Post McCarthyism (Russian Witch Hunt) & The Roaring Kitty Grabbers

This week was a first in the history of Congress!

The speaker was removed by the House!

Trump has been widely reported as a front-runner for this position and has been receptive to the idea!

Let’s dig into comms around this.

It’s worth noting that if Trump were to take this position, he would be 3rd in line for POTUS!

I’ve already decoded extensive coordination for Biden’s downfall so this is a plausible path for that!

Invoking Trump via Logo

Have you seen the new logo for the Minnesota Twins?

Virtually unchanged since 1986 and then in 2022 they suddenly turn it into the spitting image of Trump’s Campaign logo!

Only instead of “P” we have a “C”

If this is where Trump comms are coordinated, what might we see now?

I wouldn’t have thought much of it except for the fact the Minnesota Twins have recently broken a curse. Their first playoff win since 2004!

They had the world record for most playoff losses in a row!

So, suddenly the Trump Logo went from endless losses to epic win?

But there are many more reasons to connect these dots.

For one thing notice the 2nd to last Q post just so happened to be the same day the logo changed.

With the stringer (future event) of ASCENSION!

Why use the Minnesota Twins for this? There are several reasons!

One of which is the last win they had was in 2004…. which is when Trump made his comeback with MSM promotion through the APPRENTICE!

MSM coming around to Trump?

Ballot Stuffing Bunker

What story might prompt this?

Notice this publicity stunt done by Nabisco. A concrete bunker to PRESERVE THE OREO RECIPE.

Tied to the VP1 Asteroid Impact!

  • 11/03/2018 VP1 Discovered
  • 11/06/2018 ELECTION DATE
  • 08/23/2020 VP1 Asteroid could hit 1 day before election (VP = Vice President Biden)
  • 11/02/2020 VP1 approaches Earth
  • 11/03/2020 US ELECTION

Notice the MAILBOXES as target of Asteroid! Comms of Ballot stuffing via mail!

This is something I’ve decoded but it now has new context!

  • 1974 Double Stuff Oreos Introduced
  • 1974 Video Voter Patented – first electronic voting

Balot stuffing comms!

Q: “Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method to bypass NSA election security.

Thus we can translate this as…

“Election Day” Asteroid protection!

Bunker to preserve evidence of Voter Fraud! The narrative ops continue towards the big conclusion!

And there is a much stronger reason to connect these dots specifically with McCarthy!

Notice the news with McCarthy removed causing Ukraine to freak out about aid.

This is compounded by Musk also rejecting their requests and nearly starting a war with Congress!

Why do I connect that with Minnesota Twins?

Well actually, I already decoded some of the Minnesota Twins history… in this post right here.

Do you notice that title?

It’s comms about Joe McCarthy being removed coordinated through MLB Minnesota TWINS!

Well, technically it was the Senators, but they became the Twins in the 1960’s.

These MLB comms coordinated the fall of the Republican leader of the RUSSIAN WITCH HUNT.

Sound familiar? Trump + Russia conspiracy?

Invoking Joe + McCarthy

A man named JOE + McCarthy!

  • 06/17/1954 Televised Senate McCarthy hearings end
  • 06/18/1954 Casey at the Bat (Legend of failed batter)
  • 06/19/1954 Lester Hunt Suicide due to Herman Welker’s blackmail
  • 06/19/1954 Harmon Killebrew signs to Senators due to Herman Welker (McCarthy’s closest ally)

The Russian witch “hunt” ends with a man literally named Lester “HUNT” becoming a martyr at the hands of McCarthy’s close ally.

Senator HOR Herman Welker KILLER OF HUNT/ Senator MLB Harmon CLAYton Killebrew “Killer” Nickname

  • Herman/Harmon
  • Killer/Killer
  • Senator/Senator

The “Hunt” scandal snowballs into his loss of credibility which in turn paves the way for his removal.

Downfalls are coordinated.

  • 05/02/1957 McCarthy Death at Bethesda
  • 10/30/1957 Herman Welker Death at Bethesda (McCarthy Ally)

Scandals -> “Deaths” -> Spooks (No more pressure)

  • 11/26/1961 Spitball return rejected by MLB
  • 11/26/1961 Final McCarthy Red Scare pusher Henry Styles blackmailer death

There’s a lot more in the post so I’ll stop regurgitating it.

Seems pretty relevant today!

The sudden removal of “McCarthy” as Head of Congress, the teasing of Trump’s return and win which would require the Russian witch hunt to end.

I can’t help but wonder if McCarthy had that position specifically to invoke the Russian hunt!

His fight against Russia in Ukraine is a large part of what got him ejected!

