Titan Fall -> Olympic Rise

A popular conspiracy theory states the Titanic was intentionally sunk by its owner J.P. Morgan to remove enemies of the Federal Reserve like Jacob “Jack” Astor.

Let’s begin with feasibility.

If it weren’t an accident, what would be necessary to pull this off?

Critical Thinking: Conspiracy or Coincidence?

Ideally, they’d want a captain with experience in crashing a ship the size of Titanic.

And incredibly enough, history tells us that mere months before Crashing Titanic, the same captain crashed its sister ship the Olympic!


Not just of him crashing twice, but the incredible odds required for them to allow him to continue to captain.

This nearly bankrupted the company! And him being so inept he does the same exact thing again!

Look at this damage!

I’d say this gives us reason to be suspicious, but let’s not jump to conclusions too quickly.

They’d also need to find an Iceberg ahead of time as otherwise they’d risk either not finding one or finding one too small to inflict damage.

It’s not something to leave to chance.

Did you know 2 days before the Titanic sank, the same iceberg was photographed?

What are the odds? In fact, the Iceberg was well scouted at least 10 hours before the crash! This is official news days after the crash!

The captain literally crashed the only ship similar to the Titanic and an iceberg was scouted out ready to hit that day!

But it’s not enough just to find the iceberg and have a captain experienced in hitting them, they also needed to weaken the ship to make sure it sank.

And indeed, Titanic was literally on fire the entire time to weaken it! It being on fire is part of official history, the only question is whether it mattered or not. Naturally the film Titanic glosses over this.

At this point it may seem obvious that Titanic was intentionally sunk, but actually I’d say the more logical answer is they sunk the Olympic and pretended it was the Titanic.

After all, if we assume they intentionally intended to sink the Titanic, do you really think they’d crash both of the two biggest ships in the world? Or is it vastly more logical that they simply dressed up the now weakened Olympic to look like the Titanic? This would serve the dual purpose of making it easier to sink!

This is part of a hypothesis that assumes Titanic was an insurance scam.

There is a lot of logic to the idea, partly because the crashing of Olympic with no insurance payout put the company into a financial emergency as this documentary details.

They took out an insurance policy 2 weeks before the disaster!

No, this was not a common policy at the time. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2442450/5m-insurance-policy-document-Titanic-revealed-auctioneers.html it was said to be an “Afterthought” they just lucked out and happened to get the policy at the perfect moment in time.

Which was quickly paid!

All that I have said so far is either official history or deduction based on history, but that’s only the start of the conspiracy.

I suspect Iceberg as the conspiracy template is specifically because of how many layers Titanic has to why it happened.

The “tip of the Iceberg” so to speak.

I suspect Iceberg as the top conspiracy template is specifically because of how many layers Titanic has to why it happened!

What I do here primarily is decode symbolism to investigate history.

If there was a conspiracy here, then it is likely to be a large footprint of comms tied to Titanic.

Titanic Culture

Titanic has a massive media footprint!

Those are just a few of the many adaptations of a real tragedy, but you are probably mostly aware of the event thanks to the most popular one.

It hit bigger than any movie before it and remains 4th overall in earnings.

Every “iconic” thing about most big movies have comms messages.

The soundtrack by Celine Dion. Know what song she made before that?

  • 09/28/1994 Celine Dion “At the OLYMPIA” Recorded
  • 09/28/1994 Sinking of the MS Estonia 3rd deadliest after TITANIC

That’s quite a coincidence… The Titanic singer’s prior hit just so happened to be recorded the very day the next “Titanic” just so happened to hit?

It’s even called “Olympia” you know… Titanic’s SISTER SHIP!

The one the Titanic captain crashed just before Titanic!

But as eyebrow raising as this is, what could the intent be?

I believe we can find a major hint by looking at the inspiration for Titanic. Not the event, but a prior adaptation that James Cameron copied.

A movie about Titanic named “A Night to Remember”.

A story that begins by reading a summary of a famous book tied to the Titanic by Morgan Robertson. It’s sometimes viewed as the most famous “coincidence” in human history!

Clearly we need to discuss this book!


Did you know that Between 13 & 14 years before “Titanic” an author named Morgan wrote a novel named “Titan” detailing the precise tragedy of Titanic.


You can find articles from weeks after the crash detailing this “coincidence” and you can find them today too!

I wasn’t exaggerating about it as the most famous “coincidence” in all of human history, because I wouldn’t say he wrote a novel “similar” to the Titanic, but that he wrote about the actual thing itself.

The similarities go beyond the possibility of coincidence.

  • Morgan’s Titan & J.P. Morgan’s Titanic
  • Same Tragedy Location
  • Same Passenger Capacity
  • Same Month
  • Same Time
  • Same Lifeboat Shortage
  • Same “Biggest Ship” Record
  • Same Speed of Ship
  • Same Iceberg

3-4 years after Morgan wrote that novel another Morgan, J.P. Morgan purchased the company that owned Titanic. Almost like the book was part of some kind of preparation to make the tragedy happen!

  • 05/28/1898 JUNE: New Books: Futility by Morgan
  • +13 years 11 Months
  • 04/15/1912 Morgan owned Titanic Sinks

Often said to be 14 years in-between, but no, it’s unlucky 13 by just a hair.

This isn’t coincidence, but you can still find articles “Debunking” it despite verifying everything I’ve asserted so far. They’ll say things like how it’s logical for Morgan to make his ship the same size, name, etc as Titanic.

Because at the time the Oceanic was published as the upcoming biggest ship in the world.

So he just copied that and then guessed a logical name as “Titanic” but then cut off 2 letters to avoid copyright issues….

If that were the answer I doubt the original author wouldn’t have been coy about the origins of his novel, but that’s beside the point.

I mention it for an important reason.

Note how it gives an exact date just before Titan was written for the Oceanic. This is important as it does in fact demonstrate how he got the specs of the ship at least.

What it didn’t note is that the Oceanic was the planned sister ship of the Olympic, a distinction that then went to TITANIC.

Pointing out how he got the schematics for the prototype Titanic isn’t helping the case against conspiracy. it strengthens it.

It demonstrates the likely method of communication between these disparate parties that could easily have coordinated what Titanic became.

