Strings: Moons Of Medici

Symbolism comms are how criminal enterprises hide in plain sight and they have used them for a long time.

Jupiter’s Moons

In the early 1600’s the King of France was Henry IV, and he was frequently symbolized in both statue and painting as the Mythological Jupiter.

His wife Marie de’ Medici was the root of this constant barrage of Jupiter symbolism commissioning paintings of her husband the King as Jupiter, with herself portrayed as the goddess Juno.

Why am I bringing this up?

The King of France “Jupiter” was murdered by a fanatical catholic one day after his wife was coronated.

If you were planning to murder the King of France back in the 1600’s how might you have coordinated it? Perhaps instead of talking openly about following King Henri…. might you instead talk about people following (orbiting) Jupiter?

That is exactly what happened.

The greatest scientist of the 1600’s announced the discovery of the moons that orbited Jupiter.

Marie De Medici was coronated 1 day before he was killed. But most interestingly, Medici is the family that funded Galileo! As well as the Pope! They also controlled the largest bank in Europe!

The feud between the Catholic Church and the King of France is a long story, but it’s clear there was a bad blood. Officially it was his conversion to Catholicism that gave him peace…

I suspect it was really his marriage to a Medici that really gave him peace, because that gave them a route to power. All he had to do was marry her and then one day later die and then they had power thru her as regent + the son. That’s the official history.

Note the original names Galileo gave to Jupiter’s Moons were of the Medici Children!

Later, the daughter of that marriage would become queen of England.

Note that the King of France came to power due to allying with the Princes of Germany. Meaning they would be the ones who know his daily movements. Identifying “Jupiter”

Note how a German man discovered the moons of Jupiter independently of the Italian Galileo. That’s an amazing coincidence isn’t it? Think about that for a minute.

Seriously, for the first time in over 3,600 years since a new planet/moon had been discovered and it happened on two completely different parts of the world within 24 hours of one another!

None of this means that the Moons of Jupiter aren’t real, only that the news around them was used to communicate a plot, and the most likely root of that plot was the Medici Family. Hence the children of Medici were the original names for that which “orbited Jupiter”. People were in place and ready, a plan carried out in plain sight using astrology and the most famous man in the world at the time.

Comms are powerful tools for sending messages and celebrities are the most effective speaker. Truly a lesson worth taking to heart today as our lives are constantly barraged with every action a celebrity takes.

Relevant later

As a sid note, Medici reminds me of the Rothschilds, and their stamp on history vanishes around the late 1600’s right around the time the Central Banks of the Rothschilds begins. (1668 Swiss, 1694 UK, 1800 France) Could be a coincidence, just a thought.

Also Medici means Medical Doctor, and the Red Cross has always been associated with Rothschild.

Anyway, this method of using astrology to coordinate ops worked well! Of course they would continue it.

Ceres and Ouranos

Note the first “Asteroid” ever discovered was originally thought to be a planet. It was discovered by another Italian Catholic, but this time it’s a scientist from Malta.


Sound familiar? After SMOM was crushed by Napoleon they went under the wing of the Russian Czar which may explain the communist infiltration early in the CIA’s history.

That’d be from other decodes I’ve done that covers the origins of the CIA and Nazi’s as they relate to Malta.

I mention this because the powers of the current world connect directly to the past, and this is why brainwash is important to inflict on the masses because a single thread from hundreds of years ago when properly pulled unravels the modern tapestry!

Back to the topic!

This system of using planets for identification was one of their tools to keep track of assets. What kind of assets? What did Ceres symbolize?

  • 01/01/1801 Ceres Discovered
  • 01/01/1801 Great Britain becomes the United Kingdom

These comms in their original form were much more basic than today: Symbolism of new powers controlled by the banks thru Medici/Rothschild. However Ceres was downgraded from a planet into an asteroid later.

UK diminished in importance to the ones holding the strings.


Consider the planet found directly before Ceres: Uranus.

