Disinfo Decoding

A few months after Q began…

“How to beat Q”

When players “move around at random” they are awarded with “millions of points” as in when people get the wrong answer they are rewarded. Conditioned into wrong answers so they don’t advance to the next stage of understanding.

“AI gets to romp around without doing any damage.”

Tricking it into committing suicide with “deep reinforcement” Conditioning!

SPACE INVADERS not Qbert is plugged in. As in someone invading the SPACE of Q.

They JUMP OFF THE PYRAMID i.e. instead of focusing on the Rothschild/Soros/Saud they get conditioned to look elsewhere!

This list of Central Banks for example, it was removed originally from the original final bake until Q specifically requested it be included.

This is why there are posts asking Q if the “map” is good (at the time Q posts were passed around in images only) because it had been sabotaged before!

So, what kind of nonsense “reinforcement” of lies was given to Q followers?

Quite a few!


Here’s a riddle.

Why is “Qanon” often synonymous with Adrenochrome in the news?

With the way it’s written you’d think this subject was the entire point of “Q”. In fact Q never mentioned it.

Number of times Q has mentioned Adrenochrome = 0.

So who in the heck decided it was worth talking about? Really, does anybody ever trace these ideas back to who actually came up with them? I thought we were supposed to be digging in places Q helps us find?

These lies become attached to Q because there are powerful forces in the world that try to sabotage anything moving in the direction of truth. Or at least truth that is harmful to the narratives.

Lies like celebrity’s cannibalizing children. They plant lies like this to get people already predisposed to view celebrities in a negative light to throw away all restraint and look at them as monsters. No critical thinking, but a predefined conclusion to distort your view forever.

This goes over conditioning in a way that I feel warrants sharing. Late night hosts and MSM in general call out disinfo like Adrenochrome as disinfo but they use it as a cudgel to attack things that have no connection to it. Q literally never at any point in time ever uttered anything about Adrenochrome or Lizard people, because they are such utter nonsense he shouldn’t have to.

Horrible infections of lies and this post is meant to diffuse many like it.

They tested all the different disinfo pushes and some tricked better than others. .

Insanity or perhaps I should say “schizophrenia” given the symbolism of the drug they inject and it allows them to use it as a cudgel to beat anyone by association.

Focus on the “PINeal gland”.

PIN = symbol of someone/something to be pinned for a crime.

Like the anti-semitic push. I can’t begin to tell you how many bots I’ve seen pushing that crap.

How many times did Q talk about the evil of Jews? Not a single time because it’s disinformation. It’s also ironic.

Because Q did point out the Catholic church and Vatican as having a dark history.

Yet I can’t recall a single bot push against them on 8chan. Don’t misunderstand tho, I think most Catholics and possibly even most Popes were good, I can’t say that for sure but I do know it’s a bad idea to generalize about any large group of people.

Even so if you were going to point out whether Q had pointed a finger at the Vatican or Tel Aviv? Well, the answer is clearly Vatican, yet disinfo is crystal clear in trying to get you to look the other direction.

The lies persist because of layered narrative control that often gets misunderstood. It’s a lot more control than just the MSM narrative all conspiracy theorists reject.

The Internet search algorithms are controlled by people with motives to push lies, and therefore if you disagree with the “narrative” then they make sure you get funneled into the disinfo camps.

Note the publishing a “useful and informative redirect page” after being taken down.

As Q put it: “Re-route traffic”

Convincing someone they believe a lie can be difficult.

It may help to try and put the shoe on the other foot. When you understand the motivations, the lies become more obvious.

Disinfo merchants want patriots to believe lies and look insane.

If patriots look insane, they act as repellant to keep a movement with some truth in it from expanding into the mainstream.

A certain disinfo merchant named Abel Danger had a logo of a squirrel with two giant nuts.

I was hoping to find it and show you some examples but even way back machine seems to not have his images archived. Pity as it was a good example of comms coordinating disinformation.

In this post I will be going over many of these pushes.

For the first one let’s go into one that demonstrates the difference between comms and disinfo.


The Alex Jones and David Icke’s of the world attract people to them with partial truths.

First quote I found of Icke: “Hollywood brainwashes people” TRUE! but in the same sentence he talks about lizard people!

That’s how you take all movements toward truth and turn it harmless.

A friend asked me about Icke and my response was that name “Ick” likely represented how he acts as a repellent.

Same reason they associate Qanon with lizard people despite the only connection one they project.

After I said it they dug into him.

They found he became a major face of the Green Party in the UK.

Why did they do that?

1989 They hit record highs 15% (eating into liberal votes) they took on “Icke” as speaker and in the next election lost so many votes they made themselves irrelevant!

“Ick” indeed!

His big insanity was Lizard People. Why did they pick Lizards? There is a reason!

Disinfo Decoded: Lizard People

Note how it became connected to “QAnon” in MSM. Once again Q never said a word about it.

Lizard People? Sure it’s as insane a concept as someone could imagine and as such works for the purposes of maligning any it is thrown at like being spit on, but who came up with the idea of Lizard People and why?

This is where we get into symbolism because when you know the real story it untangles everything and lets you see the real world.

The origin of the “Lizard People” story is from the LOS ANGELES TIMES (not a tabloid) January 29th of 1934.

If you read that piece you will notice the story is much less about Lizard people than it is about HOARDED GOLD. Specifically “Lizard People” are hiding gold that the writer has located via radio X-rays.

Why did someone make a story about Lizard people with massive underground pockets of gold?

What else happened that week?

Storage of massive amount of GOLD confiscated from the american people! With that context it goes from an insane lunatic spouting nonsense to someone giving condemnation of the direction Government was taking.

So you may ask. Why Lizard People?

Note the date of 1933, know who was critical that year and related to FDR strongly? A man named Szilard = Lizard + S. A man I’ve gone into in a few posts primarily when discussing nuclear comms. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/nuclear-q/

The man who originally conceived of the “Nuclear chain reaction” in 1933 and was the man who thru FDR got the Manhattan project up and running. Note the origin of nuclear being a fantasy he had while reading science fiction books.