I punctuate these findings with a warning:

Sports is among my weakest subjects for decoding.

That’s not to say this is wrong… I just know better than to make predictions with subjects I’m not fluent in!

One of many I’ve barely begun to solve! Even if I’m right it doesn’t mean the comms will go the way we hope anyway…

I don’t even yet know what the symbol for “Twins” is but I did learn that the origin of Twins team was tied to the new ability for people to drive to games.

Interesting because…

  • 04/24/1956 First Game played in future Minnesota Twins Baseball Stadium
  • 04/27/1956 Federal Aid Highway act Passes House (Most expensive public works project of all time)

So it may have its origin riding the coattails of big HOR funding?

I’m not always right, but I always show you why I think what I think!

No promises of insider knowledge here, just all my cards on the table at all times : )

I’ve said plenty of times that Trump leaving was necessary to do what needed to be done that Biden’s role was to soak up the blame for things that would have killed Trump politically.

Afghanistan, I mentioned, but a better example is Wall Street.

Trump Post Election: Roaring Kitty Grabber

Within 2 days of Trump leaving a short squeeze killed hedge funds.

  • 01/20/2021 Joe Biden Presidency Begins
  • 01/22/2021 Historic Short Squeeze on GameStop led by Trump Mascot Reddit community.
  • 01/26/2021 Musk links to r/wallstreetbets

Musk reappearing

The mascot was a generic baby until it was “Trumped” in 2016 and adopted his campaign hat and then hair.

So for Trump to “leave” and then immediately an icon of him pulls billions from hedge funds and much of that flows into a poor community?

I think that’s telling.

They made a documentary about it “Dumb Money” which I just watched.

It explains how a YouTube/Reddit user pulled off the first successful case of a poor community successfully taking billions from on Wall Street.

It also helps clarify positions!

They mention how in the last century there were only 2 cases where anyone had any success taking on Hedge funds with a short squeeze.

The most notable of which was Piggly Wiggly in 1923 and while it worked at first Wall Street simply changed rules and bankrupted him.

So needless to say it was a very big deal, and the hedge fund that lost billions went defunct….

  • 06/29/2022 Q Post “Who has control”
  • 06/30/2022 Melvin Capital Defunct Date

Note the posts leading up to that:

“It had to be done this way”

“Shall we play a game once more?”

Shall we play a Game(Stop) once more?

And picking GameStop for the vehicle to make an example out of hedge funds is meaningful.

The leader of this being a man tied to cat symbols. “Roaring Kitty” Kitty = bank.

Notice the people he makes rich, one of which is first shown literally doing a parody of Trump’s famous Access Hollywood “gaffe”

The cat symbols representing not just money here but the comms community I suspect.

As this was largely fueled by combining the “Kitty” of multitudes of people.

One of the most famous examples of short selling is when George Soros “Broke the bank of England”

In the film it explains the process is typically like a vampire, where big money like George Soros comes in to a company sucks out all assets before leaving with no consequences

Examples are given of how people who had worked from bagboy to the top of major companies and suddenly lost not just their jobs but pensions and everything else due to these practices.

The fact they call individual investors “Dumb Money” paints how the masses are viewed.

The mechanics of which are that Hedge Funds bet against a stock and if it goes up they have to pay the difference, thus as multitudes of investors pumped the stock the hedge fund had to pay more and more until bankruptcy!

When they “bet” against a company like that, effectively it’s a death sentence, but here it backfired.

All of it coordinated by many across social media with multitudes in community and Elon Musk and Trump mascot supporting the charge.

Interesting to note the figures shown promoting in film as it suggests they are on board now as well.

Some obvious ones but others this is as close I have seen to confirmation of it. (Tho it’s not a certainty)

It ends with him running naked as was suggested throughout the film to do in a lightning storm. Exposure comms.

It also ends saying he last posted April 16th 2021 but what did was only the beginning which is interesting given…

  • 04/16/2021 Roaring Kitty Keith Gill Final Post
  • 04/16/2021 Dogecoin spikes 400% in a week
  • 04/16/2021 What the cicadas will leave behind

Another one Musk has strongly promoted!

Also, I can’t help but notice the KG/KG initials of the leader of this and Ken Griffin being the other one tied to this whole orchestration.

KG/KG – Especially with “Ken Griffin” sounds like a KGB comm given Ken Griffey Sr/Jr was how they were once symbolized in transition during the USSR Breakup.

One of the points of the film is in holding to get the hedge funds to pay more.

A reason for this confidence in the stock in the film was Ryan Cohen of Petsmart/Chewy JANUARY 2021!

This is what officially triggered the big “squeeze”.