Uranus was discovered in 1781 but crucially, that wasn’t its original name! It was originally named “King George’s star” to honor the King of England. What was England doing around that time? Ah that’s right, they were fighting the Revolutionary War to keep ownership of King George’s “star”.

And so “King George’s Star” was discovered on the 13th after the 13 United States adopted the constitution. It is the date the U.S. became permanent.

  • 03/01/1781 U.S. forms perpetual Union of 13 states through ratification of the constitution as the 13th state Maryland finally joins.
  • 03/13/1781 William Herschel discovered “King George’s Star”
It’s also worth noting that George Washington was the head of the U.S. Army, meaning “George’s Star” could reference the leaders on both sides.

Meaning this discovery of “King George’s Star” was a reply to the patriots during the revolutionary war, a rejection of their new unification (note above that they had a lot of trouble finishing ratification) Saying it was still the King of England’s!

It was decades later when it switched from “King George’s Star” to Uranus, And at that point it was no longer symbolic of the United States, nor was it symbolic of something owned by “King George” Remember that “Ceres” was itself also changed, but instead of a new name it was downgraded from a planet to just one of many asteroids.

It represented the UK being less important to the strings above them. And it’s easy to understand why, not only did they lose the Revolutionary War, and to Napoleon (many times despite having far bigger bank support) but they were also outclassed by another.

East India Company

It was at least double the size of the British Army and had a virtual monopoly on global trade for over 200 Years!

Note that it was the EIC that the patriots in the opening days of the Revolutionary War. An awareness of the real enemies?

It’s also notable that one of the last things that murdered French King “Jupiter” wanted to do before he was assassinated? It was set up a French East India Company!

No desire for competition? A motive for murder?

But to really understand the EIC’s place in things let’s consider the timeframe.

If we go back to that age, note that alongside the EIC being set up in 1600 in Britain, there was a British man wit war boats and lots of weapons. He “Accidentally” landed in Japan that same year. His cannons were quickly used to take over Japan and establish a banking dynasty that lasted 250 years.

Note they established a currency, and created mines to dig for gold and silver. Only trading with the EIC, the Dutch version. And by 1609 they had a Trading outpost in Japan.

This is why the UK could be downgraded, because many more nations were being invaded.

I suspect as soon as global navigation became a thing, they infested the locals. This was likely the point of Christian Missionaries in the mid 1500’s

It allowed the teaching of comms to locals allowing for the people who took control of the country to be “locals” that way it wasn’t rejected as foreign devils. It’s a logical approach to tyranny, and probably why just before the takeover they were nearly thrown out.

The pushback would then force the need for ships to “Accidently” get lost and find their way to the man who would takeover Japan, and institute a monopoly on trade for the EIC.

Not long before this, the world was being divvied up and the Medici Financed Pope.

The “Age of Exploration” or “Contact Age” it is called, suddenly from 1500’s on up the rich were able to radically expand their horizons from local using land to the first time global using the sea. It allowed takeovers of every place in the world from a central location.

How did they coordinate all these new outposts? How did they hide discussions for foreign takeovers in plain sight? When did they suddenly start finding new Asteroids and new moons all over the place? What did it mean?

James Maxwell’s Moons

They used the concept of “Planets” to define new bodies found in the sky until 1851 when they had 23 Planets. That is when Ceres switched from a planet to an asteroid.

It seems to me around the 1850’s is when the modern type of comms using outer space began.

For example, here’s one of the most clear asteroid comms and the meaning from 1852 till today has not changed.

Consistent through all the comms of a giant gold mine.

The modern way Moon comms are used is probably best understood by going over the most recent Moons of Jupiter found. Note 10 Jupiter moons were confirmed on July 17th 2018.

  • 07/16/2018 Trump Putin Helsinki Summit
  • 07/17/2018 10 new Moons of Jupiter Confirmed
07/16/2018 Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence

It’s about assets, and in this case 10 big new ones being added to an arsenal.

