Situational Awareness: COVID, VAXX, And Grand Juries

Why did grand juries stop last year? Covid!

All of this potential justice… stopped due to a panic over a virus.

Q: How do we get Grand Juries back?

A: By re-opening the states to them.

Q: How?

A: By having a drop in the numbers of new Coronavirus cases.

Q: How?

05/21/2021 CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d “To be clear: If these new policies had been the global approach to “Covid” since December 2019, there would never have been a pandemic at all.”

With these changes the more people get vaccinated the faster re-openings can happen, and the faster re-opening happens the faster Grand Juries can come back!

Even tho that’s an objective fact… it begs many questions doesn’t it?

Like why didn’t they do that last year with Trump in control?

Why has Trump been so pro-Vaccine if the vaccine itself seems to be irrelevant and only the counting is flawed?

Not just recently, but consistently pro Corona Vaccine.

11/30/2020 Trump asks FDA to approve Moderna coronavirus vaccine, calls development ‘a modern day miracle

Some have engaged in mental gymnastics to pretend like he doesn’t support the vaccine, but neither Q nor Trump has ever said a single bad word about any of the COVID vaccines.

Fact: Q and Trump have called out past Vaccines that were bad, and so it stands to reason if the new ones were bad they’d do it there too.

There is an active panic built around the vaccines to keep certain people away from it.

Obviously these days MSM is fully onboard the vaccine express, but this was not always the case.

And having investigated the sites I’ve seen clowns use to scare people off of the vaccine, I’ve realized the reason why. See, they tend to highlight people with tell-tale clown comms.

In fact, moments after posting my prior Vaccine post I got people with tell-tale clown comms decorating their accounts contacting me. They gave me horror stories trying to change my mind. Saying things that demonstrated they hadn’t read my post at all, and instead were more likely employed to scare people.

“Psychologist” and “Professional Ballerina” were the two most recent highlights on one of the sites I saw pushed. Where have I heard those jobs before?

06/10/2013 The ballerina girlfriend whistleblower Ed Snowden was set to wed before he left her in Hawaii and fled to Hong Kong to leak NSA secrets. Now she says she feels ‘adrift’

This means many of those pushing panic are likely doing it to increase visibility of murders. No, not murders from a vaccine, but someone reacting to what getting that vaccine meant. I.e. Flipping.

I’m not saying to get vaccinated. I’ve come to realize that for the masses the only likely benefit in getting vaccinated is peace of mind and a faster re-opening of the states. But for comms aware people inside the system? It’s a very different ballgame.

From what I could tell the Trump admin responded to the virus early on by setting up an elaborate phone system that allowed clowns to say they were “sick” as a way to communicate they wanted to flip.

The Virus and the Vaccine early on required people to contact the government and giving them personal info. And so in both cases this was how mass flipping could happen of tens of thousands of clowns World Wide in plain sight. I decoded that last year on twitter and it’s been a consistent decode

Regular people who tried to get tested couldn’t even get tested early on, but a certain type of people could. Like say people working for the NYT.

And note how doing so meant the results were “posted online” for everyone to see. Because the point with this system was to flip people secretly, but this article is asserting that doing so won’t work. People will find out you cooperated.

Obviously some people don’t want flipping, and so the other side to that coin is people who try and keep mouths shut, hence “Vaccine deaths” become something promoted by clowns. Keeping mouths shut by promoting the people that have died trying to do the right thing.

In this post I talk about it how the real war going on behind the scenes was removing the murderers.

Queens = high mobility chess

And this is why the Suez Canal was blocked for so long. Because they were smuggling in people thru cargo ships to keep the threat alive. Thus the problem was removed from the source.

Which is why all that’s left is the remnants. Hence a comm like this.

05/24/2021 Mud-Loving Golden Retriever Finds Her Personal HeavenPenny is a crazy 2-years-old Golden Retriever that loves mud and thinks she’s a snake.”

Snake comms = many people working together as one. Video is her calling the dog bad over and over again and how gross and crazy she is. The point being the remnants THINK they have a lot more people than they do and so when foreign actors pay bitcoin for ops, they take it, not realizing the war is over. It’s just a cleanup phase now.

From what I can tell most cells are local, and so specific a person that flips might face a reprisal from nearby people who could be brought down by them. This is why secrecy is essential.