I won’t be going into nuclear comms in this post, I have many that do. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/nuclear-q/

The point is best illustrated through this impossible to be coincidence sequence.

  • 08/09/2019 = Russia Hides a nuclear accident!
  • 08/10/2019 = CIA Blackmailer Epstein dead
  • 09/26/2017 = Russia hides a nuclear accident!
  • 09/27/2017 = CIA Blackmailer Hefner dead

The point is nuclear comms are tied to secrets like blackmail. Surely you’ve heard someone go BOOM to denote a major event. Well what is a bigger BOOM than a nuclear bomb? There is none, and this is why it is used to symbolize a BOOM. Perfectly logical, just read the post if it’s confusing in any way. It goes over it in such details it’ll never be confusing to you again.

Returning to Leo Szilard. He wrote his doctoral thesis on Maxwell’s Demon.

What might that mean?

  • 11/15/1867 First Stock Ticker Debut
  • 12/11/1867 Maxwell’s Demon Thesis on controlling fast/slow moving particles (reconcile with stocks)

The demon in this thesis controls a gate to manipulate whether fast/slow particles are allowed to move thru a gate. Consider the invention of the Stock Ticker in relation to how others at the time did it. I believe his thesis existed alongside it specifically because it was meant to explain a scam in code.

In 1867 thru the Stock Ticker certain people were getting faster information than everyone else. It means they could see when to buy and when to sell. They had their own proprietary systems which means the richer someone in the stock market the faster they could get updates and this in turn meant they would have a massive advantage in relation to how rich they were!

We are talking about a difficult to comprehend difference here. Getting market updates by horse every other day (at best) versus ELECTRICITY at an INSTANT.

Thus the analogy of the demon opening and closing a gate at a moments notice to control the flow of energy (selling before everyone else does, buying just as everyone starts buying) A kind of control unheard of before it. Szilard with this thesis connects the blackmail world with the money markets.

In my view it would be stranger if they didn’t disguise secrets like these, but the war against truth is more problematic than just secrets being everywhere.

The people themselves have been eroded.

A major problem is that people are conditioned to trust that which is accepted “fact” from people who may not have their best interests in mind.

Once the world being flat was a scientific narrative. Can we really be so sure there isn’t an obvious lie that large hiding in plain sight today?

Not all science today is lies, but I believe some of it is. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2022/02/26/particle-physics-also-ukraine-invasion/

You can disprove flat earth by booking a plane from point A to point B.

There are shocking truths hidden out there! I’ll cover one related to geography later in the post to show you the difference between intentionally insane disinfo and critical thinking discovering something shocking.

Then there’s disinfo like Gematria.


Gematria is remarkably similar to symbolism comms except instead of directly interpreting symbolism you instead feed a number into a machine that pops out dozens of unrelated symbols (with hundreds of variants based on method) that you can interpret however you like.

In other words it’s a very good way to get people to never notice actual symbolism comms by putting a gibberish in-between comms and interpretation. A see what you want to see machine.

This remind you of anything?

Rewarding users for random movements?

There’s a good reason Q has never mentioned it yet I see clowns often promoting it.

Symbolism comms:

  • Word -> Meaning
  • Image -> Meaning
  • Animal -> Meaning
  • Object-> Meaning

Gematria Comms:

Word -> Gematria -> Meanings 1-1000 -keep trying modes until you find one that looks sinister!

As a bit of indication of that consider the multiple yearlong anti-semitism push everywhere Q pushes. Now consider Gematria connecting “comms” to it. A match made for disinfo pushes.

Also, if it were a thing, then why in the heck is it never mentioned ANYWHERE except by anon’s trying to decode things.

Think about it, if it were a thing there’d by tons of slip-ups from CIA or celebs or it being mentioned in declassified documents somewhere that Q highlights, but no It’s just a magic solution. A way to take anything and turn it into something you can interpret as a comm. It takes all the effort out of it as well.

I spend HOURS decoding single comms. It often requires digging into history and cross referencing news to comm.

Which is why Q says things like “News unlocks the map” Because if you reconcile the news events to the Q post you get the meaning. Same thing is true of most comms out in the wild. It takes effort and time, not a symbol generator!

Most symbolism comms are various groups of clowns commenting on the real news is going on at any given moment. Nothing perverted just clowns making a statement.

  • 02/11/2021 8-year-old BORDER collie named Lulu inherits $5 MILLION
  • 02/11/2021 Biden begins process necessary to cut off Billions used for BORDER WALL funding

It’s a BORDER COLLIE – and Biden cuts off billions to the BORDER WALL the same day. Notice the details of the story, “can now afford her own security” as the money directed towards the wall is spent elsewhere.

But disinfo merchants will never cover what I do as the nature of what I do in decoding runs counter to what disinfo is.

I’ve never heard of anyone talking about any of the stuff I do. Closest I can find is this guy who occasionally links to my work. https://substack.com/@sleepydude I’ve never had much of an audience either. I’ve worked more hours every day than a full-time job on building an audience for over 5 years every day and never asked for a penny.

I’m not upset about that, I’m explaining that there are obvious and measurable differences between me and disinfo merchants. And if I ever do grow it’ll be the same because none of those disinfo pushes started as nothing. They got boosted in ways I never have. Nobody in their right mind would do what I do for as long as I have for no gain (except knowledge) unless they had a conviction to help educate (rather than indoctrinate).

Q Clock

Q clock is disinfo. I remember trying to figure out what the heck it was for hours a long time ago and eventually I found this twitter post that gave the entire history of the Q clock and it was just insanity. People who pass around the Q clock when pressed about it typically have no idea what it meant other than vague gematria style interpretations.

The “Q Clock” only appeared AFTER THIS POST.

