target would never know it. Even growing up alongside them, they were viewed as weak and stupid, and then purposefully taught wrong during the formative years in lives. 71% success rate.

Q gave the success rate as 71% – and this means some of the targets don’t take the programming, and likely could be unaware even to this day what was done to them.

However some are clearly sure bets for activation – for example after the arrests of Al-Waleed 11/4/2017 and the fall of 1/3 of the pyramid.

11/04/2017 Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, Including Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal

What was the response?

11/05/2017 26 killed in church attack in Texas’ worst mass shooting–world-church-shooting-texas-sutherland-springs/2606989/

Very next day Texas gets its worst mass murder in history. – notice growing up he was bullied and trying to escape from it.

Imagine the fallout coming when this gets exposed – hundreds of people learning that large sections of their family had been plotting to get them to murder others (or just suiciding if that fails) their entire life for profit? That even their friends were actually handlers in on it? that they had survived by a series of miracles?

I imagine there’ll be some interesting stories when everything comes out. When “The Great Awakening” barely does it justice. It’ll also be a rare moment in history where someone can be thanked for the amazing accomplishment of “not killing people” – such headlines are in our future.

And at some point even if it doesn’t go public any time soon – these people may learn a few comms and realize that unlike most people who can only see these comms from a distance, they are in fact all over their own past.

Like for example the old documented MKUltra experiments.

02/22/2020 Survivors From The MK Ultra Program Come Together To Sue The Federal Government

So what was the doctor’s name of those abused by MKUltra? “Dr. Ewen Cameron” symbolism comms like I’m often decoding

Ewe = Sheep/Water -Cameron = Camera Comms for test subjects on camera. A way just by having his name involved, the ones running the experiments instantly know what they can expect from it.

Course after they did stuff like that, that’s when they moved away from the official channels. And odds are you aren’t either of those two categories. You’ve probably never had someone attempting to secretly program you to take out a school, or some other experiment to break a mind. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t a victim. All those experiments were for mass control, and so really, everyone is a victim of the brainwash and pharma they developed thru breaking down sacrifices.

Q said AUTISTS were chosen for a specific reason in context of MKUltra.

Because mass autism is a byproduct of the medical experiments? Letting people know just how much they’ve messed with them?

Not all vaccines are bad as Q said. It’s just some practices of shooting too many (like MMR) it’s amazing to me that people can’t differentiate that. It’s a zero sum game for clowns. Like saying a burger is the same thing as one of those poison japanese fish. What, that makes no sense? But they are both foods right? It’s almost like you have to look at each case as a seperate one. (MSM will never allow)

Also, to return to the Movie comms. There may be another meaning to Q comparing MKUltra to a movie .

And that other aspect is that all of this behavior modification is recorded. A “Movie”. With the family’s cooperation it’d be easy to set up cameras. Ever wonder where all that footage goes when it gets beamed up into the web?

This brings us to another important part – note that Q also relates MKUltra to satellite relays and phones.

Big pharma being mentioned is obviously important in relation to getting therapists to prescribe drugs to dangerous kids, but note all the focus on phones and satellite’s to MKUltra.

What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?
Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED?

Why would SAT Relay research be enough to warrant a 187? Unless… what’s sent thru the satellites (EVERYTHING) was being collected for shady purposes?

Note Q says THEY are watching. – easy to disregard this point as Q saying his posts are going to irk people, but consider double meanings. Especially in relation to MKUltra now being conducted overseas. Why does it relate to phones?

What goes into making phones? The answer is mostly Chinese “Rare Earths” – and it just so happens that China has a near monopoly on them. A monopoly that started right around the time Clinton gave them the trade war.

Note Q’s question about this and how it relates to MKUltra by connecting the posts. Why is everything ‘really’ made in China?

Note all the places that can do damage to Dems including NK – which I decode to be a data center of sorts.

And so with China in just about every tech due to their “Rare Earths” near monopoly they can do what? They can be inside every tech device (Spying)

Which begs a question: Does most security camera footage end up in China?

04/19/2019 Researchers At U.S. Universities Are Helping China Track Its Citizens “100+ million CCTV cameras across the nation and the government uses them to track and control where people go and what they do.”

As you can see, it’s their speciality.

12/17/2020 China Engaged in ‘Mass Surveillance’ on Americans’ Mobile Phones, Report Finds

02/18/2021 Half of London Councils Found Using Chinese Surveillance Tech Linked to Uyghur Abuses

I suspect the full surveillance is cleaned by going thru NK as a way to prevent any potential exposure/WW3. cleaning the data This fits a lot of decodes I’ve done with them.