Many of the larger businesses were technically independent, and they only worked together for mutual goals. atm the main problems are foreign countries using bitcoin to fund murders from willing remnant cells.

Now to return to Vaccines… does this mean they are safe? I think so, but I wouldn’t advice anyone do anything they are uncomfortable with.

Given Rand Paul, I don’t think it’s even a priority anymore.

05/23/2021 Rand Paul says he’s skipping vaccine for now, may reconsider

A bit of levity.

While I’ve seen many clown sites pop up with anti-vaccine propaganda. There is one legitimate site that I typically trust going against it. Gateway Pundit, but I should note it’s mostly this guy writing these articles. so if you want to see the least clown anti-Vaccine posts, that’d be this.

I find some of the articles using questionable math. You know the kind of fallacy, the same way that people can say cars are dangerous because over a million die a year from them. but really it’s not the car that’s the problem but the unique situation for each case, as well as a simple law of averages with big numbers when billions of people engage in any activity.

04/20/2021 Trump urges Americans to get vaccinated as he calls J&J pause ‘so stupid’ “6 people out of 8 million who had the vaccine reported blood clots” “tylenol, women’s birth control cause far more”

For perspective so far there’s been nearly 2 billion vaccinated atm which is 1/4 of world pop. If you subtract the kids which aren’t likely to ever be mass vaccinated (25% of 7.9 billion total people) it equates to about half the world that can be vaccinated having already been done.

But I don’t want to focus on the logistics of safety, I’m here to decode the comms.

2020 Operation Warp Speed: Vaxx VS Panic

For example, why is the Russian Vaccine named after a Satellite?

And the United States effort to create vaccines was called: Operation Warp Speed, a curious name that invokes fast space travel.

04/29/2020 Trump administration launches ‘Operation Warp Speed’ to accelerate vaccine development 07/27/2020 Operation Warp Speed is unleashing America’s scientific genius to develop a Coronavirus vaccine at record speed

You could argue it’s because the operation is fast, but that doesn’t explain the Russian one. So presuming “space travel” is important to this message… let’s dig into it.

U.S. Based space travel was on hiatus since 2011. Something Q has highlighted, and now has returned.

Q post is from 2017, I go over Musk flipping after that which is why when we go to Musk’s posts around this timeframe we get a 17 second video talking about being over the Middle East.

Note the Q posts 05/31/2020 – right as SpaceX docked over the Middle East.


So what was happening behind the scenes with the international space station?

Why did it involve the highest game of capturing an American Flag ever played?

08/02/2020 SpaceX just won an epic, high-stakes game of capture the flag that Barack Obama started 9 years ago

Why did it include a dual colored “Flippables” dinosaur that changes colors as it flips?

Let’s return to those questions later.

When the ship landed as the 33rd manned space to sea Splashdown, it was the first since 1976!

08/29/2020 Elon Musk: ‘China Is the Future’ <- Same timeframe.

Note that in 1977 Jimmy Carter Carter tore out the nuclear innards of the U.S.A.

So the 33rd Splashdown happened August 2nd? 33rd Splashdown? “Coincidentally” it coincides with both number and date with the 33rd in the world Nuclear plant. The first in the Arab world.

08/01/2020 UAE announces successful start up of first nuclear plant in Arab world following successful reactor launch “It was built by a consortium led by the Korea Electric Power Corporation in a deal worth over $20 billion.”

This solves Operation Warp Speed comms.

Nuclear comms. Nuclear comms are about destructive information, often about other countries.

Note the UAE/U.S./China all launching to Mars in 2020 the week before this. UAE’s first time again. All 3 going to the same “Planet”.

Note more cooperation with UAE/U.S. not long after…

09/15/2020 UAE, U.S.A, Bahrain and Israel Sign Abraham Accords

I already decoded how UAE was helping, I just never made these space connections to see the bigger comms picture.

They get their own pens, but there’s this curious exchange of pens between the UAE and the U.S.

Early on I wasn’t sure what to make of it outside of cooperation comms…. If nothing else the accords symbolize a cooperation.

After the election was stolen and the focus went on “Signatures” I began to suspect this might have been a symbol for that. Especially how Trump looks the other way and UAE pockets his pen. They in-turn get each others pens.

Note the bits about a Counter Insurgency to address the root causes of insurgency! As in what these ops are about. Note Q’s post: “As the darkness falls so does our enemies” (top right) “es” error Comm about Snowden which Q relates to a roadmap. As in the symbolism of intel taken to be released later?

