Murdoch, McMurdo, Murdaugh & 322

News Corp owns a lot of media outlets. You surely know of their Fox News and the New York Post as both have given Donald Trump a fair shake, but that’s 2 outlets… how many do you think they own?

To give you a vague idea I took screenshots of the wiki page about all they own, this isn’t even the complete list.

Top left it starts with FOX NEWS, most of the rest I’ll assume you didn’t know, but it’s quite impressive.

It’s also very GLOBAL in nature .

They began in Australia and eventually moved to the UK as the Prime Minister’s media arm and finally the USA.

News Corp ranks right up there with Disney and Time Warner in controlling the vast majority of media.

The one outlet you are surely familiar with is Fox News, which by most accounts is the only media entity of the mainstream that wasn’t on a jihad to remove Trump.

This isn’t to say they have been positive of Trump, but they didn’t go as hard against Trump as the others did.

It’s this often half positive/half negative approach Fox News has that most Trump supporters online I’ve seen don’t often readily embrace Fox News. Still, many appreciate Sean Hannity as there are no versions of that on the other big stations. Quite the contrary…

There was an endless effort to cook Trump with negative and often irrational coverage.

Even with the caveat that Fox News is critical of Trump, it begs the question of how they can exist as a voice outside the established narrative at all.

Of the major news entities Fox is the only one that consistently gets tied to the Right Wing.

This comes down to who built and owns these outlets, and the answer is an Austrlian named Rupert Murdoch.

Murdoch & Fox News

So what made Murdoch special? How did he establish a dynasty, some of which is right wing, without being destroyed by the dominant left wing media?

The true answer is something I’ll be decoding, but there is also an official story on how Murdoch built Fox News!

  • 07/15/1996 MSNBC Launched
  • 10/07/1996 Fox News Launched

The origin of Fox News began around the time Time Warner was required by law to carry a competitor to CNN.

Microsoft created a CNN clone in MSNBC for this purpose and Murdoch created the “Fair and Balanced” Fox News.

Notice that just to get a seat at the table Fox News had to PAY CABLE PROVIDERS PER SUBSCRIBER which is the opposite of the way it usually works! This opens up quite a few interesting questions on how on earth they could afford such a thing! I’ll get to that point later…

Even with this Pay Per customer (rather than be paid by customer) Time Warner chose MSNBC to maintain the left wing agenda.

This led Rupert Murdoch into a legal battle which led to Fox News being forced onto Time Warner.

Luckily for Murdoch Rudy Giuliani was Mayor in NY and so he pulled strings, and after a massive legal fight a deal was made to exchange Time Warner to carry Fox News but only through Rudy’s NY Public Access channel. (therefore it cost them nothing) yet even with this they only allowed it with the agreement by Murdoch to include Time Warner’s programming with Murdoch’s global satellite network!

Murdoch traded access to NY for global access to his empire. Quite telling for how important NY is.

It’s also an interesting connection with Rudy as Mayor.

It had long been run by Democrat’s yet Rudy turns it “R” and does so at the exact time necessary to usher in Fox News.

I believe the answer to this amazing timing lies in the transition from George HW Bush to Bill Clinton. This was the year before Rudy ran for office.

I decoded in my “Bush’s consolation prize” post that there were a lot of threats from Clinton’s side that had bullied many of Bush’s allies away from him with fear of death.

Eventually a peace deal was reached for the transition. The terms of which had prominent media markers in the form of THE BODYGUARD.

I believe the deal involved “Houston” being protected, and H.W. Bush in turn left office without hamstringing Bush with Executive Orders and other actions.

The symbol in the film of protecting a star from a stalker that’s coming.

Notice the lines in the film about how Reagan and JFK got shot and the Bodyguard replies that it wasn’t on his watch. I.e. if those two had made the same deal they wouldn’t have met a tragedy.

Notice also the lyrics not being about protection so much as LEAVING (the White House) and constantly giving love to the one that stays. I.e. the deal being not to screw over Clinton as he arrives while he still had his fingers on the levers of power.

So I believe this deal is the answer, that in exchange for a peaceful transition, several exchanges were made as a token of friendship after what amounted to a hostile takeover.

I suspect it also included giving New York to Republicans. This is perhaps why Mayor Rudy exists as a blip in an otherwise pure blue New York.

Notice Bloomberg rode the popular Rudy’s coattails and then changed parties away from “R” to transition NY Blue

They allowed a Republican Mayor/Governor and so as to not waste the opportunity it was then used as a tool to expand media reach by forcing Fox News to stand alongside CNN!

It’s not just the Mayor but Governor too! It all ends right as W. Bush gets in! Know what else ended that same year?

  • 1993 Rudy elected Mayor of New York
  • 2001 Rudy Giuliani leaves office
  • 2001 Walker Texas Ranger Ends run

Walker/Texas/Ranger = Walker/Texas/Ranger it perfectly not only aligns to the terminology of names but also the years the Bush family switched from President to Texas Governor and then back to Chief Executive.

The meaning of this is likely another gain from giving up the WH, a set of markers in a show about protecting their allies which had long been targeted.

All of this helps clarify Rudy & Bush’s place in things, but what about Murdoch? Why was he of all people the wallet behind the sudden appearance of conservative media across the world?

Who or what is behind Murdoch’s News Corp? Why is it the only thing of its size that supports Republicans?


To answer this question I need to talk about Hammers.

Legal symbolism is often symbolized with a HAMMER (GAVEL)

Reconcile this Hammer symbol with that lawsuit from Murdoch I discussed. The case that forced Fox News onto Time Warner and thereby New York.

The same day of that legal filing by Murdoch (Hammer) an Antarctic HAMMER battle began.

  • 10/09/1996 Murdoch FOX Antitrust suit (HAMMER/GAVEL) filed against Time Warner
  • 10/09/1996 McMURDO Antarctic base One Worker attacked the other with a HAMMER intervened by 3rd person and both required STITCHES.
  • 10/10/1996 Time Warner Suit against New York

The same day MURDOCH began the AntiTrust suit is the same day the third ever crime in Antarctica took place at MCMURDO Base.

One worker attacked another with a HAMMER.

Notice the details and you will realize this is definitely the right comm to track. One worker attacked another with a Hammer (FOX Lawsuit against Time Warner) A third McMurdo worker tried to intervene (RUDY GIULIANI) to resolve but both ended up REQUIRING STITCHES. I.e. they both sued each other and in the end both wound up wounded i.e. Murdoch was required to carry Time Warner programming and Time Warner was required to carry Fox Programming!

Get it! If not please read it again because this is a spectacular example, but only if you understand Antarctic symbolism.

Notice the last line here that Antarctica BELONGS TO NO NATION!

This unlocks a lot of the world!

Now that we know that McMurdo symbolism is tied to Murdoch, it begs the question of whether this symbol is a new thing or has it always been that way?

Easy hypothesis to test!

  • 1956 McMurdo Station Western Antarctica
  • 1956 Murdoch begins expanding media empire across Western Australia.

The origin of McMurdo Antarctic base is Western Antarctica 1956, and just so happens to be the exact same year the Murdoch family began expanding into Western Australia 1956.

Looking more and more likely!

I still need to decode Antarctica itself! That’s where things get crystal clear, and in fact Rupert Murdoch being born in Australia is already a tie to Antarctica.


Antarctica was originally lumped together with Australia as “Terra Australis”!

There were multiple centuries where the question of whether Antarctica/Australis existed.

Even as late as the 1900’s I can find numerous articles highlighting the question of whether or not it’s a myth.

Isn’t that odd that it took them how many centuries just to confirm a continent far larger than the United States of America exists?

