NBA: Bird/Byrd, Shamrock, New Orleans

Did you know that NBA used to have such low ratings that networks would prioritize re-runs over even the most important games in the NBA?

That was until Larry Bird & Magic Johnson.


According to the wiki posted above they took it from bleeding money to equal with the MLB in just a few short years.

I’m not into sports myself but everyone has heard of Larry Bird, and that means he’s probably used for all sorts of comms I can decode.

08/08/2021 Larry Bird-Magic Johnson Rookie Card Sells for $861,000: Record Price in Goldin Auction

So great is his fame that his players call him ‘God’

So think about that… Larry Bird and Magic Johnson arrived at the perfect time in the perfect way to save the NBA. There were NBA Superstars before them like Wilt Chamberlain, but Larry Bird brought in the white audience.

He was a white man dominating a game that had been dominated by black athletes for decades until that point. a “Great White Hope” I’ve seen him described in his early days. In particular his rivalry with Magic Johnson was said to have saved the NBA and is specifically cited as the reason why the NBA boomed in ratings to double and triple the numbers before him.

Now all of that is important to know before I decode Larry Bird, because I need to decode what being a sports superstar means in practical terms before we get into a specific example like Bird.

What is a sports superstar?

My definition would be a cheater. I don’t say that lightly, the thing is MSM is fake in countless ways and sports is no different. Without “Superstars” sports would be boring and few would watch them. Even with cheating they still had to bring in gimmicks.

You have to realize just how much money we are dealing with here.

So, to properly understand let’s go to the first superhuman athlete.

It all began with Babe Ruth. Which I go into in this post.

Look at that worship, even to this day people still visit his grave and leave offerings. His name alone sold products and packed stadiums. That’s a motive right there for them to fake things, and it’s important I bring him up in context because the world he played in 1914-1935 was well documented to be full of cheaters.

Thanks to Babe Ruth Baseball went from dying with empty stadiums to packed crowds.

Again, that’s motive, and it’s the same motive (reviving a dying crowd base) that preceded Larry Bird’s entrance into the game.

I haven’t decoded Babe Ruth yet, but I suspect it has something to do with blackmail as name comms are always tied to sports stars. (as we’ll see later)

Note the prior famous “Babe” before Ruth which was famous for being “younger looking than actual age” so notable was that trait that it’s in the Wiki article about him. Consider that description tied to a “Babe” and how newspapers could send a comm about an op using girls with it.

They allow a select few to perform “superhuman” feats, and Larry Bird was part of that exclusive club.

Now you might think if it’s all fake why is it dominated by black athletes?

That’s because there is still a large element of athleticism involved, if the player can’t perform at the highest level possible they can’t very well be convincing at looking like a superhuman on the court. This is why Larry Bird was famous for throwing 3-point shots, and wouldn’t you know it, Larry Bird’s first game was the very first game the NBA ever used 3-point shots on!

I don’t think that was a coincidence, and they knew they were building up this “show” years prior, it is what is said to have saved the NBA. So bringing in a 3-point specialist on the same day they bring in the 3-point shot is pretty blatant.

“Coincidentally” the year they arrived they both played in College, and their college basketball game remains the most-watched College basketball game of all time.

That right there is a comm to the NBA backers I believe, a message telling them the clowns behind the scenes were going to pump up the ratings with these two, and they certainly did. There are many types of comms, and a simple utility like letting investors know that the dead ratings and profit margins they were seeing that year were going to go away. They probably spent an absurd amount of money promoting the game to achieve that feat.

And of course this gets us to the most important part, once you have the audience you can use the platform to send comms, so what kind of comms did he send?

To understand what kind of comms he was sending let’s go back to his beginning.

Here he is in 1977 Sports Illustrated in College.

That’s an interesting cover isn’t it? 2 Cheerleaders bending over and telling someone to be quiet. Do most Sports Illustrated covers look like that? Here’s the others from that year….

Yea, fair to say that one is unique. For whatever reason Larry Bird comms connect to keeping things secret with young bending over girls…. so let’s get to the most important part.

What kind of comms did Larry Bird send? Obviously that cover gives a clue, but if we want to get specific here…. the answer I believe is. I believe the answer is, in part, a man named Robert Byrd.


There are a few levels to this comm, and it’s a big one. Robert Byrd: pronounced BIRD was the Senate Majority Leader in 1977, and that is a lot of power that they needed to coordinate comms with. Hence we get a “Bird” that can send comms about what the “Byrd” is doing. Letting the many clowns that don’t have Q clearance know about what’s going on behind the scenes.

Comms like this are often nuanced, and this one is a joke if you think about it. Consider Byrd’s background in relation to what Larry Bird is.

Do you get the joke of having him dominate black people?

That’s right, symbolically a KKK leader was destined to dominate the NBA.

And there is so much more to it than just that joke. Note how his original name was Cornelius Calvin Sale Junior. Because sometimes they need to change their name to make the comms work. And “Byrd” was an important comm.

Why was Byrd important comm? it was 1977….

You know what also happened that year? That’d be the start of Q Clearance, the DOE and what is the Senate’s role in creating a new department? What was Byrd’s role in it as head of that Senate?

01/04/1977 Robert Byrd elected Majority Leader Senate all the way to 1989 which is the entire career of Larry Bird=. Described as “performing a procedural tap dance around the minority, outmaneuvering Republicans with his mastery of the Senate’s arcane rules.

Note the top right how the MKUltra hearings were the day before the DOE went live. Timed to send a message on what they were keeping quiet.

Recent Discovery of 7 boxes.

If it seems strange to you that the Dept of Energy/Q has to do with secret keeping, you might want to revisit my other posts

Which explains how so much of what’s kept secret is hidden behind a mask of nuclear material. I mean it’s logical when you think about it, nothing else on earth is more secretive or dangerous. You can’t even go near it as it will literally kill you the moment you do or give you cancer and kill you next week. It’s a perfect symbolism to denote secret things that people will kill you if you dig them up. Look into Gary Webb, I’ll have a post about him in the future.

