Terraforming Mars By Nuke






You likely know the news is fake, and you likely understand the lies extend into academia. But in spite of this most people who agree with those two prior sentiments will still take any given scientific “Discovery” at face value with no critical thinking. This is because they see no benefit in making most things up. Climate change is an exception because it’s obvious how it was weaponized to rob people.

There is a scam that runs throughout the entirety of modern “Science” https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/06/11/the-other-fake-news-fake-science-and-sports/

As my blog demonstrates over and over, there is a whole world of people who send messages hiding in news headlines. That’s the reason why lies permeate even the parts without a clear agenda It’s not a choice to lie, but that the entire thing itself has lies built into the DNA. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying it’s all fake. Separating real and fake science is crucial, and in some cases things are entirely real, but they are still used to convey comms.

e.g. the moon is used in all sorts of symbolism comms, and most typically it represents a hidden information. The “dark side” that never faces earth. Seeing a full moon is an awareness of things.

Water = info as I go over in practically every other post, https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/25/plants-and-water-comms/ and tides (large water/info) are controlled by the position of the moon.

Hence the moon is a controller of information, an ability to manipulate the flow of information. These kinds of comms allow even the most boring “how’s the weather” conversations to mask an agent talking to another agent about serious things.

It also in quick fashion allows agents to scout out who is and isn’t an agent based on subtle word choices in how they talk about these subjects.

While we are on the subject of water….


8th planet from the sun whose name comes from the god of freshwater and the sea.

As stated before Water = info. And so with that in mind was there something around the time Neptune was “Discovered” that necessitated a “Fresh” “water” comm?

Literally thousands of times faster than any method previously available to communicate. “Fresh” info.

I suspect these comms were sent as to coordinate the controlling of a new industry ASAP.

As the comm is about new information, then Neptune wouldn’t just apply for the Telegram, but also for anything that would replace it like the telephone and perhaps even the internet.

Don’t misunderstand this.

If you think this means Neptune doesn’t exist then you have it backwards. They write the history books, they decide what is and is not a planet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Astronomical_Union they decide what is pushed in culture, and as such the number we hold as important is correlated with the needs they have in sending comms. Which is simply to say people probably found Neptune long before it was made official, but it only was judged as a “planet” when they had a need for it as a comm.

This aspect of utility dictating “reality” will become crystal clear as you read through the history of Pluto.


Formerly the 9th planet from the sun but lost its status in 2006. Named after the God of the underworld and tied to the afterlife.

Pluto was within 6 degrees of the position predicted by both Lowell and by William Pickering, Lowell Predicted that Pluto’s mass would be 6.6 times that of the Earth http://www.discoveryofpluto.com/pluto06.html

“Pluto” was originally known as “Planet X” found by looking for 13 months out of a 13 inch telescope. https://www.nytimes.com/1997/01/20/us/clyde-w-tombaugh-90-discoverer-of-pluto.html he then spent 13 more years working there https://azdailysun.com/news/local/pluto-discovery-just-the-beginning-for-tombaugh/article_c792baf5-997c-5ffd-8050-e42b4182e263.html

13’s eh? Let’s consider Pluto in pop culture.

Rick and Morty

Episode 9: Something Ricked This Way Comes https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Something_Ricked_This_Way_Comes/Transcript – a story all about Pluto and its status as a planet. Note how Morty Smith’s father humiliates him in front of a crowd on Pluto.

Note Jerry talks about being served “9 pickles” (top right) and then for trying to talk he humiliates his son by bringing up embarrassing memories with a joke about a “poop bunny” The crowd joins him in mocking his son with laughter.

The episode involves Plutonium being the core of Pluto with Jerry being a distraction to hide the activities of the miners. Plutonium is how I solved the Pluto comms in my last post. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/07/08/chernobyl-plutonium-pluto/ That with Nuclear comms it symbolized the MKUltra sacrifices as “fuel” – and this is why Morty’s father in embracing Pluto becomes a celebrity among the elites of the planet. It’s also why he humiliates his son on Pluto as the two are connected.

