Bowling for Panic

Pearl Harbor

Define the symbolism of setting up pins to be knocked down.

  • 12/07/1941 First Bowling All-Star Tournament
  • 12/07/1941 Pearl Harbor: Japan Pulls U.S. into WW2

This is no surprise to readers as I decoded Pearl Harbor as that over a year ago but what is new is we can now see how bowling is used as a comms vehicle.

The symbolism of setting up “pins” for someone to knock down. Why would they ever do this?

Without Pearl Harbor the U.S. would not have been able to enter World War 2.

Most can accept now going to war was necessary, but then?

Public sentiment was 93% against it early on!

Japan was literally paying the U.S. to AVOID hostility!

  • 07/07/1937 Japan invades China – WW2 begins
  • 12/12/1937 Japanese aircraft shell & sink US gunboat Panay on Yangtze River in China Leading to Japan apologizing to the U.S.A. and PAYING U.S. 2M in REPARATIONS

Of course they didn’t want to fight a war on all sides, who would be that stupid?

This doesn’t mean the U.S. attacked itself, only that there was an effort to get us into WW2.

An effort to force Japan to attack.

This was done with the oil embargo.

There were and are secret psychological operations shaping the public.

  • 1940: 93% against going to war POLL
  • 12/07/1942 Pearl Harbor
    12/07-14/1942 1st All-Star Bowling Tournament
  • 12/12-17/1942: 7% against going to war POLL

It was the culmination of a psychological campaign to force the U.S. into war, but if you want to read about that just check the link at the start of the post.

Instead let’s stick with bowling decodes as that’s a new one.

I made that connection with Pearl Harbor by looking up famous bowling moments.

I charted out the history from the 5 big Bowling Tourney’s today and the very first one was Pearl Harbor!

This is an important lesson for the few here trying to learn how to do what I do.

Because comms are typically going to be strongest at the … how can I put this… the “pressure points” of history.

If you have a subject to decode with tournaments, you should look at the very first or the most famous.

That’s where you’ll find the “Cypher” to unlock it.

I traced the history of the tourney’s today, but that doesn’t mean bowling tournaments started there.

First Bowling Tourney: Mountain Lion/Leon

Today I dug into the first bowling tourney and as often is the case there was an important comm to it.

1st Tourney = 1901!

Notice it is called U.S. CONGRESS.

Now given “Bowling” as a comm, is there any event in 1901 that jumps out at you as a likely contender? Because it sure did me, especially in relation to U.S. CONGRESS.

  • 01/11/1901 First American Bowling Tournament. CONGRESS Champion: Francis Frank Brill
  • 01/11/1901 V.P. Elect Teddy Roosevelt COUGAR ATTACK & Collection of PREDATORS

Does that sound familiar in any way to a much more famous event?.

The intent will be clear if we dig into this “attack”.

Roosevelt was collecting vicious predators in Colorado. A world record cougar attacked that he killed with a knife and it became big news at the time.

Collecting vicious predators? Know what else happened that year?

Once again, define knocking over a bowling pin.

  • 09/06/1901 President McKinley assassinated
  • 09/14/1901 Teddy Roosevelt becomes president

Teddy was collecting PREDATOR MOUNTAIN LIONS: Bobcats & Cougars

Killer was named LEON/LION

Teddy had just been put on the ticket and this was how they speedran him into office.

The first tourney “CONGRESS”

The winner “Francis” who played pro baseball as PITCHER for the “Wolverines”

It may give a clue on Wolverine comms. Psycho to throw the ball for the media?

And how do you create a psychopath to get those news headlines? It’s a different matter for a war, but for a lone psychopath it’s MKUltra.

Bowling for Columbine

Columbine for example. Ever wonder why the Columbine massacre was connected to Bowling?

Once again we have the symbolism of people as pins set up for another to take out. That’s not the official reason he uses “Bowling” of course but that is the symbol employed.

The official reason is that the Columbine murderers went bowling just before the murder.


Or at least that was what was heavily reported at the time.

The story they went bowling was “based on mistaken recollections” i.e. a case of comms being used to send a message about what Columbine was. Why else would someone randomly insert a Bowling lie into the story that day and then it became the most prominent piece of media about the event!

Bowling = Columbine literally won the highest award Hollywood offers.