So according to “the news” their sudden surge into being in all tech happened because they have a ton of materials under the earth that most don’t have? I’ll get into that lie in a future post.

But Likely before 1994 it was another entity doing the spying. Much like how in 1963 MKUltra was officially stopped, it’s clear this program has had many changes to keep it secret.

So for better comprehension let’s go back to the start and see if that can help us understand where we are.

What kind of people would do this?

Returning to the PDF Q linked after the mass school shooting.

In the following excerpt it goes on to say the rationale for MKUltra drug use began as a need for a response to the communists efforts with LSD. That the potential was “frightening” what they could do. – There’s one glaring problem with this theory.

The CIA was so full of communists that they had to sabotage investigations into it.

Communists and Nazi’s that is.

In this PDF Q links it tells true stories of how the CIA + Catholic Church ran covert ops to hide and evacuate the top Nazi’s in WW2. (many still classified) And then they set them up to overthrow nations in central America, run the drug trade and much more (grotesque medical experiments).

That drug trade part helps explain why the early MKUltra experiments all revolved around it as a catalyst. Always moving towards “unwitting nonvolunteers” and since that’s where they were heading, I have no doubt have exclusively been doing that.

Note MKUltra’s use on unwitting nonvolunteers,

Also, this Vatican/CIA/Nazi PDF Q linked goes into MKUltra too. asserting it was the “Backbone” of CIA’s and pentagons covert activities since the CIA began.

All of these techniques were exported to foreign countries.

Here are some excerpts (many more in full doc) that go into the rescue of nazi war criminals by the CIA and then setting them to take over countries outside the U.S.

And how is it all paid for? Funded through intermediaries.

Again, we get a glimpse in how they likely still do it. The families discussed before don’t get a CIA stamped check every month, due to the way cells work they wouldn’t even be aware of each one. Only overseas wold that happen.

And that includes all the uses in third world countries.

We are dealing with exposing explosive secrets that if said bluntly would cause mass tragedy and force world wars.

All those countries that were taken over thanks to the CIA. If told the truth, what would the ones that run the country do?

An interesting connected issue to this is Nuclear comms. Explosive information that is. The same week of the MKUltra hearings they established the DOE. The Q clearance department.

When Q linked that “CAR Control” part to MKultra it was with a video posted by someone named Hefner with the serious headline of a car trying to hit POTUS. So why did Q link it? Note the dates highlighted. Click nuclear link above to see DOE/Q/Nuclear comms with Hefner’s past. I don’t have a perfect answer for this one, just something curious.

And also something curious is that the first thing DOE does after getting approval to take control of nuclear material according to their own timeline? It’s needing “Storage” followed by building in Denver. Q highlighted the creepy and 100% illogical to build DIA. The only reason to built it, seemingly was to put a giant bunker under it.

Denver already had a perfectly good airport right next door – but they built DIA anyway – it was supposed to cost 1.7 (17/Q comm) & they built a bunch of buildings & decided they weren’t positioned right so they buried them for storage (rather than demolish or align)

I’ll end it here for now. It’s a big subject, what the program was in the past, and what is in modern times, and also what it’s become today. If my decodes are right and the good guys won? A lot of victims of this might slowly wake up. Real knowledge is only just starting to be passed around outside the hands of the top.

I think it goes without saying that all the MKUltra monitoring would go hand in hand with less violent and more perverse means. I’m not sure I want to add a section like it here, but it is something to consider. Everything is connected.

Actually to leave this on a highlight, I mentioned David Hogg before being a part of ops, well, pretty much everyone flipped. And that includes him.

10/23/2020 Leftists Don’t Seem To Know That Coyotes Are Human Smugglers — Hilarity Ensues

Signals of being on board with the plan before it was too late. Pretty much all the prominent stars were doing gaffes to signal compliance.

11 thoughts on “MK Ultra

  1. I realize this is an old post from 2021. However, you’ve done a great work here of connecting dots. The reason I found this blog was by searching for the term “Mein Kampf Ultra”. Like you I’ve made the connections between the Nazis, CIA and MKULTRA.

    You’re missing one key piece of information in your decode of the Q drops about MKULTRA. The reason Q mentions frequencies and incoming signals, etc, is due to electromagnetic radio frequency based mind control weapons. The reason Q asks why big pharma is key to it all is because amphetamines and other pharmaceutical drugs makes a person more susceptible to frequency based mind control. Chemtrails play a part as well. This document from the Aquarius Group Operations from the CIA appears to confirm everything that we’ve suspected. Also it confirms that marijuana makes a person resistant to mind control, which is something I’ve read from several mind controlled sex slaves. They were given every drug except marijuana.

