BEEKEEPER & Match Game Riot



This was requested by multiple readers!

A film that on the surface looks like it’s intended to be about the Murder Hornet stories, but despite the iconography there’s few bees in the film.

Instead, the film is mostly about the corrupt, drug addicted son of the President running scams to help his parent get elected.

That’s literally just Hunter Biden!

It’s also invoking the Murder Hornet stories that have been big news for the past few years.

Those are comms I’ve decoded to have nothing to do with literal killer insects and everything to do with actual killers.

Question: What happens when you try and bankrupt thousands of ruthless millionaires in the world?


To understand those comms you should read this post first COVID being a global military operation that acted as a way to prevent assassinations while applying financial pressure on the largest companies to force cooperation.

I’m going to assume you know my decodes on that one as everything here flows from those ops. This is why COVID was used with a timing mechanism.

  • 06/25/2020 Joe Biden Says 120 Million Americans Died of Coronavirus
  • +120 Days = 10/23/2020
  • 10/23/2020 FIRST USA ‘Murder hornet’ nest found

A countdown sent out for military operation crackdowns. If you don’t understand why Biden would be sending a positive comm… well, this post will help you understand that.

Anyway… the point is COVID was an effort to bankrupt and destroy “nests”. And Joe Biden, despite appearances, is in fact a major part of those operations. It helps to understand that with him as POTUS the economy was allowed to tank. Something that would have done more damage to Trump.

The Biden thing is best discussed later, so let’s focus on the bees/murder hornets.

The Bee Vs Murder Hornet dichotomy representing cult practices in relation to honest businesses.

Note in that Bee pic the sun god RA highlighted.

MONEY as Q noted it. The pursuit of it that is.

Which fits here in the film as the primary villains are those who rip off the helpless of their life savings with scams.

These are the villains the “Beekeeper” hunts through the film.

Notice the art chosen, Bees being sicked on CHILDREN & RATS.

Rats as in people who SPEAK OUT – which is perfectly symbolic of the film as the villains attempt to hunt after being exposed.

Children tortured as MK Tactics = how cult practices create killers to send after enemies.

This was a point of COVID anonymity as it worked to bypass the typical counter employed.

The main character moves against the villains and they retaliate as he works his way up the ladder as they are unable to identify, stop, or even slow him.

Another picture used is a 1568 famous “Beekeepers and the Birdnester” pic, and while I can’t be entirely sure, I suspect this was symbolism for the preparation of the 80 year war by foreign insurgents.

Effectively 80 years of guerilla tactics.

That picture is also used in Witcher 3, by a witch that adopts, and sacrifices adopted children by literally eating them in a soup.

Effectively symbolism for MK child sacrifices.

Notice the movie begins by invoking those same articles about Hornet invasion killing honeybees.

The main character someone who handles dangerous hives.

After the first literal hive is taken care of the woman taking care of him gets targeted by the villains

This is what triggers his rampage across the country against them.

So we have innocent people targeted due to the efforts of others moving against criminals!

THE COUNTER. As in why murder ops persist as moving against them simply makes you a target.

This is precisely why anonymity is so crucial as this is how for so many generations evil persisted.

So the nice old lady gets tricked through an internet scam. A network of call centers akin to telemarketers that prey on the elderly and rip them off.

Scamming money out of a charity she manages for millions. This causes her to take her own life in hysteria over the reality of the situation.

So these are comms in this film of operations ongoing to fix these problems, not just during COVID.

Because the criminal plot of this film has a network of criminals that go straight to the White House.

I mentioned this, but now let’s go a bit more into it…

Biden: Hunters Become the Hunted

The details sound familiar!

The mastermind investing in global criminal enterprises being the COCAINE ADDICTED SON OF THE PRESIDENT.

Literally just Hunter Biden.

Which means these comms are part of the coordination tied to Joe/Hunter!

A set of ops I’ve long been decoding.

  • 06/25/2020 Joe Biden Says 120 Million Americans Died of Coronavirus
  • +120 Days = 10/23/2020
  • 10/23/2020 WASHINGTON STATE: FIRST U.S.A. ‘Murder hornet’ nest found!

I’ve decoded the shenanigans as destined to blow up publicly, but this helps clarify them as part of a larger plot to clean things globally.

That is something I suspect as the case, but this nearly confirms it.


Culminates in the revelation that the entire LAST ELECTION WAS RIGGED BY THE SCAMS.

A symbol for the last election I’ve also decoded as Biden rigged.

HE RIGGED THE SWING STATES specifically and the entire campaign was funded by the scams.

