Hiring Clowns: Nuclear Marriage, Red CIA, and Pop Culture

Marriage After “Mountain Climbing”

In Q post 666 the Marriage of Bill Clinton was mentioned in regards of people being married not for love but POWER. Keep that word in mind. POWER. The official story goes they were married in 1975 after Bill bought her a house for 17,500$ https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/31430

10/11/1975 – HRC and Bill wedding 17 people Including HRC and Bill https://www.theknot.com/content/hillary-and-bill-clinton-wedding-story https://www.brides.com/story/tbt-hillary-clinton-wedding-photos

What was special about this 1975 union? HRC was a key person that rigged the 1974 impeachment against Nixon.

Hillary Rodham’s 1974 Watergate “Procedures were Ethically Flawed” https://freerepublic.com/focus/news/925684/posts

Hillary is the name of the name of the man who climbed and claimed the highest mountain in the world https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Hillary in Mount Everest. Symbolism for getting to the top of the world, hence why she was there as she got to the top of the world in Nixon.

She even asserted she was named after him https://nypost.com/2015/11/28/hillary-clintons-million-little-lies/ even tho that would be impossible since she was born before it happened. (Meaning she was used for her name as a comm at the time)

That explains why HRC was a hot ticket, but what about Bill?

I’d presume he helped her behind the scenes, but as that’s a boring answer. Let’s dig a little deeper. So Bill Clinton, was born as Bill Blythe. His father was killed in a Buick Car Accident, and his mother married a Buick Car Salesman soon after.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Clinton_Sr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Jefferson_Blythe_Jr.

Doubly suspicious given how many car accidents I’ve decoded around famous figures, https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/1977-offshoring-mkultra-signals-and-disguises/ A sacrifice for fame, proving loyalty? Anyway… Bill decided to take the Buick Sales man “Clinton’s” name. Thus giving his name a special connotation in connection with murder by cars.

Now recall Q highlighted their marriage was for POWER. Now if a powerful figure behind the scenes were to symbolize getting behind them and making them powerful, what kind of symbolism comm might they use? How about NUCLEAR POWER!

10/01/1975 – Clinton Nuclear Power Station! – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Power_Station 10/11/1975 Clinton Wedding

Same month! – So obviously his skyrocket to superstardom was no coincidence.

How fast did he skyrocket up toe power ladder? Less than 3 years later he went from being “broke” and an unknown to becoming the most powerful man of the state.


Setting up a Nuclear Power Plant as “Clinton” allows for comms down the road, for example.

09/21/1996 Clinton Illegal donations scandal begins with DNC returning illegal foreign donatons. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-09-21-mn-46051-story.html

And just a couple of weeks before it what happened at the Clinton nuclear plant?

09/05/1996 Clinton – “recirculation pump fails” Shut down of Clinton Boiling water. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_power_accidents_by_country

A signal it seems was sent to shut down the money pipeline from east to west.

To shut down the “Boiling water” – which as Water = info comm https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/25/plants-and-water-comms/ trying to prevent a story from going off like a nuclear bomb. An emergency signal as they were able to return the money quickly enough that they were able to prevent an arrest.

But that story was about the Korean money, and it was the Clinton Chinese money was the primary scandal which grew from there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_United_States_campaign_finance_controversy even tho for the most part the media didn’t report it.


Bill Clinton and Chinese military donations: “the White House is like a subway — you have to put in coins to open the gates.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/tag/bill-clinton?source=%2Fopinion%2Fcolumnists%2Fbyron-york-when-a-foreign-adversary-meddled-in-a-presidential-election

Even tho that was probably the true biggest scandal… the biggest scandal most remember about Bill Clinton is the perjury “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” followed by Monica Lewinsky presenting the blue dress with semen on it to prove he lied under oath.

Epstein had this painting up in his house


Note the “I want you” pose Bill is in. Symbolism for people giving in to getting a “Monica Lewinsky” and being blackmailed for life. A “chess piece” for Epstein. This is probably why it was called a “Conversation starter”


This does bring up a curious question tho, why did Clinton feel he could risk what he risked with Monica Lewinsky?

The answer is Lewinsky would never betray him.