In fact even the small differences like Titan being 800 feet and Titanic being 882 feet have a reason behind it.

800 feet is a logical “biggest ship” for the 1898 book, but they built Titanic in 1909, and the largest ships by then was already over 800 feet!

12/24/1909 Titanic to be “SEVENTY feet longer than any ship afloat”

So they had to go bigger to maintain “biggest” title!

Contrast Titan from 1898 to the 1997 Titanic.

Both with grand details of its size and lack of lifeboats with the those in controls scoffing at the idea for needing protection from an unsinkable ship.

But all of this begs the question of WHY? Is it the Federal Reserve? Or something else?

I believe the Federal Reserve is a crucial point of what is going on here, but most popular conspiracy theories have a serious problem of “fame” It’s much like Titanic actually.

Here is the classic image you would have been likely to see tied to Titanic conspiracy theories.

Fame is a byproduct of media pushing, and the bigger the push the more money and people are behind it. This is why the more popular something is, including conspiracy theories, the more likely disinfo has been added to the conversation covertly.

Jacob “Jack” Astor is important to the messaging here, but I don’t think this conspiracy is to remove them. In fact I’m pretty sure they helped coordinate it.

Jacob Astor boarded Titanic on an extended honeymoon, and note what happened the month before it!

  • 09/09/1911 Jack Astor Marriage to Force Scandal

Just before the Marriage & Titanic Honeymoon, a BOAT RESCUE?


Note the early reporting was that they played a common funeral song from “JACOB’S DREAM” as Jacob “Jack” Astor drowned to death.

In context of his “Death” being the symbolic focus it makes sense the reported song would convey some message about him.

Note Astor rode in the OLYMPIC to Egypt Pyramids before switching to Titanic!

Interesting to consider that in context of him being a symbolic financial power of America.

Especially just before it switched to CENTRAL BANKING!

Yes…. I’d say his “death” and the switch to globalism banking is the real point of “Titanic” or perhaps better stated as the FALL OF “TITAN”.


I think what really happened is a secret hidden in that original book title. “Titan”

Titan Fall -> Olympians rise! The story of Olympians overthrowing Titans and taking over aka CENTRAL BANKING.

A symbol of those who ruled before being taken over by the “Olympians”

Titanic’s sister ship was the Olympic!

What major international event just happened when Titan was published?

Reconcile “Olympic” the ship, with the recent events!

  • 04/1896 1st Olympic Games
  • 1898 Titan Book Morgan
  • 04/1912 Titanic Crash J.P. Morgan
  • 1913 FIRST Olympic Games with RINGS
  • 1913 FED: U.S. Central Bank founded
  • Olympics = Countries sport together
  • Central Banks = Countries bank together

Now reconcile the dates and story. Titans overthrown by OLMYPIANS.


I believe the Federal Reserve (and all central banks) were a part of that plan.


  • 1912 TITANIC Sinking
  • 1913 Olympic RINGS Begin representing UNION OF THE FIVE CONTINENTS


This massive op involved multiple countries working together. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1912_Summer_Olympics That year Sweden held the Olympics, the country with the oldest Central Bank. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sveriges_riksbank

Define RING symbolism.

A circus is run by what? A ringmaster.

RINGS = a bond of Marriage. STRINGS

This is a symbol of being tied to another party. Not necessarily negative or positive, but in some contexts like this it can be defined as puppetry.

He may connect to Titanic in a curious way I’ll get into shortly, but before that just to demonstrate puppetry comms… Note this famous picture with him and Clinton at North Korea.

Sitting on = “PLANT”

Positioned as string puller. This is why Q highlighted pic to contrast is so meaningful.

Reconcile lack of strings in pic 2! Calm ocean rather than turbulent. No longer acting boogey man controlled by strings!

JOHN PODESTA famously tied to the Clintons was also the name of the Fireman on the Titanic. https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-survivor/john-alexander-podesta.html

This is speculative, but remember a fire burning helped sink the Titanic.

Might people involved in Titanic’s fall be elevated into positions? John Podesta. J.P. Morgan.

This Podesta we know once said in speech (that I can no longer find) his granddad was a great “ship unloader” which in retrospect sounds like a joke about Titanic. So perhaps this was his grandfather? His nickname “Skippy” as Ship Master.

So while this is heavily speculative…. it’s too logical not to include. After all, this was the most important of events and so people involved in the most intimate parts of execution would surely be favored, and what greater favor could exist than being in a position like this?

Who were the “Olympians” and who were the “Titans” to be overthrown?

Tho given the potential Titanic Context, it bears mentioning that the 14th was being the day Titanic hit an Iceberg + swims with the fishes?

The original context: “Protect our oceans” but yea… my hypothesis despite being logical is not based on historical record or extensive comm patterns. It’s more like a hunch and those don’t always turn out correct.

What does turn out right is when I decode something with confidence. Those remain consistent and are often used to decode other things.

So let’s continue that avenue!

What else happened in 1912.

  • 1912 = Titanic Lack of Life Savers
  • 1912 = Life Savers MINT introduced
  • 1913 = Federal Reserve MINT Central Bank
  • Olympics = international cooperation.

LIFE SAVERS = THE MINT (BANK) THAT SAVES YOUR LIFE. It takes the form of a LIFE VEST as in a reference to Titanic.

It is also a relationship between two people. A commitment!

This I believe was the point of the takeover. The sinking of Titanic was an ultimatum to many forces not in agreement with the global elite. The ones that rejected becoming “Olympians”


  • 1898: Nabisco
  • 1898: Wreck of TITAN – Titanic ship Sinking Story (Ship identical to Titanic)
  • 1908: Titanic Ordered
  • 1908: Oreo Predecessor Hydrox
  • 1912 March: OREO Launched Milk Dunking snack
  • 1912 April: Titanic Sinks

This along with “Life Savers” are products launched to show support for the direction. Their success in the market the reaction for it.

The ability to pressure the Republicans into the Central Banks which itself is tied to Rothschild and they are based in the UK.

UK’s Carpathia being the “lifesaver” for those on the Titanic.

  • 08/06/1902 UK Carpathia Launched
  • 08/06/1902 King Edward Arrives for Coronation
  • 08/09/1902 King Edward Coronation.