Anyway now lets go back to that SI feature….

Note how the feature has that KODAK SAFETY FILM 6017. And most importantly “Prepared to hit a long drive” this ties into the big comm here, the long throw 3-pointer.

Having the 3-point appear was not just to give Larry Bird a fighting chance for ratings, but there was an important symbolism to it. They were already making points, but they increased the points for longer throws. Meaning the symbolism is in doing the same thing they were already doing, but at a longer distance.

I’ll get into the specifics of what that means later, related to that is how the very first NBA game happened the same week Robert Byrd came into office.

  • 11/01/1946 Canada Kickerbockers first NBA Game
  • 11/05/1946 05 Byrd KKK becomes House Member
  • 08/01/1946 U.S.A. Transfers control of Atomic energy from military to civilian labs and plants
  • 08/06/1946 US officially submits to jurisdiction of U.N. World Court

Note another unrelated “Byrd” also won an election that year in the same state (Possibly tying into why Byrd changed his name from Sale)

I believe this correlation of Byrd/NBA at the time was setting up the communication system post WW2 for plants in control of Government. Byrd was just one of many sent, his background as being a leader of the KKK is representative of a person who had been born in a cult family to be a leader of evil men.

This next bit is probably a coincidence, but I feel compelled to add it….

Disney’s most racist movie Song of the South also came out the week that KKK leader Byrd got in.

I don’t think this is a strong connection, but I just can’t ignore it being the quintessential “racist Disney movie” with the most racist senator and key player going forward coming into action at the same time. Also the famous song which won an academy award. The lyrics which focus on a Bluebird is also of interest.

Before I get into the Bluebird tho let’s go into context, as the plot of the most famous sequence (the song above) involves Uncle Remus talking a rabbit into not running away from his home.

Because when the rabbit runs away it gets caught in a fishing trap and nearly eaten by a Bear and Fox.

My best guess is this was a message to the the plants that post WW2 were considering leaving the pyramid, I’ve only watched the first 3rd so when I finish it I may decode it fully.

The Bluebird part tho is fascinating for reasons that’ll become more clear as we go. In the song it helps him find and track various underground woodland animals.

You may or may not be aware but just a few years after this film the Government would spearhead a “Project Bluebird” which would become MKUltra.

I’ve never decoded bluebirds before, but I do notice they fly 17/Q MPH and can control “Bugs”

I’ll return to Bluebird comms, now let’s return to 1977 and that Sports illustrated magazine with Larry Bird.

Note it has had a reboot for a new guy, instead of 33, we get 3 and instead of a 1977 Tiffany Blue shirt wearing Blonde haired Big Bird we get a 2014 Blue shirted Bluejay.

Obviously Bluejays and Bluebirds are different animals, but then so are pigeons. Which I bring up because I went through the 1977 magazine, and inexplicably in this Sports illustrated magazine there are 10 entire pages dedicated to talking about fictional messenger pigeons by Hillary Masters.

Slingshot replacements ad.

I kid you not, out of about 100 pages, half of those are ads, and then you have the bulk of the magazine which is a fictional story about the death of pigeons. 10 pages! Closer to 20 if you count all the adds in-between I didn’t show—002—image

Given the cover was a “Bird” having 10 entire pages (IN A SPORTS MAGAZINE) dedicated to a fictional bird story about dying pigeons is probably not coincidence, but what does it mean?

The answer for the 1977 comm I believe is that “Carrier Pigeons” were being killed. They were transitioning to a new type of messenger for their ops.

They even had a fan release one at Larry Bird’s debut. A Dove of Peace this time. Which I take to mean success in diffusing evidence in what could have created a war. Note Q’s posts about World War incited by some truths becoming public.

Specifically the MK ops. I’ve decoded this in various posts actually, that after 1977 the ops switched from local to global and this 3-point comm perfectly fits that.

Specifically I believe they transitioned to the internet from the more standard methods they had there. I go into some of that here a group of child traffickers using the TRS 80 computers in a proto Internet.

Note the first consumer mass produced cheap for everyone PC that they could get online with in a proto-Internet just so happened to hit the very same day the MKUltra hearings and within 24 hours of the DOE Q Clearance started. Also that year note on the right of the image you see the first two Apple computers hit. The first of which cost: $666. A message to buyers of affiliation?

Meaning that the average comms agent back in 1977 could transition into a new form of communication. The proto Internet!

This also ties into the Bird comms. Now specific breeds of birds are going to have unique comms just like dogs i.e. Dove of peace relative to messenger pigeon, but when we are dealing with “Bird” by itself? I believe the symbol is in seeing things at a distance. The term Bird’s-eye doesn’t require a breed.

Which brings us to the ops going on with Robert Byrd and Larry Bird back in 1977, here is the DOE’s timeline.

I highlight Denver 1977 DOE connection because Q highlighted it as a place the CIA likely used in relation to storing secret materials. I think this history goes back a long way (Tesla’s secret work largely involved Colorado)

You may recall that the first 3-point shot was 1979, and that I believe is an important part of what was going on.

As in the network they built was successfully operating in a new way at Long distance in 1979, and if we go to the other comms around that time it’s even more clear.

The other of Carter’s DOE: Dept of Education (1979) and DOE: Dept of Energy (1977)

Note that film released around that timeframe, all about a half blind person teaching the fully blind how to communicate. They were perhaps at this time many people being educated and transitioned into symbolism communication, switched away from recording things on paper like they did with the Allan Memorial hospital (and especially all the stuff they destroyed in 1973 on Helms order) into strictly adhering to symbolism. Removing the bits that got them into trouble. (short range/writing experiments down for the U.S.A.)

Oh and Wayne Gretzky also started around this time, the most famous hockey player started the same week as the most famous 2 NBA players (Before Jordan that is) that saved the NBA.

Not only that, but they both had some of their biggest moments the same week.

