Epstein’s Volcanoes, Public Domain, Peaches, and Santa’s Clause

When I say BOOM! 


I’m not always just speaking in symbols!

  • 12/18/2023 Federal Judge rules Epstein associate list and victims must be unsealed and go public!
  • 12/18/2023 Iceland Volcano Erupts: “Amongst the most spectacular ever seen”.


A symbolic BOOM is marked with a literal BOOM!

Symbolism comms are remarkably simple at times.

Not the first time either!

  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell Jury deliberations begin. SUBMARINE PILOT

Note the volcano is a “SUBMARINE Volcano”

Maxwell is famously a submarine pilot!

Not the only COURT + VOLCANO countdown either.

  • 07/23/2021 Joe Biden: “150 years ago I was chairman of the JUDICIARY
  • 07/23/2021 Tokyo Olympics
  • +150 Days
  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell Jury deliberations begin
  • 12/20/2021 VOLCANO 5 Largest BOOMS EVER
  • 12/20/2021 Davos World Economic Forum Delayed: Omicron Variant

What are the odds! The other major Maxwell event timed to not just another volcano but a record breakingly loud one!

The other data points are also important, in fact that “Gaffe” by Joe Biden is part of a long sequence we need to discuss.

  • 09/26/2020 Joe Biden: ‘I Got to the Senate 180 Years Ago’
  • +180 Days= 03/25/2021
  • 03/25/2021 Joe Biden: ‘When I came to the U.S. Senate 120 years ago’
  • 03/25/2021 Olympic Torch begins its 121-day journey Around Japan Starting at Nuclear Disaster Site

Now if by chance you are new and haven’t seen this decode before, let me go through a bit more of the sequence and pay close attention.

This is not a 1 in a billion odds chance, this is literally impossible as coincidence.

Biden made gaffes that counted down to future gaffes 3 TIMES IN A ROW!

  • 09/26/2020 Joe Biden: ‘I Got to the Senate 180 Years Ago
  • +180 Days= 03/25/2021
  • 03/25/2021 Joe Biden: ‘When I came to the U.S. Senate 120 years ago
  • 03/25/2021 Olympic Torch begins its 121-day journey Around Japan Starting at the Nuclear Disaster Site
  • 120 days = 07/23/2021 – Japan Olympic Torch Passing Event Ends.
  • 07/22/2021 Joe Biden: “Way back 150 years ago when I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee
  • 07/23/2021 Tokyo Olympics Start
  • Japan is 16 hours ahead from USA so it was July 23rd in Japan when Biden said it!
  • +150 Days
  • 12/20/2021 Davos World Economic Forum “cornerstone of international relations” Postponed due to COVID
  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell trial Juror deliberations begin.
  • 08/08/2021 Tokyo Olympics End
  • + 180 Days = 02/04/2022
  • 02/04/2022 China Olympics start!

These countdowns were GLOBAL and led straight into the Maxwell case!

The entire world is working together on this one! Because it’s that big!

  • 07/22/2021 Joe Biden: “Way back 150 years ago when I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee
  • 07/23/2021 Tokyo Olympics Start
  • +150 Days
  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell Jury deliberations begin
  • 12/20/2021 LARGEST VOLCANO ERUPTION IN THE 21st Century!

What we see this month is the next phase of those proceedings.

The next BOOM!

The first rumblings of which actually began in late October!

  • 10/27/2023 Earthquake Heralds future Iceland Volcanic eruption!
  • 10/27/2023 DEADLINE BEGINS for decision on whether to unseal names!

This explains the leadup to the eruption!

Look closely at that! The volcano was announced to erupt in the future the moment an announcement was made about Maxwell. And when that announcement came? IT ERUPTED THAT VERY DAY!

  • 10/27/2023 Earthquake Heralds future Iceland Volcanic eruption!
  • 10/27/2023 DEADLINE BEGINS for decision on whether to unseal names!
  • 12/18/2023 Federal Judge rules Epstein associate list and victims must be unsealed and go public!
  • 12/18/2023 Iceland Volcano Erupts: “Amongst the most spectacular ever seen”.

There are many eruptions, but few get big reporting.

Fewer still use phrasing like “after 800 years of peace”.

Simply put: This is a big deal and the comms reflect it!

The choice to use ICELAND is meaningful.