The pins = people setup by one party with the intent of someone else to knock them over (kill).

Why would they do this?

The goal was media.

This changed the landscape around schools at the time. It was the fuel used to create change.

Note the documentary uses a Beatles song for one section to represent it all.

  • 09/24/1968 “Happiness is a Warm Gun” Beatles Recording begins
  • 09/24/1968 “60 Minutes” first airs.

This is the exact kind of show that exists to amplify tragedy like Columbine. It’s not enough to have tragedy the media vehicle has to exist to do anything with it and it has to be willing to do so.

Just like many big operations this too had major media produced.

Define “Bullet Time”

If you’ve read my Columbine post You know it was indeed akin to “bowling” setting up the pins for a media circus.

  • 03/24/1999 Matrix 1st Premiere: Trench Coat Mass Murderer of innocents.
  • 04/20/1999 Columbine Massacre: Trench Coat Mass Murderer of innocents.

“Bullet Time” being hundreds of cameras all focusing on one moment in time.

You couldn’t ask for a better symbol for Columbine.

Why would they do this? Check the post for a more detailed explanation, but the short answer is they wanted (or needed) to radically change schools and this was the ticket to doing that.

The reason it had such widespread acceptance in the media is because it was, at least in the view of those involved, a necessary evil to fix schools.

1 tragedy in exchange for others averted.

Stopping many bullets.

Columbine radically changed schools to address bullying and force teachers to pay attention.

I am not defending the practice merely explaining what I decoded. If it seems illogical that’s because you aren’t aware of tragedies outside the ones the media promotes, especially the ones that were made as threats. The counter to those many hidden cells creating terrorists was to use their own system to force change. Or at least that was the theory.

Check my post about this subject for more, but let’s move onto another Bowling comm here.

“The blues” & Stevie Ray Vaughan

South Park invoked Bowling once.

An episode with a parody of Stevie Ray Vaughan in a bowling alley.

To understand this one we have to decode the artist, a man known as the “second coming of the blues”

To have “the blues” is to be sad and so the symbolism of a famous blues player, Stevie Ray Vaughan is self-evident.

Stan finds things he liked suddenly turning to crap. Focused initially on music.

His father takes on the mantle of a Stevie Ray Vaughn Parody to imitate crappy music by literally crapping into a mic.

Notice the “Custer’s Revenge” arcade cabinet as he performs.

A famously terrible game made in 1982, this is when he first began recording music.

“development was deliberately sloppy because quality did not matter”

That’s a clue for the original intent.

That particular game was intentionally bad and part of the effort to sink the Atari.

The official thing that sank the Atari?

The 1983 video game crash due to a FLOODED MARKET.

06/13/1983 TEXAS FLOOD: Stevie Ray Vaughan First Album

Define playing the “Blues” in this context

It was part of the narrative push at the time to define a reality for Atari before Nintendo came in and “save the market”

  • 06/1983 Stevie Ray Debut: Texas Flood
  • 06/1983 Mario Bros: Luigi introduced

Monsters coming out of water pipes!

Also Stevie Ray was a brother act

His brother is famous for lending Jimi Hendrix his “Cry Baby” Wah-wah pedal to break.

This probably opens up a future decode of Hendrix.

Lyrics of debut are now obvious.

Debut Flood Album:

Song 1: “Love struck baby”

Song about not being able to get enough. “Can’t get my fill” i.e. FLOOD THE MARKET.

Ends with depression!

CRYING & ABUSED BY LOVER. “Why do I have to feel this way?” “Total waste of time!”

I initially realized the comm when I looked up the meaning of his name.

Vaughan = Small

This is a type I’ve seen before. Symbolism of taking something big and turning it small. Like a fandom.

Which is what happened to Atari in 1984.

  • 05/15/1984 Stevie Ray Vaughan 2nd Album: “Couldn’t Stand the Weather”
  • 05/17/1984 Atari Corp(se) founded (Formerly Atari Inc.)

“shut down nearly all of their 80 domestic branches, laying off the staff and liquidating the inventory”.

And now we see where BOWLING comes into play! Not killing this time but another way to setup and knock down….

Typically I dig into the most famous albums, but almost all his albums are 2X Platinum.

I’ve never seen such a stable level of fame. From his debut to his final album.