  • 08/28/1987 99 Wayne Gretzsky Canada Cup begins
  • 09/09/1987 9/9 Larry Bird Free throw streak World Record
  • 09/15/1987 99 Wayne Gretzky Wins Canada Cup in biggest win

So what are all these sports used for?

Consider that article Q linked, which talked of the backbone of the CIA/Pentagon covert ops being MK.

And it wasn’t just called “MKUltra” there were other programs like Project Shamrock.


And Shamrock just so happens to have been the original logo of the Boston Celtics.

It’s worth noting the committee that discovered MKUltra the Church Committee also unearthed Project Shamrock. Church Committee.
Shamrock definition: a small branch of a plant or tree, or someone who is young.

Which tells me that these operations of surveillance and data collection were likely coordinated in plain sight using these sports teams.

Earlier this same year in 1945, the very first attempt at experimenting with a 3-point line happened. So, more Long distance comms? And what else happened that month?

Operation Sunrise/Overcast/Paperclip. As in the act of moving Nazi war criminals long distances to take part in ops.

And it just so happens that the NBA itself began 66 06/06/1946 the year after the proto MKUltra ops began.

“Bombers” and “Stags” alongside the Shamrock Celtics.

Having elaborate coded named players and games that can be put in the daily papers and raido allowed coordination without connecting people with a paper trail. Effectively invisible employment, which is how they dealt with Nazi War criminals who would otherwise be prosecuted for their crimes.

It also explains another mystery, see the 3 point game started on Larry Bird’s first day yes, but that’s only for the NBA, there was another 3 Point game years before in a different league, and it happened the same week the Soviet Union tested the Tsar Bomba. The largest nuke ever detonated.

  • 10/27/1961 American Basketball league begins, and includes 3-Point line rule decades ahead of the NBA.
  • 10/30/1961 Soviet Union tests a 58 megaton hydrogen bomb named Tsar Bomba

Check my nuke post to understand the nuances but the basic point is Nuke = BOOM symbolism and most of the famous nukes were simply a code to talk about major things that were happening behind the scenes.

In the the Plutonium Fat Man bomb’s case it was an ultimatum for Japan that if they don’t want to surrender then they risk the Soviet Union taking them over instead of the U.S.A. terror ensues. Which do you want deciding your fate? Freedom fighters or the one that sticks people in gulags? Note how the newspapers prioritize RUSSIA DECLARING WAR ON JAPAN over the A-Bomb. (other papers show it even more in my Nuclear post) Papers in japan didn’t even mention the A-Bomb, because the Russia BOOM was the A-Bomb.

The other nuclear bomb the Uranium one was “Little Boy” and it was a message about Hiram Johnson’s death, the major puppet string puller in Congress being removed from power. (Basically what Robert Byrd was) As I said, just check the post if you want to go more in depth.

In effect this one enabled the other because you can see he was the primary roadblock for the U.S. to side with Russia. His death announced on the same day as the “Little Boy” bomb from the “Enola Gay” – it all represents that Truman had control of the blackmail and used it against him. Specifically Uranium = blackmail weaponized comms, and Plutonium = is triggering violence (often MK subjects being activated)

I bring it up because until this week I couldn’t figure out what the Tsar Bomba could possibly represent given what I’ve decoded about the rest.

Now that I understand how these sports comms work it makes sense, as does the long distance Three-point relationship to it. The core point being that they were announcing they would take over the parent operations to ops. (As they already had a major presence infiltrating the media it amounts to a takeover of large scale coordination ops.)

Note the pleas to stop the bomb.

I included the first comics I found from the papers that day, as they are often comms giving context to agents on how to interpret an event. In this case you can see that one of them is about lowering the bar to kick easier field goals. Which I’m pretty sure symbolized making fun of the the attempt at creating a sports franchise in the way they did. “Lowering the bar”

If this seems strange you might want to consider just how big sports are. We are talking about hundreds of billionaires that own these teams along with people who make literally billions in playing them, and everyday they represent a major portion of the news being sent everywhere. They are also a large percentage of products people buy, perhaps not you or me, but many people. There is a reason every Wall-mart has a sporting goods section.

It failed the following year due to a legal thing.

  • 12/31/1962 Ohio ends suit against Reds when they agree to stay in Cincinatti for 10 years
  • 12/31/1962 American Basketball League announces suspension of operation

I suspect a deal was made, “Reds” being a shorthand at the time for the Russians after all. (Red Scare = soviet infiltration)

So the Soviet Union tried to create their own, thinking they had enough media that they could drown out the West’s sports, but it didn’t happen. According to official history many of the games drew well, so the only answer for it folding within a year despite some success is a deal.

Let’s decode the other direction, because the 3-point line was shrunk in the Clinton years.

Note the timeframe this time correlates with the transfer of Uranium from the middle east to the U.S.A. so “Local”

Note how it was in-between Russia and China.

Uranium = blackmail comms, and so with Clinton in power they made a move to move blackmail out of areas that post USSR falling are no longer secure. Russia was no longer their ally after the fall, I have several posts about that.

Now as for what this meant in practice? Let’s look at the comms around it. It’s worth noting that the day they made the decision to do this, September 14th… that week I have a note of a very special X-Files episode. The first one to show an “Alien”

Involving getting evidence in hand and then wiping it clean. I’ll decode X-files some other post, but the point with comms like this is likely explani to the clowns at large what a decision means, that’s why it’s for the masses. There are many comms aware people throughout society and they don’t all have Q clearance to see what’ going on behind the scenes, so when things like major changes involving nuclear material is had, they have to send comms like these TV shows to explain what it all means.

Why are they bringing uranium into the States? The answer? Clinton was in control and they were confident they could dispose of incriminating evidence (rather than use it to bring criminals to justice that is.)

It all means that the big sports are an essential part of coordinating these kinds of ops. I noticed this familiar name as I was digging, which may be coincidence.

Anyway, the “superstars” live as examples in large part, to the system.

Which when you consider the Playboy connection mentioned earlier, comms like Wilt Chamberlain sleeping with 20k women make a bit more sense given what they symbolize.

Speaking of Playboy and Chamberlain….