Think about the symbolism of that!

You have Keith Gill symbolized by many cats. A legion of “pets” following his example.

And the person that takes over GameStop?

A company dedicated to taking care of PETS!

That is likely the implicit symbolism, but there is another level to it.

Just before the Pandemic Ryan Cohen re-created the concept of Pets .com in online shipping.

Pets .com is notable as it was the posterchild of the .com boom and bust. Suddenly the hottest thing on the planet and then bankrupt.

Comparisons were publicized between the two.

I cover it extensively in this post.

The symbol of pumping up a balloon only to let it pop.

That is why it was defined as a “Falloon” Fall + Balloon.

Likely it having national shipping upset retailers and so an example was made of it.

So it was the symbol of the internet bubble bursting. Which happened and bankrupted many people.

This was choreographed from the start as the first commercial begins: “What goes up, must come down”.

This was repeated during it’s unusual entry as a “Falloon” to the Macy Thanksgiving Parade.

“What goes up must come down”

“You got no money, you got no home”

Which just demonstrates how aware people were of what was to come.

Macy’s being a major retail chain. The parade Balloon comms symbolizing parties being “pumped”.

  • 10/27-28/1858 New York, New York: Macy’s Founded Largest retail store in world.
  • 10/27/1858 New York, New York: Teddy Roosevelt Born (Teddy Bear Origin)

That’s not the most common thing Teddy is used to symbolize, but it’s all connected.

Notice this year they are introducing a One Piece balloon! That fits it being pumped as I’ve seen and gone over lately.

A positive thing to pump!

Kid on a path to being a terrorist and a cheap solution (Straw hat gift) to teach a positive philosophy.

Let’s consider the history and how far we’ve come.

History of “Justice” in Court

After all if we are going somewhere better now, what went wrong before?

  • 03/14/1910 Standard Oil vs. USA: Supreme Court Breaks Up Oil Monopoly into 34 independent companies.
  • 03/14/1910 Oil spill largest in history Guinness Record

Standard Oil split up into pieces across country = worlds largest Oil Spill symbolism.

That is a type of comm I’ve decoded many times before.

It’s a way to announce what is going on behind closed doors of a court.

Standard Oil had withstood court charges in 1892 but at the very start of this case we have a media exclamation that this would be different.

  • 03/12/1910 German Antarctic Expedition wants to VERIFY THEORY OF DIVIDED CONTINENT
  • 03/14/1910 Standard Oil BREAKUP Case

Breakup = DIVIDED.

Would they really break up the Oil Monopoly?

This sentiment in comms.

It also clarifies Antarctic comms!

Standard Oil was broken into just about every oil company that exists today.

This does not necessarily mean it was “broken up” tho.

If each child is controlled through blackmail strings from the original does it count as independent?

I’m not saying that’s the case… yet.

But it is clear there’s something fishy going on with this case.

The basic history, if you are to believe it, is that Teddy Roosevelt heroically beat Rockefeller.

But if you’ve followed my decodes you know that’s the opposite of what would make sense.

That video presents Teddy as winner and Rockefeller as the loser and yet then casually mentions the end result.

The fact that this case dramatically increased Rockefeller’s wealth. To the point he became the WORLDS FIRST BILLIONAIRE.

Notice the nuances of the video as well.

That Rockfeller famously was playing golf when he got the news.

He turns to a priest and suggests they buy Standard oil stock, then he shoots the BEST GAME OF GOLF OF HIS LIFE.

Fits perfectly with golf/gold comms!

  • 09/13/1869 Jay Gould & Fisk begin attempt to control US gold market
  • 09/16/1869 Golf’s 1st recorded hole-in-one
  • 09/24/1869 Black Friday Wall Street panic GOLD PRICES PLUMMET due to Gould’s conspiracy

The newspaper depicted Teddy as a naked baby Hercules wrestling with standard oil snakes.

May ring a bell if you have followed by Teddy decodes.

The point outside of comms was the push for Teddy as a hero fighting corruption.

That Teddy documentary also explains how the public got on board with the narrative of Teddy as the hero defeating Rockefeller.

The worlds first investigative journalist exposing Rockefeller which led to the breakup.

Notice her name TARbell.

Ever hear of TARRING and feathering?

Symbolism of creating a frenzy of negative press.

But as you can see it was all a show.

A show designed to generate money and turn Teddy into a hero for the public.

Teddy’s scandals turned into puff pieces.

Like heroically refusing to demands to give back money donated to his campaign by Rockefeller.

It also goes over how Rockefeller created a nationwide espionage network and Tarbell portrayed him as Reptilian

Portraying him inhuman to create a spectacle.