In fact she fought against the scandal going public. She even signed a sworn affidavit that she never had any sexual relations with Bill Clinton. It was only because Linda Tripp secretly recorded her conversations that any of it came to light. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzf5mKJf7h8

Looking into her background I see telltale signs of why. MS/MK family with Psychology focus. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/08/mk-ww-labyrinth-55/

Meaning she was likely brought into the picture specifically to have sex with Clinton.

One correlation I’ve brought up before is the curious name of the most popular sitcom of the Clinton Era. “Friends” which ran from 1994-2005. That connects here.

Job Offering F.R.I.E.N.D.S

A show starred by 6 people “Rachel” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Green “Chandler” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chandler_Bing Who you may remember as being the most important name of Maxwell’s and Epstein’s Child handler.

Something I decode here in more depth https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/15/maxwell-dominoes-rc-addicted-terramar/

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/07/rumors-swirling-that-one-of-epsteins-underage-prostitutes-has-provided-damaging-information-on-epsteins-friends-and-accomplices/ Q highlighted her pics of Epstein Island underground rooms.
  1. Open mouth suggestive
  2. Old man pic Chandler writes “Old Job”
  3. Addiction label (Child shoes)
  4. Pic of children photo’d from many angles with mirrors

Job hiring comms attached to Rachel and Chandler.

Another of the main six F.R.I.E.N.D.S was “Monica” note both Monica’s shared the same haircuts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monica_Geller

12/02/2020 ‘Out of touch’ Bill Clinton didn’t know what ‘Friends’ show was, ex-aide says

The very first episode of the show involved “Monica” giving sex to a sexually frustrated man. He is presented as someone she’d be crazy not to go out with. https://friends.fandom.com/wiki/The_Pilot

Specially his name was “Paul the Wine Guy” – which I suspect is a reference to the pope of the time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_II As I’ve gone over the power structure before – Clintons Connect to Rothschild, who use the Pope as their “mouth”

This connects with the start of the post as you may recall. Rothschild – Control of funding thru banks = ability to fund things like Nuclear power plants.

Anyway, this means that “Friends” was used to send comms that would connect with the Clintons as well.

But how? Especially given the first episode of Friends was a year before her family got her a job with the President….

The answer is clear if you watch the episode with a comms eye.

“Monica” has sex with Paul “The Win Guy” – and by the end of the episode she finds out he just wanted to use her for sex. The episode ends with her breaking the watch he left her and “Paul” is never mentioned again. Breaking Paul’s Watch = the time she spent with him having sex never happened.

I.e. the episode was a job offer.

“Chandlers” Story at the beginning has him talking to Monica about how his genitals were a telephone that gives him a call he has to take. A call from his parents – i.e. the job offer is for clowns with girls of the right age that can follow instructions.

With this Clinton connection understood, let’s return to the Clinton power plant accident, notice the closest episode of the period was one with an injury that’s recently gotten back into the news.

Recall the sudden scandal appearing and reconcile the title: “The One Where Nobody’s Ready”

05/27/2021 The painful cast injury that ‘Friends’ kept secret for decades https://nypost.com/2021/05/27/the-shocking-cast-injury-that-friends-kept-secret/

https://web.archive.org/web/20120912133605/http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/16703606.html?dids=16703606:16703606&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&type=current&date=Sep+21,+1996&author=ALAN+C.+MILLER&pub=Los+Angeles+Times+(pre-1997+Fulltext)&edition=&startpage=16&desc=Democrats+Return+Illegal+Contribution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_United_States_campaign_finance_controversy#John_Huang_and_James_Riady

Note the story in that episode being one that was kept away from the public, meaning part of the comm was sent only to people in the industry. This happened with some of the comms set up to take out JFK. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/08/music-decoded/ and it is a way for comms to be sent only thru the upper management rather than the clowns through the country.