Ice is a symbol of keeping things inactive.

This is the opposite and a key to unlock the most sensitive and potentially explosive things that have ever existed!

It could domino in many directions and unlock many doors long shut.

This has always been leading up to this!

Remember when Q began a countdown to Maxwell’s arrest?

  • 12/17/2019: Q Announces “Marker 9” as the date when the first major arrest to eventually trigger Mass pop awakening
  • 05/17/2020: Q Begins Countdown to first arrest. Q predicts the arrest to be in exactly 6 weeks.
  • +6 Weeks
  • 07/02/2020 Maxwell Arrested!

This is why this is such a big deal!

It may not be as quick as anyone wanted, but it’s all happening as it was promised!

And this isn’t the only comm about it! Do not gloss over the next section because this next comm is directly tied to the last! It just uses a different symbol for it!

TRUTH GOES Public Domain

Mickey Mouse is about to go Public Domain?

Every few years this story of Mickey VS copyright law spreads across the news and for the first time he lost!

Why such a big deal in the media?

Clearly something big is symbolized here! And to understand we have to dig into the origins.

When these news stories talk about the specific law, they typically refer to the 1909 Copyright act and then all the times it was changed.

Might there be a clue in 1909 to clarify things?

  • 02/15/1909 Landmark Copyright Law Introduced
  • 02/15/1909 Famous Story: Boy Dies by Kisses.

The boy loses his life “falling on an eraser” being chased by 6 female stenographers giving him kisses.

Read the tombstone.

Not a joke and it is a clear comm explaining everything!

The Quick answer:

This copyright law is a symbol of control over “recordings” i.e. BLACKMAIL.

This story is the marker created explaining WHY it was created.

This is why it connects to Disney.

The details unlock everything!

The child was killed at an “LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY” by an “Eraser” as he was chased by “6 women” “stenographers” trying to give him unwanted kisses.


Think about the symbolism of dying by ERASER!

As in if these recordings ever went public the children “given kisses” involved in them would be “ERASED”.

Hence 6 women at a life insurance company and the boy dies by eraser.

This law was likely a system placed to keep things quiet.  To protect children involved in blackmail because otherwise the risk of it going public would mean the kids would be the first thing to be “erased”.

Read the original article again with that in mind!

One of the famous cases intentionally breaking copyright law for a lawsuit.


His story sending a message of what must never go public and the consequence if anyone tries.

This is a sister comm to the Epstein/Maxwell list going public!

The agreement to let victims go public, but don’t assume it’s entirely about that list itself, I am fairly sure this is bigger.

But there is more to decode with the copyright law.

For one thing, notice how it was signed by Teddy Roosevelt on his LAST DAY IN OFFICE!

A president more than any other I’ve decoded as tied to blackmail using boys.

I’m not going to go over all those comms again, but here’s a South Park parody with him as president of an international network of child molesters.

There’s way more if you look in my other posts, but rather than have him suck up another post I’ll assume you are familiar with it.

Another famous movie tied to the Public Domain is Debbie Does Dallas.

This is a subject for another post actually, but just to briefly mention it….

“Bambi” as in DOE or Disney starring in a famous pornography movie that was never copyrighted.

And just as it was going public domain?

Bambi suddenly vanished!

I’ll be covering that in depth in a future post.

For now let’s focus on copyright law.

Anyway… this 1909 law had a new iteration in the 1970’s.

  • 01/15/1975 Copyright Law of 1976 to Amend 1909 Law
  • 01/15/1975 Disney introduces Space Mountain DARK RIDE.
  • 01/15/1975 CIA Director confirms Government Spying on Citizens

Just this year Disney transformed the dark into LIGHTS ON!

Comm of agreement by Disney to upcoming change?

Dark Ride = Q Clearance changes?

  • 01/15/1975 Copyright Law of 1976 to Amend 1909 Law
  • 01/15/1975 Disney introduces Space Mountain DARK RIDE.
  • 01/15/1975 CIA Director confirms government spying on citizens.

This led to the 1977 DOE changes.

This gives us the “conversation” had before all the Q/DOE changes.

Whether or not to keep every “Jane DOE” in the world a secret that is.

  • 02/19/1976 Copyright Act Passes First Vote
  • 02/19/1976 Gerald Ford signs proclamation rescinding Japanese Internment and apologizing.