More comms when it started…

  • 03/14/1910 Standard Oil breakup COURT Case
  • 03/18/1910 Mistery of Temple COURT: SECRET MARRIAGE Plot
  • 03/18/1910 Frankenstein first movie

Frankenstein = Many entities combined into one monster.

The origin of the antitrust push was U.S. Vs Northern Securities.

A tug of war trying to control the railroads between J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller VS a man who secretly tried to take over despite being funded by J.P. Morgan.

This was 1901 and McKinley refused to prosecute.

But he was assassinated and Roosevelt went after it.

  • 02/19/1902 Antitrust announced Northern Securities
  • 02/20/1902 DIVORCE: Guinness Record Highest $ awarded in case of CHEATING SPOUSE sIOUx Falls
  • 02/27/1902 $ Awarded date
  • 02/27/1902 Bank Leumi founded largest Israel Bank

The symbolism of “cheating spouse” might be of going behind the back of Rockefeller and J.P Morgan to buy railroads out from under them.

Standard Oil made the first billionaire, this breakup may be a similar but smaller $ windfall. It may explain the biggest bank starting then.

But those aren’t confident decodes yet. I’m just tracking the biggest court cases.

I’ve been working on various sports played on courts, I find it interesting “Pickleball” exploded in popularity during COVID.

Pickle being a phallic object kept preserved in water.

Might explain the Gates ties to the origins.

  • 10/18/2019 Bill Gates Global CORONAVIRUS SIMULATION “Dark Winter”
  • 10/18/2019 Wuhan Military World Games Begins
  • +30 Days
  • 11/17/2019 Wuhan Covid first appears

Just a hypothesis to test later.

Pickle: Quick Explanation

CIA = Pickle Factory

The basic idea of a “Pickle factory” as a symbol?

The CIA designed for putting someone into a “Pickle” that is being in a difficult situation.

What is being blackmailed if not intentionally creating such a situation?

Again. A “Pickle” being a QCumber captured in water and preserved in cold.

The phallic shape reinforcing the idea of what is captured.

Depending on circumstance some likely choose willingly to get blackmailed while others are spied upon while tricked.

A reader pointed me to some interesting dates this week…

Congress Extinction Event

What does it mean to go extinct? What does it mean to be no more?

  • 06/05/1980 Soviet T-2 Launch
  • 06/06/1980 Dinosaur killing Asteroid Chicxulub 1st published
  • 06/06/1980 False alarm Soviet nuclear strike on US, inspires 1983 movie War Games

There are only a few major False Nuclear alarms and charting them out provided a partial answer!

  • 06/03/1980 Nuclear False Alarm showing 1,400 Soviet ICBMS approach
  • 06/03/1980 Jimmy Carter Re-nominated for POTUS Run

By itself this means little, but with one more data point…

  • 11/05/1979 Iran Hostage Crisis officially begins
  • 11/08/1979 Iran Hostage Crisis Hostages listed
  • 11/09/1979 Nuclear False Alarm

Note this is connected to the June 3rd alarm with Carter’s renomination.

  • 01/20/1981 Iran Hostage Crisis Ends
  • 01/20/1981 Ronald Reagan Elected

Take all those data points together and it paints a picture.

The point of a false alarm of “1,400 Soviet ICBMS approaching” is re-contextualized, because the symbolism is of a SOVIET THREAT and what was Reagan in relation to Carter?

One was seen as tough the other weak.

I’ve already decoded Carter as having a thrown election and the Iran Hostage crisis was one of several elements that ushered that in.

A “false alarm” that rang non-stop in the media until the end of Carter.

The comms painted out what was to come.

Carter may not have even won against Ted Kennedy in the primaries.

  • “6.6” independent vote in that race…..
  • 66 Iran hostages
  • 66 Countries ban the 1980 Olympics
  • 6/6/1980 False Nuclear Alarm
  • 6/6/1980 66 million years for the Dinosaur killing asteroid Published

So this gives us a likely answer for “Extinction” symbolism.

Removal of those in power. In this case Carter. I have shown in the past Neanderthal extinction comms tied to this, but it seems this is another variation.

A sequence comm from the NY Post as Trump was leaving. Also conveying the connection between the two administrations.

Notice also the Iran hostage crisis was timed perfectly to 444 days to Reagan Inauguration.

  • 11/04/1979 Iran Hostage Crisis
  • +444 Days
  • 01/20/1981 Reagan Inauguration

Meaning they were from the start intending this, “False Alarms” letting comms aware know it’s all a movie.


Sound familiar?

History repeats!

Tho that movie didn’t lead to mass awakenings, so it’s not exactly the same!