Heavy speculation, but I’ve heard multiple times before that this guy’s death was tied to the origin of the Lord of the Rings.

Heavy speculation, but I’ve heard multiple times before that this guy’s death was tied to the origin of the Lord of the Rings.

Probably nothing, but it’s one of those things where I feel like if I leave it in, future history digs/decodes may benefit from it.

Carpathia = Silence? Tho word comms can be easy to misinterpret, so this too is highly speculative.

What is far more clear however is Titanic was likely the loudest possible warning to those people that they weren’t kidding around.

The FED is well established in history as what SANK THE ECONOMY.

The Great Depression was caused by the Federal Reserve. Comms make this clear and some modern outlets even admit it.

Now reconcile with Titanic.

I suspect it was a commitment to create and maintain the upcoming bank push for a great depression.

To sink what was thought to be unsinkable in a period of industrial revolution. How could an economy collapse with such wonders?

It went far beyond the U.S. Borders.

A global GREAT Depression.

Economy Sinking that BEGAN IN THE UNITED STATES.

This is why so many of the comms tied to Titanic are OLYMPICS/GLOBAL.

Also why USA had to be first.

A thing that would kill countless people, and so this tragedy was used, perhaps, as a way to commit the players involved in it?

Titanic therefore I believe was partly symbolic of the old ECONOMY believed unsinkable. Which was a well-known sentiment up until the crash.

Q: “What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?”

Comms about being saved from financial disaster? Being “Guaranteed a lifeboat”?

The Great Depression brought on by monetary policy which gave control over to the few with money.

Gremlin = a sabotaged vehicle, which “life savers” prevents.

This was perhaps justified in their eyes I believe by the power struggles that could only be curtailed by taking power. The Banana wars https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1689223174943281152 happened alongside all of this come to mind.

There is a conversation to be had about the alternative had control not been exerted, but at the very least we can understand why this kind of history would be censored.

The need to control and keep secret this control.

How might we identify the rising “Olympians” in relation to the fallen king “Titans”?

Olympic competitors? Note in 1912 Japan was the first Asian team!

This is potentially highly meaningful as a symbolic Asian ally in relation to the rest which needed to be conquered!

I believe “Titanic” was a real tragedy, but also a “movie” as in a coordinated show with every major part of it tied to messaging.

  • 04/1896 First Quintuplets: 5 Babies
  • 04/1896 First Olympics: Union of 5 Continents

I go over that one in this post https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2024/01/07/1st-quintuplets-1st-olympics-mini-post/ but for the point of this post, the only thing that matters about it is it further represented the connection of the 5.

  • 08/01-16/1936 Olympic Games Berlin
  • 08/11/1936 Original Quintuplets return to the news

Outside of the Olympics, it is FIFA that most represents the global coordination of sport.

  • 05/27/1934 2nd Ever FIFA World Cup
  • 05/28/1934 2nd Ever Surviving Quintuplets Born

In that post goes through how this 2nd set had news stories tied to the first, further tying FIFA/Olympics. And in both cases these are comms of global coordination.

I mentioned

So what did Japan do in relation to joining the Olympics in 1912?

  • 07/30/1912 Emperor of Japan Death
  • 07/30/1912 Final Report investigating Titanic

New power structure? Leader cooperation?

Same year the Astor “American Royalty” died, and J.P. Morgan died 1913

  • 04/15/1912 J.P. Morgan’s Titanic Sinks
  • 03/31/1913 J.P. Morgan dies in a hotel room
  • 07/03/1915 J.P. Morgan Jr. shot in the groin.

His son had highly publicized runs in with assassins right afterwards.

I’m not saying these people were killed, but perhaps they ducked as a way to prevent reprisal for the actions taken to remove the “Titans”?

Effectively putting a target on their back by actions to be taken to get control for the “Olympian”

That fits templates I’ve covered recently.

Check my Coronavirus post for recent world changing and what was done to mitigate reprisal. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2024/01/13/coronavirus/

The official savior of the Titanic was the Carpathia.

Launched alongside UK Royalty rising… and sank when….

  • 07/17/1918 CARPATHIA SINKS
  • 07/17/1918 Russian Ruling family for 300+ years executed.

Is there any greater example of a Titan fall than this? 300+ years!

It does beg the question of what was necessary to get that “lifesaver”.

Did heads of power get replaced or was it the entire system? I don’t know, but we are getting closer to an answer.

There may even be complex situations like say head of a country that complies but people underneath them that don’t. Much like a CIA in relation to POTUS working against one another.

I believe “Titanic” and the “Olympic” were used to send messaging about consolidating power and Astor being the most prominent known victim of Titanic is a cypher to help clarify it all!

So let’s take a close look at some of his more famous historical notes…


Astor officially rode on Titanic as part of his extended Honeymoon.

A Honeymoon that involved going onto the Sister ship of Titanic to Egypt Pyramids! Before switching to Titanic.

I suspect his scandalous marriage to a teenager was another part of the comms here.

Why did the 47-year-old Astor suddenly divorce his long-time wife to scandalously marry a teenager?

This scandalous marriage is a crucial origin point for Titanic which is probably why as I mentioned earlier. REHEARSAL of BOAT RESCUE.

  • 09/09/1911 Jack Astor Marriage to Force Scandal

I believe the conspirative narrative that Jack Astor died on Titanic fighting the FED is a layer of disinformation to hide a deeper secret.

He was against the FED and supporting Republicans who were against the Federal Reserve.

It makes sense! But the problem with that theory is it assumes this plan against Astor despite being publicly published, was enough under the radar that he was assassinated by it.

It’s not impossible, but does that follow the common template? Or is it more common for the whole thing to be a long prepared “movie” with all sides aware of the roles?

The latter is far more common, and so if I look at Titanic history with that in mind…

The original ASTOR had a famous Library built as his legacy.

  • 1898 TITAN BOOK Published by MORGAN
  • 09/15/1898 Astor Library CONSOLIDATED into the Lennox
  • +13
  • 04/15/1911 Astor Library closed its doors for good
  • +1
  • 04/15/1912 Sinking of the Titanic

Titanic Sank exactly one year to the day of the closing of the “Astor Library”!

What might an “Astor Library” symbolize?

What is the legacy of Astor?

Astor = Beaver Fur & Hotels.