Anyway… returning to Nuclear Power Plant commms many years have none. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_power_accidents_by_country one name that sticks out to me in this list is the “Donald” Nuclear power plant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_C._Cook_Nuclear_Plant

Note in 2016 as HRC was setting up “Donald Duck” costumed protesters for Donald Trump, a curious leak happened July 7th 2016. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3867558/Democratic-operative-caught-camera-Hillary-PERSONALLY-ordered-Donald-Duck-troll-campaign-broke-law-coordinating-tax-exempt-pressure-group.html

And then 2 weeks later we had the DNC e-mails leak. – As in this was an emergency warning about the leaks, getting everyone’s attention so they could prepare for it. Contrasting this with the Clinton Nuclear plant helps demonstrate that the symbolism need not originate with the person. The Donald Power plant was constructed in 1969, Donald Trump meanwhile got married in 1977.

04/07/1977 Trump Marries Ivana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivana_Trump

That’s not to say it wasn’t symbolism comm in a wedding. I go over 1977 more than any other year as it’s when all kinds of classified data changes happened. The beginning of “Q” Clearance as we know it today. The formation of the Dept of Deer (DOE) with the Q clearance.

Pop Culture: What is Nuclear Power Plant worker’s Homer Simpson’s Catch Phrase for when he makes a big mistake? Phonetically it’s DOE.

Trump as I go over here https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/the-secret-history-connecting-trump-flynn-u1-and-9-11/ has a complex past and likely in 1977 was one of many people coordinating to change the intelligence apparatus. Remember that Trump was all about upscale hotels, something that is specifically tied to blackmail. (like the Standard Hotel)

06/17/1977 Joe Biden Marries Jill Jacobs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Biden

11/05/1977 George W. Bush Marries Laura Welch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Welsh

Isn’t that fascinating?

3 of the last four U.S. Presidents were all first married within a half a year of one another. And for that 4th one that’s left out, here’s a post on him https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/31/the-secret-of-husseins-name/

As I go over in my many 1977 posts – it’s a testament to just how much was changing then, As they offshored MKUltra powerful commitments were made thru marriages and as such powerful people began.

Clinton/Bush/Trump = All born in 1946. So not just married, but even the birth dates?

A mundane answer to this one, but still relevant. WW2 ended in 1945 and so of course there was the baby boom. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_boomers So there’s a logical answer for the timing, but I bring it up because being born at the same time meant they were in the same phase of life where Marriage was an option when opportunity struck, so it is relevant.

Note the correlation in Roosevelt and Hitler’s rise in 1933 and that they died in the same month. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/04/06/king-kong-gorilla-guerrilla/

Hiring A Taxi Driver + Tuberculosis

All those marriages… and also a famous divorce in 1977.

1 day before Jimmy Carter became POTUS. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/1977-offshoring-mkultra-signals-and-disguises/

01/19/1977 Martin Scorsese divorces Julia Cameron – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Cameron

Famous Italian Director with MS initials divorces “Cameron” birth of new “Cameron”

Cameron was the name of the doctor at Allan Memorial Hospital that did the MKUltra experiments that the 1977 Senate investigations focused on. Thus in divorce + new birth symbolism of separating the cameras from the MS13 actors and restarting. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/02/22/survivors-from-the-mk-ultra-program-come-together-to-sue-the-federal-government/

Now the question of whether he was being used for comms like this? Well he’s one of the few people at the time that clearly were. Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver from the year prior is a quintessential MKUltra film. A story about a man who decides to murder a man running for president.

Note Reagan’s attempted assassin claimed he was imitating Taxi Driver in a bit to impress the Child prostitute playing Jodie Foster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attempted_assassination_of_Ronald_Reagan

So much symbolism: “Driver” being how MKUltra is most frequently symbolized. As the point is in “driving” people as tho they were cars. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/08/mk-ww-labyrinth-55/ Note Cameron – Camera On – was the one running the psychic DRIVING experiments at the Allan Memorial Institute.


TaXi being someone paid to drive to a destination, and the film even shows to hide weapons for attempts. Before the murder attempt he cuts his hair into a Mohawk. Which is why I bet for symbolism comms an MKUltra kid would be pictured with a mohawk to designate a future “vehicle” I recall an MKUltra victim once asserted they were given such a haircut on 8chan, they never gave the reason why, but now I’ve made the necessary connection to understand it.