The son turns his gun on the President after being confronted with the prospect of telling the truth.

That the public would be told everything. FULL DISCLOSURE: which is how I’ve long said the Biden “play” was heading.

Tho “full disclosure” is ironic given all of these comms make it clear it’s all choreographed, but of course that’s how it has to be as it’s necessary to get the “movie” desired.

Otherwise corruption would remain hidden, or if uprooted would not be made visible in the way desired.

No, it has to be a choreographed “movie” or it cannot happen the way it needs to be to fix things.

To burn down the scam empires that control so much of the world.

By having cooperation, it allows the situation to unfold in ways the result in sweeping legal rulings that fix the REAL CRIMINALS.

Most importantly perhaps it represents the true shenanigans going on allowing people to understand the world and defend against it.

As a sidenote…. the various scam centers that rig elections…

Of the two shown, one was the “Crown Jewel” and the other was run by a guy named “Garnett” a gem.

This may help clarify Ruby as symbol for manpower I decoded a bunch of them.

Another part of the film involved the beekeeper offering a “one time amnesty” to the criminals giving them a chance to flip before being taken out.

This fits my decodes of deals offered trying to flip criminal outfits.

Another aspect is the former CIA head being the protector of the scammer in exchange for money.

Using CIA software to steal from the weak.

A symbol of CIA cells protected as they engage in criminality. In this case it’s to protect a political empire running the country.

The specific definition given for the “Beekeeper” is someone outside the established power structure positioned to prevent being stopped by the limitations of the law.

This is basically what comms allow coordination of outside the law.

In this film the villains and heroes are likened to hives and the juxtaposition of the two are much like the Murder Hornets VS Honeybees reporting.

The Murder Hornets ravage Honeybee nests unless stopped

Once actions are made against criminals it sets retributions, which is why globally it’s been a complex matter cleaning it up.

Thus to act “Spooks” were created and faces for those ops as well.

“Deaths” and they can no longer be found, but they can still cooperate with law enforcement. Define Witness protection, tho much more expansive and focused through comms networks.

The CIA head protector named “WALLACE” “WALL” as in protection symbolism I suspect.

Bribed with board seats for million-dollar do-nothing jobs.

Consider the giant sealed cases & resignations list. What was going on there?

I’m sure one day we’ll learn the precise details of why so many people suddenly decided to leave the highest paying jobs held for decades.

Anyway…. the overall is giant cell networks long CIA protected and controlling politics are being dismantled.

The dismantling is bottom up, with the lowest levels being turned against the higher.

SHELLS, as in one person acting for another.

Symbolized here with the “fingers” of the body being removed. Notice being offered CRYPTO which is one way criminal acts can be paid.

Specifically using the “fingers” to gain access to CRIMINAL TRACKING.

Another film with the same star and connected comms

SNATCH (term for SEX + STEALING) – Which I translated as a likely comm tied to tracking criminals using pornography cookies to map out networks. (A surprisingly common tactic based on comms)

  • 01/19/2001 Snatch DIAMOND HEIST FILM SMUGGLING DIAMONDS Starring Jason Statham
  • 01/19/2001 1st Studio Album by PSY Released PSY FROM THE PSYCHO WORLD!
  • 01/19/2001 El Chapo 1st Prison Escape: SMUGGLED OUT OF PRISON as “Dirty Laundry”

And extremely blunt Hunter Biden symbolism.

Drug, sex worker, foreign scams and election rigging all in one.

The impossibility of going after certain people in a rigged system.

Especially those connected politically and financially. It’s a foregone conclusion they do get away with it.

This is being fixed.

Identification and action against those responsible while minimizing risk to those that agree to help with it.

Complex problems can require complex solutions.

Looking anew at the star of this film and I have a hypothesis about his name.

Jason (MK name tied to Friday the 13th)+ STAT(STATISTICS) + HAM (Commnications coded) As in giving updates about MK ops?

Just a hypothesis tho, I need to go through more of his films, tho the ones I am aware of atm all involve a focus on criminal enterprises. So that fits.


I had a major breakthrough last week with the origin of the comms tied to a killer named “Juan Corona V.”

At one time he was known as the worst serial killer in American History and “Corona V.” Just so happened to “Die” 2019 just before COVID started!

You should read that post if you haven’t, but I bring it up here because it’s very relevant to this next topic.

I often discuss the comms that initially coordinated COVID, but I never discuss what actually happened during them.