    Anyway, read the document and get back to me and I can send more info and discuss more. I set it up for the blog to email me when you reply.


    1. I had to delete your link to approve the comment out of security concerns. I disagree about signals and frequencies, such things are used as symbols to coordinate not directly like a science fiction movie. I could always be wrong of course, but this is a subject I have history with. I also listen to all sorts of counter takes as you have here. I appreciate the perspective!


      1. Yes, you are wrong. And from reading your Lincoln /JFK article, I see that you are wrong a lot and make an incredible amount of connections that don’t exist. I was impressed when i read this article on MKULTRA, but after reading the JFK / Lincoln article, I realize that the frequency weapons are affecting you a lot more than you realize. You aren’t thinking clearly in the slightest. And it would seem you couldn’t even be bothered to read the document I sent.


      2. It’s not that I couldn’t be bothered, but that I don’t know anything about you and when people link me things if it’s not a URL I am familiar with I’m not going to click it.

        Your hypothesis about “Frequency weapons” if it can’t be explained cleanly in a comment I’m afraid I won’t be able to properly respond to it, I’m sorry I’m unable to look at the link, but I doubt it would have made a great deal of difference.

        I’ve been doing this for many years now daily spending more time than a full time job, sometimes it’s akin to 2 full time jobs because I work very hard at researching and presenting. I don’t take any of this lightly least of all when people come to me and tell me they have a secret they wish to share. If I did that I might risk hurting actual victims of MKUltra and I couldn’t stand that. So I apologize, it wasn’t intentional, but even so I don’t think we are going to see eye to eye on this one.

        I concede that in my efforts to solve things I occasionally make incorrect connections, but I am always trying to improve my methodology. I hope you are also capable of accepting mistakes in logic because I can promise you that nobody who was ever right got that way in a straight line. Objectivity is a path paved with dead ends and forced reassessments of the self.

        I wish you well!


      3. That’s a lot of words to explain why you couldn’t be bothered to consider evidence or a certain possibility.

        Read the document Aquarius Group Operations at stop the crime dot net. It is a PDF. It cannot infect your computer. I do not need lengthy excuses, just read the document.


      4. It seems we are at an impasse. You can’t explain it and I won’t go to that site. So I guess that’s it then.

        Have a nice day.


      5. I can explain it. It describes using frequency weapons from cell towers in order to hypnotically and subliminally mind control the population. It also talks about the frequencies being able to interface with contaminants which they’ve deliberately infected us with including fluoride and aluminum. It also implies that they’ve been distributing these contaminants with chemtrails.

        Can I send you a YouTube link? This is a whistleblower who was actually a gangstalker and perp who describes using directed energy weapon technologies like synthetic telepathy and remote neural monitoring to torture the targeted individuals. I presume you’ve at least heard the term targeted individual and are familiar with what they deal with?


      6. That’s fine! And now that I’ve taken a look… This appears to be siphon for the Q crowd….

        Basically Q is/was a military operation with a number of goals, one of which was beginning the process of declassification. It’s a long history, and Q called out attempts to co-opt the movement and this has the hallmarks of that. Notably it engages in conspiracy talk with grandoise claims while putting the brunt on the U.S. Military. Effectively doing what Q did only with grander (and less logical) claims while making the enemy the exact entity that is trying to counter it.

        This is probably why the iconography of the channel is a man behind bars as the point is to basically to symbolically lock people up who would otherwise be receptive to real conspiracy theories. A prison for your mind.

        Sorry to tell you this, and it’s unlikely you will agree with my assessment as people have a hard time breaking away from this kind of thing, but on the positive side odds are someone led you to me as a way to try and break that spell. It’s happened before, and so if you were to read a few more of my posts on the intro page, the difference between what I do and what channels like this do will become very clear.


      7. Oh, I’m very familiar with channels with so called “insider sources” who claim “the arrests are happening next Tuesday and there will be 10 days of darkness, etc”. I also stay away from any channel that believes JFK Jr is alive, since that most definitely is a CIA psy op. I actually traced back the history of the JFK Jr is alive disinformation campaign. It originated with a fake drop on the boards by someone claiming to be R (the next letter after Q) back in 2018. This is why an anon asked Q if R Anon is real or not, to which Q responded “There is only Q”.