The man’s name is double 6’s Travis (6) Bickle (6) Initials TB as in perhaps catching the fatal Tuberculosis? Which if you’ll notice is claimed to be very old, but as I’ll get to later in the post, stuff like that is just fake science trying to cloud any detective work into when and where it really started (and implicating the people who created it for countless deaths)

I’ll be covering the old tourist scam of “Mummy’s” in a future post. wayhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuberculosis#History

Married to Julia Cameron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Cameron And casting another Cameron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Diaz

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gangs_of_New_York Also daughter’s name is “Cameron” despite how last names usually work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domenica_Cameron-Scorsese (meaning it’s a comm) Filmed a movie written by her father at the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Alen_House inspiration for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Sleepy_Hollow (future post)

Another interesting 1977 date is that it’s when Princess Diana at age 16 met her future husband. The 13 years older Prince Charles as he dated her older sister.

Princess Diana’s Confidentiality And A Yacht

11/16/1977 Diana Meets Prince Charles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana,_Princess_of_Wales.

They would eventually be divorced and she would be given a 17 Million Pound settlement that forced her to sign a confidentiality agreement.

17/Q Million Pound = agreement made to keep silent. As Q asked… “What did she find out?”

The month before her death she began dating a film producer – and rich Egyptian film producer. Interpreted as a risk of putting something to film to come out publicly?

Whose father blamed Prince Philip for the murder. https://newspunch.com/the-close-links-between-jimmy-savile-and-the-royal-family/ https://newspunch.com/prince-charles-wanted-savile-to-be-prince-harrys-godfather/

Which is why the panic and likely death.


The film producer she was killed with Fayed was extremely rich, and his mother was the brother to Adnan Khashoggi who connects in a lot of ways to just about everything.

11/22/2017 The true story of billionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, his 11-strong harem and £150,000-a-day lifestyle https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/adnan-khashoggi-billionaire-arms-dealer-10673604
Al-Waleed and the Queen. Remember Waleed wasn’t just controlling tech sex/children – but worked with Gates. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/21/las-vegas/

Adnan’s yacht would change hands to Trump .


And then to Al-Waleed


As stated he has a fascinating past that connects in so many ways you’d never expect. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/the-secret-history-connecting-trump-flynn-u1-and-9-11/

I’ll return to that last point, but to get back to the “Nuclear” comms

Nuclear Failure And Red Fox’s

I go over the nuclear bomb posts in this post in depth https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/74/ but you noticed that the Power Plant comms while related, were not identical in usage. It’s comms for explosive information when used in bombs, sometimes it can be things like Blackmail, but in other cases it’s simply a world changing event.

Note how the attempts at nuke detonation failed until the date of the signing.


Hong Kong is a much much bigger deal than most people realize https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/04/25/old-pop-culture-icons-comms-have-been-here-a-long-time/ there’s a reason Snowden went there.

Also note that July 1st 1997 is when the handover to of Hong Kong RED CHINA happened. An Independence day- and just 3 days after that on the U.S. Independence Day the Nasa Pathfinder landed on the Red Planet. First successful Red Planet lander since 1976.

Hong Kong Handover Ceremony – 1997

Months before it was launched Clinton announced scientists had discovered “Life On Mars” https://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/snc/clinton.html And he specifically talks about next year’s independence day for the Mars Lander. And that 13,000 years ago this asteroid landed in the Allan Hills. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Hills_84001

Note the question Clinton is asked when talking about “Life on the Red Planet” is about ABORTION. As in attempts to remove that life.

It seems ahead of the required handover there was a need to set up ops inside Hong Kong that could operate independently from Britain. (hence Independence day) Keep in mind they set up the Central Bank there in 1993, so they had the funding prepped just in time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_Monetary_Authority just in time for their landing on “the red planet”

He is also asked about his tie, to which he says he got it at the “Olympics” which had just ended. International cooperation.

As in just like with the Olympic logo – it’s about “Interconnected rings” – People in power cooperating. In this case it seemed to be about getting the ops ready for Hong Kong’s tradeoff. Finding a way to keep the MK monitoring ops they had there in particular.

Note the Olympics took place in Atlanta Georgia. Same place that has been used to symbolize China Biden https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/suez-canal-comms/

Once landed on the Red Planet it discovered “Twin Peaks” https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/marss-twin-peaks future decode on that one, but much like with the “Allan Hills” connection – it seems to me this is all about keeping MS/MK ops up. Which is what Lynch’s films and shows were all about. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Peaks (Future topic) https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/1977-offshoring-mkultra-signals-and-disguises/

The reason I keep emphasizing “Red” is because that’s what many have always called it, and that symbolism is worth noting.