On the off chance you aren’t familiar by this point…

  • 11/17/2019 Wuhan China: Covid-19 first case detected
  • -30
  • 10/18/2019 Wuhan China: 7th Military World Games

Over 100 countries gathered in Wuhan 30 days before COVID-19 appeared in the exact same place.

  • COVID-19 = Over 100 Countries infected
  • Wuhan Military Games = Over 100 Countries involved

GLOBAL pandemic. So having almost every nation in the world doing something like an Olympics AND in the exact same place where the global pandemic began?

I don’t want to redux the entire decode, just check my Coronavirus page which has a ton more, tho for the purposes today there is one last thing I need to mention before getting into the new decode.

  • 10/18/2019 Bill Gates Shows Global CORONAVIRUS SIMULATION
  • 10/18/2019 Wuhan Military World Games Begins
  • +30 Days
  • 11/17/2019 Wuhan Covid first appears

The Bill Gates connection. Which I have long surmised to be about ONLINE TRACKING OF CRIMINALS. This is the point of COVID, and if that’s confusing, again, check that post.

The person most identified with the World Military games is a Chinese basketball player named Wang Zhizhi.

His was the only recurring name I saw consistently as I dug into dozens of articles. Clearly an important symbol for what is going on here.

If I can decode him…

There are many ways people turn themselves into symbols for use in comms, some I have no hope of cracking.

If this guy had a comm name tied to Chinese verb tense or something, yea I would not have been able to crack it, but luckily, he had the easiest kind!

Birthdate comms! I don’t ever assume they were born on those days. The gov is often the one utilizing these comms, so who the heck controls records?

Who would even notice or question if they changed them? Spooks with new Identities are real things after all.

  • 07/08/1977 Wang ZhiZhi Born Flagbearer of Chinese Military in World Military Games
  • 07/08/1977 Famous TV Moment: Match Game School Riot
  • 07/08/1977 JAWS INTRODUCED: James Bond UK Film Premiere

I covered this JAWS in relation to dangerous “teeth” with each regrow able tooth symbolizing replaceable killers in some instances, but now I can reconcile this famous Match Game comm and triangulate out a potentially more precise truth!

Tho lets talk about Jaws first.

  • 08/03/1977 Bond Film The Spy Who Loved Me: Film NOT BASED ON BOOK Introduction of “JAWS” villain.
  • 08/03/1977 MKUltra Congress Hearing: Famous Psych CAMERON Drugs unsuspecting citizens
  • 08/04/1977 Q Clearance DOE



This helps clarify the symbolism of “JAWS” the very first Hollywood blockbuster.

1977 Star Wars being 2nd.

It’s also quite relevant to the overarching conversation about surveillance and data collection. Hard to pick a true origin point, but it certainly would be one of them!

It’s also tied to a famous product launch. The first computer that could connect to the internet through phone lines, as well as a major NASA Launch.

  • 08/03/1977 MKUltra Hearing
  • 08/03/1977 Bond + Jaws
  • 08/03/1977 Indy low budget Jaws Launch
  • 08/03/1977 TRS-80 Best selling PC on market (EARLY INTERNET)
  • +17
  • 08/20/1977 Voyager 2 Launch

The Low Budget “JAWS” here being the difference between the public involved in ops (mass market) and the government with big budgets doing it professionally!

Thus these early internet comms were about going beyond the existing government networks to keep fingerprints off it?

The “Indy” version = The offshore non_stick offshoots to keep it away from government fingerprints!

What then would be the professional version?

The “original” horror movie.

  • 04/09/1959 Nasa Introduces the original Astronauts. The Mercury 7 including Donald SLAYTON
  • 04/10/1959 PSYCHO Released. Popularized murder when turned into film.


Based on the same guy as BUFFALO BILL.

The point with Buffalo Bill, if you’ve read my decodes on that, being psyops used to push the populace in one way or another. A practice that has continued.

Those two launch date correlations.

  • 08/03/1977 MKUltra Hearing
  • 08/03/1977 Bond + Jaws
  • 08/03/1977 Indy low budget Jaws Launch
  • 08/03/1977 TRS-80 Best selling PC on market (EARLY INTERNET)
  • +17
  • 08/20/1977 Voyager 2 Launch

One was +1 and the other +17/Q and the same day as the MKUltra hearing.

+1 -> BOOM

I believe this difference in timing is tied to the fact these ops were indirect. 17/Q secrecy no longer gov fingerprints!

“Jaws” used both in James “Cameron’s” directorial debut and in the most famous James Bond villain that began the same day as the MK Hearing.

