Loch/Lock Ness Monster

If you search for “Loch Ness Monster” you will find that there have been news reports weekly for decades on this.

Often there will be a new big story that’ll go across major outlets every other month, and has been going on consistently for nearly a century now! Why do they care so much?

There is a logical reason and it has nothing to do with the tinfoil it’s dressed up, the real story is told in the symbolism.

02/25/2021 Loch Ness Monster: ‘Unexplained’ DNA in Scottish Highlands sparked ‘plausible theory’ that the monster is a Giant Eel – “A 12-year-old boy could have told you that eels live in the loch.” https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/loch-ness-monster-unexplained-dna-in-scottish-highlands-sparked-e2-80-98plausible-theory/ar-BB1e19OP

So why has this been in our news and culture for so many decades?

As usual, it’s just symbolism comms. Note in that prior one it’s all about finding DNA evidence, and mentions a young child.

Consider the shape of an “eel” – but I’m getting ahead of myself.

To best understand this comm, let’s start at the beginning.

The famous photo everyone knows about the Monster is called the “Surgeon’s photograph” It was taken by a London GYNAECOLOGIST

So the story of the Loch Ness Monster began with a Gynaecologist’s photos? A person who examines the sexual organs of women. Pictures?

This Nat Geo special on the Loch Ness monster is a good one to dissect. 07/06/1977 “In Search of…The Loch Ness Monster”

That famous photo was part of a set of four but 2 were never made public. Note the official voice of “Loch Ness” is “Willie” “Camera on”

Cameron is a comm I go over in this post https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/01/mkultra/ – The guy filming MKUltra patients secretly had the same name. And in both cases they have first names that add further explain the meaning.

The use of this comm may already be obvious, but if not it’s going to get much more clear soon.

This Nat Geo special on the Loch Ness monster is a good one to dissect.

07/06/1977 “In Search of…The Loch Ness Monster” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftM6s8e9p_o At one point it talks about a picture of the monster from a lumberjack. As in someone who cuts down the biggest “plants” https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/25/plants-and-water-comms/

Let’s get blunt.

21 minutes into the video, the last interview gives a theory about what the Monster is. “If there is something under the loch, it’s eels (phallic) that fail to mature sexually (child perversion) and then they keep growing bigger.”

So yea, I’ll keep going but that last post spells it out right there. Blackmail. It’s about footage/pictures of “MONSTERS” “under the LOCK” i.e. kept secret and secure.

Note the phallic pictures they use to show the monster.

Other parts of the video make other parts of the op clear. One name we are given is “Ted Holiday” – who had lots of camera malfunctions that prevented his pics from going public. He writes extensively about “fishing”

People on “Holiday” filmed with kids.

Let’s drill further into the original comm.

05/02/1933 Loch Ness “Monster” sighted for first time, igniting a legend The story of the “monster” in the newspaper. A circus offered a 20,000 pound reward. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/loch-ness-monster-sighted

“Forty-four years ago an Abriachan mason, Alexander Macdonald, often saw a strange creature disporting itself on the loch in the early hours of the morning.”

In the original story from 1933 they gave an anecdote about 1888 and a “Mason”

The 1888 date is mentioned in several Maxwell Easter Island posts (Polynesian triangle)

I go into Maxwell/Terramar here https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/15/maxwell-dominoes-rc-addicted-terramar/ she also talks a lot about “Fishing”

08/24/2020 Trump Jr. calls Biden the ‘Loch Ness monster of the swamp’ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/513486-trump-jr-calls-biden-the-loch-ness-monster-of-the-swamp

Note Joe Biden owns the closest island to Maxwell/Epstein.

02/02/2020 2005 James Biden got a sweet deal in the Virgin Islands. Called “Water Island” He was given a low price by a Mr. Green, a lobbyist of his brother Joe Biden. Who would work with Joe on the Senate Judiciary Committee for a decade. https://therealdeal.com/2020/02/02/a-land-deal-between-joe-bidens-brother-and-a-favored-lobbyist-is-raising-eyebrows/

Note Q specifically highlights Maxwell’s unique skill as a submarine pilot.

Now remember Maxwell/Terramar connects to 1888 –

09/15/2017 Guggenheim turns down Trump request for 1888 Van Go “Landscape With Snow” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/25/white-house-gold-toilet-loan-guggenheim-museum

Comms of Trump asking for what?

The thing almost all of these articles have in common is looking for EVIDENCE – frequently DNA.

10/06/2020 ‘SOMETHING DOWN THERE’ Loch Ness Monster ‘caught on sonar’ as 33ft shape detected 500ft below in ‘most compelling evidence yet’ https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12855508/loch-ness-monster-sonar-image-boat-skipper/

33 comms https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/03/33-and-666/ comms of multiple comms aware people getting together and “building” something.

Back to the documentary. “here lives a monster that can make the surface of a lake boil with foam”

Boil = “hot water” https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/25/plants-and-water-comms/ (water = info) Monster, as covered above, was the label the news papers gave for it.

Comms are about threats to expose someone as a monster.

The origin of the stories from the documentary is given as a saint “converting barbarians” in the 6th century. He protected a man from a “serpent” by driving it away with a “loud voice”. Founding an order that remains today.

First interview being part of that order – he talks about the one time he saw the “monster” – it moved for 17/Q seconds and then went down “under the lock”.

With all I’ve gone through. Modern stories should make sense.

11/14/2017 ANOTHER FINE NESS Loch Ness Monster ‘pictured’ by schoolboy, nine, in EIGHTH sighting this year “Genetic testing kit to tie the creature to the boat and taking its DNA” https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4909669/loch-ness-monster-sighting-schoolboy-eighth-2017/

05/21/2018 A FINE NESS Schoolgirl, eight, and gran claim they’ve finally found Loch Ness Monster after filming mysterious ripple on Scottish lake https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6341260/loch-ness-monster-found-scotland-video/

Note in both of those last two articles the actual text (not headline) talks about the monsters being “caught”

So in case it’s not clear by now. These comms are all about “Monsters” that are “caught” with evidence kept under the “lock”

We can perhaps piece together the 1933 story then. A gynecologist likely put young patients under (old practice) and then sold time.

Unaware powerful people would then be secretly photographed (Cameras were new).

Then they’d be given a choice. Keep the evidence under lock by becoming a puppet or become the public “monster” The “Story of a monster” then was likely a pressure campaign. “These could be headlines of you”

These kinds of comms over time create a consistent symbolism – and as such they can be modified as any “word” can in a different sentence structure. It could just as easily describe evidence going through the DOJ but kept super secret Q clearance level- and may well be what’s going on with the more modern DNA focused ones.

The place where the monster was originally found was always a tiny low population town.

I imagine the upper class/Royals might have went to a place off the radar to indulge. This was known by perspective blackmailers and then? Just a thought.

And then from that point on until this very day it’s become something used to send an alarm without overtly saying it.

Full Moon https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/30/comms-list-short-placeholders/

Something that average people are meant to laugh off as a joke, hiding in plain sight. Like so much else. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/04/decoding-truth-from-historical-lies/

At some point I’ll have to decode some of the other ones in the same category as the Loch Ness Monster won’t I? Because in the exact same way they are updated all the time.

02/24/2021 The chupacabra lives on in San Antonio’s Latino lore, like our Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster https://www.expressnews.com/lifestyle/article/The-chupacabra-lives-on-in-San-Antonio-s-Latino-15975631.php

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