Meaning Q was talking about actual times and by GRAPHIC Q meant the QMAP which at the time was giant images being passed around (Q sites became a thing quickly afterwards). And then a clown created that stupid clock to confuse people using this as “proof” when in reality it’s the other way around. So yea, garbage

if I could find that thread again (tho I’m sure Twitter banned them at this point as they did 90% of Q followers) I recall they actually had proof that that stupid Q clock appeared after in the way of wayback capture links that demonstrated the first appearance and it was 100% after this. Meaning that proves it was disinfo!

To date I’ve seen it in countless posts and every single memory I have of anyone talking about it falls into three categories.

  • 1. People (possibly clowns) pointing to it with exclamation marks with grandiose claims of great meaning trying to get people to spread it around.
  • 2. People who spread it around without knowing what it is and copy pasting the former category.
  • 3. People who are perplexed by it and ask what it is and how it works and get no answers or vague ones. This template is the same as many other disinfo pushes.

Here is a tutorial

It asks us to take points of time in relation to one another based on the angle of a 12 hour clock that displays half a day (not a military clock) So, that means that the entire legitimacy of it hinges on the person who originally created the clock aligning the dates correctly. Because you’d get completely different results if it was based on a military 24 hour clock, or if you chose to put the dates in a different overlapping fashion. Honestly it reminds me of Gematria even without the mirroring, in that it purposefully ignores Q’s guidance and invents a “cypher” so that you look at the cypher instead of doing what Q asked.

it doesn’t ask us to look at the times in relation to each other, but that there has to be a cypher in-between the relationship. Which is identical to Gematria. Cause the whole reason Gematria is garbage is because instead of interpreting it directly you have to interpret what you get out of a number machine, this is literally the same trick!

The specifics of how you use the Q clock are as follows: You pick a date and use a ruler to trace it to another date in relation to that based on the angle of a clock. The dates that match up chosen by whoever originally made it are meaningful for some reason that isn’t explained, and if you get enough people to look for enough hours they’ll find patterns in anything, and the top of those proofs can be what brings other people course for every “proof” that works there are literally quintillions of ones that don’t, because it’s all noise.

You could rotate the dates 20 degrees and get completely different results and have the exact same chance of making a connection. In fact if that weren’t true then that would be the #1 way to prove the thing is real and most importantly if you rotated the dates 20 degrees it would not change anything about what the clock is. Because there is no logic to why it is designed the way it is! Even the spacing in-between the dates is arbitrary, who decided it should be spaced that way? Q? no, Q never talked about it.

Contrast this with this Q post 1114, “circular flow diagram” which I think is the “inspiration” for the Q clock looking the way it does. Remember that thing started appearing around this date, it definitely came after the “wind the clock” posts Q made

With that in mind you can understand why the disinfo took the form that it did, and if you weren’t thinking about it all that much you might even think “oh this makes sense” but when you use even the tiniest bit of critical thinking you realize no, it makes no sense whatsoever and is the exact opposite of what Q was asking. Q simply said to do what I do, to look at posts in relation to news events for conformation, there was no magic angle that needed to be calculated based on geometry. The entire concept is nonsensical. And that’s all I have to say about that.

From the beginning of my work I’ve been contacted by followers of nonsense into a dime a dozen disinfo pushes. Many of which you can find YouTube videos with millions of views and are constantly begging for donations and merch sales. My YouTube channel gets dozens of views and only exists because a volunteer who had been a long-time reader decided to help me out! TYVM for that always!


Why do people push JFK Jr. as alive? The reason is nuanced for disinfo.

JFK Jr was confirmed to be more popular than HRC and JFK Jr. was planning on running for the NY Senate seat that HRC ended up going for.

He decided to do that it ends HRC’s chance of becoming President. This is the most likely reason why he would be killed so that HRC could get the seat (and remove a potential rival for President bid)

HRC did get the seat after all so for him to be alive it doesn’t add up.

I could do mental gymnastics and imagine a set of circumstances that could allow it when I contrast it with the shilling it explains perfectly why they would pick JFK Jr. of all people to promote as alive.

Because unlike the many that are alive for anyone to say JFK Jr. is alive is inherently contradictive to everything he stood for as he intended on beating back HRC before she took that next step as a Senator.

Check this post for a bunch of people that are probably alive that have been marked as dead. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2022/01/06/great-awakening-fake-deaths-james-webb-scope-brady-material/ Disinfo specifically picked a person they knew wasn’t alive and that could make Q look like an idiot by pushing. Q made the rare exception and explicitly said he wasn’t alive.

Thus every Q follower that promotes the story is effectively calling Q a liar/psyop. It’s a win/win for shills. There is no more logical person for them to promote as alive than him.

So please think it through before you agree with someone online.

I say this despite knowing that most people can’t be convinced to rethink their positions… but at least I’ve given the correct ammunition for it!

“Mike Obama”

People don’t often like to be challenged on things they have been tricked into believing..

It’s disinfo that exists due to people making an assumption that anything that mocks “bad people” must then be good.

If you proclaim the former first lady is a man most rational people will see you as crazy & disregard everything else you say = a motive for clowns to push the idea as true.

Q said “conspiracy risk” in context of Obama – however not in context of his wife – no… instead Q said it in context of a young girl with Obama. So that’s kind of the opposite direction than the “he likes men” angle isn’t it? And since Clowns tend to push the opposite of the truth, it just makes it more likely.

The most notable proponents of the theory I can find are Alex Jones – someone Q confirmed exists to make patriots look crazy. –

Here is a video that uses some of his actual crazy speeches for fun. He went on long rants about baby eating celebrities, about how bad Obama and his family go around smelling like feces for baby eating.

If those sound like reasonable statements… I’m sorry, I don’t think my blog is for you.

Symbolism comms: Alex Jones famously sells “water filters”

He makes his money selling “Water Filters” If you look through old memes of his they often identify him as a “humble water filter merchant” – and that’s a comm. Filtering information, That’s his job. It provides a crucial function while also making him money.

he is in fact a “Filter” news goes through him. A literal war on information. An “InfoWar”

Returning to the “She’s a man” line of theory. Here is the biggest “proof” from a person who I challenged to reconsider their beliefs.