The reason for this is Antarctica doesn’t exist. It’s a symbol used to describe nations working in nations they can’t legally be in. This is why Antarctica is uniquely not owned by any country but instead a United Nations kind of setup,

Where various countries all have claims and can thereby discuss their agents in another country.

This is why if you try to go to Antarctica, you simply aren’t allowed to.

This is also why there is so much nonsense about Flat Earth I suspect, because there are numerous real questions that have extraordinary implications and could be easily disproven/proven if ever asked. But have you ever heard of this question before I asked it?

I’ve heard flat earth nonsense a million times and a dozen other nonsense questions, every question I come to from research like this where you’d think the question should be asked (Given it was a common question to ask a hundred years ago!) is never asked.

This is why the entrance to Antarctica is called DECEPTION ISLAND.

This is where people are allowed to go as I suspect as it’s the furtherst island that can be visited without being able to realize the lie.

This is important, but it doesn’t give us much clarification on Murdoch, it’s simply the important context necessary for what comes next.

The symbolism of Antarctica is tied to its relationship with Government. Many governments with no official single government, and it’s also tied to Australia. Australia which began as a PENAL COLONY for criminals

Reconcile all of this Australia and Criminal symbolism with the early Antarctica ventures.

Who made the big discoveries?


Odd name?

Many Prisoners moved requires what? SHACKLE + TONS!

Symbol for a criminal being departed officially to “Australia” but in actuality to somewhere undisclosed!

This ties into the origins of the Moon landing as well as Disney hiring of Von Braun which in turn connects to Elon Musk as his name was invoked by Von Braun as the man to colonize Mars.

This means Disney and Elon Musk have a likely connection in working with people from other countries. Not necessarily Nazi, just foreign.

However sticking with the use of criminals… does that sound familiar? Ever hear of Operation Paperclip?

  • 1945-1959 Nazi Criminals moved to United States Secretly under Paperclip for work
  • 1946-1947 Antarctic HIGH JUMP Program

Same symbol, using Antarctica to define the JUMP from Germany to the USA without raising alarm bells. Paperclip was highly top secret and only revealed in 1947 a full 2 years after it began.

High jump was a way to discuss it!

You may recall “Jump” as a symbol I’ve covered in other posts tied to the jump from one country to another.

I could go into past examples but I found a new one this week so I’ll just use that one to explain it.

Probably the most famous song with the name “Jump” was in 1992.

  • 02/06/1992 “Jump” by Kriss Kross
  • 02/07/1992 European Union Treaty

Context is always key

Treaty allows EU countries to “Kriss Kross” and “Jump” but it’s not just a marker for that. Notice the EAGLE as this was right as Bill “Eagle” Clinton was starting his POTUS run. Moreover when I looked at the members…

Born same day as the “Double Eagle” launched to go overseas. The point is likely in EU being a win for forces of globalism and the USA was next through Clinton. NAFTA comes to mind in relation to this.

So how could any force act against this? Who precisely was fighting who?

Murdoch is a roadmap to the greater conflict.

I already covered how the Australian Murdoch and Australis/Antarctic McMurdo began at the same time.

Remember that it entailed Murdoch beginning an expansion across Australia that has maintained all this time even unto present day.

So where exactly was the money coming from?

The answer is at this exact same time in 1956 in the exact same place Australia’s flagship made her debut!

This gives us a likely answer on funding. Giant expensive military projects act as a mask to finance ops across the world. In this case, it’s in buying the media landscape starting in Australia!

Notice one of the ship’s first trips was the Olympics, this was the first year the Olympics ever came to Australia.

Olympics symbolize various countries coming together in cooperation. (Logo is interconnected RINGS)

However, this Olympic game involved a boycott from Egypt, China, and other countries.

This gives us a few clues at some of the disagreement brewing even in the 1950’s.

It’s not until JFK goes after the CIA and the FED and later when Nixon goes after the FED as well that things erupt.

Notice Murdoch got married the same year his expansion began. I can’t decode this fully, but I can speculate because this is something that can imply two groups getting together. I’d need to research the spouse to figure more out and there isn’t much info online about it.

Murdoch, China & Snow Den

I’m not sure who the partner represents, but at least one of his wives the one from China seems to suggest a partnership there.

  • 06/08/1999 Trump Maples divorced
  • 06/08/1999 Rupert Murdoch divorce finalized to journalist Anna Torv
  • +17 Days
  • Murdoch marries Wendi Deng

This gives us a connection with Trump’s faction being tied to Murdoch during the transition.

I need to do more research, but it is worth mentioning a few curiosities.

For example, whatever affiliation was being switched likely had some danger to it.

  • 06/08/1999 Marla Maples Divorce
  • 06/08/1999 Rupert Murdoch divorce finalized to journalist
  • 06/25/1999 Trump’s Father Dead
  • 08/07/2000 Trump’s Mother Dead
  • 2000 Trump’s Brother In Law Dead

Why else would his family suffer 3 deaths in such short succession? Notice that Trump almost ran for President that year and I suspect he was supposed to be the 3rd party to split the R vote. He nearly went bankrupt after this, but I cover that history in many other posts, let’s stick to Murdoch who for whatever reason timed his divorce to Trump’s and then 17 days later married a Chinese woman.

A woman most famous for attacking a pi thrower.

This was a Phone Hacking scandal and it led to Murdoch having to give up his position as head of certain media outlets.

Reminds me of the NSA’s phone tracking scandal, seems almost like a precursor. Note it’s the GUARDIAN that reports the NSA stuff and the same is true here as they go after Murdoch.

The pressure of the campaign stops Murdoch from taking over Sky broadcaster.

One interesting thing I notice is the timing of Murdoch divorce. He leaves the Chinese Wendi Deng the same time the Snowden NSA leaks hit and the same time Snowden goes to CHINA.

  • 05/2013 Snowden Leaves for Hong Kong
  • 06/2013 Snowden Guardian leaks (same outlet that hit Murodoch for phone hacking)
  • 06/2013 Murdoch files for Divorce from Wendi Deng

I am not good enough at history or decoding yet to contextualize what this means just yet, but it makes me wonder if it was this relationship with Murdoch that gave Snowden access to the files. After all Murdoch married Wendi Deng in 1999 which is the same exact time every Snowden timeline I’ve ever seen begins their story of his leaks!

I don’t think that’s a coincidence. He didn’t officially begin working for the CIA until later, but anyone paying attention can tell they recruit much younger than the official date with the way things are setup. 1999 is when he began hacking, and that is likely the unofficial beginning of his CIA relationship.

Now as for why these two relationships are timed to one another? I believe the answer is in trust ops, as in marriages define cooperation between two parties and that cooperation is cemented through some form of leverage to ensure the partnership. Snowden’s access to secrets may have been this leverage. Heck it may even have been why he had the name SNOWDEN as Murdoch’s symbol was the SNOW DEN of MCMURDO Antarctica!

I assume the falling apart is tied to the war Fox News was having with Obama. This doesn’t necessarily mean Murdoch was in agreement with the direction Fox had taken. I suspect the often schizophrenic conservative/liberal whiplash Fox News is tied to an autonomy the other networks don’t share, but that’s highly speculative.

Let’s stick with what is clear, for example, his empire is considerable in the UK.

Originated with the PM Thatcher with a trade of good press for his takeover of British media. At least that’s how the liberal media frames it.

Trying to grasp the structure of it both easy and hard, easy in the sense that with a broad net you can throw darts at the top voices of the Republican movement and are likely to find a connection to Murdoch.