Let’s drill down into that dinosaur extinction comm more…

It was found by an employee of PEMEX in 1978 as they SCOUTED FOR OIL DRILLING AREAS.

This is a crucial detail because notice this chart of oil spills.

See my giant arrow? Guess the when and who!

1978 PEMEX Asteroid Chicxulub Killing Dinosaur found while looking for OIL DRILLING

  • 06/03/1979 START OF PEMEX IXTOC Largest OIL Drilling SPILL IN HISTORY!

So…. in 1978 they “found the dinosaur killer.”

The asteroid killing dinos tied to oil drilling was no accident,

Oil Spill = Rising Gas Price

Did massive gas prices help or hurt Carter?

This was one of the reasons it was such a landslide!

Reagan famously lowered prices dramatically right away.

There are parts I’m not clear on


The connection to the space launches for example…

“T-2” launch raised my eyebrow. Reminded a reader of U-2 and me of Arnold’s T-2.

  • 05/13/1982 T-5 Soyuz Launch
  • 05/14/1982 Conan the Barbarian: Arnold’s Big Break

Probably nothing, but…

I haven’t decoded Conan, but felt compelled to mention it.

I’ve seen that film in contexts in my own MK past, but that’s not what this thread is about.

Arnold Schwartz comms tie into Soros comms for a few reasons. “Arnhold” his firm, and “Schwartz” his original name.

66 countries ban Soviet Olympics in 1980 for the Afghanistan war.

  • 11/08/1933 King of Afghanistan Reign
  • 11/16/1933 FDR recognizes Soviet Union
  • King overthrown in 70’s
  • 12/24/1979 Soviet Afghanistan war
  • 12/27/1979 Babrak Leader of Afghanistan (ends a week after Chernobyl)

I haven’t drawn conclusions on those last points. I merely recognized the 666 comms were tied to the Afghanistan feud.

The transitions suggested a link with FDR/U.N. and supporting Kings. It made me wonder if it was a NK Puppet situation. But that’s a dig for another day.

Trying to find more clarity….

Black Hole: Killer of Light. Light = Visibility

  • 12/20/1979 Olympics agreement to Ban Moscow Summer Olympics
  • 12/19/1979 Kramer Vs Kramer CUSTODY BATTLE Top film 1979
  • 12/18-21/1979 Black Hole First PG Disney film
  • 12/18/1979 U.N. Moon control Treaty (not signed by U.S.A. or U.S.S.R.)

“Black Hole” was a big budget Disney film. First violent enough for PG.

Black Hole symbolizes a mechanism of hiding that which would normally be seen.

Hiding what?

Stars Anthony Perkins famous for playing Norman Bates in Psycho! MK Ultra comm.

  • 04/10/2019 First-ever picture of a black hole which NO LIGHT CAN ESCAPE.
  • 04/10/2019 Diamond named “OUR LIGHT” Presented and cut into 66 diamonds.
  • 04/11/2019 Assange Arrested

Other main character “SCHELL” = Shell symbolism and was among those fleeing Germany in WW2.

Cast of famous MK + hiding agent “shells”. Basics of what is hidden behind classified walls.

And a “Black Hole” defining that which is to keep it hidden.

Reconcile that timing with the Black Hole being released as they decided to ban the Olympics in Russia.

Connected rings of Olympics define a symbol of countries working together. A rejection of that means Soviet Union would not be included in ops.

The production of the first Violent Disney film “Black Hole” has likely comms to it as well.

The writer dies after working on it for years.

  • 08/08/1976 Black Hole Writer Winston Hibler Death
  • 08/09/1976 Final Russian Moon Mission.

Dark Age begins!

Script re-written in 1977!

  • 09/17/1976 Love Boat 1st Pilot
  • 09/17/1976 Space Shuttle Enterprise launch with Entire Star Trek Cast
  • 01/20/1977 Jimmy Carter Inauguration (DOE/Q)
  • 01/21/1977 2nd Love Boat Pilot
  • 05/05/1977 Final Pilot Love Boat
  • 05/05/1977 Kramer Vs Kramer Rights purchased CUSTODY BATTLE

Custody battle over what?

Billy Kramer from “Rye”. Potentially invoking “Catcher in the Rye”

The symbolism is tied to a Burns poem about catching young people foolishly rushing to die. Carousel spin.

John Lennon was murdered the next year by someone holding that book.

What does it mean to catch dangerous people?

The parent that loses custody in the film, Dustin Hoffman was going through a divorce himself during the film.

Parents that lived next door to TERRORISTS that blew themselves up.

The Weather Underground.

They had a child the same year of the explosion!