Text at bottom: Pluto goes from a Planet to an “Asteroid” https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/08/14/asteroids-and-comets/ and then to a “party”

This will become more clear as we continue, but to get it out of the way, I believe Pluto as a comm symbolizes the humiliations/brainwashing/sacrifice ops. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/01/mkultra/ Where a father can sell one of his kids into a guinea pig so that his other child can profit from it. It’s essentially an aptitude test to join “the pickle factory”

And this is relevant to the other half of the episode because the story of Pluto is juxtaposed with a story about the devil cursing the people of Morty’s town. He does this with Morty’s sister as a eager accomplice. One curse involves a microscope that makes people dumb. This plotline parodies a type of horror story which itself symbolizes what Pluto storyline symbolizes, i.e. a family sacrifice for personal gain.

“Man and his boy, making planets” – Ping-pong ball for Pluto. Note that it’s Google that defines Pluto as this will be relevent later.

The Pluto story concludes with Morty’s father changing his mind. He finds out that the king of Pluto had turned his son into a “nutjob” that is treated as a terrorist and brought to a torture prison. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/08/mk-ww-labyrinth-55/ He rejects Pluto despite getting awards and fame.

The Rick and Morty story is kicked off by this issue of Pluto being demoted as a planet in 2006. So let’s examine that for comms.

The official chain of events that led to the “demotion” was the discovery of another planet in the solar system bigger than Pluto which they named after the “goddess of strike and discord” in 2005 (originally called Xena) as well as 2 other planets. One with a moon they named “MK2″ which was 13k miles from its planet.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S/2015_(136472)_1 Makemake is a sibling of Pluto. Its surface, for example, is dominated by methane, a hyper-volatile compound that is also found on Pluto’s surface. (“Volatile” means it reacts to changes in temperature.) “https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/519262/facts-about-dwarf-planet-makemake

So Pluto which as discussed was connected to MK comms gets demoted, and the reason why is in part a newly discovered planet with an “MK2” moon? Looks like comms of ops changes. And why do they change ops?

Well, who was coming in as president?

In 2008 they switched the name of the new planet originally called “Santa” to make them more Hawaiian with MakeMake. Recall who was elected to power in 2008 – That’d be Obama who is officially from Hawaii. Remember that HRC was originally going to be president in 2008 but Waleed cut in line, https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/31/the-secret-of-husseins-name/ thus a number of comms changed around that time to reflect his ascension.

So, why did they need to demote Pluto and replace it with a bunch of similar planets?

Removed its status as a “planet” just as NASA had decided to go there?

Meaning around that time something was set in motion to expose “pluto” ops https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/06/bush/ and so comms were sent for a change that would prevent it.

I’ve connected Epstein to these ops in various posts, and when did the Justice Dept go after Epstein the 1st time?

Same year as the discovery.

2005: ‘President Donald Trump played a central role in launching the 2005 criminal investigation of Jeffrey Epstein  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7276817/Donald-Trump-outed-Jeffrey-Epstein-cops-stealing-125M-mansion-him.html

This isn’t the first time that’s happened either.

Pluto was thought to be larger than Mercury until 1976. https://www.nytimes.com/1976/04/02/archives/frozen-methane-sighed-on-pluto-planet-may-be-smaller-than-thought.html

Pluto went from being measured to 4,000 miles in diameter to 715.2 in the 1970’s.

I don’t think they just got better at science and realized the proper size. I’ve decoded how they tried to expose the MK world in those years https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/1977-offshoring-mkultra-signals-and-disguises/ – and so I suspect they were sending comms to change ops in such a way to mitigate risk.


06/22/1978 Pluto’s moon discovered – Charon – which is nearly the same size as Pluto itself.

Given Moon comms, the fact that Pluto got a giant moon around the same time as Pluto itself officially shrank, it sounds like comms of adding an extra layer of security to any intel about those ops.

Returning to Rick and Morty

The end of the Morty storyline has his father walking in on his son masturbating. This would be another humiliation situation that a family could create to drive a kid into MKUltra/MS-13 territory, however instead it’s all handled casually.

Jokes are made about how his father is “playing with fire” by not knocking and that he will see something if he’s not careful next time. This kind of reaction is not realistic, but just like with the Rugrats, things that are traumatic to real children are played for laughs in fiction. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/06/15/unhealthy-comms/ In some cases it’s done to give instructions on how to traumatize a child, but in this case the show seems to be against the practice.