For example…

Rush Limbaugh got his start thanks to Ronald Reagan’s removal of the Fairness Doctrine, but his early big rise can be partially attributed to his TV exposure. This began thanks to Roger Ailes giving him a TV show.

This was the man Rupert Murdoch put in charge of Fox News from launch till 2016.

Rush is distinct from Murdoch and his success is outside of it, notice the debut of that show was late 1992, this was as H.W. Bush was on his way out. This was likely another part of the deal made that allowed Clinton in!

Other big right wing names like DRUDGE (outlet that first reported the Monica Lewinsky Scandal) notice he had a show on Fox News early on.

Drudge gave rise to Breitbart which in turn gave a voice to Project Veritas.

Notice the disagreement between Fox and Drudge over abortion as this is also one of the early James O Keefe projects as they investigated Planned Parenthood.

These acts of investigation and courts might tie into the comms sent signifying it.

I bring this up again because I believe history repeats.

Murdoch Mysteries

When H.W. Bush left office they set up this show about Texas Law Enforcement hero named “WALKER” same name and same place Bush became GOV (Law enforcement). So this begs the question of when W. Bush left, what show was setup?

MURDOCH MYSTERIES had its debut precisely 1 year before Obama took office, but given the only candidate for election outside of Obama was John McCain this might just be another deal made just like in 1992! More comms about stepping down without causing problems and let Obama have it?

We see “Murdoch” symbolism instead of Bush I might speculate on which side was viewed as in control…

Bush had record low numbers towards the end of his terms and it may have been a case of the right wing largely turning on him.

The environment may not have been as hospitable to “W” as it was his father.

Murdoch Mysteries began from a book series that had its debut October 1st 1997.

  • 10/01/1997 Detective Murdoch Debut Book series “Except the Dying”
  • 10/01/1997 Timberwolves Contract $123 Million

Why do I mention this connection?

  • 1989: Minnesota Timberwolves Founded.
  • 1989: Timberwolf H.W. Bush First year as POTUS

Timberwolves had the worst year of the NBA during election season.

  • 11/03/1989 Timberwolves debut Losing to SEATTLE
  • 11/03/1992 Timberwolf (HW Bush) Losing to Clinton

I speculate this was a symbol about him and coordinating the fall.

  • 01/20/2008 Murdoch Mysteries Debut
  • 01/20/2009 Obama Inauguration

First episode of Murdoch Mysteries with cooperation from TESLA.

TESLA being a comm likely tied to Elon Musk’s at the time new venture.

I have to wonder if choosing electric might have been to separate the oil tied Bush ties somewhat.

I did notice this curious timing.

  • 04/20/2010 Tesla Loan DOE 465 Million
  • 04/20/2010 Deepwater Horizon BP Mexico Oil Spill 5.5 Billion settlement

Given Murdoch’s ties to the UK I’d say there’s a decent chance this is a push against Murdoch in some fashion.

The Tesla green energy being the new direction instead of oil. This ties into the Middle Eastern push to control oil markets by preventing the US from tapping their own. This changed dramatically under Trump with Salman as an ally, but in 2010 it was the opposite story.

Speaking of Al-Waleed, this is a good point to transition into a crucial topic when we discuss agents.

Notice the “Children” connotation along with oil for Saudi Arabia.

How is control obtained over chess pieces?

For example, we discussed how “prisoners” are used “Shackleton” but how are shackles tied to these spies?

The answer is the obvious one.

ANTARCTICA is sometimes used as a symbol for the location of these groups.

Who was the first woman to set foot in Antarctica?

The answer is Caroline Mikkelsen and she accomplished the feat on February 20th 1935. When I looked into this timing I found something curious.

  • 02/20/1935 (22) Caroline Mikkelsen First woman to set foot on Antarctica
  • 02/22/1935 (222) Shirley Temple + Barrymore FIRST INTERACIAL Dance pair ON FILM (tutu/22)

This makes perfect sense for Antarctica symbolism as I’ve decoded Shirley Temple as tied to blackmail comms. Thus the symbol is of adding children to blackmail ops, this will become much more clear when I go through the context of the film.

Shirley Temple’s Golden Curls

Context is everything, and so for this symbol keep in mind it was the first woman to set foot on Antarctica and all of it is a front for the military/government funneling money into takeover ops.

Contrast to this film.

Shirley Temple given a commission to CAPTURE AN ENTIRE REGIMENT of military. She can’t read = symbol of the associating girls not being aware of what is happening.

Not aware because many of the children involved in blackmail are unaware they are used for these practices as it happens when they are sedated. The act gets surveilled and then the target ends up in the pocket without the victim even knowing they were a victim.

This fits with her order of CAPTURING men.

You may remember the little girl symbol most associated with that kind of activity is ALICE.

What was the military doing in Australia when McMurdo went up? and Murdoch began buying the press in 1956?

The answer is they set up an ALICE SPRINGS Science station.

But let’s get more into the film.

The plot focuses on Shirley Temple changing the mind of her rich grandfather from enemy into ally. Specifically necessary due to her parents being broke.

An offer is made to let Temple stay with the Grandfather.

If taken without comms it’s a cute story of a child changing the mind of a bitter old man, but with comms…

Note the famous UPWARDS staircase dance (moving up) scene has a context of convincing the little girl to go to BED with a song about having enough MONEY for Market. By going to bed and “Dance” voluntarily with the old rich man she moves up and obtains money.

The butler secretly brings her trained dog leading to the grandfather sneaking in on the daughter and this is where he has a change of heart.

What specifically causes the change of heart?

Note their first encounter.

“He poked me with his stick” and so she threw mud him.

He is convinced to stop being so mean and even carry a cart behind him with the friend of Shirley Temple.

A friend that she helped baptize secretly (joining church ops).

Playing STRINGS with a Harp, same strings his wife did. Song about Dreams (sleeping) and chains (strings).

A lot of focus in the film is given to convincing her to go to sleep at specific times.

I could be reading too much into these films at times, but I am confident blackmail is a common thing in the star world and she was the most famous child actor that ever lived. If they use blackmail with children and I’m right about comms then it naturally fits she would send comms about that doesn’t it?

Note the co-star being BARRYMORE.

The family being tied to DREW + Barrymore.

Original name BLYTHE. Put it all together and you get Drew Blythe Barrymore. A famous child actress and the original last name of the President Clinton.

I’ll dig more into that thread in another post, for now let’s stick to Shirley Temple.

Her most famous song being…

The Good ship LOLIPOP. Symbolism for a young girl. Technically Lollipop is a symbol for a child as it’s the typical candy used to represent kids, but it works for this symbol as “child” is the major point of the blackmail. The lyrics focus on going to sleep.

Another of her movies being HEIDI.

Heidi = HIDE A book about sending a girl away from parents to live with a relative. This is much like in Little Colonel film with sending a young girl to a stranger. Heidi “sleepwalks” in the story and opens the door for strangers at night.

The symbolism of Shirley Temple is clear, and in fact I can reinforce this with the Qmap. How does Q use the word Temple?

Involves DRUGGED UNDERAGE GIRLS and Epstein’s Island, pictures of CHILD SIZED BEDS + CHURCH.

That’s about as confirmed as it can get.

I remind you again Shirley Temple was the most famous child star who ever lived and so unless we are mistaken about Hollywood being run with blackmail, then it makes perfect sense her symbolism would be tied to the same.

Notice when she is enlisted in the military…

Shirley Temple’s WEAPON is stated as her GOLDEN CURLS & Dimple (mole symbol).

She also has “Curly Top” as one of her most famous films. This is to say that her golden hair curls is the visual symbolism identifying the role.