  • 10/24/1959 Chamberlain NBA Debut
  • 10/24/1959 Playboy Penthouse “After Dark” premieres

Comms tied to recording, and the biggest NBA star of all time until Magic Johnson and Larry bird. Chamerblain was the biggest star of that aforementioned ABL league that was meant to replace the NBA which I connected to Russia as well in a prior post.

As for the name Chamberlain? Here’s the basic definition.

Which is perhaps why in 1973 he was used to signal the stop of something…

Consider what “Scoring” means given the MK and Blackmail ops coordinated then.

Same day the Grateful dead stopped for “SPEEDING and LSD Possesion”

LSD posession + “Driving” same day as the Zero Point comm from the top basketball player in the world. Someone who literally scored the all time record of 100 points in a major league game.

They were going “too fast” both in 1973 and in 1975, and 1977, and this is how such a thing is broadcast.

Remember the internet connection, the network of people like segments of a snake.

You may have noticed the comms for “stopping” stretch back to 1973, even tho I talk in terms of them setting up the network in 1977, well, that’s where this gets more interesting because if you recall specifically the 1977 machines were the first mass consumer CHEAP version, which means the expensive tech that wasn’t handed out to the general public existed before it. Note here in 1968, thousands witnessing people video conferencing at great distance.

computerhistory /timeline/1968/

Here’s an interesting fact, when I brought up that I was decoding Larry Bird a friend of mine told me that they always mixed up Big Bird with Larry bird as a child because they were both giant and yellow.

I thought this was a funny anecdote but on a whim I decided I’d decode Sesame Street and realized there was indeed a connection in the comms.

Big Yellow Bird

It is after all the longest-running kids show, and notice the very first episode was broadcast on a network called NET late 1969, just a month after the other NET went online.

I still didn’t think much of it with just that, but then I decoded the first episode and realized this was the right rabbit hole.

Big Bird and “Radar” who he CONFIDES IN.

The famous original song: “Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?”

Sandwich = job taken (often without ones awareness)

Define Open Sesame as a comm. As in unrestricted access.

Which is perhaps why the very first episode begins with Big Bird meeting Sally, Big Bird can’t find her, but then she gets “lifted up” and he sees.

I believe this unlocks Sally as “sale” comm. You can see the auto translate even translated it that way.

And what is sold is surveillance. Being “Lifted up” being the payment, as it gives access. The very next scene gives what I suspect is the answer on what is being requested of children specifically.

As the scene involves a bath, which the puppet talks about how he gets a “Ring” and then they say other people need to use the bath, leaving it so the the kids take a bath which is shown in far more detail than they would allow today I’m sure, but since Youtube allows it and it’s a children’s show I don’t think I need to censor it.

There’s also an entire sequence before it suggesting extensive cleaning everywhere in the bath.

So yea, these are comms that look to be setting up the prototype networks of surveillance using newly built pipelines. It’s pretty clear. This scene here with the kids going through the pipe for example.

And how after the bath scene we had this one, the first appearance of Oscar the Grouch.

Which has the same voice actor as Big Bird (their only two major characters) and Oscar talks about how great the kid is for not ask him to come out and meet nor “bugging” him. or telling anyone where he is.

Then it switches to this bit about an S being a snake that smiles.

Snake symbolizes many people working as one, a well established comm from many posts, and it fits with what they were setting up at the time. Making a large group of people watching happy.

Again, remember the root comm, getting a close look but secretly.

The long distance (3-Point) focus came shortly afterwards which is when I believe it went from local cells holding the recordings to an international reservoir (NK/Iraq) with local cells (U.S.) only allowing temporary or streaming access to the feeds (allowing surveillance on targets, but with no evidence liability possible)

Note this Q post in relation to the news.

  • 08/30/2018 Q: Big Bird 9 offline
  • 10/17/2018: Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch puppeteer leaves Sesame Street after 50 years

Which suggests these ops were shut down around that time, Q gave a early preview of what was announced through the more common comms channels 1 month and 17 days later. At least it was announced as much, it fits with many of my prior decodes of how the patriots went about dismantling the MK world we live in.

Note also the other ones around the same time. “BLIND EYES IN THE SKY” Birds eye view again. “DEACTIVATE KILLBOX!” – an apt description of diffusing the MK world isn’t it?

And then there’s the Snow White bits as a comm.

Snow White Offline

a girl put to sleep as if in a coma and found by a mirror who gets kissed while she can’t do anything about it.

These are comms of girls being sedated for profit, it overlaps with system of people that get MK’d but just instead of brainwashing it’s all rape. I have covered these in my last post and many others, it’s how they get away with not getting caught.

I’m sure you noticed all the Corona ones as well, and yea, that is as I’ve decoded in many posts, the reason behind the Coronavirus. Dismantling the WW MK ops.

The specifics of it involves security companies and cameras, like ADT Security, and while obviously back in 1870’s they didn’t have video surveillance, but they were connected via telegraphs and over time they’ve adapted to every technical change and included video surveillance as early as possible.

Where does that footage go?

If we look at the only MKUltra experiments that were documented, note the name of the doctor Ewen CAMERA ON. Ewe = Sheep.

This was the timeframe when Wilt Chamberlain was making his biggest headlines.

The faces involved in the coordination often tied to it as well as an extra security.

02/03/1975 Larry Bird’s father dies drunk suicide child support

Because the more fame they get the more of a liability they are without strong strings. The more fame = the louder voice = the more potential they have for damage if they were to turn. (more people that could listen)

And then payday.

Define “Escort

So if we go to the exact week Sesame Street was released, note it was the same timeframe of Apollo 12, which is notable in that it had THE FIRST COLOR TELEVISION CAMERA TO THE LUNAR SURFACE.

I know it may seem strange if you are new, but the Space Program much like everything else isn’t quite what it seems. Define “Apollo” symbolism.

Too many comms required to explain this in this post, so just go here if you want to go down that rabbit hole. the core point to notice for this post is just the relationship of symbolism to the Vatican, and the Vatican’s relationship to Rothschild that Q pointed out.