The other story on the other hand has Morty’s older sister trying to help Satan curse people so she can succeed in life. This connects to the other story in how siblings play a role in brainwashing. Through her help she helps the devil sell his business to Google. Recall it was Google that defined “Pluto” for Marty. Note the pony tail/tale the devil worries about as Rick exposes him.

“If Pluto traveled close enough to the sun, it would develop a tail” tail/tale https://www.space.com/18562-what-is-pluto-made-of.html 

This whole storyline about a devil that gives people cursed items is a common trope, and I think we can gain a lot more awareness by looking at other examples of it in fiction.

04/12/2012 Cabin In The Woods https://www.scriptslug.com/assets/uploads/scripts/cabin-in-the-woods-2012.pdf Is one such film.

Rubik Cube house. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/06/24/pixar-wal-eed-steve-p-jobs-and-rubik-cubes/

A film where college kids get into the same trope as the Rick And Morty episode, only instead of it being portrayed as a “curse” it’s a bunch of CIA types in a bunker that watch the kids 24/7 and then subtly manipulate/brainwash them into becoming a ritual sacrifice.

Note the clown on the monitor and ballet monster.

They manipulate teenagers and give them chemicals to dumb them down (like the microscope in Rick and Morty) and subliminal messages to keep them on task. They work alongside similar centers all over the world doing the same thing, with a special emphasis placed on Japan as the best at it.

Mistaking a wolf for a moose. Relevant later.

A lot of comms in this film, but overall it’s blunt about what’s actually going on. Only instead of a sophisticated data center you have to imagine a bunch of family members and neighbors and bullies using various tricks to spy on them and coordinating to create trauma situations.

It gets away with being so blunt as it’s presented as a critique on the horror genre, which as I’ve covered in other posts, is itself full of symbols about the MK system. So it’s not wrong about that, it’s just camouflaged in that if you don’t know what the original movies symbolize then this will not look at all suspicious. I go into Hellraiser in this one. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/06/24/pixar-wal-eed-steve-p-jobs-and-rubik-cubes/

Note the focus on coffee, keeping a lid on it. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/25/plants-and-water-comms/ Water = info. Coffee is hot info that is “Black” and filtered.

Note the ops run in Japan specifically target 9 year old children.

The way the story plays out is the data center ends up getting massacred by the creatures they used to kill others in ritual sacrifice.

I believe the fall of the data center is a comm for the danger of exposure. That the very things they do to people would destroy them if ever exposed.

The one that exposes things is the pothead, note that while all the other teenagers look at cursed items in the basement, he looks at a roll of film. Symbolism of seeing what’s actually happening.

The premise of “why” they have to sacrifice kids is presented to keep giants that lay dormant under every country “ancient ones that used to rule the world” asleep – given MKUltra activations are used for distraction events… I suspect the meaning is that if they had no distraction events the people would then act as 1 waking up and wrestling control away from the manipulators.

Pluto Origins

Let’s return to Pluto and look at when it first was “discovered” as the 9th planet.

  • 02/18/1930 Pluto found after 13 months using 13 Inch telescope Planet X
  • 08/18/1930 Chain Gang Disney Pluto first animated short as unnamed dog.
  • 04/30/1931 Pluto first named appearance in Mickey Mouse cartoon Moose Hunt

Pluto symbolizes what then? Consider that Goofy and Pluto are both dogs, why is it that only Pluto can’t talk (and is a pet)?

Pluto is not treated as a human being like the other animals… a non-comms awareness being used as assets?

In Moose Hunt Micky “Accidentally” shoots Pluto in his first appearance as “Pluto” he is mistaken for having antlers– a comm of taking the fall?

So returning to the planet, as you may recall it was the late Bush years when Pluto lost it’s status as a planet.

What about the Obama years?

10/02/2014 Pluto may become a planet again! “A dwarf hamster is still a small hamster,” says Harvard-Smithsonian https://abc7news.com/pluto-iau-space-nasa/334516/

Hamster as an animal used in experiments, sounds like a revival of the “Plutonium plant” like in Rick and Morty.