I believe the reason for this is because when involving a child for blackmail it is necessary to have an excuse to spend time with them nightly so as to drug them. Curlers of that age required wearing pinching clips overnight that could also cause pain. It’s a ready made excuse for any lingering discomfort the child expressed after waking up.

The “Gold” part being a symbol of the reward for the act, being paid/funded.

Given this, the role of a small child with “golden curls” would have a built in symbolism for these kinds of behaviors.

This reinforces a decode I already made about another famous show as its famous theme song calls out

Golden Curls: Brady

“All of them had hair of gold” “Youngest one in curls

I used the Brady movie as such a thing would distill the “point” of the show. Notice she looks for “Kitty Carryall’s underpants”. Carryall = storage of what? Part of the answer is in having the maid be “Alice” a symbol tied to CLEANING be ALICE gives us what is being cleaned. Read my Alice in Wonderland decodes if you don’t understand the connotation

This show as a comm for blackmail may seem strange at a glance, but the defining characteristic of the show is it’s clean. In fact if you look at the trailer for the movie the entire joke is just how clean the show is.

I want you to think for a moment if you were going to create a show about hiding perversion, how would you frame it? Would the family involved act shady? No, that’s the polar opposite of what would be logical.

The answer is in going overboard showing the family as hyper moral. Shows like Leave it to Beaver and Brady Bunch when viewed with comms are entirely different affairs.

The very first episode involves the parents taking the children to their Honeymoon hotel.

He has “six flying saucers” in his stomach and taking sedatives as she wears CURLERS in her hair.

Brady Bunch symbolism is tied to Brady Disclosure. Keeping evidence hidden!

Brady comms, the pristine outward layer masking perverse things happening underneath. A guide for people involved in that world to look like while keeping secrets buried.

You may remember I decoded Star Wars as tied to the data transfer ops, well, this week I found a new connection for the transition there.

This is why Brady Bunch ended the same day Star Wars began.

  • 05/25/1977 Brady Bunch Variety show ends
  • 05/25/1977 Star Wars Debut
  • 05/25/1977 Crewline Nuke

I noticed a nuke that day as well. “Crewline” a word symbolizing the movement of associates.

  • 02/06/1981 Brady Brides Girls Get Married Special With Alice
  • 02/06/1981 Prince Charles proposes to Diana

Symbolism tied to evidence control of two parties.

I decoded the change in hands of storage for blackmail being tied to Japan which might be why the film involves Japan as a trip location as well as client for his business.

Notice around the same time as Brady Bunch’s end Hello Kitty began 2nd biggest media property in the world. Started as a “coin purse” (payment) for a child with NO MOUTH. As in not talking. Reconcile with Kitty CARRY ALL.

I mentioned Leave it to Beaver,

Edmund Hillary/Edmond Halley
  • 10/04/1957 Leave it to Beaver Debut
  • 10/04/1957 Sputnik Launched
  • 01/04/1958 Sputnik RETURNS to Earth
  • 01/04/1958 Edmund Hillary First Vehicle ride to Antarctica Pole

Brady Bunch is also show famous for not having a TOILET. A surprising number of articles are written about the relationship Brady Bunch and Leave it to Beaver have with not showing toilets. And the big moment when Leave it to Beaver did. The symbol of a toilet is in waste management. I’ll return to this toilet connection with Japan later in the post, please keep it in mind as this entire post is connected in ways you may not notice if you skim it.

First episode of Brady Bunch

It’s not about a “toilet” that carries excrement so much as it is about computer carrying the strings to nations.

  • 02/04/1980 Studio 54 closes (Celebrity Sex Dungeon)
  • 02/04/1980 Dr. Slump Begins: (Little Girl ROBOT COMPUTER With Tape Recorded Built into her by perverted scientist)

This computer connection becomes more clear when we dig into the creator of Brady Bunch.

  • 07/11/2011 Swartz indictment for stealing computer files from MIT
  • 07/12/2011 Schwartz Death

Death is a way to duck charges and so it being the next day post charges may have been a signal, albeit he was 94 so it wouldn’t be impossible to think it’s a natural death, but notice his name SCHWARTZ.

George Soros Birth name before he decided to become a palindrome (MIRROR SYMBOL) Soros -> soroS.

He also created Gilligan’s Island. A show starring DENVER, notice in the first episode the sail for the failure of a ship is made out of Gilligan’s Socks.

Gilligan is constantly screwing things up and is badmouthed in practically every scene I scanned through.

This is likely an MK symbolism as it’s a guide on how to psychologically abuse without breaking the law. Communities get together and abuse a target, constantly demeaning them for their failures until they break.

The final episode of Gilligan’s Island involves Gilligan acting as a human sacrifice to a volcano. An episode with a guest star who played the Tribble salesman in the most well known episode of Star Trek. The symbolism of the overpopulating “Tribbles” being sold might be in the symbolism of what to do with the excess members of the family that would otherwise eat up resources.

Part of why the MK system is setup as it is is to prevent people from bringing too many people. It would be natural to bring in family members as it’s human nature, but instead people are asked to abuse family members as their ticket in. The local network abuses the target and while not every target becomes a killer, some do, and the ones that don’t still have uses.

This fits with Brady Bunch as the MK system is the other side of the Blackmail system, both require surveillance and Brady Bunch also carries the MK symbolism, just not quite as blunt.

The movie is much more blunt. This is literally how the film ends.

With Jan having voices in her head asking her to kill due to Marcia being praised. Hard to get more precise on the nature of MK abuse than that.

Abuse by favoritism, a mild form of MK, but one that cuts off crucial support roles of family which makes the target susceptible to outside manipulation.

The son from Home Improvement was a Brady in the reboot.

  • 09/17/1991 Home Improvement Debut (Installing deadbolt Security lock)
  • 09/17/1991 Linux First Released (New Computer Security)

Home IMPROV. First episode involved a focus on getting a new lock for the door. (Linux).

Note the symbol of Linux being a PENGUIN. Native of Deception Island in Antarctica.

Notice Cindy Brady’s name is OLSEN. Olsen Twin symbolism, it ties it to the similarly timed show with her as all these popular shows have a common thread of being markers for the ops tied to each other going on.

Brady connection to DOE. Tom Brady Football born on the same day as the MK Ultra hearings which were the day before Q Clearance/DOE came into existence.

The very first song played at a Super Bowl had the music of the SOUND OF MUSIC.

FOOTBALL is crucial in the most famous Brady Bunch episode. The only one ranked by TV Guide as a top 100 episodes of all time. This is a crucial symbol to decode as the most famous episode of the show is going to be akin to distilling the essence of the show itself.

The official story is that the actress actually did have a swollen nose in a car accident so this means that the production of the episode involved sending a comm using the actress.

Gilligan’s island has a similar scene and both involve comparing it to Pinocchio strings.

So what is the meaning? Note the positioning just before getting hit with the football. One boy behind the other as he jerks back and forth.

Note just how long this goes on for. A good 5 seconds calling out numbers as he does an imitation of sex. This is the football that breaks Marcia’s nose in the most famous episode of the series. Also retold in the Brady Bunch movie.

Context is everything, and the story involves Marcia rejecting one man for another and then being injured by a football. The symbolism appears to be someone upset at rejection like say the divorce of Murdoch for example and then throwing a “football” in revenge for it. Throwing a football in this context would be activating blackmail and damaging the face of the target by exposure.

Digging deeper, Marcia specifically breaks up with a guy to go with a man named “Simpson” played by Nicholas HAMmond. This is what leads her to be hit with a football that is connected to two boys choreographing intercourse.