She’s irritated and seems to want him to go away. This is 2014 – AFTER Newsweek had the Obama is the first gay president cover. The Michelle part isn’t even her focus, it’s an afterthought as she almost doesn’t even bother to add it. It’s more like oh I suppose if he’s gay then I guess she’s a tranny, hey that’s a first too! (insert laugh track)

People get primed into thinking it’s some kind of super big thing, largely because she died months after this.

But you really need to go back to the timeframe. Obama being gay had been a story not just the year prior, but the entire year leading up to when she said it. (there were many other covers besides NewsWeek with it as a theme.

That she has such popularity is yet another reason Disinfo targets her, because if you go after someone, they admire for such a shallow reason? Is it any wonder they’d not hear anything else you might have to say?

I don’t want to get hung up on this one disinfo push, but I went to 8chan/8kun every day for years & there were many disinfo pushes – they pushed different ones until they found a theory that otherwise brilliant people would ascribe to & repeat & therefore scare away normies from getting into Qanon Seriously -Every thread the same cringe Michelle pics = CONDITIONING.

Let’s go back to an earlier time of truth seeking. The predecessor to Trump.

Tea Party

Before Trump took over the right wing, it was largely defined by The Tea Party Movement.

Many of Trump’s strongest allies were core promoters of the Tea Party.

This rapid rise put them in the crosshairs of powerful people.

What was funded to counter it?

What effective tactics are there to employ against masses of angry people with legitimate grievances about the state of affairs?

The answer is to trick them into falling for disinformation.

Most media pushes have comms to coordinate them and I found a new one today for this!

There are many disinfo pushes, and I’m pretty sure I found the comms coordinating one of the bigger ones today.

The “Drag Queen Story Hour” Notice the name of the creator

“Michelle Tea”

A symbol of getting the “Tea Party” to drink into the push.

A push that managed to trick a number of otherwise reasonable adults into spending all their time with magnifying glasses looking at Michelle Obama’s crotch for bulges.

It acts as repellent to any reasonable human which slows or even stops growth of the movement.

“Michelle Tea” + Drag Queen Party.

Getting the people of the Tea Party to drink this idea of Michelle = Drag Queen.

People who if not for the trickery would be gaining political traction in a healthy way. Instead, they become mentally ill.

When on twitter I talked about this I got multiple people informing me of “proof” in the form of video that if I take a magnifying glass and stare I can see “it” I saw nothing and felt like a pervert for it. But then that’s the power of priming on the uninitiated.

I remember hundreds of posts of people doing the same on 8kun, people trying to get other people to “see it” by examining really close and letting confirmation bias kick in. Many people really thought they saw something.

But then many people think they hear words when they play music backwards. – The truth about secret music comms is much deeper and darker https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/08/music-decoded/ but then that’s exactly why they push the cartoon version as true. Secret surrealism with no purpose so that you don’t see a secret truth with a purpose.

I noticed this next comm thru Drudge Placement

“AMAZON plants “fake packages” in delivery trucks; ‘Trap’ drivers.”

“dummy” packages

A comm about disinfo for dummies?

The ones that see thru it have to fight others pushing it instead of gaining traction for correct beliefs, so even for the people it doesn’t trick it still does damage!

Ok, I actually looked into one! and the comm is comically obvious.

As expected it isn’t confirmation they have a secret double life that sometimes manifests itself in bulges and mispronunciations. lol, no, listen carefully.

Michael = common insult used to demean the Obama family. Jack = Twitter

Jack is “deployed today” – a signal for clowns on social media to push narratives about “Michael”.

Let’s return to the Drag Queen shows as they coordinated this push.

A lot of digital pushing comes from overseas.

  • 02/19/2013 Micheal “Theory” Origin date
  • 02/20/2013 That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

A popular series began at the same time as the theory got its legs.

Why would this show be the marker?

It’s about an ordinary man who becomes a “Slime”.

As in a way to describe someone as disgusting.

Moreover the core plot of the show involves this “slime” gaining more and more followers and ruling over them as a king.

Just like a disinfo site.

Repurposing groups of right wingers and even monetizing them. Often they will be hit with donation drives.

Most disinfo channels will ask for them.

They got popular through the the push, but their payment comes from begging their audience.

  • 04/26/2022 That Time I got Reincarnated Sequel
  • 04/26/2022 Megan Fox, Machine Gun Kelly drink each other’s blood for ritual purposes

This is painted as a real story, but you have surely seen the push this is trying to invoke. I have many times.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an article about “Q” that actually talks about what Q says.

It’s always one of these pushes and they always pretend like that’s what it’s about.

Anyway, even if I’m wrong about the foreign push I’m confident about the domestic one.

I’m also hoping this push to restrict these shows is a sign disinfo is on its way out.

Right now “AI” is a major focus across comms and I’m confident that’s a symbol for the programmable masses.

The subject at heart being discussed is how to handle mass exposure. People suddenly gaining “sentience”.

Notice the new Mission Impossible film.

AI has the “task of sabotaging the submarines stealth”

Symbol of exposing the comms world.

I’ll probably decode this movie and the franchise extensively in the future.

I’m sure it’s connected to the Top Gun push I decode here https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2023/02/22/trust-kansas-at-the-2023-superbowl-the-commander-in-chiefs/

The False Choice: MSM Disinfo

But there’s a funny thing about all this, and that’s that the more we focus on rejecting tinfoil the more we end up accepting the narrative. Because these two sides are presented as opposites. That just because we reject flat earth that means we have to believe in the white coated scientists on CNN that tell us the sky is falling.

The Media doesn’t just push politics after all, they also push “Science” and if you look to the other side of Science you’ll get tinfoil insanity.

This is the environment we are given of extremes, to trust wholly one side and disbelieve wholly the other. Echo chambers from birth accomplish the basic narrative and then we have the “resistance” narrative of those that “Break free of the Matrix” only to find themselves trapped in another layer of it.