It likely means comms sent by him were likely consistently meaningful.

Last album “The Sky is Crying”

That last title was a reference to him dying in a helicopter accident.

His comms were originally tied to the coming of the Nintendo.

Thus his death…

  • 08/27/1990 Stevie Ray Vaughan Death: East TROY
  • 08/28/1990 Nintendo Successor revealed for the first time.


Interesting sidenote on this decode is may have answered the symbolism of “Bowser”

A famous wrestling promoter named BOWSER + FORBES on GRANT STREET i.e. FUNDING.

Creating VILLAINS like the “Strangler” orchestrating “double-crosses”.

Comms that would be used in concert with actual psychopaths being created as the next “Bowser” for the media.

Bowser created the AWA championship which would be unified with the NWA.

Unification = two parties coming together to pool resources.

  • 07/30/1935 DANNO New Champ AWA + NWA unified.
  • 07/30/1935 Penguin Books ushers in paperback revolution.

“Book’em DANNO!”

Old comms joke!

It’s absurd, but this was likely an old comms joke that now becomes clear.

As in books being created as comms vehicles tied to law enforcement.

Literally “Book’em” leads to people being arrested!

Or more specifically military coordinated law enforcement!  Reader addition-

  • 07/04/1988 Rush Limbaugh nationally syndicated premiere 1st episode focuses on  the Iran Air Flight 655 shootdown the previous day
  • 08/26/1988 Salman Rushdie Satanic Verses published in UK
  • 08/27/1990 Stevie Ray Vaughan Sky Death
  • 11/05/1991 Stevie Ray Vaughan Album: Sky is Crying
  • 11/05/1991 Robert Maxwell Water Death on Boat
  • 10/06/1992 Steamboat: Stevie Ray Vaughn final Album

Maybe nothing, but Maxwell is part of the Nintendo/Atari story

  • 06/06/1989 In Step: Stevie Ray Vaughan Album
  • 06/05/1989 Tank Man Tiananmen Square MASSACRE Protest THOUSANDS GUNNED DOWN

Album called “In Step” songs like” Crossfire” asking for HELP being gunned down in crossfire.

Coordinating years long outrage?

I almost always stop decoding once I become confident of a symbol, consequently most of my decodes only scratch the surface of actual comms involved.  

Case in point, that South Park episode about Steamy Ray Vaughan.

The episode had 2 artist parodies!

I went over this one before…

  • 06/1983 Stevie Ray Debut: Texas Flood
  • 06/1983 Mario Bros: Luigi Debut.  Water/Sewer pipe game

The first single of Stevie Ray Vaughan correlated with the original Mario Bros.

The episode has a parody of Stevie Ray Vaughan and he is joined by a parody of Stevie Nicks.

Both defecate into a microphone doing the exact same joke.  Same symbolism.

Given the Mario Bros. connection with the last song, what will the other music act correlate with?

  • 07/08/1981 Stevie Nicks Debut: Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around
  • 07/09/1981 Donkey Kong Released saving Nintendo.
  • 06/1983 Stevie Ray Debut: Texas Flood
  • 06/1983 Mario Bros: Luigi debut.  SEQUEL TO DONKEY KONG.

This is a perfect example of comms predicting what we will see.

07/08/1981 Stevie Nicks Debut: Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around

Repeating lines of a woman saying: “STOP DRAGGING ME AROUND”

Donkey Kong famously having the first cinematic story in a game.   An ape DRAGGING A WOMAN AROUND.

Ends with: “Thank you, that was fun.”

You surely noticed the pattern…


Why “Stevie”?

Remember we are talking about ATARI comms.

1976 Atari Breakout made by:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Steve Wozniak
  • Steve Bristow
  • 1974 Stephen King: Carrie Published Breakout Star
  • 1974 Steven Spielberg: First Feature Film Breakout Star
  • 1974 Steve Jobs: Begins work at Atari creates 1 Famous game: BREAKOUT – Single Player Pong.
  • 1974 Steve Wozniak: Begins Atari Founds Apple
  • 1974 Steve Bristow Breakout

The point being “Steve/Stevie/Steven/Stephen” was a comm tied to the media/tech pushes going on then which Atari was a major part of.

I don’t know what it means, but we know to look for the name.

Why is that relevant?