The “Reds” – both China and Russia. Communism – hence why the film about a Russia takeover was called “Red Dawn” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dawn or why fear of communist takeover from 1917-1960 was called the “Red Scare” – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare

And this is why a “red animal” can symbolize Russia.

There’s a ton of comms in the old Tootsie Pop commercial – (why it’s been kept popular so long) and note for the red fox they give him the voice of a criminal Russian.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tootsie_Pop The the actress who was said to have inspired the guy who shot Ronald Reagan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attempted_assassination_of_Ronald_Reagan

Meaning that a red fox in 1970’s was used to symbolize Russians.

The kid’s voice actor is the brother of Jodie Foster -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Foster who I mentioned earlier, and I’ve talked about cow/Owl/Turtle comms in the past. The whole conversation about a cow, fox, owl and Turtle “biting” before getting to the center is a comm.

Remember that all of these animals have comms that connect to murder, yes, even the cow with the 6 pickets. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/04/29/fast-food-and-false-flags/ Hamburger being a symbolism used to order a murder. (Ham Radio + Dead Meat comms)

Tho looking at my other posts…. I see that I haven’t decoded “Turtle” since twitter, so to quickly go over that.

Symbolism of slow, and protected shell. Note the GOLD color. Symbolism of banks hence being the oldest. Slow = interest rates (how banks make money)

Consider that McConnel is often associated with a Turtle and he decides which republicans get money/support – so he’s a bank symbolism just like the rest.

Galapagos means “Turtle” so a a Bank inside a bank – perfect symbolism for central banks and hence the Rothschild sending comms waaaaay back when about them.

Galapagos Rothschild https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gal%C3%A1pagos_Islands Funding of experiments https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Dr._Alphonse_Mephesto (seven-assed Galapagos Turtle to win a nobel prize in South Park)

Tho to return to red fox’s let me decode this song so many people wonder why they made it about such a strange thing.

09/03/2013 Fox comms Ylvis – The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)

2013 is 2nd only to 1977 in the most common year I’ve decoded in posts. The year Russia made it clear they weren’t cooperating with the Satanists. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/the-secret-history-connecting-trump-flynn-u1-and-9-11/

09/19/2013 Putin: New World Order Worships Satan https://russialist.org/transcript-putin-at-meeting-of-the-valdai-international-discussion-club-partial-transcript/

from 2009 (Russian Reset) to about mid 2013 Russia pretended like they’d help and as such they took a lot of classified data with the expectation from the 666 that it would be delivered in 2013, and it wasn’t. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/the-secret-history-connecting-trump-flynn-u1-and-9-11/

Thus Red Russia was sitting on all sorts of evidence, but with Obama in the white house and the world media entirely silent. The question became “What does the fox say?” And the answer asserted as a reply to them is that that they can say nothing. Their voice is only what the ones with the media decide it is.

While we are on the topic of “Red” let’s get into the final subject of the post.

1953-1954 McCarthy, Polio, And Red October

Q highlighted a report from April 1954 about the RED OCTOBER STEEL PLANT asking us to consider double meanings and that the News of the day unlocks the map… why was STEEL so important?

Writing down the names of “Good and bad workers” https://web.archive.org/web/20170123052416/https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A004000690005-7.pdf

Looking around this time it was right after the Republicans won all 3 chambers for the first time since the 1920’s You might think that Red = Republican, but actually until very recently Republican’s were the Blue party. It was taken over by the left using media force some time ago. It certainly fits the ideology as closer to communism.

Anyway, back in the 1950’s Joseph McCarthy had announced to the world that the communists had taken over the country. This was the time of the RED SCARE and McCarthys hunt for communists, culminating in televised hearings that were said to rivet the nation in 1953 and in 1954…. well I’ll get to that.

Note just like when they panic in modern times, we had the worst viral outbreak in the nations history just before the hearings began.