The symbol of killer “teeth” being a way to represent the many killers that get employed on command.

The first success Spielberg had was in a TV Movie called “Duel” which he confirms connects to Jaws in theme.

Originally a Playboy article it was discovered by his secretary “Tyson”.

The original article is placed in-between s of JFK dying and a surprise murder by a doctor.

The intent appears to be in conveying the kinds of psychology tied to creating a killer. If nothing else it ties Jaws not to random shark attacks but intentional planned out assassinations.

Pacification of these kinds of ops has been a thing for decades now.

For example Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is a comm I’ve decoded about that.

The film involves the relationship of Ferris and his efforts in helping a ticking time bomb friend named “Cameron” relax so there’s that name again.

A name tied to MKUltra surveillance.

And given this is 1986…. and the real Ferris married “Carrie Bradshaw”. Comms for MK “Carry” + Carrie (Stephen King’s first horror)

At school the “Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act” is taught

  • 03/13/1930 Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
  • 03/13/1930 Discovery of Pluto announced

Pluto = MK symbol.

Specifically Pluto officially represents the “underworld” but it is commonly used to define that world.

Ferris “catches a foul ball” at a cubs (Bear) game and after therapy driving “Cameron” destroys his father’s “Spyder” car.

Ends with the villain of the film being offered a GUMMI BEAR.

Gums = as in no teeth.


Bear = U.S.S.R.

A harmless no-teeth symbol back to school. As in a student no longer a threat returned after therapy.

Let’s go into the modern iterations of attempts at removing threats…


A new important find…

  • 07/08/1977 Wang ZhiZhi Born Flagbearer of Chinese Military in World Military Games
  • 07/08/1977 Famous TV Moment: Match Game School Riot
  • 07/08/1977 JAWS INTRODUCED: James Bond UK Film Premiere

I covered this JAWS in relation to dangerous “teeth” with each regrow able tooth symbolizing replaceable killers in some instances, but now I can reconcile this famous Match Game comm and triangulate out a potentially more precise truth!

Most importantly tho, I believe this is the right connection because RIOT is tied strongly to the early covid comms.

  • 11/17/2019 First COVID-19 Case
  • 11/17/2019 Hong Kong Police Siege 1,300 Arrests

It had the 1 month delta tied to the Military Olympics, but the precise day was timed to one of the largest and most famous police sieges in history!

If you don’t believe me when I say most famous….

Notice what is in the same league as it. WACO and while I doubt you’ve heard of most of these, very few are USA, so extremely famous where they are, tho in the case of the Hong Kong Siege, it was globally famous. I didn’t watch the news but it was still news everywhere.

Anyway… the point is when I saw the connection of the military game star tied to a famous MATCH GAME RIOT episode…

These connections seemed like a good hypothesis to begin with.


So let’s look a bit deeper into it, and see if any deeper meaning can be derived!

Because these famous moments in TV history are almost always messaging and we already have so much context from my other threads/digs/decodes.

Which is why when I dug into this one…

I was only going to do a quick decode of the famous “School Riot” moment as I recognized the intent, but it was clear enough that I ended up being forced to dissect the whole broadcast!

Context is crucial.

The U.S. Premiere of James Bond was during the MKUltra hearings, which themselves were tied to the transition into Q Clearance with ops tied to tracking (and potentially employing) brainwashing killers.

Movie begins with the investigation into a SUBMARINE VANISHING.

The “School Riot” is about SCUBA SCHOOL.

First focused moment is about a star wearing “inside-out” sailor shirt to protect from “water”

He then is the first winning answer to name the “BLANK place” (Family Feud game type)

He picks NOTYEP/PEYTON PLACE. MIRRORED like his shirt.

A slight conflict is focused on as to whether the correct answer is “Park Place” or “Peyton Place”

This made me realize Peyton is more than just a famous quarterback name.

It’s the name of a famous show/book about MURDERS, INCEST, ADULTRY, ABORTION, hiding in regular towns.

An answer urged by the coded Navy sailor celebrity wearing his clothes inside-out.

What is this asserting what in relation to MKUltra?

Abortions/incest/murder hiding in plain sight?

That’s MKUltra.

But there is more.

Reconcile that last question with the next.

Next game: Single BLANK

Incorrect Answer given: SINGLE FILE

As in victims talking one after another?

Keep reconciling as it’s going to get even more clear with every game. This is all one big comm!

Next game: Mean Marvin said “Let me tell you about my son” “he wanted a wrap so I wrapped in blank”

Incorrect answer given by all contestants but one: WRAPPED HIS MOUTH.