When I searched through famous bowling history a name jumped out.


Steve Cook won the biggest bowling tournaments in 1981, 1983, and 1986.

Which if you recall is the same years for the Stevie Comms.

It could easily be coincidence, so let’s go deeper.

So I look at the specific wins for comms.

  • 02/15/1986 Steve Cook Wins BPAA U.S. Open Galaxy Lanes
  • 02/15/1986 Stevie Ray Vaughan & Brother Saturday Night Live

This could still be coincidence but remember this wasn’t a regular Bowling tournament, it was as big as it gets.

  • 07/15/1986 Nintendo Wins Universal Studio Lawsuit over Donkey Kong/King Kong
  • 07/16/1986 Steve Cook wins AUSTIN TEXAS Open.

Stevie Ray comms began with “Texas Flood” as the narrative.

I realize now that this lawsuit for Nintendo was likely another way to engender public support. A poor lawsuit intentionally so as to get more news coverage.

This fits especially well given Universal Studio was behind E.T. which itself killed Atari famously and had iconography invoking the Nintendo!

There were 3 perfect bowling games on TV 1960-1980.

  • 02/01/1969 PBA: 2nd Perfect Bowled game Televised
  • 02/01/1969 Nixon begins plan to open up China Trade
  • Known as NIXON SHOCK in Japan
  • 01/05/1974 PGA: 3rd Perfect Bowled game
  • 01/05/1974 Japan-China trade agreement signed

I skipped the first perfect game because it’s more interesting with context of the other two.

  • 04/01/1967 PBA: 1st Perfect Game Bowling  FIRESTONE TIRES Tournament of Champions
  • 04/02/1967 SPEED RACER Debut: First Anime to become popular in America.


Nixon & Bowling

Turns out he had a bowling alley built into the WH during Watergate.

I was wrong about Nixon’s downfall in prior decodes… now that I understand bowling comms everything falls into place.

So who or what was setup to take a fall here?

He wore a “Checkered shirt” with a “Don Carter” Ball.

Don Carter?

“Don” + “Carter” + 1970’s

  • 12/12/1974 Jimmy CARTER announces Candidacy for POTUS
  • 12/12/1974 Godfather Part II released Francis Ford Coppola….

Don Corleone (Godfather)  Carter? (Jimmy?)

Comms of what is to come!

Francis… Remember the first bowling tourney?

  • 03/24/1972 Current Largest Bowling alley in world opens in Japan. Completed on the 17th.
  • 03/24/1972 Godfather released Mario Puzo. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola

Possibly coincidence, but Godfather has string iconography and ends with the killing of all the major mob families except for one.

But before we get into that let’s talk about Nixon & the media….

Nixon was originally dead in the water due to press scandals before he became President.  

This changed with “Checkers”.

He refuses to return “Checkers” a Cocker Spaniel

From scandalous to media darling with one speech.

  • 09/23/1952 Nixon Checkers Speech
  • 09/24/1952 KFC Founded

Symbolism of being “Chicken” COOKED and thus sent comms to cooperate with the cell networks tied to media propaganda.

I decoded KFC in this post.

So it’s a consistent comm to represent frying a chicken into submission.

In that famous speech he mentions his 6-year-old daughter Tricia named the little Cocker Spaniel “Checkers”

After promising to keep the dog his popularity skyrocketed.

So this was Nixon agreeing to cooperate with the media. And I believe that holds true for his later career all the way to his downfall.

In the past I decoded a showdown with the media and Nixon.

  • 03/02/1974 Grand jury concludes POTUS Richard Nixon is involved in Watergate cover up
  • 03/04/1974 Waterloo ABBA album

“surrender”   “my only chance is giving up the fight”

And then Nixon GIVES UP = Resigns.

A song punctuating a complete victory?

I had thought that’s what it was, but it could just as easily be comms for a narrative that he was already cooperating with for years.

In that way all of my decodes still fit, but instead of an actual conflict it was a “movie”.

If I look at it that way….

The comms that made no sense start to.

  • 02/1971 Watergate recording installed Oval Office
  • 02/1971 Willard Released: Rat horror film
  • 06/23/1972 Smoking gun tape: Nixon confession
  • 06/23/1972 Willard 2 (RAT HORROR): Ben With Michael Jackson’s 1st hit “You’ve got a friend in me“

These comms paint a picture of narrative creation with cooperation.