Note this Q post, on the far right, you see the Rothschild costume party.


  • 12/07/1972 Apollo 17 Last Moon Mission Launched
  • 12/12/1972 Surreal Rothschild Gold Party
  • 12/19/1972 Apollo 17 Ends
  • 12/28/1972 Kim Il-song becomes president of NK

As I’ve said before, NK is where the pipeline seems to end based on my decoding. This party seemed to be the signal for a transition in ops. It was the last moon mission after all.

In more modern years it’s shifted to cell phone surveillance (and a million other ways. They put cameras and microphones on everything, and satellites transmit a heck of a lot.

Now recall the timeframe of Wilt Chamberlain.

So in the early 1970’s they realized they needed to switch to a more secure communication, and we can trace that too.

  • 02/02/1973 Richard Helms ends tenure CIA Deputy, ordered all MKUltra files destroyed this year
  • 03/27/1973 Wilt Chamberlain scored ZERO Points
  • 03/27/1973 Grateful Dead stopped for speeding and LSD possession
  • 09/06/1973 Senate votes to ban TV Blackouts in some sports games, Nixon signs into law.

And in the 1970’s they Destroyed the MKULtra files just before these comms, so it fits, because before it bit them in the butt with MKUltra is that documents survived despite the order by Helms to destroy them all. They didn’t reveal the most covert parts, but it was enough to demonstrate they needed to change tactics.

A transition into strict symbolism only rather than a hybrid where some ops were written down (Allan Memorial Hospital) for supervisors (originally it seems clear the upper echelons of Gov were involved and required updates written plainly in the way those files were)

That means if we go back further the comms are less hidden by symbolism, tho still at least partially always hidden by it. Recall Project Bluebird

That’s a document Q linked to and note the date being 1949, now consider since that stuff was classified, what was made public?

06/20/1951 The “Abbreviated” directive regarding the ops going on was released.

Same month, note what the Vatican was proclaiming. Specifically talking about recruiting young people as “seeds” specifically to die in foreign lands. In dying they “bear fruit” and they rejoice that this will happen.

This is a big find, because it’s giving us a conversation that happened as they coordinated in plain sight the ops. Read the Vatican text. Sacrificing children to bear fruits. Doing so all across the world.

  • 01/14/1950 National Psychological Board initiated by US State Dept authorize psych strategy
  • 04/05/1950 Project Bluebird MKUltra Documents dated.
  • 05/1951 PSB Psych board DCI says should be entirely independent of an altruistic agency
  • 06/02/1951 Pope XII publishes Promotion of Missionaries vatican/content/pius-xii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xii_enc_02061951_evangelii-praecones

The Vatican was at the time working with the Government, and the point was to stop the communist threat from spreading to places like Central America, and using former Nazi’s to do it in conjunction with the Vatican’s pre-existing intel networks. SMOM and whatnot. 20k! given as a number the Vatican expected, and a desire for taxpayer money for this operation in the millions.

That pdf above linked that Q linked to, has all sorts of data on how the CIA took over central American countries from the 1950’s to the 1970’s using drug running and brainwash.

So this helps us understand a bit more about why it all needed to be an “independent agency” as the Vatican was being used as a shell to prevent any possibly incrimination from acts.

It’s worth mentioning that the original exposure of MKUltra ties back to a man named Frank Olson.

Note how it was exposed in the 1975, and if we go to back when it happened the sports news events around that time help clarify

  • 11/12/1953 US district Judge Grim, rules NFL can black out TV home games
  • 11/19/1953 Frank Rudolph Olson: LSD exposure, suicide 9 days later
  • 11/28/1953 Frank Rudolph Olson death whose investigation leads to MK Exposure
  • 09/06/1973 Congress Votes to End the NFL TV Blackout for select games (Not fully removed)

I take that ruling to be the OK given to experimentations that were kept off the record, it’s notable that it was kept secret until the 1970’s, which is when Congress voted to end the blackout. The church committee that exposed what they had done to Rudolph with LSD originated from the 1973 Watergate investigation same timeframe as the vote to end the blackout. (Tho that could have just as easily been a comm to expose Nixon)

As I showed earlier, Q linked to that article that asserted MK was the backbone of CIA and CIA = MSM. So there are a lot of them all over the place, however they aren’t all there is.

This feels like a good place to give a disclaimer about my decoding.

Understanding the Prevalence of MK Decodes:

The fact that my decodes weight towards covering MK ops gives a skewed view of the comms world that I feel a need to clarify to readers. I’ve said before I have a background in that world and it was because the people around me were engaged in MK. I had no knowledge of any of it at the time, and so I was just another victim, but I can’t talk about that yet.

I say this because I want you to know that there are countless comms that I don’t cover, not intentionally, but because I have a harder time detecting them. This post is decoding Sports, but even it is largely doing it through the MK lens, it’s clear there are many other things coordinated than just that, but I have a much harder time identifying them. I do always try to!

But my own background is not the only issue here, there is another larger issue which is that the MK comms are far more prominent than most other types. That’s not a contradiction from the intro either. Prominent is different than prevalent. There are countless comms everywhere but the “loudest” ones i.e. big movies/shows are going to trend towards the ones that are applicable to the most clowns.

The primary thing available to get “in” is going to be “Uranium” (Sex) or “Plutonium” (Violence) and as such they are going to be the things most likely to be marketed to clowns through comms in the larger budget media.

So don’t misunderstand and think my decodes represent the larger comms world, they are but a small cross section focused on the most prominent pieces.

A good example of another type is my recent Willard decode. A low budget movie and the comms are extremely educational.


A friend of mine said they had trouble understanding it, so I’m going to briefly elaborate on why I talked up how important it was as a find.

The basic point if you go to my last post and read it is that Nixon had decided to record everything in the WH, and “Willard” was the movie starring killer rats that was released at the same time. The symbolism of killer rats being clowns that were being given a big warning signal about Nixon’s recording system. Telling them not to incriminate themselves because it’s all going to be recorded by a “Rat”.