The problem is this argument between the two sides is incorrect, we are not looking at it in the right way when we accept even the premise. Yes the tinfoil they point out is often lies, but why do we assume the other side of that, the “Science” they proclaim is true just because we are raised to trust it?

The media works with the science industry, and so why do we assume they tell the truth in this one area when they lie in so many others?

The easiest way to demonstrate this is by going over Climatology hysteria.

Of all the fake sciences it is easiest to puncture due to how transparent the lies are. For example, here is some official climate change propaganda that was in recent years passed around to legislatures and schools.

It gives data about how temperatures are rising, sea ice is shrinking and wildfires are rising, It looks convincing, and these are to a large extent real data. However it’s also a lie and can be easily proven to be a lie with just a little bit of critical thinking.

As you can see, they simply cherry picked the data, something anyone can do to show any result in any field. And that’s just two examples, there are many more

And this climate hysteria build on bad science goes back a long long time.

Keep in mind just how ubiquitous the consensus is relative to how easy it all is to disprove.

So If 99.9% of scientists are lying about this, what does that mean about other sciences?

Actually before that, consider the constant drumbeat of doomsday propaganda.

Always 10 years left, and this image here, I’m aware of many others they could have added, like for example when I was digging into Al Gore and his constant 10 years left for a climate doomsday scenario.

The reason is because through climate change they can control and rob people. It’s a path for people to accept a lower standard of living, to turn on their family, making everyone enemies for not doing enough, and living in constant panic.

The media is a control of information. Science defines reality so it’s one of the most obvious pillars to infect for disinformation. These practices convince people that even so much as questioning “science” is tantamount to being an idiot.

The goal as we understand through the political prism is propaganda, and there is no reason to believe that any specific field of science is separate from that. Climatology is not the only science built on a mountain of lies.

The truth as I see it is mind blowing but not in the way you might expect. And to explain what I think is the truth requires talking about the many bad ends people usually reach when they try and go down every rabbit hole.

Most don’t realize that the answer isn’t going to be found that way because we aren’t given any resources that have access to the truth. They know you want truth, so they have engineered a situation where it’s not even on the table for you to find. You can only find a million things that claim to be truth, and every one of them is just a different lie when you dig deep enough.

For some, when they realize the magnitude of the obvious lies they over-correct and start believing insanity. No, the world is not flat, I can disprove that even easier than I can global warming just by showing you relative flight paths, but I don’t think anyone reading my post is that far gone.

I bring it up because when people do edge closer to the truth, the effort is strong to associate what I do with those illogical theories. Therefore you need to understand the difference between these sides. The insanity of tinfoil in relation to the industry pushed echo chamber of “Science”.

They are both liars. The truth remains unsaid, and even tho I’m going to try and say it, the true form of it requires a different way of thinking. Because even though I’ve said they are both liars, there should be an asterisk by that statement because the trick of where the truth hides is inside the lies. Thus while you find lies inside the “Truth” if you were to keep digging into those lies (with the right instrument) you would then find secret truth.

It makes logical sense when you dig into it the right way, and it is in fact the only logical answer for how so many lies could exist in the first place, because to the people who say them, they aren’t lies. They just aren’t seeing the same thing you do.

Shiny Objects

pushes like that are a dime a dozen, so the most educational one to talk about is “shiny objects” because these are always going to be relevant. The pretend clown boom of the week.

This next one was everywhere for a couple of weeks and now I doubt most even remember it. It was so prevalent I had to go back and actually look at what the big news it was covering up was, because I mostly remembered just the Wayfair one. (Maxwell’s case was picking up steam).

07/10/2020 Kids Shipped in Armoires? The Person Who Started the Wayfair Conspiracy Speaks https://www.newsweek.com/wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-cabinets-scandal-1517013

This conspiracy push started on Reddit? I think that’s a red flag given they are constantly banning right wing/Qanon groups – yet this was allowed to flourish. 

Actually the newsweek article isn’t correct, her wayfair posts began on twitter before that.

That’s because it was demonstrating the idea to the people with the algo’s perhaps?

I’ve seen that done with patriots as well. If you go to early Roaring Kitty posts you can see an incredible amount of effort put into tweets before he exploded in popularity due to leading the GME craze meaning both RK and Polly were aware they could be the head of a media push and were prepping for it.

And then Polly (Parrot repeating) gets lots of traffic and even interviews with minor MSM figures.

Anyway, regardless of twitter it exploded on Reddit Where they had just banned the biggest Pro-Trump group. But yet they give the microphone to this conspiracy lady?

06/29/2020 Reddit Bans Largest Pro-Trump Forum As Election Season Heats Up https://web.archive.org/web/20200629190709/https://www.zerohedge.com/political/reddit-bans-largest-pro-trump-forum-election-season-heats

Reddit also banned all groups associated with Q as they were exploding in numbers. But again… that wayfair thread remained up and trending everywhere.

Reddit also banned a forum dedicated to exposing Hoax’s at the same time this thing started. (It may well have been a comm to assert they’d push hoax’s)

07/10/2020 Reddit Bans Forum Dedicated To Exposing Hate Crime Hoaxes https://web.archive.org/web/20200710224629/https://www.zerohedge.com/political/reddit-bans-forum-dedicated-exposing-hate-crime-hoaxes

Anyone remember the Tucson child trafficking camps push? That was everywhere for a few days as well, there’s honestly too many to even begin to go thru and I’m sure that I only recall a fraction of a fraction of them.

truth is always beside the lies in comms. That’s how the clowns know what’s true & not. This is why “Their need for symbolism will be their downfall”. Cause you learn comms = you see what they see.

You get the necessary tools to realize who the disinfo merchants are because they use comms to identify themselves. This is why so many disinfo pushes focus on getting you to misunderstand symbolism by viewing them as monsters and use in-between like Gematria.

I imagine in the full clip it probably asserts something slightly more rational, but the fact remains he does stuff like this to spread the symbolism of what he is.