  • 06/12/1971 Tricia Nixon Marries RIDLEY FINCH COX in White House Rose Garden.
  • 06/13/1971 Pentagon Papers First published

Finch = Short life

Ridley = Getting rid of?

Cox = Tricky Dick Nixon?

Getting rid of who quickly?

The end of Nixon only became a possibility when he fired a man named COX!  The special prosecutor.

  • 10/20/1973 Nixon Fires COX = Saturday Night Massacre
  • 10/30/1973 Nixon Impeachment begins

I just got the joke.

The point of “Deep Throat” as a comm that is.

Nixon’s election slogan was “They can’t lick our Dick” right?

What was Watergate + Deep Throat?

The point was a reply to that slogan.

We aren’t going to “lick it” we are going to go as far as can possibly be gone with it.

As in we are going to beat “Tricky Dick” so badly that simply “licking” doesn’t do it justice.

It makes the comms fully visible for intent.

Comms about setting up a group of people to fall.

  • 1970: Nixon throwing CARTER BALL down lane
  • 12/12/1974 Jimmy CARTER announces Candidacy for POTUS

Might there have been an exchange?

Nixon Downfall -> Carter Downfall

As in our guy goes down and then your guy goes down.  This explains why Carter sabotaged himself so hard at the end.

  • 1974: Nixon 24% Approval Resigns
  • 1980: Carter 21% Approval Historic ballot defeat

I had always pegged the “Shock” as the moment things changed for him, but if that’s true then why did his support increase?

  • 07/15/1971 Nixon Shock 1: Nixon China visit announced
  • 08/15/1971 Nixon Shock 2 Bank Gold Change
  • 11/07/1972 Nixon historic election win.

The more logical answer is he had that level of support because of an agreed narrative.

Nixon downfall -> Mao Downfall?

  • 08/08/1974 Nixon Resigned
  • 07/1976 Mao Heart Attack
  • 07/1976 China Earthquake
  • 09/09/1976 Mao Dead

Changing U.S. economy part of a “deal” to change China?

This explains why he would install a recording system and say incriminating things.

It explains the overall motive.

1973 Watergate -> 1975 Church Committee -> 1977 Q Clearance

I suspect they wanted to change the top secret system from bottom up.

  • 02/01/1969 PBA: 2nd Perfect Bowled game Televised
  • 02/01/1969 Nixon begins plan to open up China Trade
  • Known as NIXON SHOCK in Japan
  • 01/05/1974 PGA: 3rd Perfect Bowled game
  • 01/05/1974 Japan-China trade agreement signed

Shame I had Nixon wrong for so long, but as you can see when one wire gets untangled it fixes a mess of others!

Tho looking at my old decodes I think all of them are still valid, the only difference is “intent” I decoded comms for a “movie” as reality, easy mistake to make!

I suspect Vietnam ending during this timeframe is also relevant to the China/U.S. hostility dying down + bank changes.

I can probably successfully decode that conflict now whereas I failed to in the past!  

Future decode!

So how do we reconcile Nixon being the official symbol for the villain of Star Wars?

Well, if 1977 Luke Skywalker the farmer was a clear symbol of 1977 Jimmy Carter the Peanut farmer becoming POTUS.

If Farmer Luke = Farmer Carter, then who must his co-star be?

The other major player being CHINA.

In China’s case it meant not just Mao being removed but the “Gang of Four” in 1976.

Han = Chinese

Han + Solo = no longer pulling strings in Vietnam and other places?

Just a hypothesis, but it does explain a few other things.

Tho before that let’s return to “Tricky Dick”

“Tricky Dick” whose daughter named the “Cocker Spaniel” had a daughter marry a man named “Cox”.

It sounds like a joke, but if you remember this post/thread his entire presidency was full of those kinds of jokes.

  • 06/05/1972 Watergate Wiretap setup
  • 09/05/1972 OLMYPIC SWIMMER Mark Spitz Record Gold & Final Olympic winner
  • 09/11/1972 Mark Spitz Time Magazine
  • 06/11/1972 Deep Throat Sex film
  • 09/15/1972 Grand Jury indicts Watergate.

Swimmer + Watergate.