Note it supposedly traces back to ancient Egypt. They do that because if all the viruses dated back to more recent times, people would connect the dots. And the literal millions of people it killed a year would have a criminal investigation started about it. Much like how a Friends character is a Paleontologist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Friends_and_Joey_characters#Ross_Geller Says he “Plays with bones” because it’s a joke than a science. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/25/science-and-history/

From 1953-1954 Joseph McCarthy held televised hearings trying to expose the Red infiltration, and if you try to find these today you will not be able to. Instead what you’ll find in their place is an endless results of clips and documentary’s that will explain to you how evil McCarthy was and that he was wrong about everything.

Youtube Search results prioritize the moments where they tried to shame McCarthy.

Even though footage has been deeply hidden by the censors, it’s said that in 1953 McCarthy was successfully convincing America about the threat and exposing it.

That he had the country on his side, however every bit of footage I can find is from 1954 when it all collapsed on him. The winners write the history you know?

And what happened just before it all collapsed on him?

03/01/1954 Shooting in the House Chamber https://history.house.gov/Oral-History/Events/1954-Shooting/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1954_United_States_Capitol_shooting

The assailants were arrested, tried and convicted in federal court, and given long sentences, effectively life imprisonment. They were later freed from their life sentences by President Jimmy Carter. All four returned to Puerto Rico.

So yea… Going back to the CIA memo on the Red October Steel Plant…. Red October https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_October Red takeover by Lenin in the USSR.

And who specifically caused the collapse? Same entity that sent the memo.

Allen Dulles was the original CIA director until JFK fired him. One of the many shady things he was a part of was declassified in 2004, and it involved trying to discredit Joseph McCarthy with disinfo to stop the investigation of communist infiltration of the CIA.

So yea, everything was stacked against McCarthy and everything good he did has been erased from history.


Consider this in context of Playboy’s Hugh Hefner working for the Army as a journalist in the 1940’s https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/74/ So there was an infiltration. In that post I go into his connection to the beginning of nuclear bombs is relevant as well. Blackmail using children can make very large BOOMS.

McCarthy Senate Hearings published in W Bush years https://web.archive.org/web/20030506130946/http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/McCarthy_Transcripts.htm

Because McCarthy himself became accused it removed McCarthy from the chair position and replaced him with Karl Mundt. MK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army%E2%80%93McCarthy_hearings

So the hearings ended June 1954, and if I go to the pop culture comms around this time they are revealing.

1950’s Pop Culture: Spinning Devil Marriage

1954 the first appearance of the “Tasmanian Devil”

So who was being symbolized with this guy? Full video https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7unm6f

I can’t find any full versions on YouTube to embed, but here’s a few clips from it. Begins with the entire forest terrified of the digging “Spinning” “Devil” that rips through the largest plants and wants to eat every forest animal.

Eventually he gets to the rabbit who tells him if he lets him live he’ll help him catch all the bigger animals, but then just tricks him over and over again.

“Spinning” what did they accuse McCarthy of? “Devil” And what evil did they treat him as?

Bugs especially focuses on a giant “Deer”

A giant deer who Bugs them gives taz a giant Y slingshot and then sabotages it.

Get it? It’s the same thing as the Friends comms – a recruitment advertisement. That anyone who McCarthy tries to get to turn on the cult, they should sabotage him, and then they get the appreciation of who?

Deer head symbolism. And for helping they get what?

In the full video it includes Bugs badmouthing him over and over again, and at the very end when all else fails what does Bugs do? He calls in a favor using a phone hiding in the largest plant. And they have an already prepared bride for him wearing red shoes. Bugs sends them away with rice.

Who got a wife?

I do believe the answer is the guy who may have had proof of everything https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._David_Schine

Notice he met and married the next winner of the Miss Universe contest, they had exactly 6 kids and then both died in an airplane accident. Notice he was heir to a HOTEL CHAIN FORTUNE – meaning this may well have been a Trump before Trump. And likely why a need for a new more trustworthy guy to run hotels for them opened up.

Anyway… as this connects us all the way back to the beginning with Clinton’s marriage, I think that’s a good place to end this post. It’s all connected, and yet all distinct. I don’t have have a specific plan for these posts, I just dig and decode until I solve enough comms to fit in a post.

Extra Decode: Continuing Friends Job Comms.