9/10 when people send me a youtube video it’ll be something trending which of course is a warning sign given who controls the algo’s and then I’ll take a glance at the profile/header/name and there’s almost always a “I’m disinfo” comm in them.

Often hidden in a handful of timecodes – 11-12 was a big one. – I added the numbers and Tinfoil proclamation here

It’s not as blatant now and probably will be more hidden the more exposed it gets, but it’s still very much a thing. It has to be because again it’s not a want – it’s a literal need. Without symbolism comms clowns cannot work together or even identify each other.

I want to hammer that point home. Because the reason they push comms as always morbid is because their system relies on symbolism for basic communication – so long as you view it as morbid the real comms be 100% invisible to you. That’s a motive.

Holocaust Denial

as long as multitudes of people claim to have physically seen it it’s not something we can easily discount. I’ve also seen lots of tinfoil pushers specialize in it as anti-Semitism is a pillar of disinfo if ever there was one, so to me anything that falls under that rubric is suspect for being disinfo and that is the #1 topic on many.

This is much like how Gematria is commonly sucked into anti-Semitism, as people learn a garbage symbol language and thru it manage to become convinced that Jewish people are evil, and from there it pushes farther and farther. Is it possible the Holocaust was a lie? Anything is possible, but many liars obsess over it and there is no benefit at all outside of being personally offensive to everyone around to drilling into it, so that’s the real motivator because even IF it were fake it changes nothing, and we have spent time digging into nothing. We gain no knowledge in digging into it as if it were faked all we could ascertain is that the media is full of liars which we already know and that a giant segment of the population that clearly cannot all be clowns have assigned a giant segment of their souls to grieving over a lie, and what do we do? We laugh at them for it. We don’t see it that way, but they do, just like how you would never use the N word to a black man even tho you have no personal connection to slavery because they have been conditioned (and you as well) to be emotionally wounded by invoking it. You wouldn’t verbally harass someone and that is exactly what either scenario does to kind people who cannot be easily corrected in how their minds have been tied into knots by disinfo.

This is why it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not because the very act of discussing it has been made to be destructive. I appreciate the idea of a sterile obsession towards objective truth, but in the real world we must be practical.

Havning said that… do my deodes say if it’s real or fake?

01/24/1940 Grapes of Wrath premiere John Steinbeck
01/25/1940 Pro Hockey: Highest score record to date in original Guiness Book
01/30/1940 The Holocaust (one of several origin dates)

This is just me looking for patterns, but I can imagine a scenario where they wanted to paint an already clearly evil Hitler as evil as humanely possible. Thus they exaggerate so as to mobilize people to stop the horrors. So yes, it is theoretically possible that it’s exaggerated. But whether true or not we gain nothing by focusing on it.

And we can lose everything meaningful instead.

Even if people were just imagining what they saw, what do we gain by rejecting it? You can question anything, why not question something that has a point to it better than demonizing a group of people who have been demonized for centuries?

Unless it’s satanists I doubt it’s warranted.

You aren’t conditioned to question the stuff I question, all of it is new to everyone who finds me, but can you say the same of the Holocaust? Of course not, every inch of internet you travel will have its footprints because there are forces in the world that understand it’s a losing venture. This is why forces have built their entire foundations inside it and slowly over decades fleshed out a fantasy about it, I don’t think it’s fake because I see the massive benefit it has for disinfo. Even if it were fake it means nothing so really, I just treat it as if it were despite having no way to prove it. I might as well dig into any other tragedy like for example the countless that die every day in third world countries due to aids. Why can’t people obsess over that? Or obsess over the parenting of school shooters? Why is there no great movement to understand what went wrong there? Because in both cases if people really dug into the “why” they would find real rabbit holes that are carefully buried. This is why the people in control of things have decided topics like the Holocaust are vastly more productive for people to obsess over. And that is why the world is the way it is.

At least that’s my opinion, I am sometimes wrong.

It’s not like that’s the only genocide either, I think I’ve heard of the Holocaust every week if not daily for literally decades. It’s one of those subjects I can only sigh about. One could argue that this puts an inherent spin on the issue that makes it harder to rationally interpret and therefore you might miss the real scandal, but if that were true then what does it mean that I rarely hear about the comparable genocides?

The fact that we focus on that one genocide rather than the others as the holy grail of conspiracy is telling that it’s a trap. 

I’ll give examples. Is it possible that men are in some ways smarter than women? Sure, is it possible women are in some ways smarter than men? Sure. Do we gain anything meaningful by discussing this?

No. Regardless of intentions the result is more often that we make one sex feel superior and one sex feel inferior and that is why our society is built to constantly injure people along those avenues. I would contend that any differences intellectually between the sexes is microscopic in relative comparison to the societal manipulations that have destroyed potential for both sexes unevenly. We cannot know the real difference between the sexes because we are so brainwashed from birth that those true biological differences are smaller than the conditioned differences. And so long as that statement is true there is little merit in digging into it because you can’t get objective data and moreover all you do is, as stated, make one sex feel superior and the other inferior. No benefit, only detriments. You can apply that to races as well.


I promised early in the post that I would go over something as mind blowing as the insanity Disinfo pushes but that it’s actually something true and unless you heard it from me you’ve not heard it. I only figured it out by decoding and like many things I appear to be the only person online that has so far been able to say it openly. Tho it’s possible others have and are just impossible to find (much like me).

Antarctica was originally lumped together with Australia as “Terra Australis”!

There were multiple centuries where the question of whether Antarctica/Australis existed.

Even as late as the 1900’s I can find numerous articles highlighting the question of whether or not it’s a myth.

Isn’t that odd that it took them how many centuries just to confirm a continent far larger than the United States of America exists?

The reason for this is Antarctica doesn’t exist. It’s a symbol used to describe nations working in nations they can’t legally be in. This is why Antarctica is uniquely not owned by any country but instead a United Nations kind of setup,

Where various countries all have claims and can thereby discuss their agents in another country.

This is why if you try to go to Antarctica, you simply aren’t allowed to.