  • 05/02/1969 Sugar-land Express Kidnapping of Public safety officer inspires Spielberg first film
  • 05/04/1969 Dustin Hoffman Marries Anne Byrne

After the divorce he began seeing a “LISA”

Ops transition?

Weather Underground. Pro COMMUNIST group.

  • 10/06/1969 First Weather Underground Bombing destroys statue of POLICE OFFICER in Haymaker Riots
  • 10/06/1969 First Michael Jackson song “I Want You Back”

Lyrics, trying to get someone to RETURN. Trying to get masses to follow along.

I had decoded MJ as tied to surveillance + blackmail comms but this may give us a “root”.

  • 02/21/1970 Jackson 5 Debut on American Bandstand
  • 02/21/1970 Weathermen coordinated series of Molotov cocktail attacks against the NY Police dept

A whole summer of terrorism.

Years of it. Goal of ending Vietnam war.

Bomber’s “Terry Jackson” and “Terry Robbins”

Teenagers much like Catcher in the Rye on a path to a bad end.

Surveillance on dangerous elements and conditioning the masses away from it are common comms subjects.

People are conditioned into mental illnesse spushing impressionable people into hyper sensitivity.

  • 01/23/1977 Pink Floyd’s famous tour
  • 01/23/1977 Roots Highest Viewed Television series of all time

Pink Floyd = weakening something tough.

I had assumed in the past early MJ comms were tied to pro rioting, but this suggests it as more likely the “solution” to the ongoing bombings.

“I want you back” as in getting the masses to listen and follow along. A child as figurehead to symbolize teaching from child up.

This ties into the recent One Piece push to new audiences.

An epitome of mass conditioning and the rare objectively moral methodology.

Kid on a path to being a terrorist and a cheap solution (Straw hat gift) to teach a positive philosophy.

That first Weatherman attack blew up the statues of police memorial of the 1886 Haymaker bombing.

  • 05/04/1886 Haymarket Affair Bombing Chicago 8 deaths
  • 05/08/1886 Pharmacist begins to sell COCA-COLA.

Q highlighted the “Russian Reset” as nothing more than a pathway to the Iran Deal.

400 million dollars sent by helicopters for a promise of not blowing people up with nuclear weapons.

Snowden changes to NSA data collection hit just in time to make it invisible.

It all sounds like a heist.

Reminds me of that South Park episode highlighting Obama’s motives for becoming President. Literally robbing the country in a heist.

It wouldn’t have worked if not for the years of media prep work and there are surely other examples.

Mass Psych Push: Scare Tactics

Iran Deal Prep

  • 03/24/2007 U.N. Security Resolution against Iranian nuclear program.
  • 03/23/2007 Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise

Famous early YouTube video: STAGE PLAY dancing to the ticking of a PIPE BOMB.

Symbol perhaps of a staged “threat”.

I give the benefit of the doubt when possible, about them being real, at least until comms make it clear it’s not…

Isis & Camera On POTUS

For example notice this moniker of “ISIS” and the question of how it was formed. While there is a deep history, I’ll show another angle.

  • 09/06/1975 Secrets of ISIS Debut: First Female Superhero Show
  • 09/05/1975 Gerald Ford Assassination attempt by FEMALE Manson follower: Lynette Alice “Squeaky” Fromme

Flying Heroine named CAMERON has “Mason” as love interest and is a HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER

Another flying high school teacher show hit a few years later!

  • 03/18/1981 The Greatest American Hero Begins Airing with Main character “Hinkley”
  • 03/30/1981 President Reagan and others are shot by a man named “Hinckley”

Take those two last comms together and it paints a picture of a partial psyop.

The story itself is literally about a superhero with an “Alien suit” school teacher trying to thwart an attack on the president’s life.”

Alien suit in “Greatest American Hero” and in the “Isis” show it involves surveillance of “aliens”.

Remember this was the first female superhero on TV and the same month 2 different women decided to make a public spectacle trying to kill President Ford.

The point of which is not something I can define with certainty.

I suspected it might be a psyop to get his numbers up but the polling doesn’t reflect major changes.

It may have been a threat, but whatever it was, it was choreographed and led to Carter replacing him.

I said a “partial psyop” because I believe the acts themselves are real. Brainwashed individuals driven to act. In Ford’s case it was the MANSON FAMILY.

The same Manson family that would famously kill Roman Polanski’s wife Sharon Tate.

What comms led to these?

  • 06/12/1968 Rosemary’s Baby: Roman Polanski Film
  • 08/09/1969 Sharon Tate Polanski MANSON MURDER
  • 08/10/1969 ROSEMARY MANSON Family MURDER

Famous human sacrifice movie. How might Hollywood be kept in line?