So who specifically was Marcia trying to get together with that caused all the problems?

Nicholas Hammond, a man who played in the film SOUND OF MUSIC as one of the boys. (First Super Bowl song)

Sound of Music as the son of the Von TRAPP children escaping Nazi control (Operation Paperclip!)

Movie famous for Saving FOX!

It all comes full circle and back to Murdoch!

So let’s dig into that one too!

When I looked up Sound of Music some interesting facts that popped up about Nicholas Hammond. Growing “6 inches” “in 6 months” growth symbol tied to ops involvement.

Sound of Music, note the mention of curlers in her hair.

Movie about Operation Paperclip symbolism. Clergy helping smuggle people out of Nazi territory.

Most famous parts are clear given frequency of parody. 3 Particularly famous scenes.

The initial one involves the Nun SPINNING.

“Church on a breeze” – symbol of clergy associated ops/narratives and as discussed before blackmail which can at least be traced back to the Alice in Wonderland comms and even before it.

I’ll get more into 1832 in the next section, but for now let’s briefly go over the other 2 famous scenes.

The famous song teaching scene with kids.

Song that begins with “Doe,” A deer. A female Deer.

DOE Q clearance comms, DOE as a name chosen due to the older connection.

DOE as a symbol itself is tied to the animal’s VISION.

Song continues DOE (Q)-> RAY (Chandler)

DOE (Q Secrets) -> Ray (Chandler) -> Me -> Far (Distance Travel) -> Puppet String -> Song Follow

I translate it as “Ray Chandler” but the symbol itself is not tied to her, she simply invokes it and it’s a good example for this specific case. Chandler = Child Handler. “Ray” is the definition of visibility. Light is defined by Rays. Thus Ray Chandler is a symbol of visibility of child handling i.e. follow Ray Chandler and you can follow along with the ops of child handling.

Then it continues to attaching STRINGS and then a SONG TO FOLLOW.

Ends with “TEA” a symbol of Church comms.

Tea = t = Cross symbolism which brings it back to DOE which in context is referring to the main character as she teaches the children ops.

The VON TRAPP family. Trap as symbol of blackmailing.

The final of the 3 famous scenes is perhaps the most obvious given all the other comms. A song dedicated to children going to bed.

Sung twice in the film before audiences, song involves saying goodbye as well as this is symbolism of leaving the past affiliation with Nazi’s.

Moving to safety under the church and then being employed elsewhere for the same acts. The song holds multiple layers of symbolism as it’s not just defining their job but asserting a farewell to doing that job for that party.

For it to have “saved Fox” implies there was merit in sending a message of rejection to the past and performing blackmail for a new party tied to the church. Simply put the movie is a giant love letter to cooperation with church blackmail ops.

Murdoch bought Fox.

Ownership changes are typically voluntary (and when they aren’t it’s a big comms event) so it’s often between the same affiliation. We can’t be sure of that, but it’s a presumption to begin with to test hypothesis.

Pre-Murdoch, who owned Fox?

A man whose history is tied to employing Marilyn Monroe!

As I’ve decoded before she was supposed to bring down JFK.

Instead she “Died”. I suspect this failure to take down JFK using scandal (forcing them to go the assassination road) was a sore subject between factions.

Monroe was set to be the first topless Hollywood film in the sound era.

Symbol of EXPOSURE. So everything was set for her to destroy JFK, and given she was employed at the time by FOX, well this failure of Monroe to take on JFK might be why and how Fox collapsed. It had to be SOMEONE’S FAULT it didn’t happen, and atm it’s looking like Fox.

Had Monroe took down JFK, perhaps Fox’s famously failing “Cleopatra” which was said to have destroyed Fox, maybe instead of bankrupting Fox would have been a new era of success. It is about a powerful woman in control, it may well have been the intended symbol to mark the activation of Monroe, but that’s highly speculative… I need to watch the film to be sure.

Last Monroe film was from FOX and involved her being declared legally dead! It was UNFINISHED.

Instead, the first topless Hollywood would come through Jayne Mansfield in 1963. Something highly promoted by Playboy. Keep in mind how Monroe was tied to Playboy.

Interesting dates around it as well. Including JFK’s EO changing FED rules.

  • 06/04/1963 Hugh Hefner Arrested tied to Monroe and Mansfield Nude scene
  • 06/04/1963 JFK Federal Reserve EO
  • 06/04/1963 Nutty Professor Jerry Lewis hit serum
  • 06/03/1963 Pope Ending John XXIII

I went over Nutty Professor comms in my Manchurian candidate post.

Plot involved a finale where he makes copies of the formula to safeguard himself from bad actors. Formula was a parody of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, to make a long story short the symbolism is tied to JFK keeping MK documentation leverage against the CIA. This is the same documentation found by the Church commission that caused all the craziness around 1977 with DOE/Q clearance.

Let’s switch topics to a symbol tied to someone tied to Murdoch.

One particular symbol that is extremely relevant to decode this week.

322 Skull & Bones

It’s relevant this week because there have been a number of “322” comms.

This is just one of several 322’s and I’ll get into the meaning of them all after we understand what the heck “322” even means and why it’s connected to the Bush family.

Officially the Bush family for at least 3 generations are prominent members of Skull and Bones “322”

Notice it’s tied to stealing famous people’s bones. This is a connection I’ll get more into later, but for now….

Ownership of Deer Island. DOE/Q comms secrecy.

Why 322?

When trying to decode anything, 322 or otherwise, it’s useful to look at the official explanations. Often the correct answer is hidden inside them but only when viewed in a comms context.

There is no official answer on the 322, but among the most prominent interpretations is it being a reference to the year of the creation of the club + the number “2” as the 2nd chapter.

In this interpretation it’s tied to a German mother organization that they created an 1832 offshoot to.

I highlighted another important event in 1832 the Rothschild loan to the Holy See, and I strongly suspect there’s a connection.

I find it interesting that it’s German as I see no reason to connect them to Germany yet in all the places I’ve seen this rumor it is for whatever reason always German mother organization.

If this 1832 Rothschild loan to the Vatican is the correct connection to 322, then we need to understand this loan more.

Getting billions of dollars infused into an organization means this money would be funneled to friendly cells around the world. I suspect Yale was one such place and the new generation at Yale were a major beneficiary of it. This might be why Yale is placed in New Haven/Heaven as a tie to the clergy? (Haven = sanctuary definition as well)

As I always do, I looked into the timeline and found a few curious pieces. The agreement for the 1832 loan was made November 30th 1931 and when I looked into events around this…

  • 10/31/1831 Frankenstein First Popular version (still in use today)
  • 11/30/1831 Agreement Rothschild Loan to Vatican
  • 11/29/1831 Germany UFO spotted Disk “The apparent size of the Moon”
  • 09/06/1831 Geneva Switzerland UFO Sightings begin
  • 11/29/1831 Geneva Switzerland UFO Last Seen

Timing is near the first popular version of Frankenstein which begins in Germany and moves to Switzerland. Same places (and even direction of timings) as early UFO sightings.

UFO symbolism is foreign agent. In this context it would likely be a messenger with promises of money for cooperation.

Frankenstein 1831 being the first popular version might be because of funding that allowed promotion/press!

Especially since part of Frankenstein’s symbolism is tied to the printing press!

A marker for the print revolution.

Created as a monster out of many different men from different places. Coordination from many places. The symbol of creating a violent mob which is done using the press!

If this connection is correct with press and Yale then it may explain how they have the title of oldest literary magazine in the USA.