This is also why there is so much nonsense about Flat Earth I suspect, because there are numerous real questions that have extraordinary implications and could be easily disproven/proven if ever asked. But have you ever heard of this question before I asked it?

I go more in depth here https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2023/04/01/murdoch-mcmurdo-murdaugh-322/

There’s a number of reasons Antarctica is used for comms. Like for example Murdoch.

  • 1956 McMurdo Station Western Antarctica
  • 1956 Murdoch begins expanding media empire across Western Australia.

The origin of McMurdo Antarctic base is Western Antarctica 1956, and just so happens to be the exact same year the Murdoch family began expanding into Western Australia 1956.

Antarctica was used to define moving people with secret pasts so as to avoid persecution i.e. NAZI’s.

  • 1945-1959 Nazi Criminals moved to United States Secretly under Paperclip for work
  • 1946-1947 Antarctic HIGH JUMP Program

Here’s an important question to reconcile.

Why didn’t Q ever explicitly talk about comms like I do? There is an answer to this!

One reason is that people who likely were aware of the truth and wiling to share it like Serial Brain 2.


Not long after Q highlighted his good posts he switched to disinfo.

Anyone trying to learn the truth must always be mindful to not to bite into poisonous apples.

In the earliest posts Q was more cerebral with anons. Q tried to awaken as many as possible to the world of symbolism comms without simplifying it, but when it became clear this wouldn’t work Q transitioned into making the posts easier to digest so as to avoid misunderstanding.

Q Tyndale Translation – Decoding

Q306 is a good place to start

  • News unlocks map.
  • Future proves past.
  • Why was the Lord’s prayer posted?
  • Which version?
  • Why is this relevant?

“What just came out re: The Lord’s prayer?” That line references this.

12/08/2017 Pope Suggests Changing Words To The ‘Lord’s Prayer’ The Catholic faithful will no longer say: ‘Do not submit to temptation’ but ‘Do not let us enter into temptation.’ https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/12/08/569385769/pope-francis-suggests-changing-the-words-to-lord-s-prayer

The date given is 12/04/2017 when The Pope is discussing the bad translation. Additionally it’s mentioned the French Catholic church changed its translation of The Lord’s Prayer days prior. However on 11/14/2017. Q posted the Lord’s Prayer, preempting this, so how did Q know they’d post that? Did Q know they’d post that?

Note this line “not a good translation” So what does this all mean? Q presents various anons responses to this, one anon speculates that Q’s preempting was done to prove he had foreknowledge of this change. A way to prove the validity of the rest of the map. Q highlights this response along with many others, and says these are not the correct answers.

Q replies to them with an “Expand your thinking.” So the correct answer is not represented in any of these.

So if Q wasn’t predicting what the Pope would say, what did happen here? What is the correct answer?

Note the “not a good translation” the pope says – that is a big clue to the correct meaning.

Q next adds November 4th to his original post which included the Lord’s Prayer at the end, in effect answering his own question about who financed 9/11 – i.e. Waleed (arrested on Nov 4th) https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/the-secret-history-connecting-trump-flynn-u1-and-9-11/ when 1/3 of the pyramid was taken down. So that’s a big deal. But how does it relate to the Lord’s Prayer?

When Q originally posted all this, the focus was on “Which version” of the lords prayer did Q use relative to the Pope. The answer is it’s the Tyndale version. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyndale_Bible

Tyndale was burned to death by the Catholic Church for translating the bible into English. Meaning back then the Catholic Church kept people ignorant of the word of god. His translation became the first mass produced bible.


Consider the text before the Prayer. It’s about 9/11 & other “extinction level events” it’s about the truth of WW2. “We, the people, are who they fear ill one day awake.” Tyndale = educating the people in something kept secret.

This is about teaching the masses. Teaching people the truth which is controlled by the elites of the world and hidden from the masses. All hidden in plain sight.

By re-translating the lord’s prayer the church is giving orders on how to deal with Q trying to teach! That when patriots teach the truth to the masses (Tyndale symbolism) clowns will “change the translation” Meaning they will be shoving disinfo down our throats!

That is after all exactly what has happened.

However before I get into the Disinfo – note that the sequence supports this interpretation.

11/14/2017 Q 154 Teaching comms post Q’s examples

  • Q 155
  • _Conf_D-TT_^_v891_0600_yes
  • _green1_0600
  • Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]
  • Yes
  • Godspeed.

Note 156 shows “Rothschild” -keep that in mind for the teaching comms

  • Q 156
  • ++

Note the comms directly after teaching comms post. Q spent a ton of time after on it.

11/21/2017 Q 175-178 All of these posts directly involve Q going through these comms again. Over each part, constantly saying “Learn to read the map” Note 178 ends with “we may have overestimated your ability” Trying to challenge us to figure this stuff out.

11/21/2017 Q 179-181 Q 179 is an Anon attempting to decode the Sky/Green comms- to which Q becomes much more blunt about what the comms mean. Then in 181 – Q replies to anon’s frustration with an explanation on why it has to be this way.

11/21/2017 Q 183 An anon gets the correct decode. “Captain Mike Green doing something with a helicopter to Rothchilds” “Green, had a mission. Bad guys countered and people died. Mission failed.” Images compare Q’s 179 hints to the anon’s 183 explanation.

As for what actually happened? “Future proves past”

11/16/2017 Green/Sky comm

11/17/2017 Helicopter pilot killed in mid-air crash named as Mike Green “Police scour the crash site, the former seat of the Rothschild banking dynasty, for clues.” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/nov/18/helicopter-pilot-killed-in-mid-air-crash-named-as-mike-green

Rothschild = ++ as covered above – so the point is Q was laying out comms to prepare for a Rothschild takedown, however instead the patriot was taken out due to a “rouge operator embedded in tactical observation”

So this attempt at teaching comms failed for two reasons. One the op that was expected (Rothschild down) didn’t happen. But it is clear that was what was intended as the ++ = Rothschild . And Rothschilds above Pope thereby connecting it to the translation comms.