Beaver being a common symbol for what?

The richest man in the USA by the time he died and made a “library”

Most famous thing Astor ever owned was the Biggest hotel in the world. Waldorf Astroria (which becomes the Empire State Building later)

  • 11/01/1897 Waldorf Astoria Expansion opens making it the largest hotel in the world
  • 11/01/1897 New Library of Congress Opens to the public

Largest Hotel in the world and largest RECORD KEEPING library in the world…

The official start of Astor riches is the American Fur Company

  • 04/06/1808 Astor Fur Business Begins
  • 04/06/1808 FELIX RICHards Born


International strings?

  • 07/07/1911 Fur Seal treaty signed Japan, Russia, UK, USA
  • 09/09/1911 Jack Astor Marriage at 9:55 to Force Scandal
  • 7/7 9/9


FUR SEAL Treaty! Reconcile Astor origins with FUR!

This is the Marriage -> Honeymoon to Titanic!

Read the treaty: To protect a HIGHLY POLYGAMOUS animal known for HAREMS of 20-50 females!

This makes a connection with blackmail and Astor and all the countries highly likely.

The public “marker” or commitment to things going on with controlling powerful heads!

This international treaty about protection for males with Harems of 20-50 women.

Reconcile that with Astor history of having the biggest most luxurious hotels, both in America and abroad! Blackmail is most associated with hotels and if he had the biggest and most famous one?

Note that legendary hotel merged in 1897 which is 1 year before the “Astor Library” was also merged!

In fact….

  • 11/01/1897 Waldorf Astoria Expansion opens making it the largest hotel in the world
  • 11/01/1897 New Library of Congress Opens to the public

Largest Hotel in the world and largest RECORD KEEPING library in the world…

I believe these are signs of blackmail control changing hands. Define “LIBRARY”.

Protection of “HAREMS” agreement heads of Russia, Japan, USA, and the UK as well as a number of other dates to reconcile.

The fact it details how much fighting over mates occur, it suggests this was part of what was in conflict. Blackmail battles?

I believe the Titanic ops can be better framed by looking at a similar “coincidence” to Titan.

Would you be surprised the Titan -> Titanic thing happened years before that?

Rich Parking & Famous “Coincidences”

Titanic wasn’t the only famous “Coincidence” with an 1800’s Novel boat disaster -> Famous true event.

Edgar Allan Poe’s only complete novel mirrored a famous real event years afterwards!

He wrote a Shipwreck Story where 4 men draw lots on who gets eaten. A cabin boy named “RICHARD PARKER” is EATEN.

Years later this exact story with 3 shipwrecked men eating the cabin boy “RICHARD PARKER” and it became a famous COURT CASE still studied.

Not as famous as Titanic, but famous LEGAL BATTLE came of it, and this gives us the motivation for why they would use Poe’s story.

But before I get into 17 -Year-old Richard Parker…. let’s go over Poe’s history

  • 05/16/1836 Famous COUSIN MARRIAGE Rothschild 2 days after 17th Birthday
  • 06/15/1836 Infamous COUSIN MARRIAGE Edgar Allan Poe to 13-Year-Old VIRGINia

Poe writes most famous work soon after!

You can see that pattern of Cousin/Cousin and the flipped numbers.

Ringed commitment to the “Olympics” so to speak, and that ties it to Rothschild. Officially to safeguard family wealth. In Poe’s case marrying unlucky 13 age child scandal? https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1753432559516856535

What I mean is Poe being famous for HORROR is likely tied to this scandal. A way to help clarify “what to expect” which is very similar to the modern usage.

His “story” as a face being a weapon wielded!

  • 09/16/1935 GREAT BEAVER MOON HOAX Retracted
  • +6
  • 09/22/1835 Reported Earlier Secret Marriage date of Edgar Allan Poe and Cousin Virgin(ia)

An infamous report about a super telescope used to see life, like beavers on the moon.

6 days after it was “retracted” Poe was said to “secretly marry” as in not aware of by anyone.

A comm for keeping things covert, not revealing the Moon beavers.

Falls perfectly in line with many prior decodes.

Warning about exposing -> deal made.

So Edgar Allan Poe’s only complete novel mirrored a famous real event after.

He wrote a Shipwreck Story where 4 men draw lots on who gets eaten. A cabin boy named “RICHARD PARKER” is EATEN.

Years later a “true story” happened with the same name of victim and details and it became a famous legally studied case.


17-year-old RICHARD PARKER.

The cannibalism thing I suspect to have been symbolic to rich networks consuming smaller networks


As in tons of small powers independent consuming one another, and then you have Rothschild as close as it gets to King, occasionally acting as a Lion and forcing order to them with a comms message.

That message is tied to a symbolic equivalent law.

Why is Richard Parker so critical?

Note the official story that this case was the culmination of many attempts to outlaw cannibalism.

Prior acts of horror likely takeovers which get comms sent in that form.

They then force the issue with an intentionally horrific story.

This can be further reconciled with more modern comms.

Does Richard Parker sound familiar?

This was the inspiration of Life of Pi’s “Richard Parker”

  • 09/11/2001 Life of Pi Published about RICHARD PARKER the tiger
  • 09/11/2001 9/11 Most famous act of terrorism US history
  • 09/10/2001 Pentagon Rumsfield “We cannot track 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS in transactions”


As in justification. Explaining they needed to change laws and tragedy = key to unlocking will of people to change.

12/09/1884 Famous case established “necessity is not a defense for murder”

Reconcile with “Richard Parker” as a symbol for money parked somewhere. The one eaten by the desperate men… and we may be seeing a conversation about hired killers in the comms world.

There were other comms prior to 9/11, like for example…

A few months before the X-Files spinoff began with a government conspiracy to fly a plane into the WTC.

But that’s better discussed in a 9/11 themed post.

Titanic Modern Psyops

It’s not just “why” they did what they did, but what became of it. For example, note how Q relates it as a PSYOP today.

What does it mean for Titanic to be a psyop?

I believe part of the answer to that question is in terms of a coverup.

The soundtrack by Celine Dion. I mentioned this before, but there’s a bigger mystery.