This clarifies things.

The transition I often decode with Japan taking over data ops from 1977-1986

Moreover it ties into Teddy Roosevelt with Japan and cleanly connects the history in comms.

  • 04/22/1904 Oppenheimer Born – “father of the atomic bomb”
  • 04/23/1904 Teddy Roosevelt Ends his Japanese Judo Training
  • 10/17/1903 First Ever Alice in Wonderland Film Adaptation
  • 10/17/1903 Seattle Judo Demonstration

International blackmail ops!

This clarifies what must have been a falling out with WW2 and the repair of relationships, but that’s a topic for another post.

Note this juxtaposition on Drudge today…

Musk creating a giant brain on X in relation to Disney going public domain!

Or As Q put it a “hivemind”?

This is something I’ve decoded in tons of posts. The buying of twitter has always been leading to public truth!

This is why Musk rose so dramatically in wealth.

Look at that! That’s not a normal growth in wealth!

Look at how stable Toyota was in the lead from 2008-2016 and then Musk takes it over. Not just takes it over either but leaves Toyota and all the others in the dust in comical fashion. That’s not a normal rise! That is coordinated control of the economy agreeing on a path!

It’s all a movie!

Contrast that rapid rise in wealth with Disney!

For example this advertiser boycott by of X?

Musk calls out Disney for it and in this video he repeatedly talks about Disney trying to kill X and that the people will reject Disney for it.

It can be confirmed as scripted because when you take a step back and look at the bigger picture a pattern becomes clear with Disney’s decision making.

Do big companies hate making money? Of course not, now reconcile how Disney lost 1 Billion dollars before even trying to take down X.

What made them lose that money?

South Park has a good parody of why.

  • 1. Make it lame.
  • 2. Put a chick in it.
  • 3. Make her gay.
  • 4. Enjoy the Disney Stock fall.

Why are they poisoning themselves?

The answer is because “it’s a movie” and they appear to be playing a villain.

This is why they would make a fight with Elon Musk.

The fight itself gives Musk a larger voice across the media which will increase the reach for what comes next!

The conclusion of that movie is disclosure.

  • 09/27/2017 3rd Nationwide Emergency Alert Test
  • 09/27/2017 CIA blackmailer Hugh Hefner Death
  • 08/07/2019 5th Nationwide Emergency Alert Test
  • 08/10/2019 CIA blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein Death

This pattern Look familiar to anyone?

  • 09/26/2017 = Russia hides Nuclear accident!
  • +1 day
  • 09/27/2017 = CIA Blackmailer Hefner Dead
  • 09/27/2017 3rd Nationwide Emergency Alert Test
  • 08/07/2019 5th Nationwide Emergency Alert Test
  • 08/09/2019 = Russia Hides Nuclear accident!
  • +1 day
  • 08/10/2019 = CIA Blackmailer Epstein Dead

What are the odds? Not just tied together by secret nuclear accidents, but by “emergency alert tests”

The meaning of which becomes clear if you take a step back.

  • 09/26/2017 = Russia hides Nuclear accident!
  • +1
  • 09/27/2017 = CIA Blackmailer Hefner Dead
  • 09/27/2017 Nationwide Emergency Alert Test!
  • +4
  • 10/01/2017 Las Vegas Massacre: Worst Mass Shooting in modern American history!

As in the action tied to Hefner was so much of a BOOM that the risk of a major incident became high. Clearly this fear was justified given what happened 4 days later!

That gets to the heart of the point with all these comms, the real dangerous world underneath it all. Just like with the comms I went over about the boy.

  • 02/15/1909 Landmark Copyright Law Introduced
  • 02/15/1909 Famous Story: Boy Dies by Eraser running from Kisses.

This was not an idle warning, but a real fear of what powerful people can do when they are backed into a corner. 

How many hostages exist in the world? This is why things are so slow much of the time, because otherwise victims can be put in danger.

  • 10/03/2018 Fourth Nationwide Emergency Test
  • 10/03/2018 Kavanaugh Vote set by Senate

Yet another BOOM that could trigger an emergency?

I decoded many others on Twitter, but that’ll be a future post as I want to stay focused on disclosure.

So… what exactly is coming out?

The answer is crimes against humanity as Q said,

And to understand what is meant by that… let’s go into another major decode!