Big success over time comes from investment, so I find it curious the oldest just so happened to be in student hands as the students may have had a pipeline into that vast sum of money. It may just be when Yale went from being just a college to being funded into a super college which today stands alongside Harvard at the top of countless other institutions.

The church connection may also explain why the clergy a few decades later were so tied to children and blackmail with the Alice in Wonderland push.

I had decoded before a college connection tied to those ops and this reinforces that.

Furthermore this Frankenstein connection explains why the 322 symbol is Halloween themed. The popular version that literally was released on Halloween.

This still isn’t a certainty, but it is looking likely. In which case “322” as a symbol represents the ownership of skeletons in the closet.

Notice the very first thing that comes up with the history of that phrase is 1832! In fact what’s amusing here is that idiom was was my first reaction to the decode and when I explained my take to a readers minus the idiom it was the first thing they thought of without me even saying that part! This demonstrates how well known that saying is. This is important because as I show in every post, the more well known something is, the more likely it’s been pushed onto us as an important piece of symbolism!

Anyway, the point is it’s all about collecting the skeletons in other people’s closets.

Hence members being “Bonesmen”

This fits with the blackmail ops certainly, and fits most uses I’ve seen of 322.

Thus usage of 322 is to invoke the symbolism of old crimes. It can represent control of evidence of them or something more benign.

Recent 322 comms, I had a reader point this one out after I mentioned I had been seeing 322 comms around.

Announced on 322 and CS2 can be converted into 322. C= 3 S = 2 Mirrored so it may have always had that 322 symbol tied to it!

The most interesting “322” is what’s going on now with Japan.

I brought up the Japanese baseball game, and take a closer look.

It’s actually March 21st, but Japan is +17 hours ahead which means it was March 22nd 322 in Japan during the World Baseball Classic that Japan won.

What’s most interesting about this Japan winning baseball comm is that the 322nd episode of South Park hit on 03/01/2023 (3/2 in Japan)

An episode that involved a love letter to Japanese Toilets as well as a JFK ASSASINATION PLOT BY BIG BUSINESSES! (Remember when I said we’d get back to Japanese toilets in relation to Brady Bunch?)

The symbolism when we contrast the baseball game appears to be about partly about exposing past crimes.

  • 03/02/2023 (Japan Time) South Park Japanese Toilet JFK Conspiracy Episode
  • 03/22/2023 (Japan Time) Japan Beats US World Baseball game 3-2
  • 03/22/2023 CS2 Announcement Counter Strike 2 Private Invites

Now if we dissect the baseball comms and contrast them with the South Park ones….

The official story of the baseball game is about #17 Ohtani beating Mike Trout 6 times.

07/05/1994 Amazon founded by Jeff Bezos
07/05/1994 “Showtime” Ohtani #17 Star of 2023 US Vs Japan Game

The 322nd South Park episode the plot involves Toilet paper companies hiring killers to prevent any disclosure of the benefits of Japanese Toilets. The star of the game was born the same say as Amazon.

I will be covering these comms much more extensively in the future, but for now take a look at the surrounding news.

  • 07/08/2011 Obama ends NASA Shuttle Era Final Flight longest 17 days 15 hours
  • 07/08/2011 Mike Trout debut

USA “Dethroned” as in a change of leadership.

  • 11/03/2018 VP1 Discovered
  • 11/06/2018 ELECTION DATE
  • 08/23/2020 Mike Trout Rookie card sells for record setting 3.84 Million at auction
  • 08/23/2020 VP1 Asteroid could it 1 day before election (VP = Vice President Biden)
  • 11/02/2020 VP1 approaches Earth
  • 11/03/2020 US ELECTION

Notice the asteroid is heading towards mailboxes. I believe the symbolism for this was in the well documented mail fraud in that election. I believe the point here was in the criminal investigations going on behind the scenes.

I’m adding this little section after the post, and in a future one I will attempt to fully solve it, but for now let’s go into that connected South Park episode.

322: South Park

Timing this to 322nd episode = probably planned a long time in advance. It may even explain why South Park released so few episodes the last few years as they wanted to time this one to a specific date. (from 2020-2021 only 4 episodes were aired)

My point is I think there’s a lot here going far beyond a typical JFK parody.

After all, why Japanese toilets?

The episode begins with the guest toilet being broken.

A scene with Randy’s wife refusing to show her feces.

Feces is disgusting and people try and get rid of it as fast as possible. That goes without saying, but I say it because this is why it is often used to represent someone’s disgusting secrets. As in evidence of crimes.

“Toilet Revolution” with excrement in hand, the same day as the elections that solidified control over evidence.

Anyway, in the episode they need to get a new toilet for the guest room, a way to handle dirt as guests are coming over.

Notice the color being light blue, I don’t typically decode color comms anymore, but I am aware of a few of them. It’s tricky to decode with colors because colors are far too prevalent everywhere. It’s only when they become the focus of a story that they matter. In this case its color is brought up several times. “Ol’ Blue”

Blue is a symbol for information, but often when they make it a lighter shade of blue than typical it’s to invoke Tiffany Blue comms.

A comm of information that’s not publicly available. PRIVATELY OWNED information. The prize of the WBC which is connected tot his episode is made by Tiffany & Co. Tho I can’t say yet if that part is meaningful.

The way this is all resolved is by getting a Japanese toilet that doesn’t require toilet paper.

“Cleans you 8 times better than toilet paper can.”

I have never seen an episode of any show that promotes something as hard as South Park promoted Japanese toilets in this episode. There is also a conspiracy plot line I’m going to dissect, but the rabbit hole is also in the toilet itself.

This whole idea of doing away with toilet paper… does that sound familiar to you?

I had wondered at the time why there were so many reports of no more toilet paper thanks to Coronavirus. All of it pushing panic with Toilet Paper. This episode gives the likely answer as to why that was pushed.

What do I mean?

The point is things are kept artificially bad. Much like how many cures are kept from happening by stopping certain types of research, so too are many of our products kept artificially inferior.

There are forces in the world that have kept the benefits of Japanese style improvements in toilets away from US minds and houses, and this episode uses that to explain the motives behind many evil things in the world.

This episode parodies the fight between JFK and the unseen forces that killed him to the industry that fights against mass adoption of modern toilet technology. Randy literally gets shot by them for trying to tell people about toilets. A silly idea, but when we get into the details it unlocks an important point about the way the world currently is and why it needs to change.

The toilet is 10k, but that’s for the high end model, the show makes it clear there are cheap ones that replace toilet paper as well. The price aspect is there to facilitate the JFK plot line as it allows him to compare himself to having nice things like the Kennedy’s.

It’s not that replacing toilet paper is the most important thing in the world, it’s one example of a product that large corporations have decided is a non starter in the USA and kept it away from markets.

Not only do we not get good new products there is an active will pushing us further into the dark ages.

Intentionally bad Light bulbs and Toilets and crappy Washing Machines are all things I could liken to wearing a bit of extra weight, by itself you wouldn’t notice 1 pound but this is just one of many situations where our lives are held back. Add in 99 more “1 pound” and you realize you are suddenly wearing 100 pounds and can barely move without an enormous amount of effort.

Heck many people weigh hundreds of pounds overweight and it’s also because of this same system. People don’t have to be the way they are. People are herded effectively in terrifyingly unhealthy ways for body and mind.

Stan suddenly finds himself bullied for being rich as his father promotes the use of the toilet. This is a likely symbol of the media pushback suddenly turning into bullies and refusing to listen.

This is countered by Randy going into the nuances of why pressurized water is far more hygienic than rubbing feces on yourself with paper.