Kind of like in Star Wars “That’s not a moon, that’s a space station”

There has only been other giant set of Moons found and instead of Jupiter it was Saturn. But before I get into that let’s define Saturn in relation to Jupiter.

Saturn is the “Rings”

Both involve obedience of some kind to a larger body, but “Ring” comms imply a control connected to the Pyramids directly.

Originally rooted geographically in Italy I think.

Note the origin of our understanding of Saturns rings goes back to the 1850’s with the science being settled by a James Clerk Maxwell, who decided that instead of having 1 solid ring Saturn must have many asteroids making up a ring, all independent.

this is when Ceres was downgraded to a mere “Asteroid” So this is when the changes occurred to the system of control and it became “Voluntary” – tho not exactly, note he is also created the “first durable colour photographic image” i.e. how to maintain control. Blackmail through media! (newly invented quicker cameras)

Perhaps we understand the long history of the name Maxwell now? It’s a start!

So there was a need for a new setup, this is why around the 1850’s they switched “King George’s Star” to Uranus, and they discovered a couple of “Moons”

I go over it in this post, that Uranus is deeply tied to Blackmail ops. Something it seems to have gotten around 1851. Switching from a comm about the U.S. being under control of Great Britain – to be connected to blackmail ops without any specific location. A global comm.

Note the naming convention – named for Pope’s poem “Rape of the Lock”

Photographs being what was decided to create control? Lock comms as it relates to cameras

And so now we also understand why the UK went from a “Planet” to just another “Asteroid” – Reconcile with Maxwell’s new theory on Saturns rings. Not 1 ring, but many asteroids that make up rings.

None of this is to say he didn’t do amazing things in Science.

Symbolism functions best when it’s paired with reality. It’s meant to hide in plain sight and therefore if it’s possible to use real things to send messages, they do. Just like how water is real, and the concept works to send a message. All this means is that the greatest minds of the age were tasked by the most powerful people in the world to accomplish a global system of control. They did this using blackmail with new technology.

or there was a bit of fake history added to the record later on, which would explain all the talks in the video/aticle about how he was from the future I would not be surprised if we have been lied to about who invented what. I already decoded Galileo as a team of people rather than 1 guy.

Tells other objects “not to move”

It’s lucky Musk pointed me in the direction of this guy today, I decoded quantum mechanics and Einstein here and this guy bridges the gap between all of that and astrology comms.

Maxwell was Einstein’s Role model they say, the only person he admired enough to have his poster on the wall. (consider that there was a Maxwell around behind the scenes then, comms of who had the strings to Einstein?)

Maxwell’s theory demonstrated why the rings were stable from his day all the way until December 17th of 2018

Because December 17th 2018 Nasa announced the rings were vanishing!

Control was changing and/or being removed?

Fast forward to the following year and they found 20 new Moons of Saturn!

There are a number of points in time when there is a whole plethora of moons found for a planet and each one I believe is symbolism of control being changed. The rings were “Vanishing” so what does it mean for a bunch of new moons to appear?

Recall that for Jupiter’s Moons it was timed to Putin and Trump meeting, comms of collaboration, and that is also true here, so let’s go to the comms.

The day before the 20 new moons were discovered, the biggest news story I see was the FBI confirming the “most prolific US Serial killer”

If you’ve been reading my posts you already know that the ops going on right now are about catching killers. It’s the point of the COVID lockdowns and tracking through vaccinations.

So finding these new Moons for Saturn symbolized who getting together for what reason?

It happened just before COVID began to hit

And then we had the world Military games – everyone getting together at the place COVID would begin in China, to do what?

It’s pretty much every military in the world working together,

And while this isn’t a new thing given the comms surrounding it, it implies they were on a mission.

I’m sure this is still confusing, so let’s use one example that’ll make it crystal clear the meaning.

Just two months before the Wuhan military games we had those new Jupiter Moons getting names

The meaning of “Peace” and “China” note the name PANDIA as in China + DIA!