03/14/2013 NASA starts making plutonium again https://web.archive.org/web/20130314183423/http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/03/14/nasa-starts-making-plutonium-again/ 2013 03 14 NASA Starts making Plutonium Again – “After encapsulating the radioactive starter material neptunium, putting it into a reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and radiating it for a month, the DOE did successfully generate plutonium” – Neptunium? Sounds like Google may have started helping.

Thinking broadly about these symbolism comms MK ops is largely disconnected largely family cells where a small group of people in a community brainwash a target. They are unconnected to any government agency as it’s all designed to make all risk be on the part of the ones engaged in it.

05/25/2018 Pluto is not a planet – it’s a billion comets squished together https://www.newscientist.com/article/2170151-pluto-is-not-a-planet-its-a-billion-comets-squished-together/

Hence it’s more like a billion ops categorized as one thing. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/08/14/asteroids-and-comets/

Comet Ping Pong Comms, remember this place? went on a “hunt”

Using a ping-pong ball for Pluto.

The difficulty of dealing with a million “comets” –

solution is a new “driver”

Ok, let’s go to another planet.


This one I misunderstood early on in decoding. My earliest theories of Mars for symbolism connected it to “war” because Mars is the god of war, but after digging through hundreds of uses of it in comms this last week I’ve come to see the true pattern is not war, but instead Invasion.

Consider the definition of “Alien” – as in a foreign national who invades another country, that is the textbook definition.

Sometimes invasion leads to war, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds this famous book about a Mars Invasion had an unofficial sequel published in the same outlet 6 weeks later. A story where Queen Victoria and Thomas Edison teamed up to fight back the aliens from the red planet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edison%27s_Conquest_of_Mars

This is to say there is more than one invasive force out there. After all Rothschild had entities opposed to it- the book was 1898 – Consider how Hong Kong got started.

Just 3 years after the book was made Teddy Roosevelt became president of the U.S. thru multiple assassination’s. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/29/187-comms-history/ Meaning they certainly were invading countries at the time. And in their view the “alien invaders” may well have been the Chinese. An excuse to take over themselves.

Let’s go to Pop culture again.

Bruno Mars,

Bruno Mars is from Hawaii – same place Obama is said to be from, he rose to superstardom same timeframe as well.

So Mars is obvious, but what about Bruno? This was the first search result.


A comm about “fostering life on other planets” – as in INVASION – so Bruno Mars may have been used to promote making Guerilla’s. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/04/06/king-kong-gorilla-guerrilla/ just like the Rick and Morty and Cabin in the woods comms – ops where certain people trade their children into the MK system for profit. A way to make a weapon.


“Grenade” – on the album “Hooligan”

Given his rise to super stardom came alongside Obama, having a black man sing about how he wants to become a billionaire during Obama’s 2nd year… I’d say this is a promotion of people joining the ops for a payday. https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2011/05/16/obama_s_porkulus_a_slush_fund_and_money_laundering_operation/ where does the money go? What does a company have to engage in to be considered for the money?

Turning the audience into a computer monitor. (mass spying comms?)


One of the songs played during his performance.

Speaking of superbowl comms….

  • 02/01/2004 Super Bowl Nipple Gate
  • 02/04/2004 Pentagon Kills Lifelog Project
  • 02/04/2004 Facebook begins

That’s far removed from Bruno Mars, but it may demonstrate hidden in plain sight comms about spying on women. As in a promotion to clowns watching what why to support Facebook, what access does it give them.

Garbage file.

Anyway, check the post for the meaning there – https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/06/24/pixar-wal-eed-steve-p-jobs-and-rubik-cubes/

So Bruno Mars – Mirrored MB? I have no reason to think that’s intentional, but certainly if we are dealing with infiltration of “aliens” it fits Obama’s tenure.

I believe Bruno Mars flipped in 2019.

08/01/2019 Bruno Mars, Jason Momoa add support to Mauna Kea telescope protest in Hawaii https://pagesix.com/2019/08/01/bruno-mars-jason-momoa-add-support-to-anti-telescope-protest-in-hawaii/

Mauna Kea MK Telescope protesting the MK spying – Over 13k Feet. 1.4 Billion dollars! – Note Japan already has a telescope there sponsored by a car company.