The fact that they created a movie about it so quickly that they timed it to the activation? It’s a testament to how far in advance things are planned out and also of how prevalent leakers were making sure bad actors knew every single thing that happened in the WH.

Furthermore the film about killer rats ended with the titular “Willard” being murdered by those rats. Correctly predicting that Nixon spelled his own doom by trying to catch people on tape.

This decode is one of the most important I’ve ever done because of how precise it lays out the comms world in relation to the WH with timetables. Best of all it has a sequel that lines up precisely with when Watergate hit.

The timing here demonstrates that they coordinated the “Smoking gun” down to the precise day.

That is a good example of something with no connection to MK and had a precise meaning, there are likely countless films and music and articles just like that but they are harder to percieve because it involves classified info we don’t have.

And I believe this guy Willard Nixon Pro baseball player…

Just like when Robert Byrd became head of the Senate they created Larry Bird comms, it seems for Nixon we get this Willard Nixon guy heading to the Major Leagues same timeframe. In both cases it was likely a window created for the outside comms world to get context on what is going to happen next. (Warnings, updates, levity, excuses, and much more)

Also… I’m pretty sure this film, would make a good decode. The Rat comms were 1970’s with the names Willard and BEN. And what do we have in this film? Ben Willard!

It might be a while before I decode it, so feel free to impress me with your decode as I’m sure at some point I’ll force myself to watch it.

But back to sports.

For the next athlete, let’s talk about Tom Brady.


I’ve covered him in other posts.

The basic symbolism is well defined now.

Brady Material = Evidence of guilt or innocence kept out of law enforcement’s hands. A powerful symbol for sports comms.

You can go to that post if you want to see the rest, but I have some new additional finds. Most importantly this one. His DOB being the same as the MKUltra hearings! The day before the DOE Q Clearance came into being to provide a new layer of security.

Meaning he symbolizes not just “brady material” but specifically the brady material kept out of the public’s eye about brainwashing/experimentation and all the other crimes held inside MKUltra as an umbrella.

Also, it’s notable that Tom Brady was originally a baseball player.

Specifically he was expected to be “one of the greatest catchers ever” consider that symbolism in terms of catching evidence.

This brings up an interesting topic… the “Greatest of all time” Tom Brady is apparently widely considered the best in Football.

And when I look up the greatest athletes of all time in general, he ranks at #3 in the first big one I found.

What I find most interesting is Babe Ruth was famously a world class pitcher before he was a batter, and Jordan of course just like Tom Brady also had a history of Baseball.

But I’m not going to decode Jordan in this post, I have this post for that

I mostly bring him up because of how the greatest of all time seem to all be “dual threats” baseball and Football… or Baseball and Basketball, or in Babe Ruth’s case Pitcher and Batter. The meaning of this is in part the cheating of course which allows them to excel at anything, but I believe there’s something else to it, and there’s another name that comes to mind.

Bo Jackson

Probably the most famous dual athlete of all time.

The only pro Athlete to be named All-Star in both baseball and football.

Also being the only unstoppable character in Tecmo Bowl. The first NFL licenced game. Meaning him being literally unbeatable was something the NFL approved of or even required early on.

Famous also for “Bo Knows”

He also starred in a cartoon alongside Gretzky and Michael Jordan, I’ll get into that later.

Note also his appearance on Married… with children as a Sports Radio Jockey.

Radio Jockey sounds a lot like a comm of coordination, which is more in general for sports figures, also in that appearance they called out Bruce Jenner decades before it happened as a woman.

I don’t think it was widely known at this point so just a comm for those underneath of his proclivities. Interesting aside,

In 1976 Bruce Jenner became a huge celebrity for his performance in the Olympic games. He began the tradition of “taking the nation’s flag” and running with it. As in the plan with Carter…. I go more into that here as it ties into much of what we have discussed in coordination, but let’s get back to Bo Jackson…

Notice his name, Vincent Edward “Bo” Jackson.

Note the name is tied to an actor who just like Bo Jackson was a “Dual threat” someone who was an Actor, Director, singer. And in his most famous role, he played 2 characters, a Doctor and a military commander! So what does that mean for the symbolism?

Let’s look at the movie that he is most known for the “Devil’s Brigade”

Military special forces commander. That gives us a likely meaning. As in symbolizing people who are agents with multiple roles and likely with strings to the military.

This doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good or bad just because it’s military connected. it could just as easily be neutral people. I don’t think there is some mystical patriot overseeing things after all, and as we see with plenty of clowns like Mueller or Al Gore there are military connections abound.

And so to further understand it…. let’s consider Bo Jackson’s conclusion, that Dual pro Sports career came to a crashing halt in 1991.

Ever hear of the Curse of Bo Jackson?

Note it was due to a routine tackle, so this was certainly a comm. Note the Bengals being “Tigers”

Tiger comms are MK activation comms the striped symbolism in particular ties to an unawareness of the comms world and made to attack. So, given Bo Jackson likely symbolized military plants, what does having him taken out by a “Tiger” mean?

Consider the timeframe of January 1991 in relation to the military.

I suspect this was a warning to plants in the military to not follow through (and remove Saddam) lest they get taken out by a “Tiger”

In fact if you look at the timeline specifically…

it happened literally the day after Bush was given the OK to attack. That’s a pretty quick and powerful “response”. A warning not to follow through. And of course Saddam stayed in power for a lot longer

It’s also worth noting around this same time Wayne Gretzky and Michael Jordan were in their prime, and throwing up their greatest numbers.

You can see the buildup to the War there as well, and what’s particularly interesting about Jordan and Gretzky in relation to Bo Jackson is they had a cartoon together in 1991.

I went ahead and watched the first episode. Pro Stars. Pro Stars. P.S. Comms.

Begins with watching a mailed video tape of a boy in trouble.

So that sounds like MKUltra surveillance being sent, and given the context of 1991, I’d say it’s likely that Iraq was much like NK became, as in where the footage used to be sent.