A cooperation between the two as the COVID ops began, trying to do what? Obviously trying to catch the murderers!

Here’s the article, read it carefully.

Deaths not investigated because of no “obvious signs” of murder – murders done because no one was keeping track of the victims – and now it’s time for justice for each victim!

Those Saturn/Jupiter powers are now helping behind the scenes to bring about this end, which brings us to present day.

Current Events

Elon Musk and Britney Spears both had a breakup this week.

I decoded Spears Conservatorship in this post

In my decode of Spears it showed that she ran awry of the powers that be forced her to humiliate herself and then locked her into a conservatorship using the ability to visit her children as leverage.

The comms she was sending thru her “Domination tour” were quite different than the ones that came afterwards,

After this she went became a vocal victim online and the storyline is looking to climax soon with a new freedom.

The storyline we witnessed may have been sending messages for MKUltra victims also in various hands. Sending messages about the state of the op, and having her freedom from her father is something I’ve postulated would mean a great transition for those people. It’s hard to say to what, but something.

I decode Grimes/Musk in this post

He is connected to the military ops, and I believe with Grimes and him parting ways it may be in line with the others. Comms of the same thing but from different angles.

Their child is named after a CIA RECON airplane.

And Grimes is talking about starting a Commune in outer space.

I take that to imply that a lot of victims might be getting together in some manner to discuss a few things.

Both of them are discussing flying to a new place to start a new life, and both have undertones of sex to them.

09/30/2021 Britney Spears Poses For Naked Pics Day After Her Conservatorship Victory

Exposure comms?

I’ve long thought victims might be brought to Guantanamo Bay to meet victims and criminals for secret court stuff. Have things explained to them ahead of time before DECLAS is an appealing thought, but it’s hard to say what form it would take.

Anyway, I didn’t dig into Elon/Grimes nearly enough in past posts. I have a lot of things to decode and so sometimes I don’t spend the time necessary to even notice the size of the rabbit hole. Like for example I should have spent more than 10 minutes digging into Roko/Rococo’s Basilisk.

Which is how they met

05/09/2018 This Horrifying AI Thought Experiment Got Elon Musk a Date’s_basilisk/Original_post

It’s about a subject that became taboo, mixed with something talking about distant history, like the 1800’s

Here’s the original and one of the subsequent ones.

Because we are talking about plane comms I was reminded of the “welcome aboard” that Q+ replied to on Oct 6th happened the following day of Judge K’s confirmation. (Oct 5th)

The basics appear to be about censorship + old things. as in the past. Also about a super intelligent AI that punishes people who don’t help bring about its existence. My original take from digging an inch deep was that it symbolized the public waking up.

I thought so because a number of Grimes comms seemed to connect to that.

A few more Grimes comms. Death Stranding sponsorship.

A game about the U.S. President tasking a man to reconnect the world that has been ravaged by a plague with invisible killers.

Sounds an awful lot like what’s been going on the past 2 years eh? All planned out?

Note the Grimes TWD connection in the game

Another curious work Grimes has done is the theme song to a show called Hilda. We are getting farther and farther away from moons and planets, but it’s all connected.


Most media I decode from before a few years ago is pro sacrifice in some form, but this was released in 2018, and given the ops Grimes is apart of? It’s much different than any of that.

I haven’t watched the entire show yet, but the simple fact that the main character has a pet that’s a mix between a deer and a fox is more than enough to say that is a comms heavy show.

If you don’t know why that is, well the quickest answer is: Q Level Highest level of secrecy. Q = DOE. and DOE = Deer. Thus the symbolism of a Deer, more than any other animal, is that of an awareness of secret things.

it is the earliest example (2018) that I’ve found of the comms promoting people take in others in exchange for “Ducks”.

In this case they are dealing with using extra space in homes to create an extra room for people that are in hiding. (comms of people taking in others that have become targets

I note the bit about how they have the ability to banish them if they do something bad, comms to perhaps assuage concerns that they’d be stuck with someone that wasn’t what they expected.