Great Balls of Fire: Blackmail

Great Balls of Fire: Controlling Stars

There is nothing more loved & protected than kids. This is why child sex abuse is among the greatest of taboos.

When Jerry Lee Lewis married a 13 year old. It led to boycotts, blacklists and his fees went from 10k to 250$

This scandal was a demonstration!

  • 11/11/1957 Jerry Lee Lewis: “GREAT BALLS OF FIRE”
  • 12/12/1957 Jerry Lee Lewis: Marries 13 Year old child in Hernando, Mississippi

Look at the lyrics: “YOU BROKE MY WILL”

His most famous song, right before the scandal

That’s just the start!

What else happened that day?

  • 12/12/1957 Jerry Lee Lewis: Marries 13 Year old child
  • 12/12/1957 Borazon announced by GE: THE ONLY THING THAT CAN SCRATCH A DIAMOND.

Star = Diamond and so this is the only thing that can hurt a star! Hence Monroe/Playboy

  • 12/06/1957 USA first Satellite Launch: FAILURE
  • 12/07/1957 Jerry Lee Lewis JAMBOREE Event FEATURING GREAT BALLS OF FIRE.
  • 12/12/1957 Jerry Lee Lewis: Marries 13 Year old

Jamboree = Young children Boy/Girl scouts.

So… when did the launch succeed?

  • 01/31/1958 USA 1st SUCCESSFUL Satellite Launch

This “Jamboreee” starred not just Jerry Lee Lewis, but DICK + DOMINO. As in something that triggers a fall.

Moreoever this “Satellite” connection is key.

  • 10/04/1957 Leave it to Beaver Debut
  • 10/04/1957 Sputnik FIRST SATELLITE Launched


Beaver being a common term of the time to reference a girl’s vagina.

Only in this case it’s referring to a young boy in a show famously “clean” and “moral” which is the point.

In that first episode Beaver begins by sneaking into his own home.

He was at “Dancing Class” but ended up accidentally at a POWER PLANT watching men “chase a bat with a broom” and he lost his “tie”.

Power Plant?

  • 05/28/1979 Chernobyl-2 Begins Operation
  • 05/28/1979 Dolly Parton: Great Balls of Fire Album
  • 05/03/1986 Dollywood Backyard Theme Park
  • 05/04/1986 Chernobyl contained

Chernobyl had a theme park open the day of the disaster.

Even more clear!

  • 10/08/1957 Worst UK Nuclear accident: Windscale Fire. Caused by HEATING up too fast
  • 10/08/1957 Jerry Lewis Recorded “Great Balls of Fire” mysterious recording with man named “STOKES” vanishes after recording!

Stoking FIRE. GREAT BALLS OF FIRE. (Testicles)

“Great Balls of Fire” is a clear symbol tied to blackmailing and a reader dug up another iteration of it involving Barney GOOGLE and Snuffy Smith. https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1736731044722991344

GOOGLE EYES = Symbol of LOOKING! = public.

There are other versions I’ve went over, 1986 top movie had the song play prominently by a character that takes pictures of foreign agents. As in BLACKMAIL.

Most of this I’ve went over before, it’s an important preface to what I’ll discuss next!

It’s worth noting Jerry Lee Lewis already had a wife during that scandal.

Anyway, this was not the first scandal involving an adult star + child.

That distinction likely goes to another story. A story that clarifies the history and nature of what’s going on here!

I doubt this really was the “first” especially since Lewis Carrol was decades before this.

  • Jerry lee LEWIS
  • LEWIS Carroll


Famous for taking pictures of children nude right after cameras were invented!

Peaches: The First Millionaire + Child Scandal

But this story has crucial distinctions that make it “first” in many regards.

Particularly this was an outright scandal with full admission of the act by all parties.

Lewis Carrol was only ever “Suspected” of being a pervert after all.

The Press was also fully invested.

“They were among the most celebrated tabloid sensations of the 1920’s.”

When you read the modern deconstructions about it some detail how this story marked the moment when adults going after children became taboo.

Anyway, this is a comm, and an important one!

I think it was always taboo, but this story is tailored for outrage.

Like how the old millionaire publicly sought auditions with “pretty” 14 year old children to adopt.

He was frequently written in papers looking through TWELVE THOUSAND APPLICANTS.