Good guys try to teach comms, bad guys try to push disinfo. It’s just common sense really, and unfortunately because clowns control the platforms/algorithms it means that disinfo will always get boosted over correct decoding (one of the reasons I’ve always been a tiny voice?)

Consider for a moment. If two brain surgeons send comms to one another. They might talk about chemicals and biology neither of us would understand, and those comms will work perfectly for them, but would but impossible for us to understand.

However are most clowns brain surgeons? No.

This is why MOST symbolism comms are built from basic symbolism meant to be understood by a larger swatch of clowns with a varied lexicon.

This is why I often decode things as A=B, https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/30/comms-list-short-placeholders/ because there are just a handful of tricky comms that need to be understood to grasp a lot of what’s hidden in the world.

But people often misunderstand this.

Symbolism comms are never to be viewed in absolute terms. Just because something can be A=B does not mean it will be. The bulk of viewers of anything with comms in it will be non comms aware people. Thus much of what’s in most comms is arbitrary fluff. Much of that fluff will include things that could be comms, but aren’t in that particular instance.

Q’s Posts do not have a high amount of “fluff” like some news comms. I’m using Q’s words because he comments on the pitfalls.
Context is the key, taking a step back and really looking at what is being said. Not the background details, but the primary thrust. The Focus. Doing that will often narrow down the key points. Then from there we can deduce supplemental comms to the focus versus arbitrary details that fill out the space.

Think about it like charades – how do you convey things in charades? The answer is you use motions, you mime. Then the “focus” in charades is the motions. The arbitrary details would be everything except the motions in that specific allotment of time they are playing.
Put yourself in their shoes, a message needs to be sent without directly saying it, so how have they chosen to do it?

Because, to take the charades analogy further… imagine if they had more time to prepare for charades and knew what they needed to charade? Might they pick clothes to better convey the message? Yes they would! Then clothes wouldn’t be arbitrary anymore! Or they might pick a location to do the charade in that gives away more of the meaning. But no matter what they use to send the message there will be a focus, and there will be arbitrary details.

However even that necessitates that we understand, at least vaguely, who is who and what is what. We are often eavesdropping, and we might be catching a reply to a question we didn’t see. Or we might be seeing commentary on an event we aren’t aware of.

If we didn’t catch the beginning of the conversation how are are going to decode the next part? We won’t! We’ll get it mostly wrong at best and frustrated and quit at worse. All because we didn’t realize that we didn’t have the necessary puzzle pieces to solve it.
When I get a decode wrong it’s usually for that reason. Often I’ll end up seeing a comm days/weeks later that’s easer for me to read and corrects my bad decode. And almost always it ends up being because I was missing a crucial puzzle piece. And then I facepalm at how obvious it was.

The point being, applying symbolism comms won’t help if we don’t know what’s going on to begin with. This is one of the reasons I focus on historical decodes as thru them we gain an appreciation of how we got here in the first place. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/74/

Once we know where we are, we can see where we are going : )

There are many types of comms and venues for sending them, the best way is to find a source easy for you to read and then keep solving comms from there until it’s like breathing. Then expanding outwards to other places

Q is good to read for fluency, but make sure you do it IN SEQUENCE (don’t just search keywords, find the post in sequence), Recognizing that Q both educated anon’s as well as sent signals to other parties.

Simply lining up news event comms around the same timeframe as Q posts give away a ton of what has happened in the past 3 years. NEWS (comms) UNLOCKS (Q)MAP

We are usually going to know less comms than the sender/receiver so keep in mind we won’t always have all the words to the sentence. We also aren’t as likely to know the sender’s affiliation at a glance. We won’t know their strings, their comms style (accent in a language),

 the other side can’t always figure out the true affiliation

Knowing affiliation cuts the possible comms in half by giving away the crucial positive/negative connotation i.e. whether it’s patriots with good news, or clowns with bad news. And of course some patriots are secretly clowns, and some clowns are flipped into patriots. Thus our inherent bias can blind comm decoding as well.

All of this is just to say, don’t take decoding lightly!

Entering this world is entering the realms of the elites that control the world, but we all know vapid idiot celebrities that managed it, and if they can so can we!

We just have to overcome the fact we weren’t raised to learn it as kids and know that things are rarely what they seem.

We were instead brainwashed into being compliant sheep that accept things at face value. We have to overcome that handicap, and we can!

The 666 works often thru unconnected people. This has the advantage of making criminal charges nearly impossible to connect between upper levels to the lower levels, but this also has the disadvantage of parties just assuming they are on the same side when really many are flipped and just acting the part!

This post was a mishmash of new stuff from this week I decoded, (including some I decoded the literal day of posting) old stuff across a bunch of posts and my old Disinfo post. So if it feels a bit janky in places that’s why. I came close to spending another day on this but I’m too eager to get to decoding new stuff. Pretty much what always happens…. one of these days I’ll take my time and make a perfect post. I just am in too much of a rush to answer as many questions as possible.

You know it’s partly readers fault for giving me so many leads. XD You can do it too by joining my telegram! For now they are still manageable enough that I check every single one and reply to every single one labeled “request” (albeit I can’t decode them all as some require dozens of hours).

Telegram Chat

Join the decoding telegram group! https://t.me/joinchat/KYw5c5cYjTFkMTJh

2 thoughts on “Disinfo Decoding

  1. What if Gematria is used as a secret military language…which is why Q haven’t told you about it? And just because you don’t understand it my dear anon…it doesn’t mean it’s not true and you should reject it. Maybe if you understood it…it would take less time to decode the posts. This world is made of frequencies and numbers. Do not underestimate the power of both. Thank you for the info…And Keep up the good work. 💛Q


    1. ty for the feedback, I often say I’m not always right, so anything is possible, but Gematria is a low percentage chance of that. The logic of how it’s used to trick people I go thru in the post, what I didn’t go thru is all the clowns i’ve decoded on social media that push it. I could make the post 10X longer and make the argument stronger I suppose, but I think it’s good enough as it is. We can always disagree on these things : )


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