  • 09/28/1994 Celine Dion “At the OLYMPIA” Recorded
  • 09/28/1994 Sinking of the MS Estonia 3rd deadliest after TITANIC

Celine Dion’s music, just before her biggest hit with Titanic was timed to the next version of Titanic. So her music is likely tied to important messaging here.

I don’t think it’s the only one either.

  • 11/24/1997 Titanic: Celine Dion’s Biggest Hit 4X Platinum
  • 11/25/1997 Will Smith’s biggest hit “Men in Black” 9X Platinum

Note the lyrics of Men in Black about erasing the public’s memory and framing it as a positive. I believe this is a connected comm.

Black Ray-bans on. Blocking out LIGHT = VISIBILITY.

Reconcile erasing the public’s memory to Cameron’s Titanic which was based off a “NIGHT TO REMEMBER”!

I believe the psyop element here is in getting the public to focus on nonsense instead of basic history that can uncover a secret.

To get people to think Titanic = love story instead of digging into all the odd patterns that point to a deeper secret.

This is particularly meaningful in the 90’s, as it’s tied to the rise of the INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY.

As in, these comms likely marked disinfo campaigns. Explaining to those involved WHY they needed to go around effectively burning books.

Tho really it was more an effort of converting everything into the comms I decode daily. Without the keys to unlock it, you are forever left in gibberish.

I believe Will Smith is also tied to these comms, just before Titanic he became the biggest star in the world with back-to-back top film in the world releases.

  • 1996: Independence Day top film
  • 1998: Men In Black top film
  • 1999: Titanic Top film

I decoded Will Smith in this post https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2024/01/18/420-willpower-blacksmithing/

  • Will = Desire/Determination
  • BLACKSMITH = Forging: Transforming A->B

And the point with him is in transitioning the public, and part of that involves censoring problematic history like Titanic.

Ray-Bans blocking light and 90’s EYES WIDE SHUT a movie about cult sex parties with the longest running film shoot in history.

Are you detecting a theme of keeping eyes closed?

This establishes the modern motive as hiding the past, but why do it in the first place?

Ship Switch: Nuclear Olympic/Titanic

One major secret I already covered at the start was the ship switching of the Titanic/Olympic, but there is an angle to I left out as it was best covered further in.

Remember how they crashed the Olympic to practice for the Titanic? Keep that in mind as you go over this next part.

12/17/2018 Declassified: The 1985 Hunt for the Titanic Was Actually a Hunt for Lost U.S. Nuclear Submarines https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/navy-ships/a25603601/titanic-discovery-nuclear-submarines-navy/

The man who found the Titanic in 1985 built a ship specifically to find it, he approached the Navy to fund this ship to go after it, and the Navy said yes, but only on the condition that he find them nuclear weapons.

Official story is he had to find two nuclear submarines and do classified things to their nuclear weapons.

It was critically important he locate the nuclear weapons on these ships without the Russians following.

Nuclear weapons = Explosive information. 

The “nuclear submarines” he was tasked with finding was officially 2 of the 3 nearly identical ships: Olympic/Titanic + Britannic!

While the ships were nearly identical, they weren’t 100% identical now reconcile that with needing to find and remove parts!

If you recall they likely crashed the Olympic to practice for the Titanic.

I suspect the “nuclear” part of this was in the evidence that could be found showing the Titanic was in fact the Olympic!

That’s what they needed to find and remove evidence of, that and perhaps the coal fire…

It clearly took a lot of effort to sink the thing.

All it would take is someone salvaging the sunken wrecks to prove which ship was which, and that in turn would open up a Pandora’s box.

Much like how I use one decode to unlock many more, so too is there surely a fear of people figuring one part out and using it to pry the rest up!

Anyway, they had to find the original wrecks before someone more dedicated to the truth could get evidence.

Well, either that or it was used as another symbol for hiding the truth elsewhere, much like the internet example, and this was mid-1980’s when that was very relevant as the early net focused on researchers in universities. https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1705861553684414849

Symbolism comms apply to real things so you can’t always know the extent of how much a message is symbol.

We are outsiders decoding ops from a distance. We can’t always know the character of a comm, but patterns clarify them over time with accuracy.

So really, it doesn’t matter if it’s a symbol for something else, we do know that Nuclear = explosive information and “Titanic” and the Olympic would without a doubt be a nuclear submarine!

At least they would be until they went in and removed damning evidence of the ship switch.

The international aspect is why we see comms like this.

  • 07/03/1958 US-UK Mutual Nuclear Weapon cooperation
  • 07/03/1958 Titanic: A Night to Remember (Origin of James Camerons’ film)

Agreement about NUCLEAR same day as NIGHT TO REMEMBER the origin of the 1997 Psyop Titanic.

I suspect the title “to remember” is likely meant to juxtapose what it is they want people to remember. As in please remember this drama rather than actual history.

Notice also this nuclear treaty became effective August 4th.

  • 08/03/1977 MKUltra Hearing
  • +1
  • 08/04/1977 Carter Establishes DOE Dept of Energy

Which is the same day the DOE/Q would become active 19 years later. I’ve never ascertained why August 4th is tied to things like that, but I doubt it’s coincidence.

Carter created two different DOE’s and they both tie into one another as relating to disclosure or lack thereof.

  • 10/16/1979 Raise the Titanic Filming begins (Banned Topic)
  • +1
  • 10/17/1979 DOE Dept of Education and Organization act
  • 08/03/1977 MKUltra Hearing (Banned Topic)
  • +1
  • 08/04/1977 Carter Establishes DOE Dept of Energy

The other DOE tied to Titanic! Dept of Energy and Dept of Education. DOE like Jane Doe anonymity.

Same +1 as the MK banned topic presentation!

Because control over “Nuclear” is not just handling the banned material, but also what is told the masses of sheep since you don’t intend to give them that!

Also, “education” going back much further than the 70’s.

  • 04/11/1953 Dept of Education first Department since 1913
  • 04/11/1953 Titanic Premiere Norfolk Navy Base

Another Titanic! 411= information number. First new dept since the Federal Reserve got underway!

Mona Lisa Anonymity

I covered various Fur Seal comms before, and there is one event in particular worth discussing tied to this.