One character in the show in particular is worth going thru, David is used in a number of plotlines that have him playing the role of an MK Victim.

Filmed all the time.

He gets taken hostage by elves who are invisible to anyone that doesn’t fill out contracts regarding liability. (long story on how all that works)

Note above asking him about a bug in his hair, that’s a running gag in the show that he is constantly bugged. As in people watching/listening to him all the time.

Lives in Room 23.

He also has someone that tortures him each night giving him nightmares. (person is ratted out by rats)

Having the one that tortures him be just an older girl. It fits how the MK system works, a combination of an older sibling creating mental abuse as well as various clowns in the neighborhood coordinating trauma.

Note the story she tells that his “head” i.e. him – went from one troll to another. As in the coordination of plants inflicting trauma on a target.

In another episode he tries to sing a potted plant gets in the way.

And when he avoids that a bee goes down his throat.

Back in the nightmare episode Hilda helps him, taking his place in the nightmares.

Spy-der capturing.

So she helps him get over it by taking on the curse herself.

At first she does fine, but then it becomes traumatic even for the bravest character in the show. This does a good job of diffusing the argument made by the villain of it being his fault for being scared.

Anyway, he eventually realizes he needs to fight this battle and that nobody can do it for him.

Note she wears a “star” shirt, which is the kind of thing gained from abuse ops.

I may further decode this when I finish the show, but I’ll talk about one more episode.

An episode where Hilda steals souls of her loved ones.

She does this by improving their lives, e.g. getting her mother a good job when she worked at a supermarket before. Comms are used by people to move up in the world, and what is given in exchange in loyalty. Or you could call it selling your soul!

The magic device is called a “Tide Mouse” Tides being what the moon manipulates.

Note the lyrics of the song that plays, about people doing better than others. As in those who use this system to get ahead of others instead of thru hardwork they utilize the comms to get a leg up.

And the way the spell is created is thru a net using hair/string comms. It’s a good representation of how ops work using symbolism. Op utilizes something symbolic of the person and a “net” for capture.

People with money and power want people who are loyal to them to perform tasks, and so these kinds of ops are how that manifests in the world. The only real way to move up in the world, to have the best kinds of jobs. That’s what the soul is traded for. (and often blackmail is used to ensure it)

These episodes are highlighting this behavior in a negative context. It’s not like many of the other shows/movies I’ve decoded like Harry Potter where the relationship between wizard and non wizard is viewed as fine. In that world Muggles are looked down upon, but here it’s literally asserting this kind of stuff is stealing a soul!

There’s more I could dig into with both this show and Grimes/Musk, but I think that should be another post focused on them.

I keep talking about all these MK Kids that were trained to be monsters… let’s go over another movie about that!


This is a 1984 Film about taking in a foreign pet that turns into a monster. It was a request from a reader. It is a bit off topic for the post, it does connect in ways that’ll help you understand the bigger picture.

Note the mohawk on the shadow gremlin on the left, that gives away the meaning as that’s symbolism tied to MKUltra.

Also connected to “driving” comms, which is something that will come up a lot in Gremlins.

Note the father is an “Inventor” is a typical comm for someone involved in MKUltra the reason being the experimentation trying to get the right MK result is akin to invention.

The movie begins and ends with talk of the father’s inventions.

Note on the left, ends with making a mess.

“dental” comms which are pulling teeth symbolism (difficult to remove individual), a major point of MKUltra is accomplishing that violently. That’s the goal, but the problem as he puts it is “Dragon breath” (dragon = many people working as one ).

This invention solves the problem of having fingerprints on violent ops. That’s the point: foreign covert funding to avoid risk. Non_Stick – thru zero affiliation.

It “cleans up easily” as he says and he can get the Chinese dozens of them.