Partially correct answer wrapped “In FOIL”

As in tinfoil pushing!

In case it’s not clear tho this is redundant….

Incorrect answer = NO Symbol

Correct answer = YES Symbol

As in “wrapping up the mouths of talkers” is not how we move forward on this one. Tinfoil however is partially what they will do.

The next challenge….

Host has a problem with audience member jokes about needing to go to the bathroom.

Next Challenge:

Doctor says you have the worst case of Crow’s feet I’ve ever seen. Your crow’s feet have”

Correct: “CORN” = COMMS

Incorrect: “DROPPINGS” = Evidence.

Crow itself is a comm often tied to MKUltra ops, tho not necessarily a comm for them.

Problem is evidence left by “Crows”

Now we get to the famous moment which is a symbol pushed into mainstream.


These shows have tons of comms daily, but they only get pushed when it’s important!

Next Challenge: Dumb Dora is so dumb she sent her Cultured Pearls to Blank.

Correct Answers: College + Scuba Diving School

Latter was initially judged wrong for being “Too specific” until he miraculously reversed it like his shirt. = Ops shifting UNDER WATER (hidden)

College is also correct as research ops can be hidden easily.

The “Riot” happens due to the wrong answer…

Incorrect Answer: SCHOOL OF FINISHING = MK activation “Finishing” in response.

Justification as ops akin to hostages.


The “Riot” is the key symbol here because the justification is in avoiding these scattered cells from retaliating when they feel pressure.

They refuse to back down with FINISHING SCHOOL.

Notice as they RIOT the last star on the panel is AFRAID TO CONTINUE like this.

“and all the revolutionaries will march in the street” the host says in response to this riot.

When they return, we have VICTIM OF SCHOOL RIOT man with shirt inside-out. SPY.

This is the enigma to solve with lockdowns as and why all of this is so relevant.

So with this one contestant won more points due to the “riots”.

Final Challenge:

Gloria charges 100$ for a service of 8 but she doesn’t sell “Silverware”. Gloria is a

Every star is accepted as an answer.

Lady of the Night /MASSAGE ARTIST/GENERAL HOOKER (Military)

Cathy reverses the game with this and wins over the other man that had been winning due to the “Finishing school” riot.

The point of HOOKER being the right answer to beat the riot means what?

Reconcile with the “next time” DICK & FANNIE FLAGG to appear!

As in using blackmail to create leverage and prevent people from unleashing maniacs?

The “solution” to how cheap and covert it is to take one another out in that world.

Or it could be an excuse to morally justify blackmailing everyone.

  • 07/08/1977 BAD NEWS BEARS 2
  • 07/08/1977 Match Game School Riot
  • 07/08/1977 Bond Jaws Film

Bad News Bears 1= conflict of child players “BEARS” “Morris” VS Yankees “Turner”

Turner = 1977 CIA Chief for the MKUltra Hearing


Then reject child abuse and intentionally lose to Turner by playing badly.

I’d need to watch film to be sure, but this could be an early switch from “Delinquent” to “Care Bear” KGB ops.

Which is a reference I make to what led to the 1980’s USSR breakup. The financial push/lure which involved a handful of properties becoming record breakingly popular.

  • 03/11/1985 Mikhail Gorbachev U.S.S.R. begins and enacts “Perestroika” allowing worker cooperatives setting up private businesses.
  • 03/24/1985 Movie + TV Care Bears paves new generation of cross merchandising
  • 03/26/1985 First World Youth Day
  • 03/31/1985 MTV + WWF: 1st Wrestle mania Mr T (GOLD)
  • 04/01/1985 NBA + Nike Air Jordan shoe launched igniting global phenomena.

Switching gears back to the China connection to the World Military Games…

I decoded them as having changed positions around the 1970’s on military matters..

  • 08/08/1974 Nixon Resigned
  • 07/1976 China Earthquake & Mao Heart Attack
  • 09/09/1976 Mao Dead (CHINA TOP)
  • 8/8 – Nixon
  • 9/9 – Mao

Culminating in the removal of Nixon and then Mao in 1976…

1978 is when they joined the World Military Games association. the closest Olympics to it!

Just like Nixon removing the head and then able to join the international military community!

So that sheds some light on when China likely got in a much more friendly relationship with the west, tho many questions remain about who is actually in control at any given moment.

It may even be argued that nobody is and that what we see with so much disinfo and horror is the result of countless self-serving groups, but of course if that were true, how would the mountains of blackmail we see in comms reconcile? Part of the answer likely ties to the governments having what amounts to blackmail systems so as to maintain order, but I doubt it’s only that.