  • 07/07/1911 Fur Seal treaty signed at Washington. Japan, Russia, Great Britain, USA
  • 08/21/1911 Mona Lisa stolen, famous art heist.
  • 09/09/1911 Jack Astor Marriage at 9:55 to Teenager Scandal
  • 7/7 9/9

Right in the middle of that 77/99 thing we have the Mona Lisa stolen…. Most famous art piece in history. Know when it was returned?

  • 07/07/1911 Fur Seal Treaty signed: Japan, Russia, UK, USA
  • 09/09/1911 Jacob “Jack” Astor Marriage at 9:55 to Teenager named Force Scandal
  • 12/12/1911 Ratification Exchanged Fur Seal Trade Treaty +2 days = treaty proclaimed
  • +2 years
  • 12/12/1913 Mona Lisa Returned. (Stolen AUGUST 21, 1911)


One year exactly to the treaty proclamation of the Fur Seal Harems!

The pattern here likely reflects blackmail policy, with Astor tied to the biggest Hotels and the “fur pelts” being his origin. The comms used to denote control of those blackmailed. Control of “Olympians”

The Mona Lisa was not famous UNTIL THIS THEFT, and as fame is a reflection of how important the comm is that means whatever message this sent is likely the most important art comm of all time.

The Mona Lisa is the most famous today, and I believe it is a comm about anonymity.

This is why for centuries the question of “who is she” remains a focal point of discussions.

This aspect can be understood best by looking at famous examples of it being invoked and reconciling the similarities.

For example, the famous song “Mona Lisa” with lyrics like “Are you real, Mona Lisa”

A song used in WITNESS TO THE MOB – about being ANONYMOUS IN WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM played during the wedding i.e. commitment to anonymity.

Also used in Hitchcock’s REAR WINDOW.

REAR WINDOW a movie I cover in several places a movie about SURVEILLANCE.

Trying to identify crimes covertly. All fitting.

And often these comms tie into the world of high-end prostitution, perhaps obvious reasons given anonymity would be key there.

  • 11/28/1949 Song Origin: Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole
  • 11/28/1949 Death of Famous ship cat that killed off RAT INFESTATION named SIMON
  • 06/13/1986 Mona Lisa: About high priced prostitute named “SIMONE”


Simone played by Cathy, and Cathy played by Simone.

That was the movie that gave Bob Hoskins his only Oscar nomination.

This made him famous enough to cast in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” a movie whose plot begins with him taking pictures of an unfaithful wife.

But it’s easy to get sidetracked with these rabbit holes.

The point as it relates to the Titanic is in the blackmail ops which Astor was a face for.

He owned the most famous U.S. hotels and these comms of The “Stolen Mona Lisa” clarify changes going on around that time.

  • 04/15/1911 Astor Library closed
  • 07/07/1911 Fur Seal treaty: Japan, Russia, UK, USA
  • 08/21/1911 Mona Lisa Stolen MUSEUM(origin of fame)
  • 08/26/1911 GODFATHER: Woman loved by TWO MEN
  • 09/09/1911 Jack Astor Marriage
  • 04/15/1912 Sinking of the Titanic
  • 12/12/1913 Mona Lisa Returned

There are a number of comms tied to blackmail, one of them being “Babe Ruth”

  • 02/14/1914 Babe Ruth first contract minor league Orioles
  • 02/15/1914 New Mona Lisa Discovered Reported in newspaper DIFFERENT and MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN ORIGINAL.

I suspect “Babe Ruth” was a face for a new set of international blackmail ops split off from the Astor ops.

A number of his comms tie into “Beautifying” his image which is why he is the first true sports star.

But underneath that push are “Bambi” comms https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2023/11/10/bambi-bambino-the-shots-heard-round-the-world/

He also helped popularize the sport in Japan.

  • 11/28/1949 Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole
  • 11/26/1949 Nippon Pro Baseball 1 billion dollar industry

Biggest sport in Japan. Babe Ruth helped popularize it there.

Fur seal Treaty was signed between Japan as well as the USA and Russia.

  • 03/13/1893 Jack Astor’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel Opens Largest and most technological hotel in the world
  • 03/14/1893 Patent: Photographs of Moving Objects
  • 04/08/1893 First College basketball game BEAVER Falls.

Transition of networks tied to Beaver?

The point I believe is there were international efforts of blackmail and stepping on each others toes.

So they worked out a treaty of cooperation in various ways.

This helps explain all the Japan + America blackmail comms

  • 04/22/1904 Oppenheimer Born – “father of the atomic bomb”
  • 04/23/1904 Teddy Roosevelt Ends his Japanese Judo Training

Judo = Flipping. As in blackmailing symbolized as an international technique?

These comms require awareness of my nuclear posts. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2023/10/13/nuclear-transparency/

But remember the Fur Seal Treaty with U.S. + Japan making deals with Russia and others. I believe all these countries had networks across the world tied to blackmail. The only way to ensure loyalty of the figureheads placed. The problem is what happens when international harems target each other?

I believe the Titanic decision stemmed from what we see described in the Fur Seal treaty.

Effectively OVER-HUNTING, whereas the early days of Astor, or for that matter Lewis Carrol blackmail was difficult and only usable by the richest but soon…

But they became inexpensive.

1895 had the first mass-produced snapshot camera, and in 1900 the first camera that the middle class and lower could afford.

So at that point there were exponentially more “Astors” every year all “hunting beaver caps” like he did?

This may give clues on why Astor had to “die” because he was a face of the largest pillar of those ops! Essentially it would have been hypocritical to force control on all the smaller ones and do nothing with the big one.

Blackmail I think is only part of the answer, finances are separate to control of puppetry.

Blackmail now held diminishing returns, so they needed to act quickly with what they had to gain full control.

Crushing the economy to force submission?

  • 06/19/1893 Madeleine Astor Born Scandalous Wife of Jack Astor survivor of Titanic.
  • +1
  • 06/20/1893 Most Famous Trial of her time: Lizzie Borden NOT GUILTY of murder of parents

A comm of not being held accountable for what would come?

I believe Astor’s “Death” was part of a larger narrative in transition. As in Astor was the prior control of blackmail and it moved more international.

Thus we see in Astor’s heir the comms of misfortune.

Money split between brother and his heir made sterile.