This ability to get the Chinese dozens of… what? Everything symbolized in his invention. A way to get away with “pulling teeth” with no tracks “dragons breath”

This entire film looks to be PSA about knowing what you are getting into when you make the deal.

I’m jumping ahead to the end, but this section here is the best representation of the story in a nutshell. the girlfriend of the main character talks about trauma regarding Christmas eve. That her father tried to give her presents but instead he fell down the chimney breaking his neck.

This is the story of the danger of MK to those who engage in it, they are raising monsters for profit (Presents) and so of course it’s not 100% safe. And the symbolism of trading MK for “”presents” on Christmas is not unique to this film.

With that in mind, the old man doesn’t sell the mogwai (monster creator) directly, again fingerprint less.

Throughout the film most of the characters are having money problems. It ties into the structure of the control “Saturn” – all these independent cells with agency to do what they want, and act in their own self interest. When money/fame is placed out in the world like bait on a hook for those desperate enough to sacrifice a child…. That’s how people get hooked into it.

The town it all takes place is in “Kingston falls” -first thing we see is talk of getting stuck with too many trees “plants”

The neighbor has a Harvester that’s he believes is fully American, that’ll be relevant later.

The main character has a Dog that is a nuisance to a woman in the neighborhood, she demands they kill the psychotic dog .

She considers using a spin dryer on high heat to do it.

The psychotic dog attacks her at this and she nearly has a heart attack.

Main character draws her as a Dragon being slayed by his sword. Note his associate talks about becoming a vice president at “23” (quick removal coms) as in comms of after successfully getting the science experiment to attack getting a promotion.

It’s notable that this lady is one of just a few people who do die in the film by the gremlins.

The next bit has the main character helping his mother by using his father’s invention. It violently punctures an egg causing the other eggs to be ruined. Comms of one abusing one egg to mess up many more of them.

Giant P logo.

The inventions are said to work great at first but then….

The scene right afterwards they get the pet. “Gizmo” A mechanical device.

Notice in the next scene he drives the “17” Car. (pic on right) MKUltra is often compared to someone being a mechanical device that is “driven” like a car. 17 symbolizes secrecy as in the ops are very hidden.

Then a neighbor kid comes by breaks the rule about water, and makes new deviant versions of Gizmo. The Mohawk hair “Stripe” and smaller ones.

They play Donkey Kong. and they string up the dog with Christmas lights. Making the “dog” which was supposed to be hiding visible to everyone. (Recall the story told in the film about the dad trying to get gifts for the kid and breaking his neck. This whole movie is a warning of sorts to those eager to get involved in MK ops.)

This relationship between Stripe and the other creatures I believe is akin to Clockwork Orange, with Alex as the MK one and the sheep as followers emulating him.

It’s a ripple effect of MK. Brainwashing one person to act in a certain way, sometimes they become a lone gunman, sometimes a leader of sheep. Sometimes both. In Gremlins just like in Clockwork Orange after the family takes care of them another figure tortures them with experimentation.

It’s the role of the Psychologist symbolized. giving them drugs which turns the conditioning into something worse.

In this case a “Gremlin” – described by the neighbor as evil that foreigners put in cars they ship over.

The first rule that was broken was the water rule, which created Stripe and all the sheep gremlins, the other rule is about not eating..

And the Mogwai become Gremlins after eating “Chicken” Which is a comm of going after the weak. Much like how school shooters are known to abuse animals, being taught to abuse those weaker than oneself. Seeing fear. That’s when they become visibly evil.

Then we are reminded of the woman that threatened his dog. She mentions that the “Psychotic canine” was probably still “hiding”

All of this is juxtaposed with the gremlins coming out of hiding at that exact time, it’s clever writing because even without comms it subconsciously prepares people for what’s happening.

And so the Gremlins hatch, and the Mogwai transformation is much like the Fly body horror, which itself was used to symbolize the transformation of MKUltra on a person.