I go over more of the “Greatest American Hero” Here

But the “Secrets of Isis” is a new decode.

It goes a long way to clarify the other with similarities. Both are about flying school teachers with “Alien powers” tied to surveillance.

First female superhero on TV, same month 2 women become stars trying to kill Ford.

Love interest “Mason” same thing Q pointed out at the scene of every shooting.

That show was CBS which as a network was purchased in 1995.

  • 08/02/1995 Michael Jordan of Westinghouse Electric buys CBS for 5.4 Billion dollars
  • 11/03/1996 Michael Jordan NBA Championship run begins

He married a “Hilary” in NYC during Hillary’s NYC Senate run!

Agreement for positive press/cooperation?

  • 03/04/2000 Hilary Marries Michael Jordan CBS
  • 03/15/2000 Fatal shooting Police Dept: HRC Seized on shooting as campaign issue to come from behind and beat Rudy Giuliani.

Another shooting used as a spectacle for an election. A tool.

How are such things ordered and delivered?

Looking at the HRC campaign and how she used those events to rise with a killing clarifies the mechanics.

  • 04/19/1987 Simpsons Debut
  • 04/19/1987 Maria Sharapova Most famous Russian Sports star born

Note she escaped Chernobyl.

Surveillance ops transition?

  • 05/10/1955 Homer Simpson official birthdate (Ping Pong Eyes) Employed Nuclear Power Plant “Burns”
  • 05/10/1955 Mark David Chapman Born: Killer of John Lennon (Poem origin by BURNS)
  • 05/09/1955 Kermit the Frog introduced (Ping Pong Eyes)
  • 06/26/1954 Junior Morning Show: Jim Henson begins his famous career with a french rat puppet
  • 06/26/1954 First Nuclear Plant Commissioned In RUSSIA

Coordination of “Puppets” being a part of nuclear ops.

I went over the Weather Underground terrorist group, but I didn’t decode their name.

A reader took it upon themselves to do it for me!

Why were they called “Weather Underground”?

That’s a question I usually would have asked, but didn’t.

They found a prominent organization with the same name = thread to pull!

  • 04/19/1993 WACO Siege conclusion 25 CHILD HOSTAGES BURNED TO DEATH
  • 04/20/1993 Alan Launches Award winning Weather Underground Precursor: BLUE SKIES for CHILD CLASSROOMS

This is a big find! And now we have the information necessary to decode this thing.

Before I do that I want to mention the original program “Blue Skies” is the same term Q used to denote an ability to run ops thanks to Obama/Snowden removing NSA tech

Also notable Obama began his career through the Weather Underground. Or at least was likely introduced to Chicago politics through the founder of it.

So, what does this have to do with Waco?

Well… what is a “Weatherman” in relation to terrorism?

The “Weather Underground” name has its origins in a Bob Dylan song.

  • 03/07/1965 BLOODY SUNDAY: Footage of Selma Becomes Turning point in Civil Rights movement
  • 03/08/1965 Subterranean Homesick Blues released: Origin of Weather Underground name

This answers everything.

Subterranean = Underground.

The invoked line in the song: “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

Weatherman = letting you know what is coming! That’s the symbol! Note the lyrics.

Ties into Waco as orchestrated boiling points were targets.

It begs the question if “Weather” organizations are tied to ops monitoring/prediction.

  • 10/03/1970 NOAA Weather Monitoring/Forecasting Agency
  • 10/05/1970 Weathermen return to first bombing target to finish blowing up the police officer statue then WARNED OF MORE BOMBING PLANS.

Before Waco the Weather Underground had one more release.

  • 05/03/1992 First Weather Underground program. Telnet time weather became MOST POPULAR SERVICE ON INTERNET.
  • 05/01/1992 School Shooting: Lindhurst California

Weather info to masses and warning system for comms aware?

There are a few school shootings a year, but you remember I’m sure how Hillary gained her seat in the senate through this kind of thing.

Taking power by creating outrage, and to create outrage they must use tragedy.

Of course one can’t hope for tragedy to happen. These things are instead planned and timed to desired moments.

Once planned/executed then sheep herding which leads to political gain!

The point of predicting “weather” is nuanced.

It was likely terrorists were known to be doing certain kinds of things around a certain time, and so they were given a “face”.

Public given a way to contextualize the sudden and shocking events.


Interesting to note “Blue Skies” is also the name of a recently trending app said to be the top contender to compete with twitter.

As for the point…..

  • 10/04/2021 BlueSky Launched
  • 10/04/2021 3rd Most liked Tweet of 2021 “Hello, Literally Everyone”

No way is that a coincidence, but what can be made of it?