When I left off with the Friends comms, I was talking about the episode where the character “Joey” got injured “The one where nobody was ready”. I believe that’s a name comm just like the others. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/joey in his case it symbolizes something just born and kept under wraps. I.e. a “Joey” in the mother’s pouch hidden from eyes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo A new baby that is kept hidden, but will soon emerge for all to see.

Likely he was used to symbolize the new problem to stop in episodes. The symbolic way to define whatever new issue needed to be resolved that week that needed help for. After all, as the theme song asserts – it’s all about people who are broke (want money) and are willing to do favors for one another for it. “I’ll be there for you, because you’re there for me”

6 dots with color matching the 6 umbrellas for 6 friends. Dots are not placed at the bottom F.R.I.E.N.D.S – but in the middle as in protecting each other. Dots are same color as umbrellas. First episode even has one character repel another by opening an an umbrella.

Clearly the show is about recruitment. Note the first episode Joey is compared to a puppet for his work. Note the shirt he wears – “need it fast” “No Job too big”

Future post https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Pinocchio

Another plot in the pilot episode of the show is about a girl who decides she doesn’t want to get married and “be a shoe” and live off her father’s money but instead she wants to “be a purse” or a “hat” Purse is money comm, and here implying she wants to make her own. Both hat and shoe are comms about having a job, but “hat” is more specifically an official job. Like a cop with a uniform. The “hat” is the job, a plant. “Shoe” however is just one of many.

The episode concludes with her deciding to stop taking her father’s money and get a job after buying an expensive pair of boots.

It’s notable that when she first rejects being her father’s “Shoe” in getting married – the other “Friends” are talking about how someone on TV should push someone else down the stairs for not wearing the right kind of pants. It happens and they cheer.

Comms for the normal penalty for not doing as you are supposed to. In this case it’s appealing to agents who aren’t happy with their roles and want to change them. A way to switch jobs.

The rationale she gives for rejecting her arranged marriage – is that as she was looking at a “Gravy Boat” (Money comm) she realized he looked like a potato head (Battery comms) – meaning the marriage only was happening for the family’s well being.

Obviously just as with Bill and HRC as Q said married for “Power” not love. And same is true here. Hence an offer for those dissatisfied with it.

I’ve watched a total of 1 episodes of Friends now in my entire life and I have probably only covered a small fraction of the comms in it. The only other thing I’ll add here is that each of the caracters likely symbolizes something specific. I already coverd Joey, but also the Phoebe character that wears the pig-tails and speaks multiple languages likely symbolizes a comms expert. (pig-tails = Ham Radio comm) I believe “Monica” symbolizes someone who is willing to be played “Like a Harmonica” i.e. someone cooperative to fill a role (hence why they used her to advertise what was desired)

The only reason I was even looking into Friends is because it’s been in the news frequently as of late.

That’s the Owl Tattooed Bieber

Bieber wearing a “Spudnik” costume – a combination of Potato (battery) and Sputnik – the first Russian satellite. Also the name of the Russian Vaccine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_V_COVID-19_vaccine https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/27/situational-awareness-covid-vaxx-and-grand-juries/

Note it took place right after 9/11 and right in the middle of the Anthrax attacks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_anthrax_attacks It involves the costumed “Catwoman” and “Supergirl” debating about whether Ross or Chandler would win in a fight.

The Russian Satellite battery Ross getting into a arm wrestling match with a pink Bunny Chandler that goes on for hours. It ends when Ross convinces the pink bunny “cHandler” to lose on purpose to him in an arm wrestling match so that rOSS can impress his Date dressed as a Nurse.


As for the meaning? I suspect it’s about the narratives going on at the time. Anthrax (Nurse costume) and 9/11 coverage, and which of these two clown acts the media wants to push panic about. Ross and Chandler both symbolizing clowns, one being the communist infiltration with the Russian satellite battery, and the other being the blackmailed rabbits.

Anthrax continued after the episode, note the Wikipedia page claims it ended October 12th – but if you go to the page you’ll see there were actually anthrax attempts all the way thru November 2001.


Ok, ending a bit suddenly, well, as said this was just decoding that I felt went on for a bit too long in the Friends section,

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