Even tho this absurdly priced telescope has been big news since 2014, https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/191807-gargantuan-1-4-billion-thirty-meter-telescope-begins-construction-in-hawaii and had protests by locals throughout… celebs as far as I can tell only started protesting 2019 – that tells me this was one way signals were sent of where they stood on which side. That they weren’t for the brainwashing guerilla making world.

I already decoded rock as having flipped so this is just a bit of an additional confirmation. Note the phrasing of science being done in a way that hurts people. Guinea pigs.

Another Mars angle… So when Obama killed the Nasa program in 2011, what did Nasa begin doing?

I go over Kim Jong in this post https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/18/north-koreas-place-in-things-decoded/ Dolphins = clicking = computers. Reconcile Invasion/Worms/Dolphins/Google/North Korea. All leading to lewd images on Mars which had just started making “plutonium” again.

Terraforming Mars With Nuclear Weapons

There are three countries that have Invaded Mars this year.

United Arab Emirates launched from Japan to “Mars” China launched from Wenchang to “Mars”, and the U.S. Launched from Trump’s new home of Florida to “Mars” https://mars.nasa.gov/resources/25180/mars-2020-perseverance-launches-off-florida-coast/ All arrived safely earlier this year.

So what was being invaded?

Let’s consider that Elon Musk and SpaceX have been critical to the U.S. launches.

He’s had a famously good relationship with China with a giant factory. (and Germany, Japan, and just about everywhere else)

I suspect the U.S. Military are working together with the other militaries and Musk is one of the ways these ops overlap with coordination. All those government subsidies being used for good now.

He also gets the Blood Moon mixed up with Mars.


Something less than a month before that Trump was also criticized for doing.

And what does Musk want to do with Mars? Apparently he wants to shoot 10k nukes to terraform it.

05/19/2020 Elon Musk Needs 10,000+ Missiles to Nuke Mars. ‘No Problem,’ He Says https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a32588385/elon-musk-terraform-mars-nuclear-missiles/ https://www.inverse.com/innovation/elon-musk-terraform-mars

Mars = Invasion

Nuke = Secret Data Use. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/74/

Combine the two together and what do you get? Let’s consider a few more comms to answer it.

Musk changed his Banner to the Terraforming of Mars (via nukes) on May 1st 2019. It remains that way to this day. Note a couple of the tweets around this time. “Aliens among us” – and changing Tesla horn sound to a Taylor Swift Goat.

Taylor Swift comms. Note her twitter handle is Swift13. a “fast” 13 means what?

Taylor/Tailor = creation + Swift/Fast 13 = ?

With “aliens” that create 187’s for press coverage in mind let’s fast forward a few months when Musk brings up nuking mars again.

This was right after Epstein died by hanging and before Maxwell was arrested. The Maxwell pics being something I decoded at the time as being instructions. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/15/maxwell-dominoes-rc-addicted-terramar/

I don’t want to retread the decode, but for context this was a comm that had been going on for some time. In-N-Out burgers being a comm about getting in and getting out. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/04/29/fast-food-and-false-flags/

So now with Epstein dead, the comm becomes “Nuke Mars!” with a Hammer in hand?

And while there are many ways to use a Hammer in symbolism, I suspect the connotation is a legal one.

Based on captures Musk changes his avatar to a “Hammer” on August 6th 2018, which is several days before Epstein was announced dead, but as I go over in this post https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/74/ – the comms make it clear he died days before it was announced.

Recall that the SC was the last line of protection the deep state had, and with Kav removed….

What object symbolizes protection from info/water falling? What does throwing that object away symbolize?

Mars = invasion – and how do people invade a country and remove liabilities like Epstein?

One way is shell companies + Storage containers. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/suez-canal-comms/ which is what Maxwell’s business was all about. She was married to someone who specialized in it. (Obviously this also would work for transporting drugs, and anything else)

This is why the Suez canal was blocked with a 13k foot cargo ship as it prevented invasion ops. “Killer Hornets”

In my decode of the Suez Canal I noted that the offending 13 ship being stuck in the bitter lake likely meant comms for the situation not being fully resolved…. it finally left this last week!

07/07/2021 The once-marooned Ever Given finally sets sail from the Suez Canal “The 1,300-foot-long cargo ship was allowed to depart the Great Bitter Lake — the part of the canal where it’s been anchored for months ” https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/evergiven-departs-egypt-settlement/2021/07/07/7e1185c8-de56-11eb-a27f-8b294930e95b_story.html

Comms of someone about to get screwed?