He became sterile when he married a woman who turned out to be a lesbian with a curious name. “Hell” “Hunting” – A name that became even more curious after her next marriage. Define “Hull” – she “sank” the bloodline.

I’m reminded of the Fireman of the Titanic “John Podesta” marrying “Helen”

Helen “Diaper” as in a helper to make sure things remain unsaid. Feces = evidence comms, and a “Diaper” is a what in relation to that?

John Podesta being the fireman made him a key person for the investigations, it was his testimony that defined what actually happened that night for employees.

Anyway… Astor and the Government….

  • 11/01/1897 Waldorf Astoria Expansion opens making it the largest hotel in the world
  • 11/01/1897 New Library of Congress Opens to the public

Largest Hotel in the world and largest RECORD KEEPING library in the world…

Remember that 1898 is when the Astor library merged as well as when “Morgan” first published the Titanic story.

  • 02/03/1959 The Day the Music Died: Big Bopper, Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly Plane crash
  • 02/03/1959 Vincent ASTOR Death: Son of Jack Astor who famously died on Titanic.

Left son Vincent “Biggest fortune at that time”

A tragedy and a tragedy…. A marker for some big change behind the scenes once again using the death of Astor?

Also… another museum was making the news that 1898 year. Tho this is going to get very speculative it helps paint a bit of what I feel are comms tied to blackmail control.


Robert Peary, the man most famous today for being the first to reach the North Pole had just brought 6 Eskimos to be studied by a museum.

The U.S. Museum “stole everything” from a foreign boy. https://www.vox.com/2024/1/19/24044440/the-tragic-story-of-this-famous-meteorite

  • 10/31/1897 Peary’s Eskimo 6 Hospitalized in New York
  • 11/01/1897 Waldorf-Astoria Opens New York
  • 11/01/1897 New Library of Congress Opens
  • 11/04/1897 Peary’s Eskimos in bad health

All Eskimo die except one, and the treatment of that boy becomes a scandal still reported about.

It could be coincidental, but the covert conflicts are international, and in which case these publicity stunts about bringing foreigners and a STOLEN METEORITE may be very relevant.

He sells the meteor to the museum in NY for what would be over a million today.

The museum faked the burial of the surviving Eskimo’s father so they could display them as museum pieces. (along with the Meteor)

The story “Give me my father’s body” being the tagline of this scandal.

The 1896 Expedition story revived in 1986…

Finally resolved in 1993…

  • 07/05/1993 Peary Eskimo Skeletons to go home in upcoming weeks.
  • 08/21/1993 Peary Eskimo Skeletons Delivered
  • 08/21/1993 Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch first raided

Skeletons IN THE CLOSET OF NEW YORK to be buried.

Notice this article from 1909.

Look how much effort they put into this controversy about Robert Peary’s Eskimo fighting a museum for his father’s bones and going home. I have to wonder if these are comms much like Astor’s.

This was as Robert Peary made his historic arrival at the North Pole!

  • 04/06-09/1909 Robert Peary arrives at North Pole
  • 04/10/1909 Peary Expedition Marvin Cornell Drowns in Arctic Ocean on return trip home.
  • 04/11/1909 First Modern Jewish city founded Tel Aviv
  • 04/13/1909 Peary Eskimo Boy first reported to be heading back to his home in the north.

The Tel Aviv connection may be the right one given modern MOSSAD.

How would one coordinate a return to the Jewish homeland after centuries?

A boy wanting to return to his homeland, that story may have been to set a “tone” to advertise the appeal to Jews to migrate from Russia and other places.

That’s merely a hypothesis for now.

If it were correct, then the comms would tie strongly with blackmail.

MOSSAD is 2nd only to CIA and the people that form it didn’t pop into existence in the 1940’s. Likely from the origin of the state itself, 1909 by some measures.

Which is why the long sought “North Pole” arrival being alongside the first MODERN CITY of Israel founding is of interest.

As Peary was returning home he lost one person. “Marvin” along the way.

A large international group trying to establish on foreign soil covertly?

  • 11/22/1908 Eskimo Boy Dying begs to go back home
  • 11/22/1908 First International Pro Baseball Game between Japan and America.

An international game about getting home?

Ok, that was too much speculation, let’s shift to something more solid before the end.

Concordia & Titanic

Remember how they timed Celine Dion’s song to the “next Titanic”?

  • 09/28/1994 Celine Dion “At the OLYMPIA” Recorded
  • 09/28/1994 Sinking of the MS Estonia 3rd deadliest after TITANIC

100 years after Titanic another ship did the same thing! The first unlucky “Friday the 13th” closest to the 100th year anniversary.

  • 04/14/1912 Titanic Sinking
  • 01/13/2012 Costa Concordia Sinking FRIDAY THE 13th

Only 33 deaths…. but the thing is the larger passenger count could have made it worse than Titanic if it had made it further out to sea.

It’s absurd just how few casualties there were when you learn what happened. It’s also clear this was all intentional. Not just by the Anniversary connection but because….

What are the odds eh?

Looking for media comms and I found a couple…

  • 09/02/2005 BAD ENDING Costa Concordia first launched
  • 09/02/2005 Bad Ending Brokeback Mountain Infamous ending of main character beaten to death with tire iron in hate crime.

I’m not sure what it may mean to have it timed to a movie I’ve never seen, but the only thing that I do know is it ends with the revelation of the brutal murder of a lead character. So it feels plausible enough to mention as a comm here.

Tho for easier to interpret points, they just like Titanic they got a captain known for crashing!


Tho compared to Titanic captain who had just months before wrecked a near identical ship, it’s not quite as bad as that. But then the “Captain” was for some strange reason a security guard that was inexplicably given the job.

The insanity of the mistakes would be hilarious, if not for the horrific loss of life.

This image is from a guy that does real history with a comic touch.

I’m going to relate story points from here on without giving too many proofs, but they will all be from that video above so that’s my source here.

One of the major causes was not just that they had a non-captain, but that the guy responsible for navigation didn’t speak the same language as the one giving directions.

The one actually steering and not following directions was the new Indonesian Helmsman, who despite being brought on board by the captain, barely spoke the same language captain. Oh and his background was also entirely irrational for the job he had. He was a painter and “cleaner”?