And tho that is the beginning of the cartoon, there is a bit before it.

With a strange question from Jason wearing face paint asking Wayne whether he would ever Quit. Quit? He relays that he never quit, but was upset at the age of “13” of people “interfering with kids hockey”

What does that mean? Let’s consider the show. Involves the Pro Stars as James Bond characters, complete with a “Q” and gadgets. They ride a giant shoe, and have to fight a giant Babe Ruth statue.

So, how do they do that? Well, in one part they hide in a giant shark and use it to fight a giant bear to protect Jordan.

Shark comms are similar to tiger comms in terms of man eating, but the focus of shark comms is that they are “regrowable teeth” symbolism of new generations of kids that create more shark teeth to use.

Additionally the Bear often symbolizes Russia, consider it in context of the U.S.S.R. having just broken up and potentially being a problem.

I also mentioned they ride around in a giant Nike shoe rocket car. Shoe comms are “Boots on the ground” as in people in an op. And Nike…. Jordan is famous for Nike, which has what origin?

“Just do it” in relation to murder.

Also, we have in this show Gretzky talking about Larry Bird being his only signature.

Which reminds me that him and Larry Bird started the same month, and it also reminds me to bring up Larry Bird’s Nike shoe comms with Magic Johnson. The Nike Converse “Weapon”

The one thing I didn’t solve as I dug into these two was the Magic Johnson’s comm.

I did have a theory on it, tho its a low probability one.

So if you recall the whole point of the early Larry Bird comms were in terms of what they were doing with data transmission. They were re-routing what was local networks into the origin of the Internet, and in that context Magic’s name has a fascinating possibility.

The term “Magic” is an important one in the early history of the internet, as it relates to secret tracking. The term came into prominence in the late 1970’s, same time as Magic Johnson comms began.

This becomes even more plausible due to his wife being named literally “Cookie” but that by itself is not even close to enough for me to say this is the likely answer. It’s just a hypothesis for now.

Yes they were doing all this, but “Magic” is such a broad concept that I would never just assume that it was being used as an internet symbol without a lot more connections.


Since we were talking about Bo Jackson, it’s worth noting that this last week the “Curse of Bo Jackson” was just broken!

Which, given the curse originated with stopping disclosure, the win means? Well, it’s not easy to give a precise reading here but I think it’s probably a good thing!

The problem is I just am not into sports and have only been following this story loosely, if I watched the games and followed I’m sure this would be a cakewalk, but for now I am just giving you the bits and pieces, only some of which I have solved.

Also this last week…

Microsoft, Saints, Brady, Andrew

01/17-18/2022 Microsoft buys Activision Blizzard

There’s a few things that are interesting about this, the most interesting of which is the fact that Activision-Blizzard is where a lot of evidence is held, as Q highlighted.

Specifically coordinating stuff like this.

This is a big deal in terms of evidence being moved around, tho I’m sure few readers here would think it’s a good idea that Gates is in control of it. I did decode him as flipped in a prior post, but even so I can’t be sure of the potential meanings yet of him having control of this data.

One thing is clear it’s a big deal, and it might be why we have what looks to be “Brady Material” comms tied to it.

Note the Microsoft Tablet was broken by Brady at a New Orleans Saints game, the first shutout game of Brady in his career in over a decade.

So what does that mean? Well… to understand that we have to decode the New Orleans saints in relation to Brady!

The New Orleans Saints are a team Brady has lost to consistently since he switched teams. The only team to beat him 4 times in a row in a regular season.

Note the first New Orleans win was the Debut, apparently they have a history going back as a rivalry, but I don’t know enough about sports to make much of that.

That debut was same day Microsoft was rejected as they tried to buy TikTok. (I’m not sure how this connects, but given how big the deal was I felt I needed to include it just in case as I doubt it’s a coincidence)

The other loses are more clear, like for example another one of those loses was on November 8th.

November 8th which is when Alex Trebek “died” note he called out the 99 year old Betty White as his successor.

I use quotation marks because I decoded Trebek and Betty White as alive in this post as the comms are fairly clear about it all being coordinated.

Among many reasons for my theory is big companies promoting her age for a show. Notice the talk of her having a big mouth, big screen, WINKING about not believing she’d turn 100.


So Betty White died late last year as she was planning her 100th Birthday in NEW ORLEANS on the 17th.

Let’s decode New Orleans and the New Orleans Saints

New Orleans Saints

Saints = person regarded as being in heaven after death.

Given the connection to Betty White what might that mean for the symbolism of New Orleans itself?

“New Orleans” stems from Orleans, which itself is most famous for Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc was famously burned to death as a 19 year old virgin after turning herself into court while trusting in her mission to god.

This is a surprise… seems Joan of Arc didn’t die at the stake after all. How do I conclude that? Several reasons. First of all the story of Joan of Arc involves Joan having absolute faith in god and following all instructions. When you read the story with an awareness she lived, the entire thing goes from being a tragedy to a story about how trusting faith in an emergency is crucial. How a leap of faith is rewarded.

When I look at the various pop culture appearance of Joan of Arc this becomes more and more clear. Like how in the Simpsons it’s explicitly stated (masked as a joke) that Joan of arc survived and lived in a “Spaceship” which as I often decode alien comms = someone with foreign affiliation in a new country. Which fits with France Orleans -> U.S.A. New Orleans!

Bottom headline: “Naked Joan of Arc” wanted banned, Naked = exposed, as in trying to reveal what actually happened.

There is much more too, this is a perfect example of how I decode based on a trajectory. I make a hypothesis and sometimes I’m wrong and you never see those decodes, but other times I consistently see link after link that goes far beyond the realm of chance.

All of it points in one direction.

For example consider the festivals the place is known for. Two most prominent ones? The Voodoo Experience. About NECROMANCY i.e. Brining back the dead! But… their most famous one?

That’d be Mardi Gras! A festival about people HIDING THEIR IDENTITY IN PLAIN VIEW.

Yea, that’s pretty clear as a trajectory for what they celebrate with this symbol.