Then he married one!

Notice also that the story of him looking for children at “Astoria” only to end up with an adult pretending to be a child.

That’s a comm about the Waldorf-Astoria!

The Largest Hotel of its time and the most famous for celebrity parties i.e. blackmail ops.

Comms of blackmail are commenting on other blackmail.

Given the obsessive long form press coverage, what comms tie to it?

  • 04/09/1926 Hugh Marston Hefner Born
  • 04/10/1926 Daddy and Peaches Child Marriage Scandal

Playboy founder birth-> First scandal!

That Hugh Hefner date is a classic example of a comm later defined.

I.e. he wasn’t really born that day, but when they created the “Face” of Playboy/Stag Party this was the date they felt most embodied the point of the op!

This means there are also going to be comms that happened at the time.

For example…

  • 04/10/1926 Daddy and Peaches Child Marriage Scandal
  • 04/12/1926 Clara Bow The Original “IT” Girl First contract Paramount 6 months NO MORALS CLAUSE

Clara Bow was the first big Oscar Winner

She began a famous trend of “IT” girls a trend that began with a NO MORALS CLAUSE during the initial scandal.

Could be coincidental, but you know who the other “IT” girls were?

MARILYN MONROE: The original Playboy model and “Diamond” promoter.

After the millionaire marries the child there was excessive reporting of her newly star-studded lifestyle.

In 1926 she spent a thousand dollars a day.

When she said she wanted a baby he replied: “They could get a Japanese Princess for more publicity.”

This lasted until…

  • 10/02/1926 Peaches & mother leave marriage


LOUIS/LEWIS/Jerry Lee Lewis/Lewis Carrol.

RING = control comm

Rings as shown in the Qmap. “Sick Club”.

1986 CARTER: “The only thing on my mind is that World Series ring”

Monroe also married the most famous baseball player of her time.

  • 03/04/1926 Famous story of suicide note with unsolvable crossword puzzle that has never been solved.
  • 03/05/1926 Browning and “Peaches” meet marry following month.
  • 03/05/1926 First science fiction only magazine

Unsolvable puzzle suicide note = no way to avoid destruction?

They met at the 1912 built Herald Towers….

Given the other comm that was tied to Astor’s blackmail hotel, this could be comms tied to some kind of transition post Astor.

But at the very least it’s a comm with a heavy emphasis on blackmail.

During the famous public divorce she relates that she was forced to parade naked with an OCCULT WOMAN WEARING A SNAKE USING SEXUAL MAGIC.

she was bandaged from “acid splashed in her face” just before the ring.

Comm detailing why they so rarely detonate blackmail?

A famous story “Love Boat” and play “Funny Face” had this scandal as a plot point.

It was first played at the grand opening of the “Alvin” Arena which later became the “Simon Niel” Arena.

Alvin, Simon, and Teddy.

RECORDING CHILDREN comms. https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1736983506121798061

Origin of Alvin & The Chipmunks tied to famous pedophile Jimmy Seville.

Debut song asking a Witch doctor about love. Which reminds me that “Peaches” talked about being forced into Voodoo sex magic.

But I mention it for another reason…

Those first world series rings with the team logo on them…

  • 10/02-10/1926 First MLB Team Logo Rings St. LOUIS
  • 10/04/1926 Kid Boots Starring Clara Bow
  • 10/14/1926 Winnie the Pooh
  • +17
  • 10/31/1926 Jimmy Saville Born

Creation of “Rings” control.

This was during the creation of the first “Rings” control via blackmail. And we have “Kid Boots” with the first “IT” girl named “Bow”

The plot of the film beginning with Valentines naked baby cupid + BOW. A story about obtaining INFIDELITY EVIDENCE.

“Kid Boots” dresses a man with a HANGER built into suit. He becomes an “accidental witness” to the infidelity in a rich couple and is tasked with helping in a divorce lawsuit.

Reminds me of Maxwell at the United Nations.

Her story began talking about finding a clothes hanger at the bottom of the ocean.

Catching Lolita Express planes in a fishing net!

But these are things I’ve gone over before, so let’s move onto another new decode.

Perhaps the timeliest possible one!

Santa’s Clause: Thomas Nast &

The iconography of Santa has its origins in a Thomas Nast 1863 political drawing.