So, long story short they staffed the crew with people perfectly suited to fail at their tasks in exactly the right way. https://web.archive.org/web/20221201043719/https://2015.maritimeprofessional.com/blogs/post/the-human-factor-on-the-costa-concordia-how-can-we-address-13871

That video presents the crash as a series of incredible coincidences and stupidity.

The only reason it didn’t become a Titanic situation is due to a miracle. Because of the 16 compartments it could have hit, it hit the ones with the engine which then flooded to the generators. In effect it hit the only spot that would disable the ship instantly instead of sinking it like Titanic.

If it hadn’t it would have still sunk, but the engine would have worked for hours longer and then they would have gone out to sea. We know this because that’s what the captain kept trying to do as it was sinking.

So instead of going away from shore after the hit it sank right next to land and in full view of many who then were able to come to rescue. And yet even with all of that 30+ people still died!

This is because the captain lied to authorities’ multiple times as it was sinking, asserting that the situation was under control and that they just needed a tugboat.

The crew also played a role in lying to keep passengers inside their rooms as long as possible and not wear life vests. The captain just kept checking to see if the engines were back on, which is insane since it was flooded. But given the intended plan, you can understand why he would.

Had just about anything else played out thousands may have died. There were far more people on it than on the Titanic.

A lot of the stranger parts of the story post sink make far more sense if it was planned. Like the Helmsman who steered the ship into the danger area due to a language barrier, and then directly into the rock due to “accidentally” doing the opposite of what he was instructed to do. I.e. he was told to steer away, but he steered towards it. (that’s not a joke)

Despite this, he was given a deal from authorities to testify against the captain in exchange for no jail time. That by itself is suspect, and yet in spite of a deal he ran from the authorities. Even stranger he was caught, agreed to testify for real, but then just ran again!

To this day has not been found after that. That’s quite a dedication he had for the Captain for no logical reason!

It’s amazing he’d get a deal like that given he was the one steering. No, he was dedicated to the captain who I remind you he couldn’t even communicate with due to the language barrier and who actively blamed the Helmsman for what happened.

It’s so incredibly dumb I’m having second thoughts about the whole thing being an intentional Titanic. Maybe the screwup itself sent a message? idk, there are just a lot of odd things about it.

The drugs!

Drugs: Costa Concordia: Shipment of Mob drugs was hidden aboard cruise liner when it hit rocks off Italian coast, investigators say

Years ago when I discussed this story I assumed they were preparing for a Titanic sized story they could milk to create stars, but now I try and apply rational non-evil answers when possible. That’s not to say there isn’t evil coordinated, just that for large scale things like this, typically I can find justifications somewhere.

The more I look at this disaster it feels like the message might be in the failure. But what that failure represents… I may have to dig deeper later. Heck, my old hypothesis about it being a failed Titanic venture may be correct and I’m just trying too hard to be nice these days and assume the best in people. Still, I’d rather be faulted for kindness than cruelty.

Anyway…. for the last thing to cover, here’s an interesting one that should be easy to decode.

  • 11/02/2020 Whoopi Goldberg Responds To ‘Titanic’ Theme Song Being Played At Trump Rally: ‘The Irony Is Just Magnificent’ 
  • 11/03/2020 Election day

Titanic being a symbol by itself of a sinking ship, which as with many other comms I’ve covered from then, were blaring signals of Trump to lose the next day.

Titanic = Sinking ship. Simple as that. It’s a good lesson for decoding to not overthink things. I go over why Trump “Lost” in many other posts. The Titanic thing was important simply to make sure his comms aware associates were adequately prepared for what was to come.

I mentioned before Ray-Ban comms as tied to Titanic.

To block “light” Biden is famous for Ray-Bans, and so what might that mean to elect him president? Obfuscation of what’s actually going on?

I go over a bit of that here https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2024/01/24/the-byeden-180-countdown/ just didn’t want to end the post with that bit about Trump and Titanic lol. It’s bad enough I’m posting this one April Fools day, but then my readers have enough critical thinking to understand a joke from reality and this post as with all my posts, are entirely serious.

These posts are uploaded at the earliest possible moment they can be and at a rate of 3 or so a week, so naturally one is going to hit today. Just a law of averages thing. You have to get good at understanding when a coincidence is likely versus implausible. I go through a ton of patterns, and some are coincidental, but you can tell the ones that aren’t by how they keep going in a specific direction.

It’s much like Titan/Titanic. If it had just been 1 or heck even 5 things thing sure, coincidence is likely, but it just kept going.

  • Morgan’s Titan & J.P. Morgan’s Titanic
  • Same Tragedy Location
  • Same Passenger Capacity
  • Same Month
  • Same Time
  • Same Lifeboat Shortage
  • Same “Biggest Ship” Record
  • Same Speed of Ship
  • Same Iceberg

This is why Q once said “at what point is a coincidence mathematically impossible” Because at a certain point it gets into those hypothetical coin flip situations, you know the type, getting heads or tails 500 times in a row kind of thing. It’s POSSIBLE to happen, but every additional time grows the odds until you are at 1 in a trillion territory. So implausible that trying millions of times over billions of years would be unlikely to produce the results even once. At that point you have to just assume it’s not a coincidence.

Comms persist because that ability to judge probability has been sabotaged from the populace, people are conditioned to accept narratives no matter how much it fails to line up with critical thinking. Objectivity is a path paved with dead ends and forced reassessments of the self, but so long as people are coddled into a false reality, they can’t grow. The whole experience of being human distorts into something perverse.

Read my Moon post for some of the most blatant failures of critical thinking that persists. It’s worse than flat earth what is accepted as real. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2023/12/05/moon-landing/ And yet people are not just asked to accept this nonsense, but it is forced upon them. One falsehood may be harmless, no worse than believing in Santa, but when it gets to the point where our entire lives exist soley in fraud? What then? Meaningless all the way through? Perhaps not that bad, but we can do a heck of a lot better than it is!

But, that’s another story for another post! I would like to talk about that tho…. the reality of what this false world does to all our potentials. It’s not a healthy thing, and while I will help make a ladder of sorts for the 20 or 30 people that read here to understand the world, I do hope it can become widely available as well. Tho for now I’ll stay focused on figuring out the world and getting the few people here to a better place.

That’s all I can do it seems, for now, but I’m sure things will improve in time!

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