So while that may solve new “aliens” from sneaking in… how were they going to get every other dangerous terrorist around the entire world? How do you force people to give them your personal information?

This I believe is how COVID and Vaccines are being used. Running people’s information thru a vaxx check, some involve a 2nd shot as the check happens in-between.

This works for several reasons, one of which is that many of the people used for these ops are not comms aware, they are simply ticking timebombs. Throwaway guerillas that take the fall, all waiting to be activated, and as such being able to identify the nest can be as simple as asking for an ID.

This is one reason I’ve been pro Vaccine https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/27/situational-awareness-covid-vaxx-and-grand-juries/

I sure hope my decoding is right, because if it is then consider what it means what for the following.

Note 2/3 of them died within 1 month of the U.S./China/UAE arriving at Mars.
  • 03/17/2021 Magufuli Tanzania President Death
  • 03/28/2021 Didier Ratsiraka President of Madagascar Death
  • 07/07/2021 Jovenel Moise Haiti President Assassination’

What was sent to “Mars” again? A helicopter. Is that a vehicle known for removal of key people?

04/26/2021 Barefoot Elon Musk says ‘a bunch of people will probably die’ getting to Mars https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2021/04/26/elon-musk-mars-death-spacex-zw-orig.cnn-business

Barefoot = Boots on the ground exposed?

So what reason did these president’s have for not taking the vaccines?


Blaming white people is just not something that engenders trust in my book.

Trump on the other hand has been nothing but supportive of the Vaccines,

And as I go over in posts https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/05/27/situational-awareness-covid-vaxx-and-grand-juries/ I believe it’s because getting the world thru the next phase involves getting all the bad apples hiding among us out in the open.

Note a “leg greeting” with one of the former president’s – consider the body symbolism comms, what body part would people who move across countries use? https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/30/comms-list-short-placeholders/ on a red carpet no less.

These places like Haiti are hotbeds of terrorist’s and child trafficking, often using cryptocurrency to keep it all off the books. It may well be they are being cleaned out. The MS-13 gangs around the world created to invade other countries.

If you want to read about some of how these cells create perpetual war in these countries, Q linked a great article about it. https://web.archive.org/web/20170123170241/https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00845R000100170004-5.pdf

It’s easy to forget just how big and messed up the world is. Watch this video if you haven’t – it does a spectacular job of demonstrating how small the “civilized world” is compared to slave-like conditions of the rest. We are but a fraction of the world’s people, a world largely forgotten by most of us. Trump could have turned his back to all of that but he didn’t.

Saving the world doesn’t mean just saving the handful of people who are fortunate enough to have a computer and enough to eat, but instead to these places in perpetual hell, put there by a self-perpetuating system that threatens death to any who challenge it. That is what is being overturned right now.

Ok, clearly I can’t fully decode all the planets given how long just going over these last two have been, but I will briefly go over some of the rest.


Jupiter is the largest planet and “king of the gods”

I think the best place to start is Galileo. Note the proximity of when Galileo presented his “Spyglass” to the Italian Senate (17 days between examination and demonstration), and then a few months later he found the moons of “Jupiter”

Officially recorded as the first telescopic observation of non Earth moons! And amazingly enough a German did the same thing independently the same week. (massive coincidence?)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Marius

Note he sold his spyglasses to merchants – I believe that’s the real point. Not spying at the sky, but instead a new way to spy on enemies.

Did you know there was a real king living at the time who was defined as “Jupiter” who died right after Galileo found the bodies that orbited around “Jupiter” i.e. the ones that PROTECTED HIM.

Note they had been trying to assassinate him before that.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_IV_of_France  the Pope (Italy) hated Henri and excommunicated him, his father was assassinated as well.

Seems the history of the telescope is tied together, logically so, with espionage. Seeing things far away is probably the biggest advantage someone could have back then, especially since they would not be aware of the technology in the first place.

I believe the symbolism then is Jupiter = Government. In this case referring to the head of state, however it would be easy for such a comm to be applied to any figure of power inside government.