And you know what makes it even more clear? The fact that they are known for Mardis Gras, and Betty White, who I decoded as faking death, also had a parade scheduled there for her 100th birthday!

Note the Umbrella which is a protection comm. And don’t forget that name “Saints” as in the dead and in heaven!

Ok one more, the one Superbowl the Saints won. The Who played halftime, a band whose name literally defines not knowing the identity of someone. Originally they considered calling themselves the “Nobody” And note the lyrics for their signature song.

I added that Ghost Writer pic at bottom because it was released around the same time and looked to be full of people who faked their death comms.

About the police knowing their name so they have to walk away and undgeround.

That’s about as clear as it can get for symbolism, I found more too, but I think we are already on the same page here so let’s move on.

I case it isn’t clear I’m asserting the famous story of Joan of Arc is a comm in the present day for someone who fakes their death before their time (she was a 19 year old virgin faithful to church).

I have no way of knowing whether the original version of the story is true or not, the only thing that seems clear to me is that since then in the modern age it has become a comm for it, as has New Orleans itself. Likely New Orleans was created from a pre-existing comm regarding Joan of Arc. It may also have been the symbol used to shuffle off people in danger in France back when the monarchy was overthrown, but that’s a random guess.

I still need to flesh out the history a bit more to see just how far back it stems from. It’s possible it’s always been that way, or it may be like with the Egypt nonsense I’ve decoded and find that most of what we think of thousands of years old are far younger (but still old) remnants of messaging thru comms in how the media should report things.

As for how Tom Brady fits into the New Orleans? I don’t have a clear reading on how they are using the symbolism, I’ve decoded the pieces not how precisely they fit together. If I decode how Person A works as a comm and location B, it doesn’t mean I necessarily know what it means when comm A and Comm B are used in conjunction with one another, tho given the subject matter of each it seems clear there’s a strong relationship between the two in a news story.

If I had to guess I’d say it all means that people are ducking legal battles by faking deaths and thus putting people on the lower pipelines that would otherwise use the “Faces” as barriers out of luck and forced to cut deals or go to jail.

I mean that is one way that faces could and probably are used, as a scapegoat, so if the goal is to get the multitudes of middle men underneath them, then first the face above needs to be removed
so given Tom Brady symbolizes evidence control, him losing to the city that symbolizes people faking their deaths could symbolize a loss in those attempts to duck evidence.

That’s a lot of “if’s” I’m confident I’ve decoded the pieces but putting them together necessarily requires me to use my imagination for all the pieces of the story I haven’t dug up yet (which is going to be a lot) if I knew sports better or I had more access to the cases it’d be a different story. I’m doing the best I can with this : )

As I often say “I’m not always right” you have to use critical thinking to decide how accurate I am on any given decode. I’m very well aware some like my nuclear decoding are around 99.999% accurate based on consistent patterns, but others that I present based on 1 or 2 connections are considerably lower. (over time it always becomes clear which ones are correct readings)

For example you can be confident I was right about Maxwell thru decoding in the past. Take this comm about Maxwell hiding in France, in relation to the Asteroid heading to Earth that week.

I correctly predicted back on twitter that she would be moved to NY and arrested. If I had more time I’d go through and demonstrate just how many predictions I get right, but this one is easy enough to find from my suspended account archive.

See, very precise, at the time Maxwell was said by MSM to be hiding in France and I predicted she would be moved to NY and arrested.

Remember the shark comms from before?

Left: Tracking Sharks

Speaking of Maxwell and evidence….

01/17/2022 Ghislaine Maxwell Will No Longer Fight To Keep Epstein ‘John Does’ Secret; Suspected Of ‘Intimate Relationship’ With the Royal Prince Andrew

And her talking was something I went over the comms on as well.

Anyway, so the Royal Prince Andrew stripped of titles, charities amid lawsuit.

And Q highlighted him as an important one going forward for this.

Note Prince Andrew seems to be under control by patriots. Giving stupid excuses like the following?

11/29/2019 Prince Andrew: I’m innocent because I can’t sweat. Dermatologists: Oh, really?

No sane individual says that, it’s him likely being told to say something incriminating to make sure people think he’s guilty. I’ve said before that it’s likely going to be a controlled guilty party that gets things going. Obviously more control over disclosure is a good thing, and it looks like we are in the process of seeing that through.

One decode I did that was never all that strong has a new meaning in light of reconciling this post.

So I connected these James Woods Penguin sweater comms in relation to the 99 year old Prince Phillip who had just been put in the hospital. Note “Alfae Date” 109 Note the penguins are on PHILLIP ISLANDS.

Note “Philip Island” as where he was located along with the penguins.

Recall Prince Andrew not being able to “Sweat” these being making “Sweaters” as in comms of making Prince Andrew sweat. As in they were sending a message that he would be “going to New Orleans” which would remove a layer of protection from Andrew.

And as for why Penguin?

Tuxedo symbolism as in secret agent + Arctic, which itself is a comm tied to hiding.

This next bit is entirely unrelated, but I want to mention that Unix/Linux comms connect to Penguins. The mascots.

I bring this up because it connects to the bits earlier in the post, as this is how someone hiding would be able to act while off the radar.

One last one….

01/16/2022 Netanyahu negotiating plea deal in corruption trial

Q: We are saving Israel for last.

I have no idea how close to the end we are, but it’s always nice to think it might be right around the corner : )

I note that he came into office as the opposition party leader of Israel during Clinton’s first year and then became PM in Obama’s first year. I don’t know what to make of that, but it’s interesting. I’m sure I’ll be digging more into him in the future.

Ok, this post is as packed as it can be, and I didn’t even come close to adding all the stuff I dug up/decoded about this, so I better get back to work for next time : )

Telegram Chat

Join our Telegram group chat! Send leads, begin decoding with like-minded friends! I have come to realize for people to understand decoding properly I need to get them more involved than just reading, this is why I intend on transitioning from solo decoding to a group format! At least that’s my intention, for now we just need to get more people so give it a try : )