Anyway…. I’ll untangle all those knots in the coming weeks (hopefully).

Breakout GOV: 1980’s Apple -> 2000’s Facebook

I mentioned before the overlap with big tech and blockbuster films and surveillance.

  • 1974 Steve Jobs: Begins work at Atari creates 1 Famous game: BREAKOUT – The Single Player Pong.
  • 1974 Stephen King: Carrie Published Breakout Star
  • 1974 Steven Spielberg: First Feature Film Breakout Star (JAWS FIRST BLOCKBUSTER FILM)
  • 1974 Steve Wozniak: Begins work at Atari Founds Apple creates “BREAKOUT”

Why so many famous “Steves”?

I believe the symbolism is in “Even Steven”.

  • 05/13/1976 Steve Jobs/Steve Wozniak release Atari BREAKOUT
  • 05/13/1976 MERGER Final Game of ABA before-NBA Merger NETS beat DENVER Nuggets

“Even Steven” a promise perhaps to share the work among participants. It also ties into the move away from government.

In Steven King’s case I doubt he writes every book, his name attached to anything sells. Certain people become a face for a network to build a brand.

The concept of “Breaking out” of that old system is highly relevant to the original Apple.

Keep in mind Steve Jobs joins Atari makes one ultra famous game in Breakout and then founds Apple with Wozniak.

He quickly revolutionizes the market and becomes the face of PC’s alongside Bill Gates

Moreover, the original popular brand the 1977 Trinity “Apple II” was branded as ][ instead of II a literal breakout of brackets.

Which I take to be the government constraints tied to networks of cells at the time. A new ability to network using computers.

The next big sales success of Steve JOBS being the Macintosh.

  • 01/24/1984 Apple/Steve JOBS introduces the Mac
  • 01/25/1984 SOTU Reagan directs NASA to build an International Space Station

“JOBS multiply” “Tech opportunities”

Which potentially puts the tech revolution in the 80’s and 90’s as a cooperative effort with industry and government. Course at the time a major focus was on crushing the USSR, but much like how we can trace Facebook to Government DARPA, the same was likely true in the 80’s tech changes.

  • 02/25/1981 Apple “Black Wednesday” CEO fires 40 redundant Apple employees.
  • 02/25/1981 DOE announces organizational structure change to focus more on research due to GOVERNMENT OVERREACH.

Where does government money go?

Once Steve JOBS left Apple neared bankruptcy until he came back in 1997.

His symbol is literally “Job” so his inclusion implies a mechanism behind him offering exactly that. Remember his ties to the VW Bug V2: VAN.

Foreign Surveillance.

Much like the 4 “Steves” there are other overlaps…

  • 04/02/1968 Apple Corps created by Beatles Fab Four
  • 04/04/1975 Microsoft Logo 4 colors
  • 04/01/1976 Apple Steve Jobs/Steve Wozniak

Beatles would create the “Apple Corps” to release media.

Given my decodes of each tied to spying this may give us the origin of why “apple”.

John Lennon symbolizing Russia’s Lenin and a collaboration effort until Yoko Ono comms, and this is perhaps why….

  • 10/01/1962 Beatles (BUG) sign new Epstein contract U.K.
  • 10/01/1961 DIA (5Eyes) opens with borrowed Pentagon space
  • 10/01/1962 Beach Boys U.S. First album released

U.S. CIA/U.K. Mi6

The start of the biggest U.S. and U.K. band of that time both tied to Bugs.

Ok… hopefully this post wasn’t too confusing. This post is a bit of a grab bag of related topics from my C-Tier decodes. I decode much each week and some are much better than others, and so unless you want me to throw away the work that’s only “ok” it needed to be posted!

I did clean it up and even added a number of new decodes in this thread that aren’t anywhere else. like the Low Budget Jaws from “Cameron” in relation to the big budget one from Spielberg. I realized as I edited that this was likely a reflection of the shift from big government operations and low budget local networks doing their own attempts at the same. So that was a pretty big potential revelation (needs more digging to confirm)

Anyway…. next post should be back to the A-tier quality decodes so look forward to that!

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One thought on “BEEKEEPER & Match Game Riot

  1. In the film “Inside Job” there are bank robbers dressed in painter coveralls, using variants of the name “Steve” as aliases, occasionally inserting themselves covertly into the groups of hostages in masks and coveralls and exiting the bank hidden among the hostages. The Steves – the workers with a common goal.


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