I believe Galileo was not really a person, instead he was much like Issac Newton (also inventor of spyglasses) – as in someone who was a figurehead for a team of people financed towards building war/navigational tools for the families that controlled everything.

Note Newton was “Born” a year after Galileo died and even more than he did ushered in a new age of spying and mathematics. I go into it in this post – https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/06/24/pixar-wal-eed-steve-p-jobs-and-rubik-cubes/ having 1 “genius” as a figurehead has benefits over it being promoted as a team effort, for one it removes the danger of getting executed for challenging church doctrine about what rotates around what.

10/31/1992 After 350 Years, Vatican Says Galileo Was Right https://www.nytimes.com/1992/10/31/world/after-350-years-vatican-says-galileo-was-right-it-moves.html <- just as they were entering Clinton years we get an agreement.

In practice I suspect figures like Galileo, Newton, and Leonardo Da Vinci existed as a way for those in the club to get access to special knowledge kept away from the masses. (It’s said the classrooms he taught in were almost always empty) a secret code word said to get access to navigational and spying tools that gave a leg up over everyone else. The equivalent of someone in 1995 using an art program trying to draw competing against someone with the newest version of an image editing software. A huge unfair advantage.

That’s all beside the point on Jupiter, so let’s return to it.

Note an object broke apart on Jupiter in 2009, one it connects with a “shoemaker” comet impact that “broke apart in July 1992” and hit Jupiter in 1994.

I suspect this is comms for the people working ops for the opposing political candidate. In both cases it was all coming off of a Bush term, “Shoe” is a comm for someone with boots on the ground. July 1992 is when Perot temporarily dropped out of the race. Given how big an impact he had, the coalition of people that made him appeal then breaking apart would be comms worthy.

He successfully destroyed any chance Bush had at winning and secured a huge Clinton win.

At the end of July when it “broke apart” there was a comm for “Adoption” which given Fast Food comms, https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/04/29/fast-food-and-false-flags/ does not bode well for what they were being invited to do.

That’s not a confident decode, it’s a theory.

Same with this one.

I tried to solve the “Great Red Spot” and while I haven’t yet spent that much time on it, from what I see so far it might be used to send comms about panicking people to global warming. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lauratenenbaum/2019/09/01/global-warming-causes-more-intense-hurricanes/

A few other interesting timeline correlations (might be nothing, might be something)

  • 2019 09 20 NASA takes photo of Earth-size black ‘spot’ on Jupiter
  • 2019 09 20 US, El Salvador sign asylum deal, details to be worked out
  • 07/05/2016 2016 07 05 Nasa Probe begins on Jupiter –
  • 07/06/2016 2016 07 06 Donald C Cook steam leak nuclear plant unit 2

I always have a lot of half finished decodes when i make these posts, So much to solve and so I try not to get stuck on any one topic.


Above I talked about the connection between Pluto and Plutonium – that it was essentially fuel for ops. well, that all ties into nuclear reactor comms, and they typically run off of either Uranium or Plutonium. Plutonium has a shorter life span than Uranium, and Uranium has to be “enriched” for it to be worth using.

I believe as Plutonium is a comm about using unaware throwaway assets – Uranus is a comm about using aware blackmailed assets. Getting them into positions of power (enrichment) and then forcing them to be puppets. Politicians voting the way they demand, Law Enforcement arresting who they demand, media talking heads promoting who they demand, etc.

Epstein is most known for sex blackmail isn’t he? Yes, and there’s a big distinction made in nuclear power. Generally you only hear of Plutonium and Uranium, and since we’ve already decoded Plutonium as the MK ops, that leaves Uranium for the blackmail ops.

It fits in line with mythology. Uranus was “Castrated” by his family https://astrofix.net/the-castration-of-uranus-robert-graves-greek-myths-astrology/ Control obtained over a powerful person’s genitals.

Uranus shares a unique “backwards spin” with Venus. https://cosmoquest.org/x/365daysofastronomy/2015/04/30/apr-30th-why-do-venus-and-uranus-spin-the-wrong-way/ The god of sex. And so this sexual connotation works quite well, and it even plays into the juvenile “Uranus” reading that is often made in pop culture.


Ok, time to finish this post up. I had a few other planets I hlf decoded, but I think it’s better to save that for another post.