It’s a concept I never considered until this episode and that’s the point. I’ve only ever heard of this this week for the first time despite how much I study with Japan as a common topic. All I’ve ever heard about Japanese toilets is jokes about them, never did anyone bother to explain the basic theory behind switching from paper to water.

This is because of the pushback, which begins with the Proctologist.

A man counting how much money he makes from people with anal problems that would be instantly fixed with this exact device.

I have never had problems like this, but I know people who have and this would be a life changing product.

The important part for people without serious health issues is that it does a better job without waste.

This sudden change from friendly to vicious with the proctologist is much like the entire school turning against Stan and eventually the assassination attempts by the toilet paper companies.

As strange as it may sound this is why Coronavirus was a thing. Not specifically for toilets, but because the changes coming require a fundamental shift away from the system we have now. A system where groups of people hire harassment and killers for anyone that says/does something that threatens their livelihood.

They could have made the symbol a 100 other products, but choosing toilets allows for an extra layer with evidence symbolism.

It also highlights the irony of global warming era. The act of cutting down millions of trees is the kind of thing they would protest if it wasn’t a protected industry.

So laying out the arguments and being coy about the danger at the start, all of it leading to a JFK parody.

The motives of assassination being the toilet paper companies not wanting to lose business. This is an approximation of the motives of countless acts done to maintain a hold for a large company.

Randy gets shot in a parody of JFK.

After JFK died his brother RFK picked up the mantle only to also get murdered.

Which led to Ted Kennedy throwing in the towel. Giving the seat up to HRC’s mentor.

In this parody it’s Stan’s role to pick up the mission.

And so we have the fall guy in the proctologist here. Symbol of the shell used which quickly gets discarded. This can be MK ops or someone blackmailed and forced into action or simply someone forced to take the blame.

“They took everything from me” “My bike, my cat” “Sue my parents”

I tend to decode a lot of cat symbolism as it ties into blackmail, but it’s really just a way to represent a role in ops. Blackmail tends to be the ops I’m most frequently decoding.

Jimmy losing his cat to it is a symbol for removing his op. As in if you fight against the system you lose your position in it.

They repeat the same points, if the point was simple comedy they wouldn’t keep reinforcing the same points, they would make new jokes. Instead it reads more like an advertisement and they go through the companies that would have the most to lose.

It may seem absurd to kill for toilet paper, but remember this is one of many products and it’s a valid one as I’ve never heard any of this. Why? I do a lot of research a week and I have an interest in Japanese culture, yet these arguments are entirely new to me. They shouldn’t be. I should have heard about all of this a long time ago.

But people are coerced and brainwashed, just as it says.

RFK died and the parody ends with the opposite conclusion, which makes the message stronger.

Bettering society is something that every one should be able to get behind.

A movement towards a true great awakening across society, not letting the control of big business control cures and industry so as to prevent wide spread adoption of superior products.

This connects in two ways to the follow up episode. It involves both an introduction of a revolutionary technology that will change the world, but it is also about the Great Awakening.

Update: South Park AI

The episode directly after the 322 episode is the one focusing on ChatGPT.

A symbol I believe is being used to define people becoming comms aware. “AI” is used as a symbol to define programming the public, thus suddenly smart AI is a symbol for exactly that.

I decoded it that way long before this episode, and notice the way it’s framed. It involves Cartman, Butters and Stan all using ChatGPT to cheat and the fear that if other people learn about ChatGPT their UNFAIR ADVANTAGE will be gone.

Cartman and Butters are typically used to symbolize non comms aware victims, but putting them in this role allows for a story focused on people who are new to that world rather than have long lived in it.

The people around them like Wendy are typically shown as comms aware in the show. This history in relation to the people just discovering it are plot elements.

As Stan uses ChatGPT Wendy becomes more open and tells him what bad thing happened to her when she was “6”

The problem arises as an investigation into who was using AI to cheat.

The symbolism here I believe is in the fear of exposure. As things go public how do children involved in that world protect themselves?

This question is part of why I always try and show as much empathy as possible for people caught up in this system. The public is conditioned to turn into pitchfork mobs just like Frankenstein. Getting them to understand and realize the deception without acting out against the people around them is key to moving forward.

People will be upset as they learn there are people they have known all their lives that live a double life and their relative success in comparison to their own is partially due to being a part of it.

The person tasked to weed out “cheaters” focuses in on Wendy who replies to his accusations with:

“I write my own essays”

This is a symbol of the system not being “cheating” as at a glance it may seem, more like a lifestyle when interpreted in a favorable light.

The fact is they still do need effort to move ahead with the 666 system. Even without comms simply existing in that system would give them a lifestyle that made them excel relative to those conditioned to fail.

From a certain perspective the system only magnifies what is already there. However I doubt most people would view it that way.

I jumped ahead to make a point, but much of the episode is in the panic and attempt at keeping something under wraps that isn’t going to be kept under wraps.

The appeal to embrace ChatGPT as it is, just like with the toilets, a step forward that’s long been held back. Choosing those products to lead with is likely due to the symbolism, I can think of quite a few other technologies that have been held back like washing machines or software design, but using “AI” allows the whole mass adoption of it to be a conversation.

“Spreads like cancer” which is how the comms world can be viewed as people recognize the value and then induct people.

Using this symbol allows people to portray it as a terrifying future or conversely talk about all the jobs lost due to it.

Another issue is all the people with fear their jobs being removed.

The argument made that if it’s exposed it will hurt Wendy by exposing him. It helps to remember all the children caught up in this that would suddenly go from star students to social pariah’s, but only if things aren’t done carefully.

“Whoever uses it for messages is a monster”. The show goes between both versions and ends with having ChatGPT write the ending.

An ending which involves a speech about making sure everyone has access to it going forward.

And why it’s crucial to keep ChatGPT technology away from big companies that would monopolize and abuse it.

Reconcile that against the last episode showing big business keeping technology inferior and most importantly SILENT as they silenced anyone talking about its benefits.

Same is true of the comms world.

Stan asks ChatGPT to write a happy ending. I believe this is about people learning the comms world in a positive way. A way that doesn’t invite mass hysteria and arrests of people caught up in it through no fault of their own.

I still need to dig a lot deeper into ChatGPT to be confident of this decode, I am confident that “AI” has been used to symbolize the programming of the masses at least. I am also confident that part of the point of these last two episodes is about how to adopt improvements in technology, but that’s not really decoding that’s just literally the plots of both episodes lol.

One thing is for sure and that’s that the motivations of big companies are often at direct odds with the populace and this needs to be addressed. Both episodes discussed this danger and it begs the question of just how many new technologies have been held back.

This is an aside, but I have long had a number of ideas for inventions I’ve long wondered why they don’t exist, I spoke up about this and found other people with the same. Sure I’m biased and my ideas may not be as good as I think, but I can see now that it doesn’t matter. If my ideas happen to be superior to existing ones there is no way for me get traction for them and even if there was we can see the forces that fight against positive change.

Just imagine how much better things would be if such entities worked to moving us in a good direction rather than bad!

The good news is we seem to finally be going in that direction!

Ok… last topic!

Murdaugh & ChatGPT

I went over Rupert “Murdoch” the show “Murdoch’s Mysteries” and I went over McMurdo Base in Antarctica.

Now let’s go over Murdaugh.

A legal family that has been in headlines recently with a trial.

I highlight the legal family aspect because of this curious connection.

  • 01/25/2023 Musk’s ChatGPT bot passes law school exam
  • 01/25/2023 Famous Law Family: Alex Murdaugh murder Trial begins

I suspect the connection here is in this trial acting as a vehicle for bringing things to the public.

Tho this is entirely irrelevant to decoding, I asked ChatGPT about it. Results were.. underwhelming.