10-4 = acknowledgement to do something agreed upon.

Note the Cat giving a thumbs up.

The # 1 top tweet was Joe Biden. “It’s a new day in America”

Remember the cat comms that week?

Within 2 days of Trump leaving a short squeeze killed hedge funds.

  • 01/20/2021 Joe Biden Presidency Begins
  • 01/22/2021 Historic Short Squeeze on Gamestop led by Trump Mascot Reddit community
  • 01/26/2021 Musk links to r/wallstreetbets

You may notice BlueSky just so happens to have been founded in DELAWARE, Biden’s state.

Specifically Wilmington which is where Biden taught LAW.

I’m not sure what to make of that, so let’s reconcile what we know.

It was created on a day when for 6 hours all social media converged on Twitter.

It then became the home for all outcasts of Twitter (mostly Biden supporters).

The symbols explain it was created to catch those ejected by Twitter.

That may sound obvious, but you have to remember we are talking about 2021. Musk didn’t buy twitter until the following year.

The comms suggests the purchase was part of a larger planned out scenario we are still living through.

Coordinated not by Musk, but by all of them!

  • 10/24/2022 Twitter Acquired by Elon Musk
  • 10/24/2022 Climate protesters glues his head to “Girl with a Pearl Earring” and gets draped in tomato sauce.

Pearls of Wisdom I believe is what is invoked with most pearl comms, but that doesn’t give a clear answer to the point…

To understand let’s look at history.

The “Girl with a Pearl Earring” was painted in 1665, which was the same year the oldest Newspaper in the UK came out!

Ear + Wisdom accessory = daily newspaper?

A way to describe the advent of newspapers in relation to books!

And what are the daily newspapers in the tech age if not something like Twitter?

So with that in mind we have climate protesters GLUED TO TWITTER as they scream about their WORLD BEING DESTROYED.

Post purchase? World destroyed?

Lawsuit filed against Musk in DELAWARE.

10/20/2014 Banksy “Girl with a Pierced EARDRUM” not ear but Ear + DRUM.

I believe drum is a symbol of crowd coordination. War drum marching.

ADT security alarm as earring? Perhaps a funding reaction to the Hong Kong Protests?

That’s a guess really, but I did decode ties to those protests to COVID’s origin.

  • 11/17/2019 First COVID-19 Case
  • 11/17/2019 Hong Kong Police Siege 1,300 Arrests

The point being the push against the police in Hong Kong did not spring up overnight.

China had been dealing with it for years. The first day of COVID we see what amounts to a war between the two sides. The 2014 Banksy Bank + See security camera graffiti was a coordination fund trying to fix a problem that was only properly tackled in 2020. The things that are so wrong all across the world needed a global solution and thus we had a global scare event.

A pumpkin.

A giant 187 (Murder Charge) 17th largest Q Pumpkin.

But I have a ton of posts that go over this point so let’s end here for this week!

Update: I’m still working on a new type of content for this blog. A set of super posts that will replace the introduction page. This will be a much better bridge for new people than these research dumps. With so much content I’m combing my past work for suitable pieces to polish to perfection.

I am fully capable of that but it’s such an important thing to get perfect I am going very slow on the first one. The main thing that keeps it slow is I’m constantly decoding new things. My output has never been higher! Even so, I will get this done!

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4 thoughts on “Post McCarthyism (Russian Witch Hunt) & The Roaring Kitty Grabbers

  1. There is something so sinister that is connected. Look at Ida B Wells and her timeline. Then connect the idea of “rail road” and “trust”— as in all the meanings of trust.

    1892. — Ida B Wells— investigative journalist— writing about the People’s Grocery Incident. The writing to tell everyone to “go west”—
    Are they so sick as to create the NAACP as the names of their new companies?


  2. Ryan Cohen registered a Financial Holding Company (type of bank) named Teddy. It’s all tied in with bed bath and beyond. Lots of asteroids articles about this recently.


  3. Not sure this would fit in to a decode somewhere but I came upon this “coincidence” accidentally. We were watching TV and Dallas Buyers Club was on, The Wolf of Wall Street was on another channel. We wondered about Matthew McConaughey because he had to get so skinny to play in DBC and he was skinny in TWofWS. We were curious when which movie came out first. When I looked up DBC, I saw it came out on November 22, 1013. That date surprised me. Then I thought this has to be comms. It was the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination. Anyway, I don’t do decodes myself just thought you could use this maybe, if you haven’t already used this or found this.


  4. Roaring kitty tweets were also at the top and bottom of each day. Incredible that info doesn’t get much traction.


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