Again with an inventor main character. Obviously the real way the system works is him abusing others to turn them into monsters, but it’s clever in that by combining one doing the “Experiments” with the experiments it defines the act itself as monstrous. Appropriate symbolism! (Tho I could be misreading part of it)

The experimenter in Gremlins tries to lure out the monster with a “Snickers”

Snickers = laughing at someone.

As in the people who are MK’d being laughed at. It’s psychological abuse used to create the monster. The kind that can be done without fear of breaking the law. He dies because of it, (again, warning label of a movie)

The mother sees them for the first time and spins the first one she sees to death.

The Gremlins escape the house and then become an entire army of rioters via the YMCA Pool.

This is something I’ve gone over in other posts, YMCA has been used as a hub for comms aware people mixed in with regular citizenry.

Recall all the changes in the comms world around 1851 with regard to Blackmail. Same year the YMCA began in the States. (formed just before that overseas)

A club for young men to coordinate…

Anyway, So we go to the guy who loves America, and his Antenna has been taken over by Gremlins i.e. the news reports are focused on whatever tragedy MK has unleashed.

In this case it’s a riot.

Then the Gremlins use his Harvester to destroy his home.

Note that all the while “Gizmo” is patriotic and waving a flag to the police.

This is at the cop station where the main character is telling them how important it is they stop the gremlins.

Alibi, and the Gremlins work is viewed as a freak accident,

The lady who was threatening the main character is killed (remember that she was drawn as a dragon being slayed by the main character)

Note what the inventor father does right after this: He sells his family brand “smokeless” ashtray. As the saying goes: “Where there’s smoke there’s fire” which is to say a way to commit crimes without leaving a trail.

Instead it’s the “Gremlins” that “smoke”

And cause havok in a variety of ways, including perversion. (top right: streaker gremlin)

And so the main character is forced to kill the gremlins, and this is around the part of the film where they talk about the father breaking his neck trying to get presents for the kid.

It’s important to remember because it’s the entire plot of the film in a nutshell. A big warning label to those who want to get into an agreement to sell a kid of theirs for profit.

It may be a ticket up in the world. Potentially money, a better job and all sorts of other things, but it’s also housing a ticking time bomb.

And all the other parts of the deal, like the media coverage. Hence all the TV cameras on the Mohawked leader.

The movie ends with the Chinese man picking up the Mogwai and leaving with a gift from the father of the “Smokeless ashtray” that will surely come in handy.

I.e. the Chinese man is not tied to it at all, despite being the one owned the animal that created the rioting gremlins, he is invisible. This is best understood from this post which goes into how ops back in the early 80’s were coordinated from overseas using Apple computers and phones. Even tho we didn’t see the Chinese man in the film it was his “gizmo” that created the riots.

So the damage is done and the the only thing left is a the chinese man walking off with the Mogwai under a full moon as the father narrates about how you never know which house a foreign gremlin might be living at.

That it might be your own, and indeed, the system is hidden and all over the world. That’s why the lockdowns had to happen, because these ops were wide spread over many decades.

No matter where you live it’s probably not that far from a cell, tho I have faith they have been shutting them down.


That’s what they are dealing with all over the world, that dichotomy between MK’d ring leaders (Clock Work Orange’s Alex/ Gremlin’s Stripe) and flocks of followers (Alex’s Gang/ Stripes Gang) is one to consider for a while.

It’s not just the experiment victims they manipulate but everyone! The ones with MK are conditioned to act, and followers are conditioned to follow and emulate. This is how self destructing cults are made.

With that in mind, how do you DECLAS when the world is built in such a way to hide it? When people are built in such a way to reject it?

There has to be a transition between the current 95% brainwash and transparency, and I think this is why we have the big push of getting civilians into “space”.

Symbolism utilizes real events, and in this case the symbolism for opening up “space travel” for everyone may be in giving people not born into the life of a clown a path to that world.


Understanding how money works in that world is necessary to grasp how these concepts connect. So government contracts overcharge by design.