Nast based it on the originally anonymous 1823’s “A Visit from St. Nicholas” known now as “Twas the Night before Christmas”.

This story was based on a Saint from the 300’s.

Context is key to decoding and understanding the iterations and people involved can greatly help with deconstructing intent.

Thomas Nast is famous for introducing the Republican Elephant and Democrat Donkey into politics. A time of political strife.

That strife was even more prominent when he first drew “Santa Claus”

Just 2 weeks before Nast’s drawing the Civil War cost the Union 12k casualties. Lincoln said of it: “If there is a worse place than Hell, I am in it.”

Santa & Satan eh? Not exactly….

Official history: During the darkest days of the Civil War Nast creates “Santa” which becomes the standard for the most recognized icon in the world.

His “Santa” is introduced holding the puppet string to the confederate President Jefferson Davis!?

How does that make sense?

I partially decoded Santa exactly 2 years ago and this makes perfect sense. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/12/22/roman-polanski-science-and-christmas-comms/

I focused on the history of the original “Saint Nicholas.”

His most famous story is strongly tied to “Santa Claus” and it hides a crucial clue to everything going on.

That story being when he visited a father about to sell his daughters into prostitution.

He visits them in the night and gives the girls money.

It became a popular icon, you can see one here with the girls nude and waiting for the man hiding by the window.

My original take was that this famous story was a comm used to trade young girls into “presents” from the rich.

I still believe this is the case, but after 2 years of decoding I can decode this much further than then!

For example….

He gives money to 3 girls recently announced as future prostitutes.

What does Santa always say?


Even explains the number of times he says it!

Note how Nast’s most famous Santa has him holding a girl’s doll and a pocket watch.

A key part of the story is he gave the money for the virgins SECRETLY in the cover of night.

This ties into that original story “A Visit by Saint Nicholas” which was also ANONYMOUS.

Note in this version the girls are undressing as he puts the gold to the window.

So how could a symbol of rich men with secret prostitutes possibly matter in 1863 Civil War?

Did you know Alice in Wonderland was inspired in 1862 and was originally going to be published in 1863?

Now look again at the original picture.

It explains why Santa Claus can make a “Jefferson Davis” Puppet

This is a comm about how to control then dangerous people.

Because if you haven’t read my Alice in Wonderland decodes… they are extremely relevant here!

Lewis Carroll was famous for the story, but also infamous for taking pictures of nude children.

This was in the early days of photography.

  • 07/04/1862 Alice in Wonderland DUCKworth BOAT with the child ALICE Liddell Pleasance
  • 07/01/1865 SS Princess Alice Pleasure Cruise enters service

The use of them as blackmail with this context is to stop the literally hundreds of thousands dying in the Civil War.

I never thought I would decode a potentially justifiable reason for such a thing, but it doesn’t justify the nonsense since then!

  • 08/1866 Official end of the Civil War
  • 09/03/1878 Sinking of SS Princess Alice
  • 12/14/1878 Princess Alice DEATH

Seems this is when they scaled down operations.

Those operations symbolized in the story. 

A girl’s tears opening doors.

A courtroom where a young girl is forced to give testimony. 

This being the weapon employed with various people in a rigged court going through their lines. 

All of it gibberish because none of it will come to pass, it is merely the threat to keep them in line. 

Anyway… you understand the symbolism now at least.

Another crucial symbol of “Santa Claus” being the CLAUSE.


An agreement between two parties, as in, they agree to be obedient and the blackmail is what is used to keep it that way.

Alice in Wonderland is a girl falling asleep and then she has a strange dream.

A dream that begins with a rabbit and a pocket-watch.

Note what is said before she falls asleep, A story about conquest of powerful political figures.

The trick is the girl doesn’t know they are involved in the blackmail, at least some of the time.

Not long before Alice and Santa a drug was developed allowing for knocking out patients for surgery. The first accidental death was of a 15 year old girl.

  • 12/1823 Visit from St. Nicholas first published ANONYMOUSLY
  • 12/1823 Monroe Doctrine first delivered: PUPPET MONARCHS WOULD NOT BE TOLERATED

This may clarify “Monroe” as a comm tying to blackmail even before Playboy.