And most importantly that the enemies fell when darkness came. A darkness Q said we have to walk through darkness now for light.

10/22/2020 Biden warns of ‘dark winter’ in America

02/16/2021 Joe Biden’s ‘Dark Winter’ Is Here

I believe this is all cooperation from China Joe, hence all the comms about China going with us to Mars, and the middle east as well, all working together to “Address the root cause” of insurgency. I decode him flipping here

How does that work?

It works by letting the election theft happen, but doing it in a way that can be exposed later. All the while the clowns are removed from play, hence being removed as darkness falls.

And then Trump returns. Note the order on the left.

  1. Jefferson = Revolutionary hero who freed the U.S. from foreign powers aka Trump.
  2. Woodrow Wilson = Racist Democrat clown )
  3. Jefferson Returns = return of Trump

Note one of the final Q posts made was on Halloween with a 2011 NASA Launch.

2020 Halloween comms (before election) – Trump locked out of the WH by military as Trump meets a tiny version of himself i.e. reduced Vote Count comms for Trump.

As discussed Musk was part of the ops, and who else?

07/04/2021 Kanye West claims he’s running for president and Elon Musk is playing along

Musk and Kanye together Specifically when Kanye decided to run for president.

Which president is associated with the color Orange?

These kinds of comms were sent by Kanye about Halloween. Comms of future weight loss. i.e.

Votes BIG -> small in future.

I haven’t decoded Kanye fully since Twitter, but I have shown the families ties to the Middle East in Armenia.

As in Kanye ran for president so as to give them another way to steal the election. However this was a trap, just as the other ways were.

Note the June before the election, talk of China using the EXACT SAME PAPER USING THE EXACT SAME MACHINES to print ballots. The steal was as transparent as it gets.

And it’s all still coming out! As Trump says IT WILL GO DOWN AS THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!

05/26/2021 HUGE: Boris Epshteyn Says The Freight Trains Of Audits Is Coming Across The Country

As I go into in this post the whole thing was, in part, a wakeup call. So much evidence of it, and because Trump flipped the courts while in office it will eventually all be in front of a judge who will rule fairly.

This one I got tipped of to by a friend who was looking at delta’s.

2 year delta “waterfalls” clearly asserting that something behind closed doors is coming out. These were Trump’s former Assistant’s other posts that day.

17/13 Golf comms, which are all about the FORE! as in a warning of something to hit in the near future. “DEFEATS FATHER TIME” – as in the other side was trying to wait out a victory thru COVID, but instead lost Bigly?

The waiting game + Virus panic was the strategy. Something that has failed as all the preparation to remove Trump through coronavirus was co-opted.

05/25/2021 Fusion GPS Is Losing The Fight To Keep Its Records Secret

The future BOOMS about Maxwell.

08/08/2019 LEGO Releases Friends Set in Honor of Sitcom’s 25th Anniversary: Rachel, Chandler, Monica, rOSS

Lego = building comms. “Rachel” + “Chandler” in this case the symbolism is about Maxwell’s ops. I.e. Rachel Chandler blackmail. i.e. Epstein/Maxwell.

However…. this was not to be then.

August 10th – Epstein reported dead. The nuke comms are because these are blackmail guys BOOM symbolism.

But that’s ok, because Maxwell is bigger than Epstein.

Lessons learned and with the 187 cells largely destroyed protecting a super villain is no longer impossible.

So a “Friends Reunion” is a go – with “Rachel” and “Chandler”

05/13/2021 ‘Friends’ reunion special arrives on HBO Max on May 27

And an expanded Lego set to boot!

A bigger Chandler apartment. Dollhouse catching on fire, Turkey and….

And a very curious mention of a giant poking device used to check to see if the ugly naked guy is still alive? Epstein?

No, I don’t think he’s alive. It’s possible he is, but I think it’s more likely this is symbolic for him being alive in the evidence, as in we’ll see him talking and moving on old videos.

As I covered in this post and others – the comms made it pretty clear at every point when he was alive, almost dead, and actually dead.

Note the countdown to Maxwell’s arrest was much like the NASA launch – all to “Mass pop awakening”

this interpretation of the 9th week being when Maxwell would be arrested was confirmed in Q4566 (links to tweet connecting the Marker to countdown)

Confirmation via this comment

And then the trial was set for for over a year later!