You might wonder about how convenient it is for these “ancient” gods to have the perfect relationship to the planets, like Neptune being “fresh water” god and I suspect some features may be much newer. Keep in mind who controls “history” saying they found new texts that give new descriptions or gods is something I’d be more shocked if they didn’t do.

They “discover” ancient Egyptian tombs every other week with new kings nobody ever heard of and pretend like it’s real history. All taxpayer funded, and they only get funded if they find something important enough to warrant it… so of course they always find something.

In my last post I mentioned I’d try and decode a few more of the “cultural ambassadors” to the Japanese Olympics this year and given my topic this post is Planets – Sailor Moon seemed like an obvious one to include.


I have to be careful about this tho, some comms are distinctly different based on location. For example I’m 99.9% positive that “Alien” comms in the United States typically translate into “spirit” comms there. Reconcile various fictions like Spirited Away with alien abduction.

However some comms are the same.

They sometimes reference these kinds of distinctions in the comms, but both use the same symbolism concept so I’m never that lost no matter which I decode.

I say all that because there is a decent chance that the planetary comms of Japan have a different meanings than those in the U.S. For example in Japan they have a rabbit on the moon, and this is why the main character of Sailor Noon’s name translates as a rabbit. It’s also why in issue 17 of Dragon Ball Goku puts a magic rabbit on the moon.

So in Sailor Moon the first episode of a recent reboot has the main character get magic powers from a cat that only talks to her. The first villain is woman who runs a popular store.

Note how her power comes from crying – and how it affects the customers of the local business by driving them away – this I believe is a teaching tool for kids to become promoted by algo’s by hurting local businesses.

Her mantra “for justice” – as in being wronged by a business. Consider it in the aggregate – a bunch of comms aware kids, what kind of tasks can they be used for before they mature? Well, they can pretend to be victimized by a local business and hurt their revenue. Whether online or in person it’s a way to get a store the thumb of whoever is sending these comms (and/or redirect the people’s traffic to a store they do control) – repeated enough times with enough kids and you can imagine how powerful such a scam could be.

Anyway… I was going to analyze the various characters because they are all planet themed, but I haven’t invested enough time yet to do it.

I will say that “Sailor Mars” power involves a demon/alien awareness – and she has two animal familiars with the names of the moons of Mars – which implies “moons” at least when symbolism is used in this way implies friendlies who are aware of what they are doing/helping. People they confide in and help their mission.


So as I was digging into Musk I noticed this curious comm thru captures.

Cern Higgs decode https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/06/29/cern-nuclear-research/
  • 07/25/2019 -1 E
  • 07/25/2019 In (e)
  • 07/29/2019 e^ (6 shift) Eye Pie (Eye Spy)
  • 08/03/2019 E

This was just before Epstein was murdered – and I suspect the “E” is a comm about Epstein. with -1 being agents awaiting custody of him. This is bolstered by the comms on the 29th Eye Spy comms. Bill Cosby’s big break.


Note the main characters being spies pretending to be tennis players going around the world – Epstein’s Island’s central feature is a tennis court.

If my guess is right then this means Musk was helping coordinate the military ops keeping Epstein safe. And he dropped Epstein off when he went from E (^6 shift) Eye Spy to just E with another party on the 3rd of August.

This does make me reflect on how he was killed…. It always seemed strange to me they could get to Epstein given how important he was. And if I’m right here it’s clear they had a serious eye on him.

Odds are he is dead, but there is always a chance that some of these deaths we hear about are just part of the “movie” to be revealed later. Certainly the timing of some of the deaths are extremely odd. Like how Rush Limbaugh was diagnosed deathly ill the same day Coronavirus hit the U.S. Can that really be a coincidence?

Think about that for a moment. The loudest voice on the right given a death sentence on the same day Corona hit the States – and both of those events have a 1 year delta before Joe Biden was inaugurated.

Perhaps this is the movie at work? Greatest disinformation campaign ever to be launched.

If so then perhaps they were moved to somewhere secure for a future BOOM. A Biblical resurrection kind of thing that will come with Trump returning?

Just a thought. If I had to pick one…. even tho Epstein returning would surely bring countless criminals to justice by talking, I’d still prefer Rush back : ) He helped so many people break free of the chains of MSM.

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