  • 10/14/1923 Google Comic Retitled
  • 10/16/1923 Walt Disney Founded
  • 10/16/1923 Alice in Wonderland Series begins Walt Disney With FELIX “The Puss” Parody
  • 11/15/1923 FELIX First Chairman of KGB begins

KGB famous for blackmailing, and we have Alice again, Disney again and….. Google again?

Remember “Great Balls of Fire?

See how these connected comms return?

Great Balls of Fire being the original theme song to a famous comic character from Barney Google & Snuffy Smith.

Coca-Cola is another major origin for Santa I didn’t cover.

They took the Nast iconography in the 1930’s and pushed it globally and have continued to until present day.

Coke was also promoted by Marilyn Monroe in at least 2 different movies over 9 years.

The first of those commercials involves Monroe talked into going to an apartment where they “don’t have to dress”.

The movie was “LOVE NEST” with Monroe as a former military officer.

Possible marker for setting up blackmail puppets with aid promise?

Interesting to note after the Coke Santa got an Elf/Fairy/Nymph sidekick with “Sprite” in 1941.

Discontinued 3 years before Sprite’s introduction, which may give a clue about the symbolism there.

I can’t find precise enough dates to get clues on intent, but…

The Coke Santa began in the 1930’s and since they dominated the iconography from then on we should consider their history in relation to Santa in general.

For example… In major iconography of Santa Claus the next big addition to pop culture…..

Would probably be Rudolf in 1939…..

I’ve decoded that story before and with all my new findings it seems to be the perfect juxtaposition to all the blackmail comms. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/07/18/counter-insurgency-cia-q-docs-monoliths-apollo-14-rudolph/

Because Rudolph is one of the clearest examples of MK Ultra promotions in fiction.

“Red Nosed” at the time being a symbol of being a drunk. The story of a mocked deer with a nose turning more and more red is a likely parallel to the conditioning ops.

  • The good kids: “Sit on Santa’s Lap” (Parents + Child profit)
  • The bad kids get coal (Energy source). (Parents profit with sacrifice)
  • 07/27/1905 Robert LEWIS May Born Rudolf Creator
  • 07/27/1905 JP Morgan Financed Niagara Power Station

This juxtaposition is one I’ve long demonstrated in comms, but this seems to give it grounding in relation to one another.


Note the newspaper at the start of the iconic film.

“Communications satellite RUSSIA WANTS IN.

Hopefully this doesn’t diminish holiday cheer, I am always optimistic, and these findings had at least one pleasant surprise.

Those blackmail comms I’ve long decoded may have only become so prevalent with desperation to save lives in war!

They needed ways to keep the leaders of the confederacy from causing riots and mass murdering as slavery was ended. Perhaps especially the former slaves but I need to dig further for clarity.

At the very least I’ve already extensively decoded just how desperate the civil war was.

They literally faked the death of POTUS just to calm the people down. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2023/08/11/cat-eyes-abe-lincoln/

If that’s new to you read that post as it’s, one of the more surprising things I’ve decoded with high confidence.

This timeline shows how even after Lincoln officially “won” the country was still tearing itself apart, the solution they decided on was to make a cowardice act from the Confederacy to shame them into stop lighting fires and killing. Especially given they were about to finish freeing the slaves, that kind of environment was hostile enough as it was, so you can understand their mindset and why this had to remain a secret.

  • 11/09/1863 Lincoln watches play starring John Wilkes Booth. Comments on Booth’s THREATENING LINES.
  • +10
  • 11/19/1863 Gettysburg Address: COMMEMORATE A NEW NATIONAL CEMETERY.


The comms are strong but I’d rather not devote this entire post to retelling them, so I just want to make sure you understand that I’m not just randomly saying that’s a thing, but that I decoded it with high confidence in that linked post, and so now with that understanding out of the way let’s finish going over Santa.

Looking up the most prominent Santa’s in pop culture and Miracle on 34th Street comes up the most.

  • 06/11/1947 Miracle on 34th Street Premieres
  • 06/11/1947 Final Government rationing ends with sugar


Sugar was the first thing the government prevented people from buying and the last thing to come off rationing

End of GOV Preventing Sales= Transition to buy as much as possible!

This is a common trope with Christmas, whether it’s about the holiday cheer or presents.

It ties into the location of the film: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade = icon of consumerism.

  • 10/27 or 28/1858 New York, New York: Macy’s Founded Largest retail store in world.
  • 10/27/1858 New York, New York: Teddy Roosevelt Born.