It’s all been delay tactics. Delaying until their guy could be installed, and this is why “COVID” was indeed a clown plan, it was simply anticipated and then co-opted by patriots. Not all at once

Nursing home deaths being a clear example of the original COVID plan getting through, but over time from 2019-2021 the war was won.

Note Trump highlighting buying billions of dollars in vaccines before it was approved as his best decision. A miracle of the ages.

09/30/2020 Operation Warp Speed Has Over $6 Billion In Secret Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Evading Scrutiny “routed through an intermediary nongovernmental firm, thereby avoiding the usual requirements for regulatory oversight and transparency that accompany federal contracting as well as many public records request requirements.”

A way to get powerful companies on the fence about joining one side or the other to commite. The power of money!

08/08/2020 Federal spending on COVID-19 vaccine candidates tops $9 billion, spread among 7 companies

Each one being contracted not just to produce a “vaccine” (millions cost probably) but to perform other functions that cost billions like curbing the 187’s by tracking bad actors.

And so let’s go into just how clearly aware they were for preperations.

2019-2022 Covid Prep And Aftermath

Note in particular the connection to Joe Biden’s “dark winter” and that in 2001 it predated 9/11 as the last great U.S. emergency.

The playbook was known long before it began: Notice these NSA/CIA comms.

NSA specifically calls PSL out as “Paid Sick Leave” as in the way the world has been since early 2020.

Note also both CIA and NSA talking about “anticipating things before they happen” – in the NSA’s case they sandwich how they are “Adapted to the next threat” in-between talking about Paid Sick Leave. Specifically with someone whose name is phonetically New Burger. A comm for 187’s.

However there’s an extra meaning in all of this because Pumpkin comms are about scare ops.

Charles Lieber the guy behind Wuhan lab – was famous for growing 1870 pound Pumpkin (187 scare ops) “the Chinese government paid Lieber seven figures to help set up a university in China’s Wuhan province and to participate in a talent recruitment program that the FBI believes was a front for stealing proprietary research”

Fauci recently turning on the narrative. Sleepers just keep awakening?

05/11/2021 Fauci admits COVID-19 could have come from Wuhan lab

All the narratives are slowly turning around. COVID, election, even “Russian collusion”

05/26/2021 ‘No Basis’ For Obstruction Charges Against Trump In Mueller Report, Newly Released OLC Memo Confirms

All that’s left is perhaps the January 6th riot?

Even that.

05/24/2021 EXCLUSIVE: US Capitol Doors on Jan. 6 Were Magnetically Locked – Someone Inside Capitol Security Had to Release the Lock to Open the Doors (VIDEO)

But as mentioned before, it’s Maxwell that brings everything down.

05/13/2021 Bill Gates urged to give evidence to Ghislaine Maxwell investigators about ties to Jeffrey Epstein by victims’ lawyer

It’s slow, and for the most part it’s just pro Trump sources that talk. But anyone paying attention to Q and the resignations know they’ve been being fixed slowly for the past 4 years now from the inside-out.

What do you think comes from so many resignations after all? at some point all of these entities will begin acting like real news agencies.

This entire op is so much larger than the United States. World Wide saving millions of lives with the “Vaccines”

And with we can take another look at at the dual colored flippable dinosaur that went into space.

I think it was all about the cooperation between parties. This is not about “R vs D”

And not just that but also international. All cooperating together as discussed above. China, U.S. and UAE all in “international space” to “Capture the flag”

As I go into in this post – a variety of countdowns Q began were continued by Biden and lead straight to the next two Olympic games. International cooperation comms.

And so I’m confident things are going well, I still see plenty of small signs of resistance here and there, but for the most part it’s all a movie.

In this post I go over some more of how the ops were set up thru symbolism. It shows some more of the international cooperation going on as well.

Most pertinent tho is this post where I go over far more of the nuanced comms surrounding Covid. Some that show the refusal early on for many celebrities to go along with the plan as it was laid out. Some decoding of the tragedies that happened in-between like George Floyd. It also goes over more comms showing Trump agreeing to the plan, and others.

06/05/2021 Update

This week a friend of mine wanted to confirm/refute some of the assertions I make in my posts about COVID and found themselves in the perfect situation to do it. Investigative journalism!