How much does fuel cost? How much does it really cost? How much does the metal necessary to house it cost? As I go over in this post, they literally invent fake metals to jack up prices on tech. therefore the absurd amount of money used isn’t just to put a few people in orbit, it’s paying for a lot more underneath it.

The mission we see is the symbolism event used to coordinate what the real money is doing!

Purchases that accompanies what the money was really spent on. Spent on through a network of company’s that the cash funnels thru. Tax Dollars -> SpaceX/(and a million other companies) -> Contracted Manufacturers -> Material Importers -> ??? – funneled all the way thru till it hits the destinations.

This is a good video that demonstrates how buying 1 pencil literally sends the money around the globe, so consider that in context of SpaceX and how money can move.

The money ends up in all sorts of places, some of it might end up being donated to church’s or Charities which then in turn supply a workforce on the ground to accomplish the day to day’s necessary of ops in the world.

A bit of a tangent, but it was necessary because it’s easy to overlook the point of big budget ops. They aren’t just messages, they are also funding mechanisms.

And so they are specified to be missions to send ordinary civilians into space. And it’s is not just SpaceX! Over in Europe and in Russia as well!

Meaning that whatever this op is that’s going on is bigger than any one country. Just like fighting COVID, this might just be a WW agreement to begin opening up space.

I think this effort translates into bringing in a new type of people to the comms world. People becoming aware of the real world and being able to navigate and utilize it like a clown would.


They can’t just reveal things. If that were possible, how popular would my blog be? lol No I don’t get that much traffic.

My failure on this blog and my prior twitters to reach people might be proof that we have a long journey ahead of ourselves for true DECLAS.

To even begin understanding the truth people have to be smart enough to reject the narrative, logical enough to reject tinfoil, malleable enough to change their mind about preconceptions they have, and obsessive enough to see it through till things actually make sense.

How many people fit that paradigm? Currently… not many, but I’m confident I’ll get better at teaching (90% of my time is taken up by research atm) and the time will come that videos and infographics can be made and then it’ll have a real chance to spread virally.

But they have their own plans on how to do this, and that plan seems to be to DECLAS people in small numbers to figure out how best to handle wide spread awakening.

Giving them intensive training to see and then having them ride the “dragon” into space.

Dragon is a symbol of many people working as one, and the symbolism of a “Dragon” putting people into the stars may well define the many people that work together (Algorithms of social media, media reporting, funding, travel) to elevate some person or idea into orbit. Making it so that everyone can see it, that is what being a “star” is after all. Everyone can see them looking up in the sky.

If my hypothesis is right (it’s just a guess atm) then the only real qualification to get into that program is being a “civilian” i.e. people who weren’t taught from birth into that world.

If it’s successful then they would become a new foundation to build off from. And for the first time people who weren’t born into it would be able to offer input and help with the decision making.

The bare minimum to even function would be comms awareness, but they’d also have to be self aware enough to not sound and look like a lunatic when the camera is on them.

So that’s as I see it a necessary transition between the members only club, and the general populace becoming aware. The transition where a few of the general populace are given tickets to the club to see how they react.

It’s not how I would have done it mind you, but it is what I think I see in the comms. Personally I think the great awakening could be done easily. The system currently used to brainwash sheep could simply transition into truth. Teaching not division but greatness.

My perspective has always been “whatever it takes” to end the worst things about the world today. To end the brainwashing, organ harvesting, often perverse insiders club only policies.

The malaise of the world should be replaced with an optimistic elevation of consciousness. A GREAT AWAKENING!

Imagine what the world could be like without the brainwash. In the past the geniuses of the world that ushered in change only ever were allowed to come from a pool of comms aware people (or less brainwashed) therefore it means when the pool is no longer a handful but everyone? It would surely increase the talented pool exponentially.

In doing so it would probably unleash a technological revolution that would dwarf anything anyone has ever imagined, and so for that reason and many others I’ll keep doing my part!