        Anyway, you should disregard the channel itself, it’s not their video. They just reuploaded it. Bryan Kofron’s site was gangstalkerwars dot com which is only available with the waybackmachine

        If you listen to what he says, he implicates the FBI and CIA as being behind the targeted individual and gangstalker programs. I don’t recall him blaming the military so much. I’m not sure he even knew who Q was when he made the video, he doesn’t mention Q or Trump. He implicates Amazon (a CIA front company) as being behind his particular involvement. If you give the information a chance you will find it most interesting.

        Do you have a post discussing your own experience with MKULTRA? I would presume you have some project monarch trauma based mind control type of experience, such as in an underground laboratory? The document which I sent says that they went away from hypnoprogramming people because the mind control victim always holds memories about the programming session. Which is why they’ve switched to radio frequency based mind control since it can never be traced back to its actual source.

        By the way one of the Q drops discussing one of the shootings says “were they hearing voices? We know about it. Gina Haspel is locating the program”. Something like that. I can find the actual q drop if you want. Hearing voices is related to voice of God weapons, voice 2 Skull, synthetic telepathy, and all the other names it goes by. This is why virtually all mass shooters and assassins complain of “hearing voices”. The most recent example is Robert Card who shot people at a bowling alley and bar because he was hearing voices at those places that were antagonizing him.


      8. I’m glad to see a response like this. Typically when I try and explain disinformation it is met with hostility, and so even though we disagree the fact that you are able to hold a conversation like this is encouraging : )

        I watched the video and even had an AI create a summary so that I could compare and contrast with my own notes. What I concluded was that a number of the assertions were built off existing truths but simply distorted in such a way to make them meaningless. It’s a trick I’ve seen before and it basically exists in this fashion so that people who try and discuss conspiracy theories come off looking like lunatics. It also protects the truth from exposure by lumping that truth with it and making it all seem the same thing. It’s why so many videos/sites exist “exposing” celebrities for ever more extremes. There is no limit to imagination and so whatever the truth is, it gets ignored as people focus on the shinier more extreme assertions made.

        I agree the CIA is involved in MKUltra, tho that’s official history so it’s not surprising lol. FBI is involved, yea, I agree with that, certainly to hide it if nothing else. Amazon as a co-conspirator? Yea, maybe, that one could make sense for the surviellance at least, tho I’m pretty confident whatever the past they are flipped from it now. I need to dig more into Amazon.

        Yes I was MK’d and the intent was to turn me into a Columbine. The way MK works is with networks of clowns that condition a child from birth. It is in many respects a “laboratory” at least insofar as I was constantly monitored and prodded into horrors. I know for a fact I was watched because part of the tactics involved humiliations and so whenever they saw me do things that could be exploited they did so. Consequentially it explains many of my traumas that before I became aware of the mechanics I had assumed were one in a trillion coincidences. When someone else became a shooter instead of me I was put into what might be called hibernation… There were several phases and multiple times when I was intended to be activated, but because MK isn’t a 100% success rate and there are many other candidates at any given time, I simply outlived them all, at least one of which was intended to simply remove me as a dud. But that’s a long story.

        Anyway… I can’t talk about too much of this in explicit terms as I advocate anonymity, but I have resolved to explain the basics of it at least in as honest a way as possible.


      9. I’m all too familiar with CIA disinformation campaigns and their intended agendas behind them. Lately it’s flat earth theory which is the most dominant and loud psy op. I notice that flat earthers are the people who post the most disinformation. They are also the most likely to post the Europa The Last Battle type of disinfo basically saying Hitler and The Nazis were fighting and the Rothschilds and were actually the good guys. They’ve essentially been made into neo nazis unwittingly by the CIA. Which really makes a lot of sense considering we know about Operation Paperclip and how the key nazi scientists were brought over and integrated into the CIA and NASA.

        I have a list of patents as well which relate to this technology. One example is this:

        Method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effect


        A modulation process with a fully suppressed carrier and input preprocessor filtering to produce an encoded output; for amplitude modulation (AM) and audio speech preprocessor filtering, intelligible subjective sound is produced when the encoded signal is demodulated using the RF Hearing Effect. Suitable forms of carrier suppressed modulation include single sideband (SSB) and carrier suppressed amplitude modulation (CSAM), with both sidebands present.Images (3)

        ClassificationsA61N1/08 Arrangements or circuits for monitoring, protecting, controlling or indicating

        View 1 more classifications

        LandscapesHealth & Medical SciencesRadiology & Medical Imaging



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