Tricky Dick + SPITZ + DEEP THROAT informant.

  • 06/13/1971 Pentagon Papers First published
  • +2
  • 08/13/1971 Friday the 13th: Nixon SHOCK upsets bankers ending Bretton Woods
  • 1 Year + 13 days = 08/26/1972
  • 08/26/1972 Olympics Begin with Spitz + Wiener as top winner

Olympic = coordinating countries.

Just as Tricia Nixon married “Cox” we have the famous swimmer “Spitz” married to “Wiener” as Deep Throat became the top porn film of all time.

It really does sound like a joke, but you see how the comms are returned in kind.

Ridley Scott & Giger Counter

Anyway, that marriage of Nixon to “Ridley Finch Cox” does evoke an interesting potential connection with Ridley Scott.

He became famous for the film Alien. A film about PENIS MONSTERS.

That’s not a joke as the literal premise of the movie is officially meant to invoke “inter-species rape” idea had during a dream.

The monsters designed by “Giger” often mispronounced as GEIGER which in context of this is quite interesting.

Ever hear of a GeIger Counter?

A tool to measure Radiation danger and since nuclear comms are often about blackmail holding…

Giger = famous for creating perverse genitalia monsters in movie theaters.

Geiger counter = Way to covertly identify & communicate risk to parties involved

When I searched the term the first result was John Wayne + Geiger counter filming “The Conqueror”

A movie where 41% of the crew developed Cancer.

Famously bad film about Genghis Khan conquering.

  •  01/??/1956 Conqueror Partial release
  • 01/27/1956 Elvis First big song: HEARTBREAK HOTEL
  • 02/22/1956 Conqueror LA Premiere
  • 02/22/1956 Elvis Presley’s famous rise begins.  Charts for first time in history with Heartbreak Hotel

 A movie by DICK POW famous for playing Chandler’s famous Detective series.

Maybe coincidence, but consider the lyrics

Lyrics:  “I found a new place to dwell”

Clinton’s rise began with him playing that song on Sax on late Nite shows.

So it may have been a transitional point, but I need to dig further for clarity.

Originally this post was originally much longer but the other subjects are barely connected so they fit better in their own posts. I’m not very good at making this easy for readers, but I am trying to improve on it by doing things like that.

So instead of the original ending with lots of unrelated comms I’ll put this unrelated philosophical thing as I thought about the larger picture.

Final Thoughts…

We are surrounded by multitudes of merchandise.

Products are launched with comms and so we are always surrounded by their secrets.

All our lives we are subjected to a barrage of coded messaging with ever-changing iterations.

These comms exist for a tiny minority to use like a compass to navigate the world.

It’s not intended to be deciphered by the majority who use the products.

We are all forced to live in the same media packed world, but the blind are not to understand the true nature of it.

The masses of blind are shepherded by the few with sight and comms act the roadmap for that journey.

A role of guiding the ignorant masses towards whatever end those at the top prescribe.

Not surprisingly the wealth is almost entirely held by those with sight.

This is the reward for spending the time necessary to rise above the blind, and the blind have no route or even awareness of that. If they were aware of a better secret life most would surely spend their entire lives trying to reach it.

Instead, we are subjected to an endless world of smoke and mirrors. With only this world full of deception, is it any wonder so many give up on life? Or want to radically reject themselves?

The media replaces the parent and all the horrors that go along with that. Many believe what is pushed onto them, a lie, and try to emulate it as a child would a parent. They breakdown what they were and could have been to remake themselves in the image of a lie.

The false parent grooms the multitudes into false realities, and where does it end? They give in to temptations. Poor decisions and eventually a wasted life. They see no greatness to aspire to.

What they do see is the remnants of comms over time in the form of history. Over time it has formed into a complex maze of lies that we are all asked to walk if we wish to know anything.

We have free reign to walk any path, but some paths are promoted, and others obscured. Ignorance is promoted, disinfo is promoted, anything that wastes time is promoted. It is a maze of countless bad ends.

Easy to walk with comms, but that’s reserved for the chosen few.

I hope there are people in power that agree that this current landscape is unacceptable. I think if that weren’t true, I wouldn’t be allowed to do what I do. Nor would I have been encouraged to start.

I find that thought encouraging for the future, I hope you do as well.

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