Anon: This week I was in a social gathering with prominent doctors for hours. We talked about lungs and how covid affects them and they showed me pictures and lots of real data they had come up with. From the info they showed me, the more real it all looked. But this all changed when I asked about the danger of getting infected from doing autopsies.

Doctor: We are not allowed to perform autopsies on covid patients. It was declared too dangerous. There were specific technicians who are not part of the hospital, who would come and bring us samples of lungs and we would just work with them, The samples were smaller than the tip of a finger, and arranged in boxes, 10 pieces in a box. From 10 different people.

Anon: Wait, so none of you actually ever performed autopsy on a covid patient?

Doctor: No. We are not allowed. It was extremely dangerous.

Anon: Then how do you know the pieces of lungs coming to you were from covid patients?

Doctor: Oh you can tell right away, all of them were the same, like someone who smoked cigarettes all their life, destroyed. It was obvious right away these are infected lungs!

Anon: Some of you must know these technicians the bring the lungs, aren’t you colleagues?

Doctor: No, they are not from the hospital, they are from outside partners that do these dangerous procedures and just bring us the samples so we can study them.

Anon: And then they went to explain to me how the samples arrive, smaller than the tip of a finger, and how they are arranged in these boxes, 10 pieces in a box. From 10 different people. And how absolutely no one has ever seen the actual autopsy let alone do one.

Ok, that’s an edited version of the account my friend gave me. Pic below shows entire conversation. (Post continues below it)

Obviously they wish to remain anonymous so I can’t confirm any of this, but I don’t think they are lying and it all makes perfect sense to me.

A lot of people have short memories, but for all my faults I was blessed with a spectacular long term memory. And one thing I remember extremely well early on is that when the outbreak hit big, nobody could find anyone, anywhere who would talk about their experience with having it.

Here’s a tweet from a famous Google whistleblower saying exactly that.

I along with hundreds of other people set out to find someone, ANYONE, that could tell us anything about what having the virus was like or what treatment meant.

Keep in mind there were tons of cases, even March 3rd there were at least 100 of them in the U.S.

It jumped to tens of thousands in days and and despite how many celebrities got it and talked about it, not a single regular person could be found anywhere in the first weeks of it.

When the testimonials did start as we reached tens of thousands of cases within days I dug into them, and what I found was only hardcore Trump hating leftists. That continued well into after we hit over 100k supposed cases which btw was still in MARCH. Is that logical? Do people who get a disease that’s everywhere on TV just go silent? No social media? No nothing?

03/29/2020 CBS News Caught Using Footage from an Italian Hospital to Describe Conditions in New York City (VIDEO)

Just media lying.

04/11/2020 Less Than a Week After Getting Caught, CBS News Again Uses Italy Hospital Vid While Discussing US

This is part of what shaped my original covid theory which has largely remained unchanged for a year and a half. Instead of testimonials from non-clowns all I found was stories – like the following. A story of someone actually trying to go to the hospital and being told it was packed with a 6 hour wait. They actually went there and found it empty.

This doesn’t mean every hospital was doing this, read the post carefully – main post includes a big testimonial on this from the NYT showing how certain hospitals had special entrances for COVID victims, but they weren’t packed, and required clown credentials to access.

Told it was full and to stay away…. found to be empty.

Meaning that while some hospitals were operating normally for patients, there were some commandeered for the flipping ops (read post above for more on that)

With my friends testimony above you can see how people who aren’t comms aware can confirm something that’s not real with a little bit of trickery.

Here’s a bit more of my posts from back then on it.

Note how the death toll jumped specifically 4->6->9->17. And then hit 666. I remember spending hours trying to find numbers in-between. The numbers I decode most frequently are 4 being future warning, 6 being cult, 9 being flipped cult, and 17 being something kept very secret. Comms of a war that was both very secret, and yet the most visible global event in the history of the world.

3 thoughts on “Situational Awareness: COVID, VAXX, And Grand Juries

  1. I love your work. Thank you so much for what you have been doing here. Do you have any info of other sources to read?


    1. I am not aware of anyone that does what I do sadly, tho I am trying to teach people who might at some point. Just basic history research is what I do along with building out timelines to demonstrate points on the blog… not really any special sources for that.


      1. Yes, this is a unique site in my experience. It might be basic, but I think it’s rare to have the pre-requisite knowledge to be able to even be aware of this. I’ve never experienced anyone in real life that were open for this. Not to mention the dedication to your work.


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