I then posted the article’s text thinking it needed more context, but it rejected the idea entirely. Maybe if I had begun the conversation explaining the way they passed the exam it would have accepted it, but once it gets an idea it doesn’t let go of it easily. Very human in that way, even in mistakes!

I believe ChatGPT is being used to represent the programming/awakening of the masses. So it passing a bar exam the same day as a head of a famous legal family’s (which recently lost their license) trial could mean something.

  • 01/23/2023 Musk’s Starlink Is Now Connecting Remote Antarctic Research McMurdo Station
  • 01/23/2023 Murdaugh’s trial on the homicide charges began with jury selection.

“Q” highlighted it not being about Republican Vs Democrat, that what is going on is much bigger.

I believe both sides are being cleaned up,

So what about Murdaugh?

When I looked into Murdaugh I found their family fortune legal history was tied to curious deaths in the family leading to insurance money.

Notice his 17k HUNTING LODGE being MOSelle. While that could be a coincidence it feeds into the typical symbol associated with Murdoch which is MOS.

This is further supported by my dig into the dates.

  • 01/15/1915 Buster Murdaugh Born
  • 01/15/1915 Golem: Jewish monster – 1st Monster Movie ever made

Having a birth date tied to a famous event is a popular way to turn a person into a comm as I’ve decoded quite a few times.

Keep in mind birth dates (and names) are easier to change the further back in history you go and especially for a family tied to the legal system.

As for what this means? Well, it certainly reinforces the idea of the “hunting” symbol above. This is a movie about creating and controlling a mass murderer.

To understand further, let’s consider a few more data points.

  • 03/22/2019 Mueller concludes investigation (322 Skull & Bones Symbolism)
  • 04/18/2019 Paul Murdaugh charged with 3 felony counts in connection with deadly boat crash
  • 04/18/2019 Bill Barr releases Mueller’s Redacted report on Russian interference in the 2016 election

By itself this means little, but when in context with the legal stuff going on behind the scenes to connect various cases together… this could mean a lot! Especially if we see more connections to old evidence.

  • 06/05/2021 Brady Rookie card record auction 3.1 million
  • 06/06/2021 Meghan & Harry welcome “Diana”
  • 06/07/2021 Murdaugh Murder

Auctions like this can be used as “payment” for ops, and context is everything. Brady symbolism = brady disclosure as I’ve already went over. Baby being born is sometimes used to represent an op, it’s possible this was the prep work necessary for the op. Setting up the funding and comms vehicle in preparation.

Also notice this is about ALEX Murdaugh.

  • 09/14/2021 Alex Murdaugh plot to have himself killed and have his son inherit the insurance payment uncovered
  • 09/12/2021 Alex SOROS Heir of George Soros begins transfer of power from father as Open Societies is restructured

Interesting because both stories involve the same name and a son inheriting, but this might be nothing.

Let’s go through a few more data points and see if any patterns emerge.

  • 02/24/2019 Hunter Biden Exchange Addict Text messages
  • 02/24/2019 Murdaugh family boating accident death drunk

The famous Hunter Biden evidence with laptop/cell phones. I’ve said before that things going on with Biden from that point and prior were planned out and so his damning text messages were part of it and possibly timed to other events. Especially if we see this pattern continue, like say with the only other famous laptop getting stolen tied to a major Murdaugh date.

  • 06/07/2021 Murdaugh Trial Murders date
  • 06/07/2021 Anthony Weiner jokes of selling his laptop to MyPillow’s Mike Lindell

If the “murders” were a “Show” and just messaging ops as I believe they were, then it’s all coordinated from the date they happened. In this case the famous perverse laptop of Anthony Weiner being sold to one of Trump’s most prominent supporters Mike Lindell.

Mike Lindell comms relate to keeping things “asleep” for a period of time. This follows with Weiner’s case as things were kept quiet after that date.

It’s all still in motion but what I see suggests they have been keeping things quiet as hard as possible for a long time now, all while things cruise behind the scenes and real change is made. These cases like Murdaugh appear to be about connecting the multitudes of cases together so as to fix things with the minimum number of hammer falls necessary.

When things finally surface and can go public is hard to say, but I think it’s coming soon. At least presuming things don’t get paused anyway.

I’m hoping it’s full speed ahead, but even if parts get delayed I don’t think the plan is changing fundamentally.

I think what we are about to see is a “movie” designed to wake people up, and some parts of it are moving very fast now.

  • 03/30/2023 Republican led effort ends COVID emergency on fast track to becoming bill
  • 03/30/2023 Trump Indicted on 34 Counts: First time a U.S. President has faced Criminal charges

According to a reader those two news events were within 2 hours of each other!

If you followed my COVID posts you know why this fits together, all of it is tied together. The stolen election evidence, getting everything into court, and with COVID “over” officially it may well be a sign things are going especially well!

One more news update from another reader.

  • 03/24/2023 Biden Gift of Chocolate from bombed chocolate factory survivors
  • 03/24/2023 Chocolate factory explodes in PA

Not just chocolate, but soon after another incident with Chocolate ice cream as well.

Inappropriately joking about ice cream before talking about a school shooting that killed 6. There’s a few points to this, first is it’s bad publicity and as I’ve said in many posts his goal is getting his own numbers down.

The presentation is other level is in comms, and ice cream = scream symbolism. It works with him coming to get it as he is intentionally creating bad publicity for himself.

Now in addition to the goal of hurting his own candidacy it also carries a comm to discuss the event itself.

His talk about having a whole FRIDGE of ice cream upstairs. Preservation of evidence in regards to horrors like school shootings. Tho that may not be the precise symbol here, I’m not quite sure with this and the Chocolate factory.

Instead of speculating I’ll share one last bit that came up as I dug into Alex Murdaugh.

Notice the positioning and timing on Drudge. PERFECT STORM COMING for financial markets. I covered a number of STORM approaching comms last week and I believe this gives us the answer when we reconcile all the connections thus far.

There are patterns but some are kind of all over the place compared to usual which means either I failed to properly remove unrelated random coincidences (which is entirely possible) or that what’s really going on is truly a PERFECT STORM.

The idea being to connect all the crimes in court behind the scenes and so everything Sessions set up that Durham carried through and the many other people have been doing behind the scenes all come together to clean everything up!

I am ever optimistic about that!

I’m also optimistic about the future! and at the time of writing this was Elon Musk’s most recent post,

I feel this is a good thought to finish the post on.

This reminded me of my pursuit of philosophy and it gets to the heart of why things need to change, there are greater mysteries and pursuits to have yet the world has long been stuck in a blackmail & brainwashing war for centuries.

I’m tempted to give my own philosophical ideas on reality but that’s outside decoding, suffice to say I have a lot of thoughts on it and one day I’d like to share them with a more awake populace.

I don’t intend on decoding forever, but I’ll do it as long as necessary to help fix things. There is a great effort to lift the world out of darkness and I believe trying to help it along is the most important thing I can do at this time.

I probably get a few things wrong every week, but I’m confident I’m going in the right direction. I hope every reader of mine can say the same. The good news is if I am right about pretty much anything then all of us have an incredible amount of long wasted potential waiting to be tapped.

We don’t need to try and be perfect, but if we try and be better than yesterday I think we can. Do that for a few days in a row and before long every day will become the best “you” that has ever lived. In time every day might just be the best day of your life.

Ok, that’s not me going philosophical.. more like a random spontaneous motivational speech 5 minutes before posting. Because as much as I am excited about people learning the truth I feel like people need to work on their soul along with their brain.

Thank you for your time!

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