Ties it back potentially to the more perverse aspects, but this is mostly about consumerism.

The parade Balloons of mass purchase items symbolizing the various companies being “pumped” up.

This especially fits with the next Roosevelt: FDR/FeDeral Reserve transition. 

  • 02/04/1945 “BIG 3” Meet at Yalta: FDR + Stalin + Churchill
  • 02/03/1945 3 Caballeros: Disney’s 7th Animated Feature Film
Define: DUCK

And again we return to Disney as collaborating in-between U.S. Gov, UK, and Russia!

This was the transition out of WW2 and it mirrors the same one from the Civil War! As in they once again insured cooperation by forcing the leadership in formerly hostile places into blackmail!

When you look at it like that it’s at least understandable all that happened.

Is it more moral to blackmail or allow hundreds of thousands to die?

  • 07/16/1945 Trinity (3) Bomb: FIRST NUCLEAR BOMB
  • 07/17/1945 POTSDAM Conference: Russia + USA + UK Partnership (3)
  • 07/20/1945 Operation Paperclip: Nazi recruitment using Clergy to move (HOLY TRINITY)

Can’t we have a third option?

That’s what I try to bring!

I want to know the truth, that’s why I do what I do, but my motivation in that pursuit is to improve the world!

If something is destroyed from a light, it either shouldn’t exist to begin with or it should be rebuilt so that it wouldn’t be seen as objectively evil by most people.

It’s also why so many great things are going on. Remember the purchase of twitter as a vehicle for future truth and it is all being built up to!

A refresher!

  • 12/18/2023 Federal Judge rules Epstein associate list and victims must be unsealed and go public!
  • 12/18/2023 Iceland Volcano Erupts: “Amongst the most spectacular ever seen”.

Not the first time either!

  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell Jury deliberations begin. SUBMARINE PILOT

The first rumblings began in late October!

  • 10/27/2023 Earthquake Heralds future Iceland Volcanic eruption!
  • 10/27/2023 MAXWELL DEADLINE BEGINS for decision on whether to unseal names!

Altogether now….

  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell Jury deliberations begin. SUBMARINE PILOT
  • 10/27/2023 Earthquake Heralds future Iceland Volcanic eruption!
  • 10/27/2023 MAXWELL DEADLINE BEGINS for decision on whether to unseal names!
  • 12/18/2023 Federal Judge rules Epstein associate list and victims must be unsealed and go public!
  • 12/18/2023 Iceland Volcano Erupts: “Amongst the most spectacular ever seen”.

Volcano was announced to erupt in the future the moment an announcement was made about Maxwell. And when that announcement came? IT ERUPTED THAT VERY DAY!

All of this is great news to get excited over and remember this was all tied to multiple countdowns dating back years and interwoven with 2 different Olympic games thus making them GLOBAL.

And this is not really about Maxwell, she’s a symbol of something so much bigger going on right now!


What is to be disclosed?

Because really, in spite of all I’ve found in decoding, I’m not negative on Christmas.

Everything is full of comms, no way around that, but we can choose to focus on negatives or positives. Christmas is the only time of year the MSM tends to stop screaming bloody murder.   That’s a positive! I have no interest in destroying things that are objectively positive influences on society.

Most have good memories of that time of year!  That doesn’t mean we turn a blind eye to the bad, but we can also choose not to let it contaminate our happiness.

There are countless families getting together and celebrating and that’s great! The majority have never heard of a comm, and so there is nothing negative there to begin with! It’s all entirely real and genuine, and even the ones that do know comms are often in that same camp! (I hope!)

So why should all that awesome stuff be ruined because other people were doing some not-so-awesome things? We shouldn’t and mustn’t! 

Never let me, the media, or anyone control your happiness! 

Make your own decisions about what you want the world to be and work towards it!

What I’m really saying is I don’t want to destroy Christmas for anyone, and so I hope you all have a great holiday!

Because I’ve decoded comms for a long time and they have never pointed to the near future like this before, it’s always been a vague distant one, but now things are falling into place!

Telegram Chat

Join my telegram group! https://t.me/joinchat/KYw5c5cYjTFkMTJh begin decoding! Send leads! Almost every post I make these days includes at least one lead or decode I get from somebody else.